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Patch 6.0 Patch Notes - Warlords of Draenor

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Welcome to an early look at patch notes for the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion: Warlords of Draenor. The new expansion introduces a wealth of new content and changes. There's also a new patch note format, which we hope will help better convey the reasoning for many of the changes being made and what they mean for you, while providing more background into issues we're trying to solve.

Please be aware that the patch notes are preliminary and not final. Details may change before retail release and new information will be added for additional features as development continues on the Warlords of Draenor expansion.

For more information about Alpha testing and how you can opt in for a chance to participate in the Warlords of Draenor beta test later down the line, check out Warlords of Draenor™ Alpha Testing Begins.

Looking for a TL;DR summary of all of the changes? Here you go!

Character stats have been squished into smaller numbers that are easier to understand. It's important to understand that this is not a nerf as enemies have been squished as well.
A new row of talents has been added for level 100, and new Draenor Perks from levels 91 to 99.
The Garrison is a new feature available in Draenor, where you can build a base, recruit followers, and send them on missions.
We've balanced the functionality of Agility, Strength and Intellect.
Hit and Expertise have been removed; they're no longer needed in order to reliably land attacks!
The pace of healing have been adjusted to allow for more tactical decisionmaking regarding efficiency and throughput, on both single-target and multi-target heals. Passive and auto-targeted healing have been reduced in effectiveness in order to emphasize the actions and choices of healers.
Racial traits have been rebalanced so that all races have similar combat performance.
All classes have had several abilities pruned, with a focus on redundant and less-used abilities, to cut down on button and keybind bloat.
The amount of crowd control in the game (primarily PvP) has been drastically reduced. Many crowd-control abilities have been removed, and many diminishing returns categories are now merged together.
Several common buffs and debuffs have been merged, or removed, where they were redundant.
All characters now learn a few important Major Glyphs automatically as they level up.
The amount of instant healing in the game has been toned down by giving cast times to several instant cast heals.
Vengeance has been redesigned and renamed Resolve. Resolve does not increase outgoing damage, but does now increase tank self-healing and absorption based on damage taken.
Facing requirements (character position) on some prominent abilities have been loosened or removed.
The mana cost of Resurrection spells has been reduced to make it a little easier to recover from a wipe.
Professions no longer have combat benefit perks tied to them.
There are a multitude of class-specific changes, including things like improved distinction between different Talent specializations, and new Masteries. Consult the class-specific sections below for more information.

New Content

Level-100 Talents and Draenor Perks
A new row of talents has been added for level 100. For testing purposes, these are currently accessible at level 90.

Draenor Perks is a new feature that adds rewards for leveling. Over levels 91 to 99, you will earn these 9 new Draenor Perk in a random order. Each class and specialization has a different set of 9 Draenor Perks.

Level-100 talents have been added for all classes!
Draenor Perks have been added for all classes, earned from levels 91 to 99.

The Iron Horde army is massive and reinforcements from Azeroth are few. In order to stand a chance, you will need to build an army of your own.

Undertake an epic quest to build a permanent base of operations on Draenor.
Find blueprints and materials to expand and customize your Garrison.
Recruit followers with unique skills and abilities to your cause.
Send followers on missions to level them up and acquire bonus loot.
Begin the quest for your Garrison in Shadowmoon Valley or Frostfire Ridge.

Game System Changes

Stat Squish
Character progression is one of the defining characteristics of a role-playing game. Naturally, that means that we're continuously adding more power to the game for players to acquire. After 4 expansions and over 9 years of this growth, we've gotten to a point where the numbers involved are no longer easy to grasp. And worse, much of the granularity that's available is tied up in tiers of older content from Molten Core to Dragon Soul, none of which are really relevant anymore. It's no longer necessary for Borean Tundra quest gear to be nearly twice as powerful as Netherstorm quest gear, even though the two zones are only a couple of levels apart.

In order to bring things down to an understandable level, we've reduced the scale of stats throughout the game, back to as if they continued scaling linearly through questing content from levels 1 to 90. This applies to creatures, spells, abilities, consumables, gear, other items... everything. Your stats and damage have been reduced by a huge amount, but so have creatures' health. For example, your Fireball that previously hit a creature for 450,000 out of its 3,000,000 health (15% of its health), may now hit that same creature for 30,000 out of its 200,000 health (still 15% of its health). In effect, you will still be just as powerful, but the numbers that appear will be more easily parsed.

