DRaGoN_SLaYeR Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 axedice said: Vidyo çok uzun, okumak isteyenler için : https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/template_resource/2VSG8DK7K2PS1469831832107.pdf 9 sayfa bişi zaten, Gul'dan ın broken isles a varışını anlatıyor. Bu arada mmo-champte taa ocak ayından bi topiği hortlatmışlar leaked legion storyline diye. O zamanlar insanların lel diyip geçtiği bi ton plot şimdi mantıklı geliyor, zaten bi kısmı betada var direk. Özellikle sonlarının kırıntısı bile gerçekse MAJOR spoiler. Araya kendi yorumlarımı da kattım Kendi riskinizde okuyun asd said: >Varian and Vol'jin are missing, presumed dead >Anduin is forced to lead and is unsure of his ability to do so, recalls Wrathion's words that he would not be a capable king Bunlar zaten doğru çıktı, insanlar başta inanmamıştı Varianın öleceğine falan. said: >Sylvanas makes an aggressive bid for Warchief but the Horde is unable to agree, Baine and Thrall are the voices of reason that the Horde differs to, Sylvanas is denied Bu da beklenen bişey zaten. said: >Malfurion is captured and tortured by the Legion in his campaign against Xavius during the Emerald Nightmare raid >Cenarius is lost to the Nightmare and must be killed Böyle bi raid var, boss da cenarius. said: >The Nightmare is ultimately pushed back, but Malfurion is lost to the Legion, but not killed >Horde and Alliance are successful in beating the Nightborne in Suramar Palace (raid) and acquiring the Pillar of Creation >Gul'dan is completely demonic at the end of Suramar Palace, it is hinted he can no longer die and can only be sent back to the Nether, a la the rest of the demons / Demon Hunters >Before the Alliance and Horde can use the Pillar of Creation to help defeat the Legion, Tyrande gives the Legion the Pillar of Creation to trade for Malfurion >Malfurion isn't given back regardless of the trade Asdasd varan biiiiir said: >Anduin feels responsible for Tyrande's actions and technical betrayal of her allies' trust >Horde doesn't agree with the trade and gets angry, Sylvanas gains traction and more support towards her bid as Warchief >During the constant commotion of the Broken isles campaign, Nathanos Blightcaller is targeted by Greymane and assassinated during what was intended to be a joint Horde-Alliance mission against the Legion >The Horde views this as dishonorable and Sylvanas seizes control of the Horde uncontested and reluctantly yet fully supported Oha şu olay olursa bildiğin iyi writing, sırf bu yüzden inanasım gelmiyor. Devamı da var said: >Anduin begins to lose faith in himself as he is seemingly unable to control his subjects. Tyrande and now Greymane have been directly insubordinate. He fears Wrathion was right about his inability to do what is necessary for survival and to lead >Velen offers Anduin support and to trust in the light, Anduin is not sure "the light" is who he is anymore >Sylvanas launches a campaign to avenge Nathanos Blightcaller, rather odd allusions to Nathanos and Sylvanas being lovers when they were alive (What is it with Windrunners banging human dudes?) >Things begin to fall apart as the Horde and Alliance continue to bicker and fight one another in increasingly extreme cases >Nobody is listening to Anduin and Sylvanas is on a rampage >Sylvanas is successful in hunting down Greymane >Greymane reveals himself as Varimathras, the real Greymane has been missing since the invasion of the Broken Isles began ZAAAAA Varan ikiiiiii. Ya o kadar klasik ki, ahahah ama yine de çok iyi said: >The fight is brought to the Undercity, paralleling the Wrath Gate event, and Sylvanas sacrifices herself to use her final Val'kyr to resurrect the player character and Khadgar, the prior of which is killed by an imp (Killrog's vision?) >It is revealed Sylvanas has struck a deal with Helya: Sylvanas would be saved if she manages to redeem herself, saving the player character and Khadgar over herself was that redeeming act >Sylvanas is resurrected by Helya >Sylvanas, now realizing Varimathras wanted to ruin Horde and Alliance relations to assure a Legion victory, goes to Stormwind to rally Anduin into a cease-fire Varimathas cheesi hariç şurası da bildiğin sylvanas için karakter gelişimi olmuş, blizz bunu yapmaz