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Marvel Heroes

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
2-3 sene önce falan bi' mmo oynamıştım böyle süperhero'lu. Kendimiz kaşından, gözüne, dış görünüşünden elindeki silaha kadara seçebiliyorduk. İsmi neydi hatırlayamadım. Marvel'in bi' şeyi değil miydi o?

Heaa tamam, Champions Online'mış.
Mesaj tarihi:
Video hazırlamayı veya resimlerle anlatmayı düşünüyordum fakat gereksiz uzun olacağından bu şekilde yazı bazlı olmasına karar verdim. En azından vaktimizden tasarruf ederiz.

Oyunun başından şuan bulunduğum seviyeye kadar öğrendiğim şeyleri adım adım yazayım.

Oyuna giriş:
5 hero seçeneğimiz var. Bunlardan bir tanesini seçmeye mecburuz. Seçtiğimiz hero bizim ana karakterimiz olacak diye birşey yok. Hero satın alabilir veya düşürebilirsiniz. Daha sonra T ye basarak oyun içi kullandığınızı değiştirirsiniz (karakter bazlı olmadığından çıkış yapıp, diğer karaktere geçmenize gerek yok)

Level Kasma

Öncelikle mobların üstüne imleci götürdüğünüzde, sağ kenarda "gri, yeşil, sarı ve kırmızı" bir ikon görürüz.
Gri : xp vermez
Yeşil : senin lvl a yakın
Sarı : zor kesersin
Kırmızı : senin burada olmaman lazım, sana xp yok.
Haliyle ideal olan yeşildir. Yinede sarıları yaptığım oluyor. Özellikle limbo açmak için. Millet grup fealn takılıyor ama ben bug ile kesiyorum bosslarını. Altda taktik veya ipuçları diye bir bölüm açıp anlatacağım.

1-25 arası zaten oyun sizi yönlendiriyor. Hikayeyi ilk karakterinizle bitirmeniz gerekiyor!. Daha sonra alt karakter kasacaksanız, hikayeyi "warp gate" den resetleyebilirsiniz. Bunun negatif bir etkisi yok. Hikaye bir kez bitirildikten sonra önemli değil.

25-60 arası en iyi XP kasma işi LIMBO denilen terminalden yapılıyor. Çıktıkdan sonra 15 dakika bekleme süresi var. İçerde 15 kişi oluyor ve herkez birlikte geziyor, baya kolay. Herolarda wipe önemli değil. Zaten amaç burada xp kasmak. Hızlı bir şekilde 38 olursunuz. Daha sonrasında t2 sini açacaksınız.

Limbo t1 i açmak için "Chapters" ı bitirmemiz gerekiyor. "L" kısayoluna basarsanız görev menüsü çıkar. Bu zaten lvl kasarken bitiriyor haliyle.
Chapter 8 Avengers Tower a gidiyoruz. Yeşil terminaldeki 10 görevi bitiriyoruz. Daha sonra grup bulup mor terminaldeki ilk görevi yapıyoruz. Bu sayede t1 limbo açılıyor. Xp kasma yuvamız burası artık.

Limbo t2 (38 lvl ideal sanırım) Xavier's School a gidiyoruz, t1 de yaptığımız gibi yeşil terminali bitirip mor olanın ilki için grup bulup bitiriyoruz. Limbo t2 miz açık.

Limbo t3 (t2 deki moblar gri olduğunda bunu açalım.) S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier (henüz t3 de değilim ama yer burası sanırım). Gidip aynı işlemleri tekrarlıyoruz.


Craft işi yalan. Vendorlara alt+sağ click ile elimizdeki malzemeleri bağışlıyoruz. Oda bize yeni tarifler gösteriyor. Fakat baya uzun bir işlem. Bu yüzden "elimizdeki hiç birşeyi satmıyoruz. Neyimiz var neyimiz yok bağışlıyoruz. Hatta gereksiz hiç birşey lootlamıyoruz, mor > mavi > yeşil bu kalitede set parçları lootlayıp, çantamız dolduğunda gidip bağışlıyoruz.

