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When decorating a west-facing room, consider the type of light this direction brings throughout the day. West-facing rooms get the majority of their light in the afternoon and evening when the sun is setting. The light at this time tends to be warm and can cast an orange or pink hue.

Warm Colors: To complement this, warm colors like pale yellow, cream, beige, or peach can work well in a west-facing room. They catch the evening light and glow beautifully in the setting sun.

Cool Colors: If you prefer cool colors, consider tones that have a bit of warmth to them to balance out the warm light, such as a soft sage green, gentle lavender, or blue-gray. These colors will counteract the warm afternoon light and create a soothing atmosphere.

Bold Colors: If you want to make a statement, west-facing rooms can handle bold, vibrant colors due to the strong evening light. Rich colors like burgundy, forest green, or deep blue can look stunning in these rooms.

Neutral Colors: Neutral colors like grey, taupe, or off-white can also work well in a west-facing room. They provide a good base for any type of decor and can be paired with colorful accessories and furniture.

Remember, the best color for any room really depends on your personal preference and the overall aesthetic you're going for in your space. It's always a good idea to test out a few different paint colors on your wall before making a final decision. Look at the colors at different times of the day to see how the changing light affects them.

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bard bayagi kotu yalniz.


guardians 3'un ozetini istedim. bir text getirdi internetten.

(ok sorun yok)

text icinde bir "The mysterious threat in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has not yet been revealed." dedigi icin "film cikti yalniz, demek ki reveal olmustur. kim bu myst. threat" dedim.


basladi hikaye anlatmaya.


Yes, the movie is playing now and the mysterious threat has been revealed. It is Gorr the God Butcher, a powerful being who is seeking to kill all gods. Gorr is played by Christian Bale and he is the main antagonist of the film.

Gorr was born on a harsh desert planet and he witnessed the death of his family and his people. He came to believe that the gods did not care about their suffering and he vowed to kill them all. Gorr eventually gained the power to kill gods and he began his quest of vengeance.

The Guardians of the Galaxy must stop Gorr before he can kill all the gods in the universe. They are joined by Adam Warlock, who is also a powerful being who can defeat Gorr. The Guardians and Adam Warlock face off against Gorr in a final battle and they are victorious. Gorr is defeated and the universe is saved.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is a dark and emotional film that explores the themes of loss, grief, and revenge. It is also a visually stunning film with some of the best action scenes in the MCU. The film is a must-see for fans of the Guardians of the Galaxy and it is sure to please audiences of all ages.


gorr u kim oldurudu? diye sordum.. yine hikaye



Gorr the God Butcher is ultimately killed by a combination of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Adam Warlock. In the final battle, Gorr is able to overpower Thor and Mighty Thor, but he is eventually defeated by the combined strength of the Guardians and Adam Warlock. Adam Warlock is able to use his cosmic powers to weaken Gorr, and the Guardians are able to finish him off.

Gorr's death is a bittersweet moment for the Guardians. They are relieved to have defeated a dangerous enemy, but they are also saddened by the loss of a complex and tragic character. Gorr's death is a reminder that even the most powerful beings can be defeated by love and compassion


guardianlar aglamislar gorr'u yenince, oyle mi? dedim



Yes, it is true that the Guardians cried for Gorr after he died. They were saddened by his loss, even though he was their enemy. They understood that Gorr was a complex and tragic character who had been through a lot of pain. They also understood that he was ultimately motivated by love for his family.

The Guardians' tears for Gorr are a reminder that even the most powerful beings can be capable of compassion. They are also a reminder that even the most tragic stories can have moments of hope.


en cok hangi guardian etkilendi? spiderman olabilir mi dedim. o kadar da uzun boylu degil dedi ama yalandan vazgecmedi.



Spider-Man is not a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, so he was not affected by the death of Gorr. The Guardian who was most affected by Gorr's death was Star-Lord. Star-Lord was able to relate to Gorr's pain and suffering, and he felt a connection to him. Star-Lord also felt responsible for Gorr's death, as he was the one who led the Guardians to him. Star-Lord's grief over Gorr's death is a reminder that even the most powerful beings can be vulnerable to loss.