diye inanmayanlar var. said: >The Horde and Alliance band together for a final push into the Tomb of Sargeras >Portals in the Tomb of Sargeras are ripping at Azeroth during the player's raid >Kil'jaeden appears to be forcing his way into Azeroth through a massive portal in the Tomb >Old God forces and Naga attack the tomb and raid near the end of the instance, and are more successful than the Alliance and Horde / players at stopping the demons >Alliance and Horde / players were losing before the Old Ones and Naga showed up >Old Ones are closing the portals and consuming their immense power and energy >The Legion's advance is almost completely shut down by the Naga and Old Ones >Kil'jaeden's massive portal and possible Kil'jaeden are consumed by a gigantic Faceless beast >Horde and Alliance are trapped in the middle and poorly outmatched Çok da mantıksız değil, chroniclesla legion vs old gods farkını iyice verdiler zaten. Eskiden bu kadar bilgimiz yoktu arkaplan hakkında. said: >Players must escape the collapsing tomb a la Maiev in Warcraft III, sacrificing their artifact weapons' power along the way to feed to Old Ones / distract the Old Ones (has no effect on game play, it is assumed this is to explain away the artifacts in the following expansion) Ahah artifactler bu yüzden gidecekse fakyu said: >Old Ones and Naga are successful at harvesting the demons and their portals >Nzoth has accumulated enough energy from eating L'Ghorek during Cataclysm, siphoning energy out of the Emerald Dream via the Nightmare, and now consuming demons and their immensely energy-rich portals to break free of its torpor and prison >The Legion is halted once again, but Nzoth has played everyone perfectly. It implied Nzoth could tell the future because of corrupted/Infinite Nozdormu, and proceeded to use Kairoz to get Gul'dan to Azeroth to provide the necessary energy remaining to free itself. Veee yeni xpacin hikayesi hazır. Artifact yerine old godsla mücadele etmek için titan güçleri falan kazanırız heralde. şu doğruysa legion da tam becereksizmiş arkadaş, bi kere de sargeras, kil'jaiden azeroth a "gelmeye çalışmasın", direk gelsin siksin atsın ortalığı mk, hep aynı hikaye, portal açıldı geliyor koş koş koş portalı kapat.
kujo123 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 axedice said: Vidyo çok uzun, okumak isteyenler için : https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/template_resource/2VSG8DK7K2PS1469831832107.pdf 9 sayfa bişi zaten, Gul'dan ın broken isles a varışını anlatıyor. Bu arada mmo-champte taa ocak ayından bi topiği hortlatmışlar leaked legion storyline diye. O zamanlar insanların lel diyip geçtiği bi ton plot şimdi mantıklı geliyor, zaten bi kısmı betada var direk. Özellikle sonlarının kırıntısı bile gerçekse MAJOR spoiler. Araya kendi yorumlarımı da kattım Kendi riskinizde okuyun asd said: >Varian and Vol'jin are missing, presumed dead >Anduin is forced to lead and is unsure of his ability to do so, recalls Wrathion's words that he would not be a capable king Bunlar zaten doğru çıktı, insanlar başta inanmamıştı Varianın öleceğine falan. said: >Sylvanas makes an aggressive bid for Warchief but the Horde is unable to agree, Baine and Thrall are the voices of reason that the Horde differs to, Sylvanas is denied Bu da beklenen bişey zaten. said: >Malfurion is captured and tortured by the Legion in his campaign against Xavius during the Emerald Nightmare raid >Cenarius is lost to the Nightmare and must be killed Böyle bi raid var, boss da cenarius. said: >The Nightmare is ultimately pushed back, but Malfurion is lost to the Legion, but not killed >Horde and Alliance are successful in beating the Nightborne in Suramar Palace (raid) and acquiring the Pillar of Creation >Gul'dan is completely demonic at the end of Suramar Palace, it is hinted he can no longer die and can only be sent back to the Nether, a la the rest of the demons / Demon Hunters >Before the Alliance and Horde can use the Pillar of Creation to help defeat the Legion, Tyrande gives the Legion the Pillar of Creation to trade for Malfurion >Malfurion isn't given back regardless of the trade Asdasd varan biiiiir said: >Anduin feels responsible for Tyrande's actions and technical betrayal of her allies' trust >Horde