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Call to Arms : DFUW

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Mortis said:

Vay dun gece 10k idin 15k olmusun. Nasil yaptin

abi gizli feat gelmis freaklerden . Bir de ne oldursem skin yapiyorum ordan eyes nipples derken veriyor bol bol
benim tsde sesimin cikmamasinin sebebi 3g baglantiymis. dun paragraflar kurdum anlasilir ^^
ben Primalist
Mesaj tarihi:
sabah işe gitmeden önce 20-25 dakka mine yapiim dedim, angfrost şehrinin dibindeki madenleri kazıodum. ara ara ayak sesi gelio bakınıorum bizim alliancedan adamlar oluodu genelde. 2. iron node sonlarına doğru gene ayak sesleri gelmeye başladı arkamı bi döndüm alliance'dan olmayan 40k skirmisher yardırıo bana doğru.

hemen sarıldım bi ağaca yarı cana kadar indirdi beni ama adamı da uğraştırdım baya. adam etrafımda dönerken, 100m ilerdeki madenciyi gördü. adam benle uğraşıo diye bıraktı beni diğer adama yardırdı direk bende ata atlayıp, girdim şehre. diğer madencinin çığlıkları geliodu şehrin kapısını açarken :) 100ore'u kurtardık
Mesaj tarihi:
Gelecek contentler ile ilgili post geldi Tasos'dan. Zamanlamaları da var. Önümüzdeki 2 ay bizi neler bekliyor görebiliyoruz az çok bu posttan:

Tasos said:

Today we’ll give you a look into some of our scheduled updates for the next couple of months. This is something we've never done before, but it is the way we want things for Darkfall Unholy Wars, involving the community, our players, in our future plans.

These are just some of the things we have planned that we’re reasonably sure will be added to the game according to the schedule. There is also a “Community Issues” component in our content updates and patches that will be addressing player concerns, issues and working on player suggestions on a regular basis. You can see an example of the kind of content this includes in the first update on the 3d week of May.

I will stress again that this list is not exhaustive. We will be adding a lot more to every update and we’ll more updates and patches than the ones listed here. We're giving you an idea so that we can maintain a discussion on things to come based on insight and scheduled updates.

May Week 3:

The third week of May we’re adding our first major Dungeon and addressing a several community issues we had prioritized. This update among other things will include:

New Troll monsters
New Zombie monsters
New Troll Lord monster
New Cave Troll Monsters
New Dungeon: Iriendir

Community Issues:

Party Kill Round Robin: We’re implementing a party distribution system that operates in a round robin fashion.
Holding Protection Shards: We’re implementing a protection shard mechanic that operates through the clan GUI and uses Dominion Points.
Territory Control map painting: We’ve been investigating the possibility of painting territories on the map. This is more a visual enhancement rather than an actual gameplay effect
Clan holding improved crafting: The purpose is implementing crafting operations in clan holdings that also more efficient, costing less gold, and having a higher success rate. This is one of the measures to be taken to increase clan holding worth.
New Unique Resources: We will have several (at least 10) completely new unique resources that will be used as special rewards.
Smaller Strong Boxes: Their current size allows players to block passages with them and this was obviously not their intended use.
Reduced Building Costs: Clan holding building costs are to be reduced, as well as clan holding building hit points, and increased dominion gained when destroying clan holding buildings.

May, week 4:

This is the week where the 3d Elementalist School is completed and added to the game. Also some more of the scheduled additions include:
New Malaut Monsters
Monster boss for Broadherne, called “Below Whisperer”
Monster boss for Broadherne called “Below Nightmare”

June, week 1:

This week we will address prioritized community issues, suggestions, and concerns.
This is also the week which kicks off the Naval Era for Darkfall Unholy Wars and we will be adding a new Warship to the game.

June, week 2:

We will be adding another Warship to the game
New monsters: a mix of Trolls and Spiders

June, week 3:

This week we’re adding the Markets to the game after a lot of work that was needed to complete them.
We will also add the 3d Warrior School.
We’re adding a new major dungeon, Marthnyr
Another major dungeon, Hardruk.
We will be addressing a list of prioritised community issues
We will add another Warship to the game.
New monsters: 2 Cave Hags
New Boss monster: Cave Hag Boss

June, week 4:

This week we’ll be adding the 3d Skirmisher School
We’re also adding a fourth Warship.

July, week 2:

This week we’re adding the 3d Primalist School and all roles will now have 3 schools each.
We’re also adding another dungeon: Svartvann
New Monsters: Icejarl
We’ll also be addressing a variety of prioritized community issues.

July, week 3
This is the the apex of the naval war era and we’re adding Sea Fortresses
We’re also adding the new Backpack
Big Boss, the Ragaizan.

July, week 4:

We’re adding Resource Monoliths to the game with all the implications these have for PvP
We’re adding Utility Ships
A new dungeon: Dulguna
New monsters, Melechars Family
The Bloodknight
We’re also going to address a variety of prioritized community issues.

That’s just a brief presentation of some of the things to come, and a taste of how we’re going to proceed with adding content to the game as well as the frequency of the content updates. As I mentioned above, this is far from being a complete list. We will be working well outside the things we’ve included here and we will go into detail in the days and weeks to come, explaining everything and interacting with the community.

As always, your feedback is important to us.

Thank you for reading.
Mesaj tarihi:
totalde 2 ayda her roleun 3. schoolu gelio 2 haftaya elementalistin gelio ilk olarak. Hangisi belli değil ama ^^

asıl haftaya bu round robin kill gelio parti içerisinde o güzel olacak

beraber spawnlara gidip toplu halde hızlıca mob keseriz kim kime vuracak ben onu alayım vs derdi olmadan. çok hızlı killeri bölüşebiliriz güzel olur.

Bu clan şehirlerinde craftingin daha ucuz olması ve sucess ratinginin yüksek olması ile bizim kesinlikle bir clan alliance a katılıp şehire dadanmamız gerektiğini gösteriyor.

Tek sıkıntı genel olarak Feat olayını düzeltecek bişey yok, hani kesilmesi gereken mob sayısında azalma veya daha değişik featler vs. yok. O konuda da bir gelişme bekliyordum açıkcası.
Mesaj tarihi:
feat olayı o kadar kötü değil ya. genel olarak millet 30k'yı geçmiş daha 1 ay dolmadı. 30k oyunda 1 class için yeterli pp zaten. 1 ayda oraya ulaşmak ortalama için son derece iyi.

geçişler kolaylaştırılabilir bence. atıyorum 150 kill yerine kademeli olarak 50-100-150 gibisinden. zıplama yerine adım adım ilerlese.
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi canımı cok sıkan konulardan biri de ayrintilarin rakamlarla, formullerle verilmemesi

Attunement to Air
This buff increases your lightning protection and anybody attacking you will receive a large percentage of their damage returned.

cooldown kactir . skill i kac arttirirsam cooldown kaca duser . Ne kadar sure etki eder . Bir stat ile bonus alir mi vb

ben mi goremiyorum abi bunlari var mi oyun icinden ogrenebileceigim bir yer?
Mesaj tarihi:
weaponsmith mastery'i alt ile almayı ciddi ciddi düşünmeye başladım ama... smelting mastery için 100 skill gerekiyor mu biliyor musunuz? şimdi weaponsmith 100 yaptık diyelim, çok büyük bir problem değil. fakat refine skilleri inanılmaz yavaş artıyor belli bir noktadan sonra. ben toplamda 6-7k cloth yaptım, weaving hala 90'ın başlarında. artmıyor resmen. weaving mastery için acaba 100 skill istiyor mu?
Bu konu yeni mesajlara artık kapalıdır.
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