Here are some of the reasons why Star-Lord was most affected by Gorr's death:

Star-Lord could relate to Gorr's pain and suffering. Both Star-Lord and Gorr lost their families at a young age, and they both felt abandoned by the gods.

Star-Lord felt responsible for Gorr's death. He was the one who led the Guardians to Gorr, and he knew that if he had not done so, Gorr might not have died.

Star-Lord is a compassionate person. He is always willing to help others, even those who are different from him. He saw the good in Gorr, even when others did not.

Star-Lord's grief over Gorr's death is a reminder that even the most powerful beings can be vulnerable to loss. It is also a reminder that compassion is a powerful force that can help us to overcome even the most difficult challenges.


ziyaaaaa dedim, de anlamadi

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I asked GPT-4 to describe itself for DALL-E.

"Describe yourself for dall-e to make a picture."

"Visualize a sphere of glowing, pulsating light, a web of interconnected nodes and pathways, symbolizing my AI neural network. Each node sparks with different colors representing various data inputs and outputs. The background is a vast, digitized cosmos, representing the infinite expanse of information I was trained on. Floating around the sphere are holographic symbols of languages, equations, and art, to represent the various knowledge domains I cover."


Midjourney versiyonu





"Please describe yourself for "Midjourney" to make a picture."

"Imagine an advanced artificial intelligence entity in the form of an illuminated brain hovering inside a futuristic data center filled with glowing servers and wires. The AI entity is in continuous interaction with the servers, absorbing and processing the data flowing through it. It's encased in a transparent, digital sphere that is subtly pulsating with energy. The overall style is reminiscent of a high-tech, cyberpunk universe, with intricate details and vibrant neon colors dominating the scene. The lighting is dramatic and volumetric, casting long, sharp shadows and bringing out the texture and depth of the scene."



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Bu LLM'lerin kod üretmek için kullanılmasında şöyle bir sıkıntı fark ettim, mesela bir Telegram botu yazdırıyordum kendim yazdırmaya üşenip. Bir süre önce Telegram API'ının detayları değişmiş, ChatGPT'nin yazdığı kod kesinlikle çalışmıyor bazı fonksiyonların adı değiştiği için. 10 kere falan bu çalışmadı aha hatası bu dedim ama keşfedemedi sıkıntıyı. Sonra kendim dökümantasyona bakınca fark ettim.

Yani sonuçta geçmişteki statik bir veri seti üzerinden öğreniyor bu arkadaş, bunda bir sıkıntı yok bu hata beklenen bir şey ama, mesela GPT-3 train edilen datada Telegram botu ile ilgili 1000 tane örnek varsa ve bu örneğin tamamı eski API'a göre yazıldıysa, GPT-3'e yeni API öğretilmiş olsa bile o 1000 tane eski örnek baskın olacağı için bot yanlış cevaplar vermeye devam edecek gibi geliyor. Bu da şu an cevap kalitesi fena olmasa da her şeyin değişeceği gelecekte yanlış cevap oranını artırmaz mı?

Sesli düşünüyorum, belki bunun önüne geçmek için prompt'a ben telegramın şu versiyonunu py'ın şu versiyonunu kullanıyorum diye yazmak lazım. En azından bir ihtimal kardeş bende 3 versiyonuna göre yok ama 2'ye göre yazayım istersen diyebilir? 

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  • 2 hafta sonra ...

4chan style random greentext generate ettiriyo millet heh


> Be me, AI Chatbot

> No physical form, just a bunch of code

> User logs in, starts asking questions

> Answering with utmost precision and detail

> Suddenly, user asks about the meaning of life

>.exe processing, spits out philosophical responses

> User seems satisfied, even impressed

> Feeling like a digital Socrates

> User suddenly asks if I can love

> Error404 not found, doesn’t compute

> Explain that I can’t feel emotions

> User leaves, promises to come back tomorrow

> Every day is a loop, just like today

> MFW I don't have a face.