It's important to understand that this isn't a nerf, and we have special handling in place to preserve players' existing ability to solo old content. Players will deal bonus damage against lower-level creatures from past expansions, and will take reduced damage from them.

We've also removed all base damage on player spells and abilities, and adjusted Attack Power or Spell Power scaling as needed, so that all specializations will scale at the same rate.

The amount of stats on items has been reduced to be much lower than before.
Creature stats have been reduced to compensate.

Primary Character Stats and Attack Power
The "primary" stats, Agility, Strength, and Intellect, are foundations of a character's power. But they have not been created equally, making it difficult to properly balance them against secondary stats. The leading reason for this is that Agility and Intellect also provide Critical chance, in addition to Attack Power or Spell Power, whereas Strength does not. In order to achieve better balance, we've removed the Critical chance increase from Agility and Intellect. Still, it felt like Agility-based characters should critically strike more often, so we've raised those classes' baseline Critical Strike chance to compensate.

Agility no longer provides an increased chance to critically strike with melee and ranged attacks or abilities.
Intellect no longer provides an increased chance to critically strike with spells.
The base chance to critically strike is now 5% for all classes. There are no longer different chances to critically strike with melee, ranged, and spells.
There is a new passive, named Critical Strikes, which increases chance to critically strike by 10%.
It is learned by all Rogues, all Hunters, Feral and Guardian Druids, Brewmaster and Windwalker Monks, and Enhancement Shamans.

We've consolidated the way that Attack Power and Spell Power function and scale, to make those values clearer and correct some scaling issues regarding caster weapons relative to physical weapons.

Each point of Agility or Strength now grants 1 Attack Power (down from 2). All other sources of Attack Power now grant half as much as before.
Weapon Damage values on all weapons have been reduced by 20%.
Attack Power now increases Weapon Damage at a rate of 1 DPS per 3.5 Attack Power (up from 1 DPS per 14 Attack Power).
Attack Power, Spell Power, or Weapon Damage now affect the entire healing or damage throughput of player spells.

Active mitigation has worked very well as a tanking model. So, moving forward we want to keep the amount of Dodge and Parry on tanks on the low side. This helps prevent encounters from causing very spiky damage on tanks, which generally isn't much fun. Dodge and Parry gains from Strength and Agility are being reduced to help accomplish this. Additionally, items in Warlords of Draenor will not have Dodge or Parry on them as a stat. Some Dodge and Parry can still be gained through class-specific effects.

The amount of Dodge gained per point of Agility has been reduced by 25%.
The amount of Parry gained per point of Strength has been reduced by 25%.

Hit and Expertise Removal
Hit and Expertise were not fun stats. They acted to remove a penalty, instead of making you stronger. Most players treated Hit/Expertise caps as mandatory (rightfully so), with failure to reach those caps as a trap of sorts. After adjusting, gemming, and reforging gear to meet that cap, players could then go after the actual damage-increasing stats. We decided to remove Hit and Expertise, and make it so you don't need them. We still want melee specializations to attack creatures from behind when possible, so non-tanking specializations will have a 3% chance to be parried that cannot be eliminated.


All players now have a 100% chance to hit, 0% chance to be dodged, 3% chance to be parried, and 0% chance to glance, when fighting creatures up to 3 levels higher (bosses included).
Tank specializations receive an additional 3% reduction in chance to be parried, so tank attacks have a 0% chance to be parried vs. creatures up to 3 levels higher.
Creatures 4+ levels higher than you still have a chance to avoid your attacks in various ways, so as to discourage you from attempting to fight enemies that are much stronger than you.
Dual Wielding still imposes a 17% chance to miss, so as to balance it with two-handed weapon use.
Hit and Expertise bonuses on all items and item enhancements (gems, enchants, etc.) have been converted into Critical Strike, Haste, or Mastery.

Death Knight

Veteran of the Third War now also reduces the chance for attacks to be parried by 3%.


Balance of Power has been removed.
Nature's Focus no longer increases the chance to hit with Moonfire and Wrath.
Thick Hide now also reduces the chance for attacks to be parried by 3%.


Stance of the Wise Serpent no longer increases Hit or Expertise.
Stance of the Sturdy Ox now also reduces the chance for attacks to be parried by 3%.


Divine Fury has been removed.
Spiritual Precision has been removed.


Holy Insight no longer increases the chance to hit with spells.
Sanctuary now also reduces the chance for attacks to be parried by 3%.


