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Camelot Unchained aka Dark Age of Camelot

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Mesaj tarihi:

Mark Jacobs abi olaya el atmış martta kickstarter başlıyo şimdilik pek bi detay yok ama gene Daoc tarzında olucak gibi rvr focused denmiş yarım saat önce video yayınlandı facebook üzerinde.


comment " brogarn 34 minutes ago
I'm throwing money at my monitor but nothing's happening. "



Afiyet olsun.

/emote * Tears of Joy *

What will we see new in this game that wasn't in DAoC and WAR?

A lot. The biggest difference is that RvR isn't the endgame -- it's the only game. Every system, skill, ability, gameplay element, etc., is geared toward RvR. There's almost no PvE (just a training area, some special events, etc.), and everything we add will always be tied into RvR.
Mesaj tarihi:
BonePART said:

levelingsiz grindsiz daoc mu olur lan

ahah şimdi olsa daoc milletin ciddi ciddi zorunlu party kurup hergün saatlerce mor at kesiceğine inanıyor musun abi asdfasdf
Mesaj tarihi:
Do you see this as the spiritual successor to Dark Age of Camelot?

No, not really. While legally I would be able to make a spiritual successor to Dark Age of Camelot, I would rather focus on making this game great rather than on it as a sequel. I want this one to stand on its own, even if it does draw on some of the same literature and traditions.

I'd like it to be very clear that we are not making a sequel. I won't try to tell DAoC players that our new project will meet all their desires in this regard. I have always valued their trust, so while I want the people who played my past games to look at this one and get excited, I won't go around shouting that it's the "spiritual successor to the greatest RvR MMO evar!" I'd rather simply say that we are working on a great concept for a new RvR-focused MMO that draws on some familiar European myths and legends, then go from there.

Meh hevesim kaçtı şimdiden.
Mesaj tarihi:
daoc un eski zamanlarında kağıt üstünde hangi parçaya hangi bonuslar olsun diye hesaplayıp bir craftera yaptırıyordun.
craft için de pve gerekmiyordu 0 pve alabiliyordun gear.
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