Bu craft işi önemli sanırım. Bu vendoru 15 lvl felan yapacağız yanılmıyorsam. Ben şuan 39 lvl ım ve vendorum 9 lvl. Bu yükseldikçe kostümüze fazladan özellikler ekleyebiliyoruz. Özellikle "stat" denilen şeyi bi anca açmak istiyorum. Kaç tane koyabileceğim bilmiyorum fakat % cinsinden karakteri güçlendiriyor.

Düşen mavileri epiğe çevirebilirsiniz. Çevireceğiniz şeyleri iyi seçin. Belli bir lvl dan sonra tuzlu olmaya başlıyor bu işlem. Bu nedenle ben "drop rare" kalitesini arttıran stat görmediğim zaman çevirmiyorum. Tamam şansa statda ekleniyor fakat şans için varımı yoğumu harcayacak değilim :P

ipucu : Sağ yukardaki bir ev simgesi var (haritanın köşesinde). Çantamız dolduğunda ona tıklayıp bulunduğumuz yerin üssüne gidiyoruz, malzemlerimizi bağışlıyoruz, daha sonra aynı şeye tıklayıp bir önceki yerimize dönüyoruz (bunun birde bugı var. instance da yaparsanız içerisi resetleniyor. Aynı bossu 2 kez kesebilirsiniz).

Stat / Skill / Item / Hero

Yetenekler, bir çok yeteneğin ilk puanı çok iyidir. Sonrasında harcanacak her puan o yeteneğin etkisi azalarak yükseltir. Bu yüzden puanları harcarken buna dikkat edin. %0.5 için boşuna 1 puan harcamayın.

Statların bi esprisi yok yazıyor zaten. Zaten special item olayı biraz tırt. Cd yi görebileceğimiz veya hangi boss ilk bosumuz anlayabileceğimiz birşey varsa söylerseniz iyi olur. Onu keserken şansımı arttıracak birşeyler giyeyim :P.

Birde ana statlar var, level aldıkça yükseliyor. Ayrıyetten "craft" vendorumuz 10 olduğunda bizde ekleyebiliyoruz (mesela ben "rare şansını %19 arttıran" birşey eklemeyi düşünüyorum. Yada %5 xp.
Level kastıkça fazladanda ekleniyordur herhalde.

Item konusunda bi olay var. Level yükseldikçe iyi item düşecek diye bir beklenti içine girmeyin. Statlar öyle pek değişmiyor. Önemli olan güzel bir rare bulup, craft vendorundan onu epic yapmak (en azından 40 a kadar böyle oldu bende)

Kahramlar ve dropları şuan günde 1 kez ve şans biraz düşük. Yinede düşüyor yani. Sonraki patch ile bu şans yükselecekmiş.
Birde oyunda kötü kahraman 1 veya 2 tane sanırım. Şu daradevil için tırt diyorlar. Ücretsiz kahraman kötü diye birşey yok!. Sonuçta ilk seçenekten sonrasını ücret ile açıyorlar eğer düşmediyse. Birde sağlamlar cidden.
Hawkeye en iyi single dps sanırım oyundaki (ama böyle bir oyunda single dps? bilemiyorum.
scarlet sağlam, storm sağlam, thing support/tank baya sağlam.
daradevil bakmadım ama tırt diyorlar.

not: eğer oynuyor olursam zaman içinde eklemeler yapacağım. Yanlış bildiğim yerler varsa lütfen düzeltin. Ayrıca bende bilgiye açım. Bu nedenle banada tiyolar veya bilgiler verilirse güzel olur :D
Mesaj tarihi:
6/13/2013 Patch Notes

6/13 yenilikler ve değişiklikler

Supergroups (AKA guilds) are now available in Marvel Heroes. This is the first iteration of supergroups, with more features coming in the future.

To create a supergroup, purchase a supergroup sanction from War Machine in Avengers Tower. A supergroup is a way to create a persistent social group with other players. Most supergroup commands are currently accessed via / commands with the ‘guild’ prefix – this will be updated in the future.

Supergroup sanctions (the ability to create a supergroup) cost 10,001 credits. This grants you an item that can be traded with other players if you wish. Right click the item to unlock supergroup commands. To create your supergroup, type /guildcreate [name]

Supergroup names may only contain the letters A-Z, one apostrophe, one hyphen, and have a limited number of spaces. Certain words are restricted from use in supergroup names.

Supergroups are limited to 100 members in total.