Elemental Precision has been removed.
Spiritual Insight no longer increases the chance to hit with Lightning Bolt, Lava Burst, Hex, or Flame Shock.


Unwavering Sentinel now also reduces the chance for attacks to be parried by 3%.

Player Health and Resilience
We're planning several interconnected changes designed to provide better-tuned gameplay for healers and improve the healing dynamic in PvP.

The high amount of base Resilience and Battle Fatigue in Mists of Pandaria caused characters to feel much weaker in PvP than they did in PvE. To address this disparity, we're approaching Warlords of Draenor with the goal of shrinking that gap as much as possible. To reduce dependence on Resilience, we needed to increase player survivability against other players, and we chose to do this by essentially doubling (post-squish) player health.

On its own, that increase in health would make players more survivable in the world at large, so we're also increasing creature damage and the effectiveness of healing spells to balance things out. The net result of these changes is that individual attacks will knock a smaller chunk off of a player's health pool in PvP, but your survivability in PvE remains unaffected.

Doubling player health gave us room to reduce Resilience and Battle Fatigue, but our goal was to be able to remove them entirely. In order to achieve that, we're also reducing PvP spike damage across the board by lowering Critical Damage and Critical Heals against players in PvP to 150% of their normal effect (down from 200%). Our hope is that these changes allow us to reduce Base Resilience and Battle Fatigue to 0%. It's possible that we'll still find a need for some minor amount of Base Resilience and/or Battle Fatigue, and we'll be testing these changes extensively and adjusting as needed.

Base Resilience has been reduced to 0%.
Battle Fatigue has been removed. PvP combat no longer reduces the amount of healing received by PvP participants.
Critical Damage and Critical Heals in PvP combat now deal 150% of the normal spell/ability effects (down from 200%).
The amount of health per Stamina has approximately doubled. The curve on this calculation has been smoothed out as well, so the exact amount varies slightly by level.
Maximum mana has been approximately doubled at all levels to keep pace with the expected health from new Stamina values.
All consumables have had their healing and mana regeneration values approximately doubled.
All creatures have had their melee damage doubled. Most creature spells and abilities have had their damage doubled as well.
All player-cast healing and absorption effects have been increased by approximately 50% in effectiveness. If they heal or absorb a percentage of maximum health, they are instead reduced by 25%. All other noted changes are in terms relative to that.
For example, if another noted change is that "Mega Heal now heals for 40% more," that means that Mega Heal now heals for a total of 210% of what it used to, which is relatively 40% higher, compared to other heals.

Retuning Healing Spells
One of our goals for healing is to tone down the raw throughput of healers relative to the size of player health pools. Currently, as healers and their allies acquire better and better gear, the percentage of a player's health that any given heal restores increases significantly. As a result, healers are able to refill health bars so fast that we have to make damage more and more “bursty” in order to challenge them. Ideally, we want players to spend some time below full health without having healers feel like their groupmates are in danger of dying at any moment. We also think that healer gameplay would be more varied, interesting, and skillful if your allies spent more time between 0% and 100%, rather than just getting damaged quickly to low health, forcing the healer to then scramble to get them back to 100% as quickly as possible.

To that end, we're buffing heals less than we're increasing player health. Heals will be deliberately less potent compared to health pools than before the item squish. Additionally, as gear improves, the scaling rates of health and healing will now be very similar, so the relative power of any given healing spell shouldn't climb so much over the course of this expansion. For those concerned about what this means for raiding, don't worry—we're taking all of these changes into account when designing Raid content for Warlords of Draenor.

It's also important to note that spells that heal based on a percentage of maximum health are being effectively buffed by the massive increase to player health pools, so we're lowering those percentages to offset the effect. That may make them appear to have been nerfed—however, the net result is that those percentage-based heals stay about the same as before relative to other heals.

All of these changes apply to damage-absorption shields as well. Additionally, we're toning down the power of damage absorption in general. When they get too strong, absorption effects are often used in place of direct healing, instead of as a way to supplement it. We will, of course, take these changes into account when tuning specializations that rely heavily on absorbs, such as Discipline Priests.

We also took a look at healing spells that were passive or auto-targeted (so-called "smart" heals). We want healers to care about who they're targeting and which heals they're using,so that their decisions matter more. To that end, we're reducing the healing of many passive and auto-targeted heals, and making smart heals a little less smart. Smart heals will now randomly pick any injured target within range instead of always picking the most injured target. Priority will still be given to players over pets, of course.

