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Pillars of Eternity

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Mesaj tarihi:
Yav hee he.

Damage in bir kısmı instant değil, DoT olarak vuruluyor - Bu oluşan DoT u başka ability ile giderebiliyorsun. Base mechanic WoW monk ile birebir, elbette başka şeylere de benziyor olabilir. Ama nereden alındığı belli.
Mesaj tarihi:
Kinetic shield shield bonus veren bi ability değil miydi? Bu da evet wowdakine benziyor mekanik olarak, damage yedikçe dot charge alıyorsun, üstündeki chargeları resource olarak kullanıp ability atıyorsun. Abilityleri atınca dot da kayboluyor falan. Çok charge çok damage verme ama aynı zamanda çok damage alma falan. Ben beğendim ya keyifli olur.
Mesaj tarihi:
Dragonutopia said:

quixef said:

Direk World of Warcraft monk u kopyalamışlar lol.

Aklında bulunsun Blizzard asla yeni birşey üretmez..zaten var olan şeyleri alıp makyajlayıp iyi bir şekilde kurgulayıp kendi oyununa ekler..

Kulağıma küpe oldu sağolasın.
Mesaj tarihi:
ırk kültürleri konusunda karışık hisler oluştu bende. geri kalanları da görmek lazım, şu haliyle zencilerin 500-1000 yıl gerisinde kalmış gibi herkes.
Mesaj tarihi:
ya köylüyle köylü bir değil konseptte. zencinin köylüsü de öyle mi? sol üsttekiyle sol alttaki adamın geliri bir mi resimdeki? antik roma/yunan kıyafetleriyle rönesans kıyafetleri birbiriyle etkileşime girmiş iki uygarlıkta olması pek mümkün değil yani. bir kopukluk var konseptteki devirlerde ve işlenen sınıflarda.

osmanlı/yunana da aztek ismi vermişler, konsepti oradan alıp buraya paslamakla otomatik ilginç olmuyor durum.
Mesaj tarihi:
axedice said:

Yeni update gelmiş, monk mekanikleri açıklanıyor


"Monks in Eternity are different than you might expect. There are no restrictions on armor and weapons – you could wear plate and use a sword, if you wanted to, and the talent system is flexible enough so you could build a great monk that specialized in that gear. But at the core of this class is a little rule about how monks take damage. You see, when a monk gets hit, only part of the damage is inflicted on him or her immediately. The rest is redirected to a Wound, which is an effect that causes damage over time (called a DoT effect) to the monk. That slowly-ticking Wound would only seem to be delaying the inevitable result except for one thing: the monk can get rid of that Wound by using special attacks. The monk gets all kinds of cool special attacks that do extra effects beyond simply damage and, as a side effect, also eliminate his Wounds. Some of their special attacks include:

Torment’s Reach - this ability increases the range of melee attacks by 200% for a short duration. Enemies between the monk and his or her target are also attacked. Costs 1 Wound to activate."

Böyle devam ediyor abilityler, damage alıp dota çevirip sonra dot burnle damage vermek baya iyi tank mekaniğiymiş.

Ha bide yeni racial culture konsepti var. Niggaları fransız yapmışlar ahahahah


Mesaj tarihi:
GERGE said:

Ben DM'lik yaparken mage olup da sırf damage büyüsü alana işkence çektiririm oyunda =)

Mage utility demek için. BG2'de de işe yarıyor çok. Çoğu kişi mesela Detect Evil bile kullanmaz BG2'de, ne iyi büyü oysa. Utility olaylarını sevmiyor insanlar, delayed fireball spamlamayı bende seviyorum ama ne zaman mage oynarsam paramı ve exp'min bir kısmını her zaman wand yapmaya ayırıp hafızamı utility büyüsü doldururum hep. BG2'de olmaz tabii bu ama Eternity'de bu tarz bir oynayışı mümkün kılarlarsa süper olur.

