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Elite: Dangerous

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Mesaj tarihi:
A "Season" lasts one year and will contain multiple content updates. The scope of these updates are similar to those of the basegame, also refered to as "Season 1"
List of Season 1 Updates:
Community Goals
Season 2 (Horizons) does include the basegame. It's not playable without.
When you preorder Horizons now, you can start playing the basegame directly. this wasn't possible a week ago (they opened the basegame due to Horizons release date)
List of Horizons features (not necessary in that order):
Shiplaunched fighters
Character customization
Horizons owners can play with Basegame owners together in onw galaxy
Basegame owners can not land on planets with Horizons owners
the basegame will further recieve updates and some content from Horizons (will probabl be limited). for example: Materials will be collectable in space as well, not only on planets, so basegame owners get access to them as well. (I expect the best materials to be planets only)
If future Seasons will include the content of the prior Seasons is yet unknown, but likely to happen. that means buy Season 4, get Season 2 and 3 as well.
They will probably announce Season 3 in Q3/4 of 2016
Horizons will probably get cheaper in under 1 year of time, around the announcement of Season 3.
If Horizons will come on Steam is yet unknown
You have a 30 day refund right due to UK law when you buy through the frontier store"">
"Frontier will release new "Seasons" for 60$ every year. People who own the game get a discount and can buy it for 45$. It's basically a Season Pass.
A "Season" lasts one year and will contain multiple content updates. The scope of these updates are similar to those of the basegame, also refered to as "Season 1"
List of Season 1 Updates:
Community Goals
Season 2 (Horizons) does include the basegame. It's not playable without.
When you preorder Horizons now, you can start playing the basegame directly. this wasn't possible a week ago (they opened the basegame due to Horizons release date)
List of Horizons features (not necessary in that order):
Shiplaunched fighters
Character customization
Horizons owners can play with Basegame owners together in onw galaxy
Basegame owners can not land on planets with Horizons owners
the basegame will further recieve updates and some content from Horizons (will probabl be limited). for example: Materials will be collectable in space as well, not only on planets, so basegame owners get access to them as well. (I expect the best materials to be planets only)
If future Seasons will include the content of the prior Seasons is yet unknown, but likely to happen. that means buy Season 4, get Season 2 and 3 as well.
They will probably announce Season 3 in Q3/4 of 2016
Horizons will probably get cheaper in under 1 year of time, around the announcement of Season 3.
If Horizons will come on Steam is yet unknown
You have a 30 day refund right due to UK law when you buy through the frontier store" said:

Mesaj tarihi:
Bayaadir girmemiştim oyuna. Hadi dedim bir gireyim. Baktım CQN falan diye bir şey var, girdim aa DM, TDM, CTF.. Oh dedim süper.

Arkadaş, 3 oyunda 2 kişi öldürebildim sadece. Maşallah..
Mesaj tarihi:
5000LY Lagoon nebuladayim. omega nebulaya dogru yol aliyorum. it gibi yildiz oldugu icin kimsenin kesfetmedigi bir suru buldum.

merkeze dogru ilerliyorum bakalim.

nasil bir sans ise artik bilmem kac milyar yildiz icinde patlamis bir gemi artigi buldum. gittim exploration cache vardi ama hizli gittigim icin carptim parcalandi :(

sanirim bir sekilde olursek tekrar ayni yere gidip kaybettigimiz tum datayi aliyoruz geriye bir sekilde. tabii carpmadan :)
Mesaj tarihi:

onca yol geldim sadece bir tane dunya tarzi yasanabilir yer kesfettim..


mantiksizcasina keyif aliyorum, euro truck sim misali... birde zaman akip gidiyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
frontier store'dan preorder yapınca mevcut eski oyuna sahip olanlara 12.5€ discount yapıyor 37,5€ oluyor fiyatı.

bunun steamde preorderı yok mu şuan yav? o kadar enparadan biriktirdik.
Mesaj tarihi:

Bro aynı kafadanız bak

Hastayım bu oyuna ben ha
Bu arada
EDFX gibi bişi var o grafikleri inanılmaz güezelleştiriyor indir onuda.

Cobra mı alsam exploration için yoksa ne yapsam 1,2m para oldu
Mesaj tarihi:

herf hurf sonunda. simdi geri donus :) 23-24 saat surmustur gidis.

No Gods or Men, Only Stars!


Mesaj tarihi:
Core. Giderken nebulalara ugradim birde her yildizi inceledim surface scannerla, 4-5 tane earth like buldum simdide donuste neutron star ve kara delik tarlasi varmis ona gidiyorum..

Explorerda elite status sanirim inanilmaz zor.
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