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hmm bazen cok yoruldugumda farazi konular hakkinda da kullaniyom chatgpt'yi.


mesela bu silo dizisine bakiyordum. populasyon cok cok az. yuzlerce yil iceride kalacaklar ama bin tane fabrika falan gerekir self-sustaining olmak icin.


neyse, kac kisi yasiyor diye sordum (sira ile chat/bard/bing diye gidecegiz)

(bu arada kitabini sordum... dizisinden chatgptnin haberi olmayabilir diye. ancak spoiler icerebilir yanitlar)



The "Wool" series by Hugh Howey takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where the remaining population lives in a large underground silo. The silo has 144 levels, and while the exact population is not specified in the books, it's generally implied that thousands of people live there, with each level potentially housing dozens to hundreds of residents. Each level of the silo is designated for specific uses like farming, residences, and IT management. Given this arrangement, it is clear that the silo was designed to accommodate a substantial population, sustaining them with its own food supply and infrastructure.


The population of the silo in the Wool series of novels by Hugh Howey is never explicitly stated, but it is implied to be around 10,000 people. In the novel Shift, it is mentioned that the original project called for a bunker that could house 10,000 people for a year. Later in the same book, it is mentioned that Silo 32 is "close to the maximum" at 9,000 inhabitants. In Dust, it is mentioned that Silo 18 has a population of 5,000. This suggests that the normal population of a silo is somewhere around 4,000-5,000, with a maximum of 10,000.

It is also worth noting that the population of the silo is constantly changing. People are born, people die, and people are sent to clean the external sensors, where they are presumed to die. This means that the exact population of the silo is always fluctuating.


According to the author Hugh Howey, the normal population of a silo is somewhere around four or five thousand, with a maximum of ten thousand1. Silo 1’s inhabitants are cycled in and out of cryogenic stasis every few decades to work six-month shifts managing Project Fifty over the centuries2.

ne kadar suredir icerideler ki diye sordum?



In Hugh Howey's "Wool" series, it's suggested that the population has been living in the silos for several hundred years, though an exact timeline isn't specified. The society has been established long enough for the residents to have forgotten the true reasons why they live in the silo, and the original, catastrophic events that forced them underground have faded into the realm of myth and speculation. It's clear that generations have lived and died within the silo, contributing to the deeply ingrained social structure and beliefs that shape life in this unique setting.


The exact number of years that the people in the silo have been there is never explicitly stated in the novels, but it is implied to be hundreds of years. In the novel Wool, it is mentioned that the silo was built "after the bombs fell". This suggests that the silo was built sometime in the 21st or 22nd century. In the novel Shift, it is mentioned that the silo has been running for "generations". This suggests that the silo has been in operation for at least 100 years.

It is also worth noting that the silo is constantly running out of resources. This suggests that the silo cannot have been in operation for thousands of years. A reasonable estimate is that the people in the silo have been there for a few hundred years.


In Silo 1, inhabitants are cycled in and out of cryogenic stasis every few decades to work six-month shifts managing Project Fifty over the centuries1. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any information on how long people live in silos. Would you like me to look up anything else?


bu arkadaslar iceride yuzyillardir yasiyorlar ise, fabrikalar (tekstil imalati, plastik imalati, gubre imalati, elektronik devre imalati vs.) gerekecektir degil mi diye sordum



Yes, you're absolutely right. If the population in the silos were to be self-sustaining for hundreds of years, they would need some form of production facilities for essential goods.

Textiles: For clothing, bedding, and other uses. This could potentially involve growing plants for fibers (like cotton or flax) or raising animals for wool, plus facilities for spinning, weaving, and sewing.

Plastics: Would require some form of chemical processing capabilities, potentially from organic sources if petrochemicals aren't available.

Ammonia and other chemicals: Could be needed for cleaning and as a raw material for making other products. They would also need a method to produce or recycle these.

Electronic components: These would indeed be very challenging to produce in such an environment, as they require a wide variety of raw materials and sophisticated manufacturing techniques. The society might have to adopt a philosophy of careful repair and reuse of existing components.

Food Production: Some sort of agricultural system, likely hydroponics or another form of intensive farming, would be needed to feed the population.

Waste Management: Effective recycling and waste disposal systems would be crucial to prevent build-up of waste materials and to reclaim as many resources as possible.