Damage mi gerekti, fireball wand! lightening bolt wand! chain lightening item!

mage dediğin bence asıl dmg'i itemlarla vermeli. çok daha zevkli oluyor oyun dm de iyi yönetirse.

arkada kalmış ama katılmadan edemiorm.
köylüler versin damajı vs, hadi arada karşına güçlü rakipler çıktımı basarsın okkalı büyülerini ama olay aslında,
sağlam dispeller
güçlü rakipleri zayıflatmalar yansıtıcılar vs.
bütün gruba süper katkı sağlayıp arkada durmaca.

khelbenin dispeli vardı bi, her turn bi buff kaldırıodu onu cok sevıodum
Mesaj tarihi:
HellHound said:

korkma sam ethnicity ile culture'i ayri secebiliyorsun karakterde zenci olmak zorunda degilsin fancy gorunmek icin :P

onunla kalsa hadi gene neyse de, birisi anlatmış demek istediğimi forumunda:
about cultural concept:

I don't think it would be wise to have various cultural styles for example medieval style of clothing mixed up with baroque (vailan republic). I don't know but for me its unprofessional like "we just put there everything what was in the history". I would choose medieval style of clothing and the cultural differences would be similar to each other, not totally different.
Mesaj tarihi:
ciddi dönem farkı var o cizimdeki kültürler arasında.

biri 1700 diğeri 1400 öbürü antik yunan.

fransızlar dısında dert deil ama o baya teksil endüstrisi ile gelen bi durum
Mesaj tarihi:
hah cüce'nin dediği, bir de üstüne ciddi toplumdaki sınıf farkı var. ortaçağ köylüsü vs rönesans aristokratı gibi abidik bir durum oluşmuş.
Mesaj tarihi:
e balkanlar & osman lı dönemi çingen deil mi?
o bulgarlar felan.


ya zaman farkı olabilir, sonuçta fantasy setting. Bizimkinden sevdiklerini beğenip almışlar işte.
Mesaj tarihi:
kulturler hakkindaki genel cevap compilationi var Sawyer'in bu arada

Wood elves make up almost half of the population of Aedyr and orlans are also found near savannah folk, north of Readceras (which is north of the Dyrwood).

Even the elves and orlans in Eír Glanfath migrated to the area within the past two thousand years; they don't have any apparent connection to the original residents and builders of the ancient structures.


Ethnicity and culture are separate characteristics in the game. Individual meadow folk can be from the Vailian Republics just as coastal aumaua can be from Aedyr. The common-name descriptions of ethnicities don't restrict where they can be from. Literally every ethnicity in our race document has a bit-by-bit description of what physical characteristics they have, including facial features, skin tones, hair colors (and textures), eye colors (and shapes), etc. E.g., only savannah folk, pale elves, and boreal dwarves have epicanthic folds. Of those, only boreal dwarves have them consistently.


Just as a point of reference, we've seen the use of Gaelic names for places and people, and now are told that the old English/Norse languages are being referenced, does this indicate a clash of cultures at some point? Or have the two arisen in unison and merged beyond the telling apart?

It's less a clash of cultures and more of the intermingling of them. Places settled by Aedyrans in the Dyrwood tend to have Eld Aedyran or regular Aedyran (i.e. plain English) names. The common names for some creatures are Glanfathan but others are Eld Aedyran or (rarely) Vailian. The cultures borrow terms from each other, too. The title of duc (ducs bels and ducs panits) is used in the Vailian Republics for the sovereign ruler of a city-state, but the Dyrwoodans borrowed it when they rebelled against the Aedyran Empire. Admeth Hadret was originally an erl palatine (palatine/palatinate also being borrowed from the Vailians), but he styled himself as a duc of the "free palatinate" during the rebellion.


At first it seemed the different cultures would be more in a high/late Middle period. From your recent answers, it seems that pretty much all the big human factions are actually in what would be a modern, colonial period. 1. So PE is more of a Renaissance/early modern world than a High/Late Medieval one? 2. Is there still some place for knights (vassal system...), Gothic Architecture, Medieval weaponery and other typical Middle Ages characteristics?

The Dyrwood is in the equivalent of a Renaissance/early modern tech level, but even Europe’s own Renaissances didn’t abandon earlier architecture and technology. Swords and armor were used alongside firearms for centuries (as they are in the Dyrwood, where firearms are still uncommon).

Rural communities in the Dyrwood tend to have Romanesque/Norman architecture, with Renaissance features (e.g. domes, symmetrical façades) found in large urban centers. Previous colonial cultures also tried to settle in the Dyrwood and their ruins tend to be more traditionally “Medieval”. In the village concept we released, the buildings are vaguely Romanesque with a few Renaissance features, but they are built adjacent to much older, rougher remnants of a castle and bridges from centuries ago.