Upon creating a supergroup you will gain access to a supergroup chat channel for your supergroup. To access it, type /guild or /g in the chat channel.

Other supergroup related commands are as follows – type these into the chat channel, substituting [username] or [name]:

/guildcreate – Create your supergroup. You can only create one supergroup per account.

/guildinvite [username] – Invite a player to your supergroup. You can also right-click their name in the Social panel (press U) if they are a friend or nearby.

/guildpromote [username] – As a leader or office, promote a member of your supergroup to the rank of officer. Officers can invite other players to join the supergroup.

/guilddemote [username] – As a leader or officer, demote an officer of your supergroup to the rank of member, or remove a member from the supergroup.

/guildleader – This command is currently non-functional, but will eventually allow a supergroup leader to be changed.

/guildrename [supergroup name] – Rename your supergroup. All guild renames are logged for Customer Support purposes.

/guildleave – Leave your current supergroup.

Content Changes

The overall chance for heroes to drop as loot throughout Marvel Heroes has been increased.

As a reminder, heroes can drop as loot from:

Standard enemies (Any enemy in the game)
Elite enemies (Enemies with a blue/yellow aura)
Bosses (Supervillains found inside instances (eg Shocker, Doctor Octopus, The Hood, etc), and in Public Combat Zone Event Missions (eg Venom, Rhino, Green Goblin etc))
Endgame bosses (Found at the end of in Daily Missions, Group Challenges and Survival Challenges)

The highest chance to get heroes or costumes is from Survival Challenge endgame bosses, who have a significantly higher drop rate. You also will have a better chance of getting heroes and costumes as drops from enemies that have a green or orange ‘threat level’ (see the nameplate above an enemy’s head to check). Green-level enemies will be slightly below or slightly above your hero’s level; orange level enemies will be even further above your hero’s level.

Endgame bosses now have a bonus chance to drop a hero token for the character you are currently playing, in addition to a random hero token. These can be used to upgrade your Ultimate Power.

Gameplay Changes: Defense

We’ve heard community feedback on defense, and have begun making changes with this patch. Defense has not been helping tanks enough, especially against higher level content.

With this patch we are improving defense for all heroes, but heroes that do not have dodge and/or do not have any ranged attacks will benefit more from the change.

To improve defense further, we will be adjusting powers and items and tweaking how defense works slightly in the future. This first step buffs items that provide defense:

Defense has been increased on items for all heroes by +30%.
Defense on items for Deadpool, Wolverine, Captain America, Iron Man, Ms Marvel and Thor has been doubled (x2).
Defense on items for Thing, Hulk and Colossus has been quadrupled (x4).
Defense on artifacts and medals has been significantly increased.

UI Changes

In an effort to make it clearer that additional S.T.A.S.H. tabs cost Gs, the size of the G symbol and button have been increased to make them more readable.

Administrative announcements (talking about game servers going offline, for the most part) have been made more noticeable in chat.

Item Changes

Artifacts: Some artifacts have been renamed:

· Bannertech Force Field is now called Fantastic Force Field
· Flames of the Faltine is now called Flames of Zarathos
· Cyttorak Torch is now called Flames of the Faltine
· Personal Arc Reactor is now called Mark of the Odinborn
· Smoke of Zarathos is now called Fog of Wundagore

S.H.I.E.L.D. Motion Tracker: The bonus damage given by this artifact has been slightly reduced.

Tombstone Medal/Medallion: Armor bonus has been increased. Added health bonus.

Balance Changes

The overall range at which players get experience from enemies has been increased.

Endgame Changes

Auto-Party is now turned on for Green Daily Missions if you have auto-party enabled in your Options (it is on by default).

Endgame bosses now have a bonus chance to drop a hero token for the character you are currently playing, in addition to a random hero token. These can be used to upgrade your Ultimate Power.

Cosmic Cube Shards now drop once per boss, per day, per account.

’Base’ costumes (which are equipped on a character when they are purchased) will no longer drop as loot in the game.

Boss Changes

Magneto: Magnetic Blast - damage reduced.

Magneto: Metal Storm - damage reduced.

Enemy Changes

Maggia Gangsters now attack faster.

Maggia Thugs now attack faster.

Mission Changes

Chapter 1, Hell’s Kitchen: The number of enemies you must defeat in the ‘Save the Police’ and ‘Arson’ Discovery missions has been reduced. However, all enemies are now elite.