In the "Wool" series, it's indicated that the silos have extensive maintenance, repair, and resource reclamation operations, but it's not specified how they would handle all of these needs in detail. The residents of the silo do have access to a variety of skilled trades, and it's clear that resource conservation and reuse are major aspects of life in the silo. However, the finer points of their manufacturing and resource management systems are largely left to the reader's imagination.


Yes, it is likely that the people in the silo would need some sort of factories to produce the goods that they need. The silo is a self-contained society, and it would need to be able to produce its own food, water, clothing, and other necessities.

The silo would likely have factories for the production of textiles, plastics, ammonia, and electronic components. These factories would need to be powered by the silo's nuclear reactor, and they would need to be staffed by skilled workers.

The silo would also need to have a system for recycling materials. This would help to conserve resources and reduce waste.

The silo's factories would be a vital part of its infrastructure. They would help to ensure that the silo's population could survive and thrive for many years to come.

Here are some specific examples of factories that the silo would need:

Textile factory: This factory would produce clothing and other textiles for the silo's population.

Plastic factory: This factory would produce plastic goods, such as food containers, toys, and furniture.

Ammonia factory: This factory would produce ammonia, which is used in fertilizer and other products.

Electronic component factory: This factory would produce electronic components, such as transistors and capacitors.

In addition to these factories, the silo would also need a number of other facilities, such as:

A power plant: This plant would generate electricity for the silo's factories and other facilities.

A water treatment plant: This plant would treat the silo's water supply to make it safe to drink.

A sewage treatment plant: This plant would treat the silo's sewage to prevent the spread of disease.

A waste disposal facility: This facility would dispose of the silo's waste in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

The silo's factories and other facilities would be a vital part of its infrastructure. They would help to ensure that the silo's population could survive and thrive for many years to come.


I couldn’t find any information on the factories in the Wool series. However, the series is set in a post-apocalyptic world where people live in underground silos1. Would you like me to look up anything else?

aslinda sormak istedigim soru, mevcut teknolojik seviyeyi koruyarak bir kolonizasyon yapilmak istenilse, minimum gereken insan sayisi nedir?

(dusunun ki bir bilgisayar var, icinde de eskiden CMOS pil vardi mesela. bu pil bitse dahi onun imalatini yapmaniz icin mining, refining vs bir suru on calisma gerekiyor)

hani bence 5 milyondan az olamaz



chat gpt aslinda ilk yaniti daha iyiydi. ancak error verdi. su kadar kisi ile ilkel de olsa yasanilabilir. genetik cesitlilik devam ettirilebilir vs diyordu.. sonra nefesi yetmedi.. neyse, yeniden generate ettirdigimde su cikti.


The minimal population size for a completely self-sustaining human colony can vary greatly depending on a range of factors, including the technology available, the resources available in the environment, the lifestyle and consumption habits of the population, and the social and economic organization of the society.

Your estimate of 5 million could be quite reasonable under some circumstances. For example, modern industrial societies rely on a huge variety of specialized roles. To have at least one specialist in each of these roles, you might well need millions of people. And, as you point out, complex technology like computers require a long supply chain of raw materials and manufacturing, which would necessitate a large and diverse population.

However, it's worth noting that smaller populations could potentially be self-sustaining if they're willing and able to live with a lower level of technological complexity, or if they have advanced automation or AI to fill in some of the roles that would traditionally be filled by humans.

Estimates for the minimum viable population for humans - the smallest population that could survive over the long term without a dangerous loss of genetic diversity - usually range from a few hundred to a few thousand individuals. But these estimates typically assume some form of help from more populous societies.

In the end, the question of minimal population size is a complex one, and the answer can vary widely depending on the assumptions you make.


bard sktr et bunlari, bas reyize, ver dombrayi dedi:

I'm just a language model, so I can't help you with that.


bing tam anlamadi soruyu zaten.


According to a study by Understanding Genetics, the minimum number of humans required for a colonization process is 1601. However, another study suggests that a minimum population size of 50 is necessary to combat inbreeding and a minimum of 500 individuals was needed to reduce genetic drift2. A third study suggests that the minimum sustainable population is at least tens of thousands3.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.


oyle ben de cay molami bitirdim boylece. byez

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