doesn't agree with the trade and gets angry, Sylvanas gains traction and more support towards her bid as Warchief >During the constant commotion of the Broken isles campaign, Nathanos Blightcaller is targeted by Greymane and assassinated during what was intended to be a joint Horde-Alliance mission against the Legion >The Horde views this as dishonorable and Sylvanas seizes control of the Horde uncontested and reluctantly yet fully supported Oha şu olay olursa bildiğin iyi writing, sırf bu yüzden inanasım gelmiyor. Devamı da var said: >Anduin begins to lose faith in himself as he is seemingly unable to control his subjects. Tyrande and now Greymane have been directly insubordinate. He fears Wrathion was right about his inability to do what is necessary for survival and to lead >Velen offers Anduin support and to trust in the light, Anduin is not sure "the light" is who he is anymore >Sylvanas launches a campaign to avenge Nathanos Blightcaller, rather odd allusions to Nathanos and Sylvanas being lovers when they were alive (What is it with Windrunners banging human dudes?) >Things begin to fall apart as the Horde and Alliance continue to bicker and fight one another in increasingly extreme cases >Nobody is listening to Anduin and Sylvanas is on a rampage >Sylvanas is successful in hunting down Greymane >Greymane reveals himself as Varimathras, the real Greymane has been missing since the invasion of the Broken Isles began ZAAAAA Varan ikiiiiii. Ya o kadar klasik ki, ahahah ama yine de çok iyi said: >The fight is brought to the Undercity, paralleling the Wrath Gate event, and Sylvanas sacrifices herself to use her final Val'kyr to resurrect the player character and Khadgar, the prior of which is killed by an imp (Killrog's vision?) >It is revealed Sylvanas has struck a deal with Helya: Sylvanas would be saved if she manages to redeem herself, saving the player character and Khadgar over herself was that redeeming act >Sylvanas is resurrected by Helya >Sylvanas, now realizing Varimathras wanted to ruin Horde and Alliance relations to assure a Legion victory, goes to Stormwind to rally Anduin into a cease-fire Varimathas cheesi hariç şurası da bildiğin sylvanas için karakter gelişimi olmuş, blizz bunu yapmaz diye inanmayanlar var. said: >The Horde and Alliance band together for a final push into the Tomb of Sargeras >Portals in the Tomb of Sargeras are ripping at Azeroth during the player's raid >Kil'jaeden appears to be forcing his way into Azeroth through a massive portal in the Tomb >Old God forces and Naga attack the tomb and raid near the end of the instance, and are more successful than the Alliance and Horde / players at stopping the demons >Alliance and Horde / players were losing before the Old Ones and Naga showed up >Old Ones are closing the portals and consuming their immense power and energy >The Legion's advance is almost completely shut down by the Naga and Old Ones >Kil'jaeden's massive portal and possible Kil'jaeden are consumed by a gigantic Faceless beast >Horde and Alliance are trapped in the middle and poorly outmatched Çok da mantıksız değil, chroniclesla legion vs old gods farkını iyice verdiler zaten. Eskiden bu kadar bilgimiz yoktu arkaplan hakkında. said: >Players must escape the collapsing tomb a la Maiev in Warcraft III, sacrificing their artifact weapons' power along the way to feed to Old Ones / distract the Old Ones (has no effect on game play, it is assumed this is to explain away the artifacts in the following expansion) Ahah artifactler bu yüzden gidecekse fakyu said: >Old Ones and Naga are successful at harvesting the demons and their portals >Nzoth has accumulated enough energy from eating L'Ghorek during Cataclysm, siphoning energy out of the Emerald Dream via the Nightmare, and now consuming demons and their immensely energy-rich portals to break free of its torpor and prison >The Legion is halted once again, but Nzoth has played everyone perfectly. It implied Nzoth could tell the future because of corrupted/Infinite Nozdormu, and proceeded to use Kairoz to get Gul'dan to Azeroth to provide the necessary energy remaining to free itself. Veee yeni xpacin hikayesi hazır. Artifact yerine old godsla mücadele etmek için titan güçleri falan kazanırız heralde. khadgar yok 100 senede gecse khadgarı oldurtmez blizzard buyu yapamayan ezık veledi bu hale getirdiler imkanı yok oldurmelerinin. legion spoiler kiljaedenin bu expansion raid boss olucagı garanti oldu su voice videosundan sonra::D keske bu kadar erken acıklamasalardi geleceğini