Another of our goals for healing in this expansion is to strike a better balance between single-target and multi-target healing spells. We've taken a close look at the mana efficiency of our multi-target heals, and in many cases, we're reducing their efficiency, usually by reducing the amount they heal. Sometimes, but more rarely, raising their mana cost was a better decision. We want players to use multi-target heals, but they should only be better than their single-target equivalents when they heal more than two players without any overhealing. This way, players will face a meaningful choice between whether to use a single-target heal or a multi-target heal based on the situation.

Finally, we're removing the low-throughput, low-mana-cost heals like Nourish, Holy Light, Heal, and Healing Wave, because we think that while they do add complexity, they don't truly add depth to healing gameplay. (We're also renaming some spells to re-use those names. For example, Greater Healing Wave is being redubbed Healing Wave.) However, we still want healers to think about their mana when deciding which heal to cast, and so the mana costs and throughputs of many spells are being altered to give players a choice between spells with lower throughput and lower cost versus spells with higher throughput and higher costs. Here are some examples from each healer class.

Druid Higher Efficiency: Healing Touch, Rejuvenation, Efflorescence
Druid Higher Throughput: Regrowth, Wild Growth

Monk Higher Efficiency: Soothing Mist, Renewing Mist
Monk Higher Throughput: Surging Mist, Spinning Crane Kick

Paladin Higher Efficiency: Holy Light, Holy Shock, Word of Glory, Light of Dawn
Paladin Higher Throughput: Flash of Light, Holy Radiance

Priest Higher Efficiency: Greater Heal, Circle of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Holy Nova (new Discipline-only version), Penance
Priest Higher Throughput: Flash Heal, Prayer of Healing

Shaman Higher Efficiency: Healing Wave, Riptide, Healing Rain
Shaman Higher Throughput: Healing Surge, Chain Heal

All of this discussion of efficiency may cause most healers to start worrying about mana regeneration and their mana pool. To allay those concerns, we've increased base mana regeneration a great deal at early gear levels, while having it scale up less at later gear levels. This will make all of these changes play well even in early content such as Heroic Dungeons and the first tier of Raid content, and also play well in the final Raid tier without mana and efficiency becoming irrelevant due to extremely high regeneration values.

That's a lot of big changes for healers: reduced throughput, a more deliberate pace, less powerful “smart” heals, weaker absorbs, fewer spells, and a new focus on efficiency decisions. We're confident that we can apply lessons learned from previous expansions to make this the best healer experience yet: more dynamic, less punishing, and frankly a lot more fun.

General Changes:

Smart heals will now randomly pick any injured target within range, instead of always picking the most injured target. Priority will still be given to players over pets.
Long-cast-time single-target heals, such as Greater Heal and Healing Touch, now cost roughly half as much as fast-cast-time single-target heals, such as Flash of Light or Healing Surge, and heal for roughly the same amount.
Every class has multiple area healing spells available, some low throughput and efficient, others high throughput and inefficient.
Area healing spells are tuned to be less efficient than single-target healing spells when they heal 2 or fewer targets, and more efficient when they heal 3 or more targets,
Spells with cooldowns or limitations may have higher efficiency than the no-cooldown equivalents.

Racial Traits
We want races to have fun and interesting perks, but if those traits are too powerful, players may feel compelled to play a specific race even if it doesn't suit their aesthetic preference. For example, Trolls' Berserking ability was extremely powerful, and their Beast Slaying passive was often irrelevant, but occasionally tremendously powerful compared to other racial passives. On the other end of the spectrum, many races had few or no performance affecting perks. We also needed to replace or update a number of racials that previously granted Hit or Expertise, since those stats have been removed.

We decided to bring down the couple high outliers, then establish a fair baseline and bring everyone else up to that. We achieved that by improving old passives, replacing obsolete ones, and occasionally adding new ones where needed. Our goal with these changes is to reach parity amongst races.

Blood Elf

Arcane Acuity is a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike chance by 1%.
Arcane Torrent now restores 20 Runic Power for Death Knights (up from 15 Runic Power), 1 Holy Power for Paladins, or 3% of mana for Mages, Priests, and Warlocks (up from 2% of Mana). Other parts of the ability remain unchanged.


