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İzmir Yangını

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Kısaca, İzmir yangınını yunanlılar çekilirken Rum mahallerin de çıkartıyorlar, malımız mülkümüz Türklere yar olmasın diye, bizimkiler izmire girdiklerinde müdahele etmiyorlar. Kayıtlara böyle geçiyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
Remus said:

Kısaca, İzmir yangınını yunanlılar çekilirken Rum mahallerin de çıkartıyorlar, malımız mülkümüz Türklere yar olmasın diye, bizimkiler izmire girdiklerinde müdahele etmiyorlar. Kayıtlara böyle geçiyor.

kisaca hayir, adam gibi bilen yokken boyle ahkam kesmenin de cok alemi yok =/
Mesaj tarihi:
bildigin bir sey varsa yaz yoksa bos yapma, bristol'e karsilik izmir'deki yabanci tuccarlarin da ifadeleri var, bristol'un turk hukumetine amerikan cikarlari dogrultusunda fazla yanladigindan bahseden haberler de var keza.

boyle bos yaparsan turkiye ve hosgoru hakkinda bir seyler sicmaya calisan olursa eskisehir'den suriye'ye goce zorlanan ermeniler, 6-7 eylul olaylari, maras, sivas deyip sie cekin derler sonra.
Mesaj tarihi:
ne boşu ne diyosun dostum, ne yunan ne ermeni ne de türk resmi devlet belgesi. Amerikan bristol raporları içerisinde yer alan izmir yangını raporu gözlemci olarak. daha ne istiyorsun ya da ne söylenmesini istiyorsun ki? kaldı ki o dönemle ilgili bir şey araştırılırken o raporlar birinci kaynak olarak kullanılıyor. Boş yapma nedir ajshdhasdh
Mesaj tarihi:
Osmanlı azınlıklara kötüydü demek ne komik lan. Sanki ortaçağ böyle SJW cenneti bir ortam. HErkes sevişiyor bi osmanlı kötü. Osmanlı genel anlamda ele geçirdiği ülkelere az baskı yapan yakmayan yıkmayan bir ülke. Temel yağma kuralları geçiyor sehre girilince 3 gün yağma yapılıyor felan falan.

Görende Habsburgları salon beyfendisi, burgundy kralını kofi annan sancak. Herkes köle aldığı bir ortamda bizde köle satıyoduk lan işte. Ortaçağ ortaçağdır.
Mesaj tarihi:
@bone dedigin dogru, ortacag osmanlisi farkliliklara hosgoru konusunda ortalamanin gayet ustunde -ortalama da dusuk gerci, avrupalilarin her gun mehzep cikarip birbirini kestikleri, amerika'da uygarlik yagmaladiklari zamanlar-. sonucta ordunun belkemigi yeniceriler bile bektasi.

islahatlar, mesrutiyet, 1910 ve ozellikle balkan savaslari sonrasi olanlar ise bambaska. izmir yangini gibi aniden gelisebilecek bir olay uzerinde fikir yurutmek zor, bilemeyiz. ama 'turkler gayet hosgorulu insanlardir' lafi hakkiyla soylenmesi zor, ozellikle son 1-2 yuzyil icin.
Mesaj tarihi:
1789'dan sonra değişiyor herşey. Fransızların 5-10 tane yahudiye vatandaşlık vermesi ile başlıyor herşey.

Bize 1820'lerde ulaşıyor bu durum. Hoş görüden öte eşit vatandaşlık eşit haklar söz konusu avrupada. (Ya tabi bu Avrupa için geçerli, afrik, asya, felan kimsenin umrunda değil.)
Mesaj tarihi:
ben de eksi sozluk'ten "kurt kizina ne hediye verilmeli" gibi salak bir baslikta "tuy dokucu krem" yazdigim icin banlanmistim.

irkcilik her yerde kol geziyor speys kardesim.
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi adamlara carladım banladılar diye, baya salladım yani;

Are you for real? You are banning me for saying there is no Greek Genocide? Do you have any idea about what happened during these events? Do you know how many civilian Turks were killed by Greeks during the uprising? But Turkish lives doesn't count, right? There was a fire, and people died. Even today there is a dispute amongst REAL HISTORIANS about who started it. Who you are to judge and ban people because you wanna believe Turks are barbarians? You are full of shit, and have no sense of reality.