Chapter 2, Jersey Docks: The number of A.I.M. robots you must defeat in the ‘Unfriendly Cargo’ event has been reduced. However, all robots are now elite.

Hero Changes

Cable Changes:

Cable’s statistics progression has been updated.

Bold Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Concussion Blast: Now gains duration synergy from Vortex Grenade.

Devastating Beam: Increased damage. Increased cost from 20 to 25.

Dynamic Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Eye For Weakness: Reduced cost from 17 to 15.

Kinetic Repulsion: Now gains duration synergy from Telekinetic Shield and Psychokinetic Barrier.

Plasma Barrage: Increased damage.

Psychic Trap: Reduced cost from 40 to 36.

Psychokinetic Barrier: Reduced damage. Now gains duration synergy from Kinetic Repulsion and Telekinetic Shield. Reduced cost from 30 to 27. Now unlocks at level 8.

Quick Bodyslide: Slightly increased starting range. Reduced cost from 25 to 21.

Telekinetic Shield: Now gains duration synergy from Kinetic Repulsion and Psychokinetic Barrier. Now unlocks at level 18.

Vigilant Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers. Slightly increased cost reduction scaling with ranks.

Vortex Grenade: Now gains duration synergy from Concussion Blast.

Colossus Changes:

Battle Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Bulwark of Steel: Now gains defense synergy from Metallic Warrior.

Colossal Punch: Lowered damage synergy from Crushing Smite and Osmium Champion from 2.5% to 2%.

Crushing Smite: Lowered damage synergy from Colossal Punch and Osmium Champion from 2.5% to 2%.

Metallic Warrior: Now gains damage synergy from Bulwark of Steel.

Osmium Champion: Now gains duration synergy from Crushing Smite and Colossal Punch.

Osmium Charge: Lowered damage synergy from Steel Splash and Spinning Fists from 2.5% to 2%.

Osmium Punch: Lowered damage synergy from other basic powers from 2.5% to 2%.

Protective Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Reeling Punch: Lowered damage synergy from other basic powers from 2.5% to 2%.

Spinning Fists: Lowered damage synergy from Steel Splash and Osmium Charge from 2.5% to 2%.

Stalwart Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Steel Punch: Lowered damage synergy from other basic powers from 2.5% to 2%.

Steel Splash: Lowered damage synergy from Spinning Fists and Osmium Charge from 2.5% to 2%.

Sustaining Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers. Slightly increased regen scaling with ranks.

Deadpool Changes:

Shoot All the Bullets: Now properly deals extra damage with synergy.

Hulk Changes:

Meteor Strike (Ultimate Power): Now costs 25 spirit.

Jean Grey Changes:

Bolstering Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Dark Phoenix Wrath: Explosion now hits full 360 around the player and causes enemies to burn, taking damage over time. Also grants +2 bonus ranks in all powers at power rank 1.

Kinetic Bolt: Slightly increased projectile speed.

Kinetic Tempest: Now gains duration synergy from Kinetic Wave and Psychokinetic Implosion.

Kinetic Wave: Lowered damage synergy from Psychokinetic Implosion and Kinetic Tempest from 2.5% to 2%.

Kinetic Wave: Slightly increased area size.

Mind Crush: slightly increased starting damage. lowered damage synergy from Psychic Lethargy and Neural Panic from 2.5% to 2%. Decreased cost from 25 to 21.

Neural Panic: Now gains duration synergy from Psychic Lethargy and Mind Crush. Now unlocks at level 22.

Phoenix Transformation: Phoenix Force no longer depletes on defeat.

Psychic Hammer: Slightly increased projectile speed.

Psychic Lethargy: Now deals damage over time instead of making enemies more vulnerable to damage. Now gains damage synergy from Mind Crush and Neural Panic. Increased cost from 13 to 20.

Psychokinetic Implosion: Reduced cost from 33 to 31. Lowered damage synergy from Kinetic Wave and Kinetic Tempest from 2.5% to 2%. Now unlocks at level 14.

Reinforcing Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers. Now unlocks at level 18.

Rejuvenating Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers. Slightly increased regeneration scaling with ranks.

Telekinetic Flight: Now unlocks at level 20.