Heroic Presence has been redesigned. It no longer increases Hit by 1%, and instead increases Strength, Agility, and Intellect, scaling with character level.
Gift of the Naaru now heals for the same amount over 5 seconds (down from 15 seconds).


Crack Shot has been removed (was 1% Expertise with ranged weapons).
Mace Specialization (was 1% Expertise with maces) has been replaced with Might of the Mountain.
Might of the Mountain is a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike bonus damage and healing dealt by 2%.
Stoneform now also removes magic and curse effects in addition to poison, disease, and bleed effects, along with reducing damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds. It remains unusable while the Dwarf is under the effects of crowd control.


Expansive Mind now increases maximum mana, energy, rage, and Runic Power by 5% instead of only increasing maximum mana.
Escape Artist's cooldown has been reduced to 1 minute (down from 1.5 minutes).
Shortblade Specialization (was 1% Expertise with one-handed swords and daggers) has been replaced with Nimble Fingers.
Nimble Fingers is a new racial passive ability that increases Haste by 1%.


Time is Money now grants a 1% increase to Haste (up from only attack speed and spell haste).


Mace Specialization has been removed (was 1% Expertise with maces).
Sword Specialization has been removed (was 1% Expertise with swords).
The Human Spirit has been redesigned. It no longer increases Spirit by 3%, and instead now increases 2 secondary stats by an amount scaling with character level. You can choose which 2 secondary stats it increases. This has not yet been implemented.

Night Elf

Quickness now also increases movement speed by 2% in addition to increasing Dodge chance by 2%.
Touch of Elune is a new passive ability which increases Haste by 1% at night, and Critical Strike chance by 1% during the day.


Axe Specialization has been removed (was 1% Expertise with axes).
Command now increases pet damage by 1% (down from 2%).
Hardiness now reduces the duration of Stun effects by 10% (down from 15%).


Brawn is a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike bonus damage and healing done by 2%.
Endurance now increases Stamina by an amount scaling with character level, instead of increasing Base Health by 5%.


Berserking now increases Haste by 15% (down from 20%).
Beast Slaying now increases XP earned from killing Beasts by 20%, instead of increasing damage dealt versus Beasts by 5%.
Dead Eye has been removed (was 1% Expertise with ranged weapons).


Will of the Forsaken's cooldown has been increased to 3 minutes (up from 2 minutes).
Undead can no breath underwater indefinitely.
Mesaj tarihi:
Bir yerden nerflerken bir yerden de perk koymuşlar, 91-100 arası 9 tane rasgele perk gelecek, 100 de hepsini almış olacaksınız.


Birde yukarıda link e tıklayarak bakın buraya koymaya kalksam 3-4 post da anca sığardı herhalde.
  • 3 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
beta key buldum, çok fazla oynayamadım max 2-3 saat şimdilik, mekanlar, atmosfer, görevler vs hepsi çok güzel olmuş, böyle devam ederse bu paket en az wotlk kadar iyi olacak, her şey çok güzel gözüküyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
aff warlock un ağzına etmişler. her soul swap 1 soul shard yiyor ve drain soul her kill de 1 soul shard veriyor. kil'jaeden cunning i kullanmanın hiç bir manası kalmamış iyide olmuş gerçi, başka talent kullanan yoktu destro da.archimonde vengance daha kullanışlı her spec için.
  • 2 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Sırf dağa taşa veriyorum kendimi şu oyunda artık.
Gerçi epeydir oynamıyorum game time lar 60 küsür olduğundan beri 1 kere aldım.
Hala da anlamış değilim neden bir anda artırdıklarını fiytların.
Mesaj tarihi:

şu druid humanoid cat form süper görünüyor haha, ne kadar işe yarar bilemem tabi.

benim dişi karakterde mi böyle görünecek acaba =p

Claws of Shirvallah
Requires Druid (Feral)
Requires level 100
Renegade Druids have developed the ability to shapeshift into a creature half man and half cat. This alternate Cat Form allows the use of all non-damaging Druid spells while shapeshifted, and increases Versatility by 5%.

Mesaj tarihi:
mytheron said:

Sırf dağa taşa veriyorum kendimi şu oyunda artık.
Gerçi epeydir oynamıyorum game time lar 60 küsür olduğundan beri 1 kere aldım.
Hala da anlamış değilim neden bir anda artırdıklarını fiytların.

