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UEFA CL 1.Maç | Machester Utd. - Galatasaray | 19.09.2012 @21.45

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Kimsenin aklı Havada falan degil sadece geçmişte yaptiklarimizi hatırlayıp seviniyor insanlar.. Üstüne resmi siteden Manu da unutmadik mesajları verince seviniyor insan..
Mesaj tarihi:

Manutd.com said:

Giggs' Turkish memories

Ryan Giggs admits his first experience of playing against Galatasaray - Wednesday's Champions League opponents - is one that will stay with him forever.

The Reds were famously welcomed 'to hell' on arrival in Turkey in November 1993 on their first ever trip to Galatasaray. The game ended goalless, with United being eliminated from the competition on away goals following the 3-3 draw at Old Trafford two weeks earlier, but the night will forever be remembered for the raucous home fans and altercation between Bryan Robson and the Turkish police.

"I remember it vividly. It's one of those memories that will always stick with you," he told ManUtd.com. "When we arrived at the airport, there were all the banners and thousands of fans screaming at you.

"There were things thrown at us when we were driving away on the coach, fans outside the hotel chanting all night making sure we didn't get any sleep and people phoning the hotel rooms. It had everything.

"But they were a good team and a good club. It is a fantastic game to be involved in, especially away from home. It is an atmosphere a lot of the lads won't have witnessed before.

"The atmosphere back then was something I tried to enjoy as much as I could," he adds. "The manager told us to go on the pitch and sample the atmosphere. The fans had been in the ground for hours and hours so it was buzzing 90 minutes before kick-off.

"We were stood in the middle of the pitch watching the fans chant. It was one stand to another. It was a brilliant atmosphere if I am honest but obviously the game didn't pan out the way we wanted.
Mesaj tarihi:
İngilizlere karsı hic ters gelemedik ya ulkece. Adamlar oynadıgımız macların %95'inde ezdi. Mesela GS'nin MANU ile 4 macı var. 3 beraberlik, 1 maglubiyet.

Benim hatırladıgım BJK'nin Chealsea galibiyeti var. Bi de 2-1 kazanıp rovansta 8 yedigi Pool macı. GS'nin de Leeds'e karsı zaferi var. Bir de Benitez'in yedek kulubesinde uyudugu 3-2'lik formalite macı. Bolic var bi de FB'nin deplasmandaki MANU galibiyeti.

Cok nadir ters gelmisiz.
Mesaj tarihi:
BJKnın da deplasmanda manu galibiyeti var, hani her yerinden öpüyorum Rüştü diye hatırladığımız. Yani 3 büyüklerin deplasmanda Manu galibiyeti var. Genel istatistik olarak tabii ki eziyolar ama Türk olsalar derler yani bize ters geliyo bunlar diye. :D

İngilizler diil manulular diyebilirler diye şeyetmiştim.
Mesaj tarihi:
benim hatirladigim sir alex in ilk defa CL grup maci oncesi as adamlarini dinlendirdigi icin ben feci tirsiyorum. bi de takimdaki bir cok adamin ilk CL maci olacak; takim ilk defa bu derece bi rakiple test edilecek falan. insallah imparator kazanma gazina cok tutulup ekstra ilerde oynatmaz takimi.
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