Telepathic Detection: Now also adds bonus damage to all Mental powers when not in Phoenix Form. Now unlocks at level 12.

Punisher Changes:

Deadly Barrage: Increased damage.

Rocket Raccoon Changes:

Big Flarkin' Gun: Increased tick rate. Fixed a bug that caused the power to tick more often per second than intended.

Spider-Man Changes:

Spider-Man’s fighting and strength statistics progression has been updated.

Corrosive Web Fluid: Now gains duration synergy from Web Spray.

Evasive Websling: Now gains duration synergy from Sensational Escape.

Sensational Escape: Now gains duration synergy from Evasive Websling.

Web Spray: Now gains duration synergy from Corrosive Web Fluid.

Storm Changes:

Storm’s fighting statistic progression has been updated.

Sirocco Rush: Now gains stun duration synergy from Lightning Rush.

Thundering Tempest: Screen darkening effect now only occurs on Storm player’s screen.

6/13 Bug fix

Endgame Fixes

The Red Daily Mission against Doctor Doom now spawns and completes correctly.

Moondragon, Rogue and Invisible Woman will now accept Cosmic Cube Shards in exchange for Fortune Cards.

Rhino will no longer have a sliver of infinite health in PvE endgame modes.

The Red Daily Mission Terminal now correctly takes you to Hydra Island.

The Green Daily Mission Terminal on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier will no longer deposit you outside the boss room.

Only missions that require Cosmic Keys should have the ‘Requires item: Cosmic Key’ tooltip displayed now.

Enemy Fixes

Elite (Blue/Yellow) enemies now have their correct, as designed, health.

Enemies will no longer attack summoned crafters and vendors.

Fixed an issue where enemies would switch targets unnecessarily.

Fixed an issue where affixes prevented some enemies from using their normal powers.

The ‘Freezing’ enemy affix’s effects no longer fire prematurely during certain powers.

Fixed some enemies that spawned within an area of effect not being affected until they left the AoE’s radius and returned.

Boss Fixes

Bullseye: Fixed an issue where Marked for Death could still target entities summoned by players.

Doctor Doom: Fixed an issue where he would become invisible and untargetable.

Doctor Doom: Fixed an issue where ricocheting shots would not work in his final battle.

Doctor Doom: Fixed an issue with medal and medallion that was allowing an inaccurately long duration increase on heroes' powers.

Mr Sinister: Energy storm power now correctly does damage repeatedly throughout its duration.

Shocker: Fixed an issue where Shocker would switch targets too frequently.

Venom: Fixed an issue where Venom would leave battles early.

Hero/Power Fixes

Black Panther's Savage Strike, Black Widow's Elusive Kick, and Daredevil's Evasive Kick can no longer knock turrets (and certain other resistant enemies) into the air.

Tumbling powers such as Black Widows Tumbling Assault and Spider-Man's Agile Attack will more accurately place you behind targets.

Cable: Fixed a visual bug with new duration synergies on Kinetic Repulsion.

Cable: Fixed an issue with Plasma Barrage that caused the damage synergy to not apply.

Cable: Fixed an issue with Psychic Haze that caused the damage synergy to not apply.

Cable: Removed the ‘Fighting Power’ keyword from Veteran Warrior as it was confusing on a passive power.

Cable: Removed the fire rate tooltip on Vortex Grenade’s tooltip, as the cooldown on the power made it confusing.

Captain America: Buffs from Fighting Spirit no longer stack from other players using the same power in the same area.

Captain America: Fixed an issue with Quick Block which could make Cap invulnerable when repeatedly using the power.

Captain America: Shield Bounce and other bouncing powers should no longer target invisible entities in Doctor Doom's battle area.

Captain America: Shield Swipe can no longer be used while shield is thrown.

Colossus: Fixed an issue with Stalwart Aura where the knock resistance was not being correctly calculated.

Colossus: Osmium Punch no longer disables spirit regeneration when used.

Hawkeye: Ronin Assault (24) and Ronin Lunge (30) should now unlock at the intended levels.

Iron Man: Fixed an issue with Reflective Shield where the tooltip did not display the percentage of damage reflected.

Jean Grey: Fixed a minor animation hitch when repeatedly using Psychic Lethargy.

Jean Grey: Interplay voiceover will now trigger correctly.