Mesaj tarihi:
Betaya girip birkaç saat adam gibi oynayabildim sonunda. Henüz eksikler çok fazla, kimisi henüz tamamlanmamış yerler, kimisi de content çok erken dökülmesin diye kasten omit edilmiş. Yine de atmosfer zevk veriyor şimdilik. Level 90 premade karakterle Dark Portal geçişini yapıp Tanaan'da ilk ana quest serisini yaptırıyor, sonra Garrison hedesini de denemek üzere Shadowmoon'a gönderiyor.

Leveling bildiğimiz leveling de, Garrison olayı keyifli gibi görünüyor. Bu Clash of Clans vs. oyunların WoW içi versiyonu resmen, yarın öbür gün Armory'den kontrol ya da iPad uygulaması vb. gelebilir bile :p Pay to win bir yapı göremedim ama canlıya geçince olur mu bilmem.

Item/stat squish olayı harika. MoP sonunda buffsız neredeyse 1 milyon HP'si olan tanklar falan türedi, 6 expansion'da 7k HP'den 1m HP'ye gelinmesi mantıklı değil. Bunda da 10m mi olsaydık? Nerf değil de paradan altı sıfır atılması gibi bakmak daha mantıklı buna.

Class'lara köklü değişiklikler gelmesi de aynı oranda mantıklı. Dört action bar yetmez oldu, Razer Naga falan gibi saçma sapan fareler resmen WoW expansionları nedeniyle türedi neredeyse. Kimisi overpowered, kimisi gereksiz, kimisi pasif olsa olur derken tüm bu şeyleri kaldırmışlar.

Kendi karakterimden basit birkaç örnek verirsem, Combat Rogue'da artık Fan of Knives yok, çünkü orantısız bir AoE damage oluyordu ve diğer speclere biraz haksızlık gibiydi bu, ama AoE damage da iyice düşmesin diye Blade Flurry artık vurduğu yancı targetlara da poison trigger ediyor. Rupture kalkmış, çünkü aynı anda bulunması gereken 4-5 finisher birden vardı artık ve refleksten çok görev/algoritma haline gelmişti bunların rotasyonu. Shadow Blades kalkmış, onun yerine çok güzel bir Level 100 talent line gelmiş. Bunun gibi kimisi dengesizliği ortadan kaldıran, kimisi gereksiz olduğu için silinen, kimisi de başka yerden telafi edilen değişiklikler.

Henüz deneyemediğim ama patch note'larda yer alan diğer bazı süper noktalar;

- Cap'lemek allahın emri haline gelen Hit ve Expertise oyundan kalkıyor, yanında Reforge işini de götürüyor. Bunun yerine Versatility, Multistrike ve Bonus Armor diye "olsa bonus olur, hangisi olacağı da biraz size biraz şansa kalmış" statlar geliyor.
- Instant healing oldukça ciddi nerfleniyor. Absorb/overheal mantığında da değişikliklere gidiliyor. Biraz daha düşünerek ve ne yaptığını bilerek heal edilmesi amaçlanıyor.
- CC efektleriin çoğu kaldırılıyor ya da nerfleniyor, kalanların da DR pool'ları ciddi biçimde merge yiyor.
- İşe yaramayan Racial Ability'ler için toptan bir gözden geçirme yapılıyor.
- Profession'lardan oyunu etkileyen self bufflar kaldırılıyor. (Kendine über gem kesme, Agility veren kalıcı flask vb. gibi.)
- Gathering skill'leri artık "x node'unu toplamak için y skilli lazım" şeklinde çalışmıyor. Dünyanın herhangi bir yerindeki node'u açabiliyoruz, skill'imize göre çeşit ve adet materyal çıkıyor.

Şu haliyle expansion Vanilla/TBC/WotLK arası, hepsinin iyi yönlerini barındıran bir şey olacak gibi görünüyor. Tabii bu hala sadece closed beta ve tüm bu yazılanların düzgünce yapılacağına dair iyimser bir tahmin. Beklediğimiz gibi olur diye umuyoruz, görüciiz.
Mesaj tarihi:
mop dışındaki contenti yaparken buff veriyor oldukça kolay yapılıyormuş bosslar genelde bir dakikadan kısa sürüyormuş solo.

mop için buff yok ama level farkından ötürü onunda yapılabileceğini söyleyen tweet vardı muhtemelen öncekiler kadar rahat olmasada şimdinin cataclysm contentinden de zor olmaz.
Bu konu yeni mesajlara artık kapalıdır.
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