Hi Josh.You said that Aedyr are white humans and elves with green and blue eyes. But they are from very hot, tropical regions of the world. Wouldnt people living in a climate like that develop a darker skin and darker eyes?

If they had been there for more than a few thousand years, yes. Most people living in Aedyr are Thyrtan humans, "meadow folk". Their ethnic group is not native to Aedyr, but comes from the far north (like the Sceltrfolc elves). They migrated south over thousands of years. Their nickname, "meadow folk", is seemingly a misnomer but is still used because of their origin.

Similarly, the Grand Empire of Vailia (from which the Vailian Republics sprang) was farther south in the southern hemisphere, but the Calbandra people originally lived near the equator for many millennia (hence their name -- Calbandra = warm ring).

Additionally, no one really got why their name meant "warm ring" for a long time because the Vailians pioneered cartography and theories of the world's shape. To most others, Calbandra are "ocean folk".


Can you tell us where the spelling of Direwood (Deerwood) comes from?

"Dyrwood" (DEER-wood) is the Eld Aedyran name for the forest north and west of the Bael River. The letter y in Eld Aedyran is pronounced /i/.


Can you tell me anything about the clothing and architectural styles of the cultures in Project Eternity? How do you deal with situations where the climate/environment is quite different from that of the real cultures that were the inspiration?

Kaz is working on the clothing right now. It's interesting, because we have combinations of people and styles that aren't usually seen together (e.g. Vailians are essentially black Renaissance Italians) and I think Kaz is doing a good job of making each culture feel distinctive. We've already developed the Dyrwoodan and Vailian styles, and now Kaz is revisiting the Aedyrans to reflect their home climate more.

In Earth's history, Spanish and Portuguese explorers/conquistadors were often overdressed for the hot climates they found themselves in. Aedyrans have the opposite problem when they visit the Dyrwood. Their home climate is very hot and humid, so they are relatively underdressed for the Mediterranean/temperate climates of the Dyrwood.

For Dyrwoodan architecture, Rob and Polina are looking at Renaissance European architecture and also some of the colonial-era South American architecture. Because the Dyrwood is heavily colonized (and very recently), many of the urban buildings look much newer than they might in a traditional Medieval fantasy setting.

The Glanfathan architecture is much more fantastic. We can create shapes and structures that would not be possible/appropriate when using strictly Renaissance-era technology alone.


The PE world map was one of the first things shown for the game. How much has it evolved since then? Will we see an updated version in the near future?

It has changed somewhat, mostly how the rivers flow, but a few other details here and there. We haven't revised it in a while, but we will eventually release an updated version.

Mesaj tarihi:
Yalnız settingde yaratılmaya çalışılan atmosferde dönem farklılığı önemli bi konsept. Vailianlar sanırım bu arkebüslerle dyrewoodu fethetmeye gelen emperyalistler oluyor. Endüstriyel devrim sonrası fransız görünümü özellikle seçilmiş.

Niggalar inherent racial penalty ve geç evrim yüzünden değil, iklim ve coğrafi koşullar yüzünden medeniyet kuramadılar argümanı çerçevesinde gitmişler. Politically correctness akıyor ordan. Steel germs and guns kafası biraz.
Mesaj tarihi:
okudum yukarıdaki yazıyı da, hadi ortaçağ ile yeniçağ, araya rönesans filan oldu da, gidip antik dönemleri de katmak, kültürlerin ırklara dağılımını da tam bir "çarkıfelek çevirelim, kime denk gelirse artık" usulünde kotarmak bayağı hayalkırıklığı oldu. rönesans dediler, ortaya karışık çıktı.
Suark said:

e balkanlar & osman lı dönemi çingen deil mi?
o bulgarlar felan.


ya zaman farkı olabilir, sonuçta fantasy setting. Bizimkinden sevdiklerini beğenip almışlar işte.

bütün balkan halkı çingen değilse değil.
Mesaj tarihi:
ama çingenler o taraftan değil mi yaw.

romenler falan?
gadjo dilo yu koycaktım üşendim.

nese onu görünce çingenler canlandı gözümde, balkan = çingen demekmiş bende meğersem.
Bu konu yeni mesajlara artık kapalıdır.
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