Punisher: Movement is no longer interrupted when he gains Vengeance.

Rocket Raccoon: Clarified duration tooltip on Burrow.

Rocket Raccoon: Increased the tick rate of Big Flarkin' Gun. Fixed an issue that caused the power to tick more often per second than intended.

Spider-Man: Clarified description on Stick Around to indicate that the enemies need to be currently under the effect of a web power to be stunned.

Spider-Man: Fixed an issue where bonus damage was not being applied to Amazing Smash. Added missing cooldown tooltip.

Spider-Man: Fixed an issue with Web 'Em All that caused the damage synergy to not apply.

Spider-Man: Fixed an issue with Web Spray where the slow effect would fall off early when the ground webs disappeared.

Thing: Fixed an issue with Jagged Defender where the tooltip did not display the percentage of damage reflected.

Wolverine: Adrenaline Rush should now display the standard haste trail VFX for the duration of the buff.

Crafting Fixes

Some artifacts with visual effects were not allowed in crafting recipes that wanted an artifact with visuals. This has been fixed.

Clarified effect of Transfer Costume Affixes recipe - destination costume loses existing affixes.

Clarified effect of Transform Epic Item recipe - can't use it on items already useable by your hero.

UI/VFX Fixes

Hero tokens can now be stored in the appropriate S.T.A.S.H. tab for that hero, if that tab has been purchased.

Fixed an issue where /reply in chat was behaving strangely in some circumstances.

Fixed an issue that caused Storm’s powers to be too transparent when graphics settings were set to ‘low’.

Toggled powers that are slotted in the left/right mouse button slots will now show their toggle state properly.

Certain Iron Man costumes in lower graphic settings will no longer show incorrect thruster VFX while flying.

Fixed an issue where power tooltips would not display the damage bonuses from buff powers (Colossus' auras, etc.)

Base defense values (white text) including bonuses given by defense affixes will now display correctly in item tooltips.

Fixed an issue where players have completed missions, but they show the "in progress" stripes in the mission log, not the expected "completed" check mark.

Fixed an issue with the ‘Show Party Member Arrows’ option. When turned on, this will now correctly show arrows for all party members in your zone.

Fixed an issue where newly added entries in the Social Panel would take a long time to show up.

Items for sale at a Vendor which cannot fit their entire name in the list will now be truncated with a "...". The full name is always visible in the tooltip.

Clea's door now has a minimap icon.

Correct VFX/SFX will now play when gaining a Boost buff from a Fortune Card.

When switching between characters your character sheet will now show the correct equipment for the character.

Options Fixes

Keybindings should now persist between patches.

Cancelling out of the keybindings menu with pending changes will now cancel all changes.

Changing an existing keybinding will now be properly displayed.

Miscellaneous Fixes

Marvel Heroes will now correctly refuse to run on all graphics cards that don’t fully support Shader Model 3.0. Previously, the game was trying to run on these cards and crashing.

Bodysliders will now immediately be usable after their cooldown expires.

Rested experience will now be deducted correctly.

Fixed an issue that could cause Retcon Devices to fail to refund mission-awarded Power Points until you next logged in to the game.

Many fixes for erroneous collisions when flying over environmental objects.

Items that increase the duration of powers now do not affect consumables.

When being revived in Hydra Island, you will now appear in the correct location.

Players can no longer use flight to leave the level in the Subway.

Artifact Yukio's Charm now boosts ranged attacks instead of melee attacks.

Fixed an issue that made the travel confirmation dialog from NPCs stay on-screen forever.

Fixed an issue that caused players to be stuck ‘behind the world’ in Mutate Caves.

Known Major Issues

French and German localization is almost, but not entirely complete; some English text may be found.

Store icon for Spider-Man displays an incorrect costume; Spider-Man comes equipped with his Modern costume, not the Classic costume shown.

Powers that deal damage over time currently cannot score critical hits.

After being defeated by Pyro, there is a chance that players will be brought back to Xavier’s School rather than the beginning of the instance where Pyro is found.

Cars may not respawn in city environments.


Sound may be lost intermittently after changing locations.


Find Agent Baker: Agent Baker does not spawn, so mission cannot be completed.

Some ‘Discovery’ missions may not trigger correctly.

The Army Base sewer Treasure Room has no Treasure Chest.

