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1.3 ile meleelerin dönüşü ve rangelerin çöküşü

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Mesaj tarihi:
saçma sapan affix'lerle ilgili bütün soruları dodgelamış çok güzel. hala reflect+invul+mortar+jailer boss/minion nasıl kesilir, madem kesilemez neden gelir olayına bi çözüm yok
Mesaj tarihi:
mkautzm: This is fine and all but this line: "I think Life Steal will come into it's own in the future, as it scales exceptionally well with gear - if a few months from now people still aren't using Life Steal, we'll probably make changes." This makes me very nervous.
How difficult is it to put these numbers on paper and simply figure out with math when a stat will be 'worth it', when it will be 'good' and when it will be 'broken'. The answer is that it's not hard. How can you design the system for a game like D3 and not at least have a target in mind. something like "At this difficulty with this expected gear, we want players to steal up to X%/Y HP as a function of DPS Health/Z Health per second/shot/spell." I understand that picking such a number can be pretty difficult but even that can be derived based on what you want the function of life steal to be.
See, it's things like this that make me incredibly nervous. If your approach to balance and system design is, "Well, lets see if the stat is attractive to players and then nerf/buff based on that", something is seriously broken in the decision-making phase of 'making the numbers work'.
It's phenomenally frustrating to see the developers in charge of the systems of game like this literally say, "If it's not attractive, we'll buff it". No! That's not how balance works. You should be able to tell me the value of life steal at 30k, at 60k at 120k DPS. You should be able to tell me what exactly those breakpoints you mentioned are and Youshould have already planned their existence, and their means. You should be able to look at Lifesteal and point to a number and say, "Here! This is when Lifesteal becomes attractive". You should be able to take it a step further and say, "If you have this much health, this much damage and this much lifesteal, More DPS actually becomes more attractive than Effective HP as a survivability stat under these conditions."
This isn't what's happening and it makes me both frustrated and nervous to play a game that's built under that design philosophy.
Wyatt Cheng: Let me clarify. When I say "if a few months from now people still aren't using Life Steal" what I mean is that I think people will be using it. But I could be wrong. Humans being fallible and all that.
I believe people will be using Life Steal months from now without us having to make any changes. I've done the math, I've got some spreadsheets, I've tested with chars. At the same time I'm not so arrogant as to say "You will ALL be using it 'cause I mathed it out!". I've been wrong many times before, I could be wrong on Life Steal too.

of adam suratına suratına çarpmış, helal olsun. daha okuyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:
For the ranged classes, I'm hoping that the incoming damage reduction will make some survival stats more appealing to ranged classes. While before the damage was so large it just felt pointless to try and mitigate any of it at all, after the change hopefully ranged classes will think "well, if I just put on a modest amount of survivability, I don't get 1-shot, so that's worth it." There are some ranged players who are already doing this -- stacking survivability so they don’t have to endlessly kite -- and it just feels like the minimum amount of survivability to avoid the 1-shot is so large it's unattainable. That's one of the things 1.0.3 seeks to address.

Burda ne anlatmak istemiş range classlar survivability mi kasacak yani ?
Mesaj tarihi:
survivability kasılmasınıda bi opsiyon olarak düşünülmesini istiyorlarmış. DH ler tek yiyorlar şu an esen rüzgardan bile. o yüzden iki yiyecek şekilde gear kasılsın dps'ide babam gelip yapsın.
Mesaj tarihi:
Şu açıdan yazdım o yorumu. Repair costlar 8 katına çıkarsa dh ile kasma olayı biter. Yata yata kasan bir class cunku illa ki yatıyor 10 dakkada bir 150k para vermek can sıkar. Ayrıca mortarın range artacak o da ayrı bbir sıkıntı rangeler için.

Zaten burda da demiş ". I don't think the answer is to make death-zerging more attractive for melee; I'd rather make death-zerging a less profitable strategy for ranged."

death-zerging olayı bitecek yani .
Mesaj tarihi:
mob hp'si azaltmakla yanlış yapıyorlar, sadece dmg'lerini düşürmeleri lazımdı. life steal'in hepten anlamı kalmayacak çünkü bir milyar dps bile olsa sadece vurabildiğimizi healliyoruz. aptallık sadece başka birşey değil.
Mesaj tarihi:
valla ben bi range cokusu goremedim okuduklarımda.

oynanmayan melee yi oynanabilir hale getirecekler biraz da olsa, op rangeler daha da kolay mob kesecek :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Sorieno said:

medivh said:

Reroll time!!!Asıl sorulması gereken soru suan monk mu daha iyi barbar mı

Şu an monk. IAS nerf'ünden sonra barb.

Barbar daha zevkli ya monkda guzel ama gear yukselmeden 5 adet defansif skille oynamak bi tek tokat atmak keyif vermio her class oyle gerci ama barb daha bi guzel sanki.
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