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vücut geliştirme #5


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abi adam yazmış işte link verdim okusana sdf.

Why only 1×5 Deadlifts, not 5×5?

Deadlift is only one set of five reps instead of five sets of five like the other StrongLifts 5×5 exercises. This is because Deadlifts take more out of you. Here’s why: Deadlifts has each rep starting from a dead stop Deadlift uses more muscles than any other exercise Deadlift allows you to lift heavier weights than other exercises

Most experienced lifters agree 5×5 Deadlifts are harder than 5×5 Squats. It’s even worse when you have to Deadlift for 5×5 at end of your workout, after a brutal 5×5 Squat session.

You can get away Deadlifting for 5×5 on StrongLifts 5×5 when the weights are still light. But it will beat you up once the weights get heavier. It will make you plateau on Deadlifts, Squats and so on. Once your Deadlifts get heavy, you’ll be happy to end your workout with only one set of five reps, not 5×5.

Keep in mind Squats and Deadlifts work similar muscles. Getting stronger at Squats will get you stronger at Deadlifts. You rarely need more than one set of five reps to increase your Deadlift to 180kg (400lb). My little brother got his Deadlift to 170kg/380lb in seven months doing only 1×5.

If you love to Deadlift, do five reps on your warmup sets. So 1×5 140kg Deadlift would look like 5x60kg, 5x80kg, 5x100kg, 5x120kg, 5x140kg. This gives you several sets of five, but with the weight increasing instead of being the same for 5×5. This gets you more work without the stress of 5×5 140kg.
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valla yapabiliyosanız yapın. ben adamın yazdığında yanlış bi şey göremiyorum deadlift yerine rack pull yapmadığınız sürece.

bunda her workout ağırlıgı 2.5kg arttırıyosunuz. dolayısıyla hep personal recordunuzla çalışıyosunuz. yani o zamana kadar kaldırdıgınız en yüksek agırlık.

deneyin görün yapılabiliyosa yapın abi sdf. bazen tecrübeyi dinlemekte fayda var.

stronglifts, starting strength gibi son derece bilinen kullanılan bir program.
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Abi okuyorum, videolara falan bakıyorum da adam aynı ben. Vücut yapımız falan birebir aynı adamla. Gerçi benim calflerim biraz daha iri sanırım, bir de tabii uzun zamandır çalışmadığımdan çöp gibi vücut.

Bu arada geçen yıla kadar kendimi hep kolay kilo alan, yağlanan birisi olarak görüyordum; yediklerime dikkat etmeye başladıktan sonra aslında tam tersine kilo alamayan bir adam olduğumu farkettim. Günde 2 litre kolay içip, 200 300gr çikolata yiyip üstüne sürekli pide, dürüm vs abanıp da 1.91 boyla skinny fat kalabilmek için özel çaba harcamış vücudum.

Ben yarın gidip üniversitenin leş salonunda işe koyulayım. Zaten program en sevdiğim hareketlerden oluşuyor :>

Çok teşekkür ettim.
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moriarty said:


During Summer 2003 I went on holiday to Turkey with two friends. Some guys who didn’t look like they lifted weights challenged us to armwrestling. I lost against all of them (again!).
olm adam inşaat işçilerine yenilmiş plajda vucut gösteririken hırs yapmış sdgfdfsdfgdadshngsshadhshah
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5x5 istiyosanız orayı şöyle bi kısım eklemiş
If you love to Deadlift, do five reps on your warmup sets. So 1×5 140kg Deadlift would look like 5x60kg, 5x80kg, 5x100kg, 5x120kg, 5x140kg. This gives you several sets of five, but with the weight increasing instead of being the same for 5×5. This gets you more work without the stress of 5×5 140kg.
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Jaegerjaquez said:

moriarty said:


During Summer 2003 I went on holiday to Turkey with two friends. Some guys who didn’t look like they lifted weights challenged us to armwrestling. I lost against all of them (again!).
olm adam inşaat işçilerine yenilmiş plajda vucut gösteririken hırs yapmış sdgfdfsdfgdadshngsshadhshah

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