Some of the Missile Silo Treasure Rooms have no enemies.

Some versions of the Cliffwalker Shrine Treasure Rooms have no enemies.

UI and In-Game Store

Red Mission Arrows do not trigger until getting extremely close to the appropriate mission objective.

When buying Gs, the United States state selection list cannot be scrolled past ‘Tennessee’ without using the keyboard.


Avenger’s Mansion:

o Green Daily – Castle Doom – Mini Map appears to be unpopulated and shows nothing.
o Red Daily – Abandoned Subway - Shocker's AI intermittently stops working. He won't attack, but he'll turn to face you.

Xavier’s School/SHIELD Helicarrier:

o Green Daily – Castle Doom – Doctor Doom’s number of affixes change depending on his form rather than staying constant as intended.
o Green Daily – Castle Doom - Doctor Doom’s number of affixes change depending on his form rather than staying constant as intended.

Limbo: If Sabretooth spawns as the end boss in Limbo, he sometimes stops moving and attacking half way through the battle.

Limbo: Players may sometimes be placed upon entry you in an instance that’s almost completed, toward the end of the waves or at the boss.


Phoenix Feather: There is no UI indication on cooldown timer.

Vita-Ray Projector: There is no dodge chance bonus given on critical hit.

Darkhold Scroll: Does not give bonus damage versus taunted enemy.

Latverian Regalia: Pets do not do extra damage when artifact is equipped, as intended.

Green Goblin Medal: Green Goblin Medal poison cloud is invisible.


Some emotes are not working for Cable and Deadpool.

Flight powers can get locked when flying over food trucks.

Black Widow

Acrobatic Assault: This power can miss if the enemy is running towards you.

Black Panther

Some gear icons are black silhouettes – gear can still be equipped.
Captain America

Aggressive Shout: The power has both a 10 second buff and an ongoing (lasts until turned off) buff. Only one of them is shown.

Invigorating Shout: The power has a 10-second buff and an ongoing (lasts until turned off) effect, but it does not show either of them. Health regeneration does not show up on character sheet.


Searing Shot: Visual Effects when hitting enemy are not seen.


Lingering Boon: Tooltip is incorrect. Each rank actually extends aura duration by 2 seconds.

Rocket Raccoon

Forceful Shot: Power unlocks at level 12 and should unlock at level 10.

Tactical Destruction: Tooltip does not correctly display bonus damage from shield cost.


Evasive Websling: If there is no enemy targeted, power will land in incorrect location.


Regeneration Boost: Tooltip is incorrect. Power does not spend Fury to gain health faster as described.

Smell Weakness: Damage vulnerability is causing the enemy to take less damage rather than more.

Character sheet does not reflect health regeneration from Healing Factor (but displays resistances from passive powers).

Mesaj tarihi:
Exodous said:

Bi de zaten mmo falan değil bu oyun. Kendilerinin de dediği gibi Diablo 2 çakması. 9 yaşındaki oğlum severek oynuyor.

WoW oynadığını farzet, onda da böyleydi.
Mesaj tarihi:
fps problemi felan zamanla düzelirde, release ile content vermeyen bir oyunu ilk kez gördüm :D. Neyse bende bi lvl 45 yaptım. 4 tane tırt hero düştü (beleşlerin hepsi düştü lol).
ilerde düzeltirlerse yeniden bi şans vereceğim =)
Mesaj tarihi:
Densiz said:

4 tane tırt hero düştü (beleşlerin hepsi düştü lol).
ilerde düzeltirlerse yeniden bi şans vereceğim =)

Storm, Thing gibi karakterlere tırt diyen bu oyunu oynamasın.
Mesaj tarihi:
oynamıyorum zaten sildim :P

yok canım herolar sağlam lafım pek yok. Sıkıcılar o başka. Tırtlık yönü ücretsiz erişilebilir herolar. Birde alayı düşünce komik geldi =). Bir tanemi farklı düşmezki =)
  • 1 ay sonra ...
  • 1 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
bu oyun ölmedimi ya :P. Adamlar patch felan yapıyor ciddi ciddi.

