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Google Boston Dynamics'i satın aldı

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
oha lan harbiden. bu adamlar darpa için robot üretiyodu yani hükümete, şimdi google yönetiminde devam edecek sanırım.

It is the eighth robotics company that Google has acquired in the last half-year.

yuh mekanik godzilla mı üretiyonuz lan
Mesaj tarihi:
Also very recently Valkyrie was revealed; this was NASA's entry into the DARPA Robotics Challenge. Some of the other contenders? Well, there's ATLAS for one - developed by Boston Dynamics.
For some context, this is the same type of challenge as the DARPA Urban challenge, which was a progression from the previous automated vehicle challenge, which also happened to spawn many interesting things - the Google self-driving car. The heads of that project also plugged OpenCourseware, which took off massively since then.
So Tl;Dr - Google basically just gatecrashed the next DARPA challenge; the last time they did this, we got the first real self-driving car AND OpenCourseware. Let's see where it goes this time.
Mesaj tarihi:
toggie said:

boston dynamics diyince aklıma hep massive dynamic geliyo. bunu daha once de yazmıstım sanırım forumda.

ahah benim de aklıma direk bu geldi lan.

ilk fırsatta android telefonumu denize atıyorum, ateş eder falan sdfg=P
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