NE MODLAR VAR BE, adamlar buna bile cevap yazmış;

Your comment with context can be understood in three ways:

1) The Pontic genocide does not exist. 2) The fire didn't happen. 3) The genocide did happen, the fire happened but I personally disagree with who exactly caused it and I believe it should not be lumped in with the rest of the Pontic genocide.

1) and 2) would clearly fall under our genocide denial rules.

3) would not as it has a reasonable backing, even among historic scholars.

Since you decided to boil down your reply to this:

You cannot be aware of something which doesn't exist.

We need to assume that 1) and 2) are the most likely accurate interpretation of your comment. We moderate these types of comments exactly the same, be it the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide or any other since they're commonly used by deniers to establish doubt while still leaving backdoors open in the sense of "Oh, no, I was only disputing the precise numbers!"

If you can both understand our reasoning and will assure us that you'll be more precise in the future since you don't want to be lumped in with actual deniers we will gladly review your ban.

Bu durumda önümde 2 opsiyon var. Ya tamam ya genocide yok demedik deyip banı kaldırtmak, ya da sokturtmayın genocide ınıza yok öyle bir şey demek ve banlı kalmak.

Tabii ki 2. yi seçeceğim :D
Mesaj tarihi:
Ben karakterimden ödün vermeden insan gibi derdimi anlattım, yemişim r/europe u.

Son mesajım bu oldu modlara,

Thank you for your answer and I'm sorry for my initial message, i was upset about the ban and my tone was higher than it should have been.

Okay, it's no secret that I'm a Turkish citizen, and I need to add that I'm from İzmir (Smyrna). I have to say that I was raised somewhat liberal. Therefore, I don't care about race, religion or whatsoever.

I love reading, discussing and analyzing history. And I'm sorry I will disappoint you, but I don't accept the term : "Greek genocide". You can keep me banned, but please take this opportunity to make your own research about the events happened in Anatolia during and after the Great War. I will now try to create a base, you can skip rest of this message if you're not interested.

City of İzmir, has been Turkish territory since 1426. Population was roughly 40% Greek, 40% Turkish and rest Armenians and others. All these people were living in harmony until the Great War, for 500 years! I can even say that Greeks and Armenians were dominant in trade and other wealthy businesses. But what happened? Very roughly, mainland Greeks, backed by Brtiain and allied forces, invaded the city. There are records that they killed 5.000 civilians the day they stepped in İzmir. After that, they continued their conquest, and almost reached capital of Turkey, just before they were defeated by Turkish forces led by Atatürk. When retreating towards İzmir, they applied scorched earth policy and continued burning cities and killing civilians. A big part of Greek population joined mainland greek forces the whole time, not with uniforms but with their actions. They raided villages, killed Turkish civilians. All these events are recorded, believe me I'm not bullshitting. Anyway, after Turkish forces won the independence war, you can understand that there was some anger against Greek population. Were there killings? Yes. Was there forced migration? Yes. Seizing private properties? Yes. Are all these actions acceptable? Hell NO. But none of these "TRAGEDIES" and "CRIMES" doesn't make these events a planned genocide. Nothing like the holocaust. Nothing like the Bosnian genocide. If you read whole message, thank you for your time. What if I invent a Turkish genocide term about such events and mention it in a post, would you ban people who "deny" it? Denial of something solid is one thing, but opening a discussion about disputed historical facts of some event is another thing. If you want to keep me banned, please do it, I accept your decision. Thank you & have a good day!

Ne milletmişiz abi, soykırım yapmadığımız kimse kalmamış mübarek. Ama biz hiç madur olmamışız nasıl olduysa.

Milliyetçilikle alakası olmayan adamı tribe sokuyorlar lan, o kadar yanlı herifler.
Mesaj tarihi:
sipeyskeyk said:

All these events are recorded, believe me I'm not bullshitting.

sipeyskeyk said:

If you want to keep me banned, please do it, I accept your decision. Thank you & have a good day![/i]

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