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 axedice said: Vidyo çok uzun, okumak isteyenler için : https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/template_resource/2VSG8DK7K2PS1469831832107.pdf 9 sayfa bişi zaten, Gul'dan ın broken isles a varışını anlatıyor. Bu arada mmo-champte taa ocak ayından bi topiği hortlatmışlar leaked legion storyline diye. O zamanlar insanların lel diyip geçtiği bi ton plot şimdi mantıklı geliyor, zaten bi kısmı betada var direk. Özellikle sonlarının kırıntısı bile gerçekse MAJOR spoiler. Araya kendi yorumlarımı da kattım Kendi riskinizde okuyun asd said: >Varian and Vol'jin are missing, presumed dead >Anduin is forced to lead and is unsure of his ability to do so, recalls Wrathion's words that he would not be a capable king Bunlar zaten doğru çıktı, insanlar başta inanmamıştı Varianın öleceğine falan. said: >Sylvanas makes an aggressive bid for Warchief but the Horde is unable to agree, Baine and Thrall are the voices of reason that the Horde differs to, Sylvanas is denied Bu da beklenen bişey zaten. said: >Malfurion is captured and tortured by the Legion in his campaign against Xavius during the Emerald Nightmare raid >Cenarius is lost to the Nightmare and must be killed Böyle bi raid var, boss da cenarius. said: >The Nightmare is ultimately pushed back, but Malfurion is lost to the Legion, but not killed >Horde and Alliance are successful in beating the Nightborne in Suramar Palace (raid) and acquiring the Pillar of Creation >Gul'dan is completely demonic at the end of Suramar Palace, it is hinted he can no longer die and can only be sent back to the Nether, a la the rest of the demons / Demon Hunters >Before the Alliance and Horde can use the Pillar of Creation to help defeat the Legion, Tyrande gives the Legion the Pillar of Creation to trade for Malfurion >Malfurion isn't given back regardless of the trade Asdasd varan biiiiir said: >Anduin feels responsible for Tyrande's actions and technical betrayal of her allies' trust >Horde doesn't agree with the trade and gets angry, Sylvanas gains traction and more support towards her bid as Warchief >During the constant commotion of the Broken isles campaign, Nathanos Blightcaller is targeted by Greymane and assassinated during what was intended to be a joint Horde-Alliance mission against the Legion >The Horde views this as dishonorable and Sylvanas seizes control of the Horde uncontested and reluctantly yet fully supported Oha şu olay olursa bildiğin iyi writing, sırf bu yüzden inanasım gelmiyor. Devamı da var said: >Anduin begins to lose faith in himself as he is seemingly unable to control his subjects. Tyrande and now Greymane have been directly insubordinate. He fears Wrathion was right about his inability to do what is necessary for survival and to lead >Velen offers Anduin support and to trust in the light, Anduin is not sure "the light" is who he is anymore >Sylvanas launches a campaign to avenge Nathanos Blightcaller, rather odd allusions to Nathanos and Sylvanas being lovers when they were alive (What is it with Windrunners banging human dudes?) >Things begin to fall apart as the Horde and Alliance continue to bicker and fight one another in increasingly extreme cases >Nobody is listening to Anduin and Sylvanas is on a rampage >Sylvanas is successful in hunting down Greymane >Greymane reveals himself as Varimathras, the real Greymane has been missing since the invasion of the Broken Isles began ZAAAAA Varan ikiiiiii. Ya o kadar klasik ki, ahahah ama yine de çok iyi said: >The fight is brought to the Undercity, paralleling the Wrath Gate event, and Sylvanas sacrifices herself to use her final Val'kyr to resurrect the player character and Khadgar, the prior of which is killed by an imp (Killrog's vision?) >It is revealed Sylvanas has struck a deal with Helya: Sylvanas would be saved if she manages to redeem herself, saving the player character and Khadgar over herself was that redeeming act >Sylvanas is resurrected by Helya >Sylvanas, now realizing Varimathras wanted to ruin Horde and Alliance relations to assure a Legion victory, goes to Stormwind to rally Anduin into a cease-fire Varimathas cheesi hariç şurası da bildiğin sylvanas için karakter gelişimi olmuş, blizz bunu yapmaz diye inanmayanlar var. said: >The Horde and Alliance band together for a final push into the Tomb of Sargeras >Portals in the Tomb of Sargeras are ripping at Azeroth during the player's raid >Kil'jaeden appears to be forcing his way into Azeroth through a massive portal in the Tomb >Old God forces and Naga attack the tomb and raid near the end of the instance, and are more successful than the Alliance and Horde / players at stopping the demons >Alliance and Horde / players were losing before the Old Ones and Naga showed up >Old Ones are closing the portals and consuming their immense power and energy >The Legion's advance is almost completely shut down by the Naga and Old Ones >Kil'jaeden's massive portal and possible Kil'jaeden are consumed by a gigantic Faceless beast >Horde and Alliance are trapped in the middle and poorly outmatched Çok da mantıksız değil, chroniclesla legion vs old gods farkını iyice verdiler zaten. Eskiden bu kadar bilgimiz yoktu arkaplan hakkında. said: >Players must escape the collapsing tomb a la Maiev in Warcraft III, sacrificing their artifact weapons' power along the way to feed to Old Ones / distract the Old Ones (has no effect on game play, it is assumed this is to explain away the artifacts in the following expansion) Ahah artifactler bu yüzden gidecekse fakyu said: >Old Ones and Naga are successful at harvesting the demons and their portals >Nzoth has accumulated enough energy from eating L'Ghorek during Cataclysm, siphoning energy out of the Emerald Dream via the Nightmare, and now consuming demons and their immensely energy-rich portals to break free of its torpor and prison >The Legion is halted once again, but Nzoth has played everyone perfectly. It implied Nzoth could tell the future because of corrupted/Infinite Nozdormu, and proceeded to use Kairoz to get Gul'dan to Azeroth to provide the necessary energy remaining to free itself. Veee yeni xpacin hikayesi hazır. Artifact yerine old godsla mücadele etmek için titan güçleri falan kazanırız heralde. burda tutarsiz olan birsey var, legionin poster childi illidani blizzardin cidden hikayeye eklemiyceginimi sanmis yazan? :p en buyuk dramlardan biri illidani bulmak, daha turalyon ve alleria da dahil olucak bu biiiiir ikincisi drenay storyline a girmemisler, hani main storyline olan order hall campaign in son questi bu: velen http://www.adriacraft.net/images/stories/news/2016/may/bringer_of_the_light_5.png bunun yaninda anduin videosundada agir spoilerlar var bu konuda, videonun son karesinde su vardi http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Wodm25aJNhc/UzrSRhRbBUI/AAAAAAAAAHc/Q8VsTPYnyu8/s1600/5.jpg pardon yanlis koydum http://i.imgur.com/UQhjPRU.jpg artifactleri legion sonunda sacrifice etme olayini tahmin etmemek icin kafayi yemis olmak lazim :P tabiki gidicek hepsi, nzoth ve azshara nin bir sonraki expde gelicek olmasida cok mantiksiz degil. nagalarin legiona karsi yardim etme olayida gene mantikli filan. nathanosu birden gozumuze sokmalari filanda sylvanas icin yer hazirliyor, sylvanasin ana motivasyonlarindan birinin shadowlands olayini cozmek oldugunu daha ilk revealda soylemislerdi. greymane olayid amantiksiz degil cunki: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B1JU8rjCYAAdc9u.jpg Spoiler alert: EVERYONE IS A DREADLORD legionin tavugu kacirma olayi filanda meh, umarim dogru degildir oyle kokusmus bir hikaye ile forced drama sokmalari ve bir baska warcraft karekterinin daha forced drama icin icine etmeleri. forced dram olucaksa tyrande uzerinden izim emo dahil olmadan yapmazlar onu :p illiadan tavugu legiona veriyor deseler inanirim bak :D
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 leakled spoilera göre Khadgar ölmüyor yalnız seninle birlikte diriliyor. Ki varian, voljin ve Tirionun öldüğü yerde khadgar da gayet gidebilirdi. Bu spoilerdaki bilgiler ilk yazıldığında public ortamda olmayan baya bi bilgi doğrulandı zaman içerisinde raidlerden ölen ana karakterlere kadar, bana inanılabilitesi yüksek geliyor o yüzden.
