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vücut geliştirme #4


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dün aletler doluydu serbest squat yapıyım dedim.

20 ser taktım 18 de bar.

böyle nasıl desem yaparken sırtüstü yapışıyodum yere, bi türlü dengeyi sağlayamadım falan. neden olur ki bu?

üstüne boyun omurlarıma binen yük yüzünden agrı var bugun oralarda.

oldum olası sevemedim squatı ya. düz leg press yapsam yetmiyo mu?

bodybuilding forumlarında şöyle bi post var:

"A lot of squat Nazi's will tell you that squats are a must, and supply a ton of broscience to back it up.

Both work the entire leg; quads, hams, glutes and calves. I think the biggest difference is that the squat tends to be a common measure of strength.

Just as with the squat, as long as you use a proper range of motion and progressive resistance, the gains will come.

If the bar hurts on a squat, you are most likely just not accustomed to the pressure, or not placing the bar on the traps (and perhaps on the neck)."
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