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29 TL 'ye Windows 8 pro isteyen.

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  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:
spurdo said:

bedavaya full activation var :3
>microsofta para vermek

Para vermek etik bir tercih. Bedave olanı yaptım bende, sonra da gidip satın aldım ve yeni anahtarı girdim.
Mesaj tarihi:
reampage said:

o bedava olan aktivasyonların günün birinde hadi bakalım buraya kadarmış denme ihtimalı var (offline mod telefonla yapılanları) ama para verilince öle bi durum zor.

valla abi hep bi çözümü bulunuyor. şu anda service pack harici güncellemede kurmuyorum o yüzden sorun yok. xp ve vista döneminde güncelleme kurduktan sonra pc nin çökmesi , ve kurulurken elektrik gidip çökmesi sorununu yaşadım. service pack çıktıkça kuruyorum o da sorun yaratmıyor. kimse güncelleyin falan demesin,hiç bir faydasını görmedim win 95 ten beri güncelleme kurmanın.

virüs falanda bulaşmıyor hiç,ne antivirüs var ne bişey,bi combo+smitfraudfix atarım girdimi ne varsa temizler.ki öyle saçma sapan yerlerdede geziyorum,her gördüğüm linke tıklıyorum
  • 2 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
bu indirim kodlarından elinde fazla olan var mı ya?

bir tane daha lazım oldu bana da, verebilecek veya makul fiyata satabilecek olan varsa alırım
  • 2 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
aynen öyle diyor. şöyle bir çözüm uyguladım, çalıştı ama bakalım nereye kadar =)


1. Run the registry editor (regedit)
2. Find the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSetupOOBE
3. Change the value for 'MediaBootInstall' from 1 to 0
4. Open an elevated command prompt (run as admin)
5. Run the following command: slmgr -rearm
6. Reboot

If you already entered your key, check the activation: for me it was already activated and I needed to do nothing more. If not, type in activate windows and type in the key; it should work. Also, do yourself a favor and export this key from regedit and save it somewhere if you ever are required to do another clean install. I know I did.

I had the same issue here, and it's simply asinine. Have the INSTALLER check for a copy of Windows 7 or lower on a hard disk before INSTALLING Windows 8; that way, we can have a clean install LIKE IT LETS US DO. Either that, or remove the option altogether. Most importantly: inform your customers of this limitation (because telling them that they can do a clean install using update media, while true, is VERY misleading when the product license won't allow it).

In short, it's bull-poo (I wanted to use a word that rhymes with 'trap' but obviously that's too vulgar. Enjoy "bull-poo" because what it implies is actually worse) like this that leads to pirating. If I hadn't found the registry edit, I had 3 options as I saw it:

1. Uninstall Win8, reinstall Win7, upgrade Win7 to Win8 (makes a lot of sense, right? Especially seeing that I didn't know my key wasn't activated until hours after entering it, and had already installed drivers and software)
2. Buy a 'full' Win8 product key (There's an extra couple bucks that I didn't need...)
or 3. Pirate it

Hint: I was leaning towards 3. I already paid, I had every right to use the software I just purchased without having to jump through hoops or repurchase Win8 for both my PCs (not to mention, I own so many Microsoft products: from some of their mice to their phone to an Xbox...).

(I'm in no way endorsing pirating, just saying simply that this is generally the root cause--aside from pricing--and it's time that companies begin to realize that. Restrictive DRM generally leads to more frustration from your customers and more pirating results. Period. Rather than muddying the legal waters through lobbying, take preventive action and serve your customers...)
Mesaj tarihi:
"metro" yu çöpe atıp start menüsünü geri getirmeyi planlıyorlarmış gibi,

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