kujo123 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 abi jaina dread lord ne alaka bayadir donuo bu geyık kac kere arcane/frost buyulerını kullandı jaina dreadlord olsa nası kullanıcak kullanamıyorlar bildigim kadari ile drealordlar arcane.
lord_gorthaur Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 metzen team lead'den ayrıldığından beri content'in ettiler içine
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 metzen hala hikayenin basinda lol, butun lore metzenin elinde oyunlarda gene nerede ayrildi :D jaina dreadlord ya confirmed baya baya :D dreadlord degilsede yossi kohen kesin
kujo123 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 jaina dreadlordsa ne ara oldurmusler jainayı?
yekeyeke Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Legion üstüne min 2 exp var o zaman daha...
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 gercek jaina theramaor baskininda rhonin ile beraber sehit edilmistir
Valthon Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Tavuğumu kaçırdılar suyuna da pilav pişirdiler Planeden plane'e uçurdular Geh bili bili bili bili bili Bili bili de malfurion da kayboldu
paradoksalkedi Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Beta açıksa hala oynayan biri, şöyle raid deneyen falan bir az çok deeps ranking atabilir mi ya? Şu saatten sonra blizzardın legion için çok bir balance update yapacağını sanmıyorum, ona göre sonradan ağlamamak istiyroum.
Natanyal Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 en ucuz nereden alınıyor şimdi legion sdfsad gg'de 132TL'ymiş. 2-3 taksitle falan alırım. Mesaj attım hemen teslim ediyorlarsa alayım da boostu kullanayım sadfsda
lord_gorthaur Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 melee dps ench-shaman, fury warrior ranged fire mage-AOE dps'de iyi Deso warlock, Bea-master hunter ranged iyi
ulfang Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 2, 2016 iyi derken neyi baz alarak iyi diyosunuz anlamıyorum. sana göre mi iyi ? fury warrior lar ağlıyor, bm hunter hiç görmedim oynayan.
Valthon Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 Mage oynanışını ben hiç beğenmedim.. Shaman olarak Ascendance açınca içine en az 12-13 tane lava burst sığdırabilirken Combustion (veya Arcane Power) içine 3-4 cast anca sığıyor. Combustionun mekaniği felan var tabi de Arcane Power sadece dmg arttırıyor, çok zayıf geldi. Icy Veins de sadece haste verdiği için tek majör cooldown olarak çok yetersiz bir hissiyat verdi bana. Herhangi bir mage oynayacağıma elemental shaman oynarım gibime geliyor. (ki öyle olacak gibi duruyor.)
S-H Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 şu videoda biraz anlatmış classları ama herkesin kişisel zevki ayrı. classların dps değerlerinden falan bahsetmediği için gameplay olarak bakıp karar verebilirsiniz belki. ayrıca aynı kanalda melee için olanı da var. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yolH8INcnU
Fin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 konuşan dayı yaşlı ve rahatsız edici olunca direk eski gibi geldi sfd
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 yaşlı değil yahu adam varsa 32'dir yani. o adamın değerlendirmeleri baya iyi. fikir belirtiyor diye dislemeyin.
Saeros Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 YAŞLI İŞTE YAŞLI DECKARD CAİN GİBİ ADAM ABV
olorin84 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 DarKRideR said: en ucuz nereden alınıyor şimdi legion sdfsad gg'de 132TL'ymiş. 2-3 taksitle falan alırım. Mesaj attım hemen teslim ediyorlarsa alayım da boostu kullanayım sadfsda durmaplay diye bir siteden aldım 118 tl ye geldi koduda hemen yolladılar. Daha öncede son 4-5 yıldır alışverişim oldu diablo key, wod key game card ... gibi hiç sıkıntı çekmedim. Ama araştır bi bak yorumlara falan.
olorin84 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2016 eski sanalsaray işte gold ve game card satışı yapiyorlardı sahibindende sonra kendi sitelerini açtılar.
Öne çıkan mesajlar