1.2 içerisine yeni zorluk modları eklemişler. Bi indirip göz atayım.

merak eden varsa 1.2 notları https://marvelheroes.com/news/news-articles/game-update-12-here

diğerleri : https://marvelheroes.com/news/patch-notes
Mesaj tarihi:
Hero farm olayını adam etmişler gördüğüm kadarıyla.

eternity splinter diye birşey getirmişler. Bunlarla alabilyioruz. Örneğin şurada 175 tanesine random kutuyu açtırıyor, Cyclops düşüyor. (20 tane kadarını 1 saat içerisinde düşürdüm)


3 mesaj üst üste olacak ama yapacak birşey yok. Yetkili tek mesajda birleştirebilir rahatsız ediyorsa.

(aslında son mesajı düzenlemek için süre limiti olmaması gerekiyor ama neyse...)
Mesaj tarihi:
Patide ölmeyen oyun yok :P. Bende mail gelince bi bakayım dedim geçmişe. Sanki biraz uğraşıyorlarmış gibi görününce yeniden bi indirip bakmak istedim.
Mesaj tarihi:
Limbo rezilliği kalkmış çok güzel olmuş.
Yeni heroic modlarıda pek heroic bulmadık açıkcası. 45 olur olmaz "Superheroic" modunda oynamaya başladım. Limbo yerine gelen "açık harita" daha iyi olmuş.

Beğendiklerim (gördüğüm kadarıyla)

+ Artık isteyen istediği heroyu farm yaparak açabiliyor.
+ Sonunda ayarları modifiye edebiliyoruz (ne bileyim grafiklerden istediğimizi kapatıp açmadır, hasarları text olarak görmedir felan..)
+ Yeni moddanmı bilmiyorum. Para birikmeye başladı sanki.. Bugün 3-4 saat bi bakanıyaım diye oynadım. 200.000 kredi birikmiş (200 vardı, 400 oldu)
+ ciddi ciddi drop olayını düzeltmişler sanırım. Birşeyler düşüyor yada şanslıydım. Daha yeni eklenmiş 12$ lık skin düştü. 2 tane fortune card kaptım bu oyun süresi içerisinde.

Oyunun şu hali biraz hoşuma gitti açıkcası. Gece bakacağım 60 lar ne yapıyor ne ediyor diye.. Eğer hoşuma giderse, bi 60 kasıp takılmayı düşünüyorum... (Hawkeye min yanına bir tane daha kasarım ilerde. Yerine göre değiştiririm gittiğimiz yere göre)
Mesaj tarihi:
200 saat civarı oynadım. değişik heroları denemekten pek end game level 60 olaylarına giremedim.

ilk önce şu document, birden fazla hero kasacaklar, ya da bir heroyu kasmaya başlayıp daha sonra fikir değiştirenler için bilgilendirici baya.

Marvel Heroes Google Document

Prologue ilk veya ikinci heroyu kasarken zevkli oluyor. Daha sonraları ise eziyete dönüşebiliyor. insan terminal yapmak ya da manhattan yapmak isteyebiliyor. O açıdan hangi questlerin reward verip vermediğini görmek önemli. +1 Power point ve Retcon device questleri dışında prologue a dokunmamak avantaj.

Herolar her ne kadar son 2 patch de olabildiğince fixlenmeye çalışılsada oyunda top tier/ mid tier / trash herolar mevcut.

Top 5: human torch, thor, hulk, cable
trash: punisher (aman sakın) , spider man, black panther //

özellikle şu hero nasıl derseniz, bende olan bir hero ise anlatabilirim. çoğuyla 30+ gördüm

end game daha çok trash moblar için nuke or die mantığıyla işliyor. boss fightlar ise; bossların abilitylerinin sırasına göre dodgelayarak dps yaparak geçiyor.

her zamanki gibi meele için işler daha zor.

oyunda end game / red terminaller diablo 3 ün gearsız inferno farmını hatırlatır nitelikte. buda ranged/meele nuker(aoe) heroları daha cazip kılıyor.

oyunda tutorial da söylenmeyen önemli bazı şeyler var. onlarıda yazayım.

// crafter dışında donate yapmayın. level 10 yapmaya çalışın. diğerleri önemsiz ve gereksiz vendorların (donate açısından)

// level 30 a kadar material toplamayın ve boşuna birleştirmeyin. yüksek quality materialler zaten düşecek. para kaybı / vakit kaybı / banka slot kaybı

// terminalde level kasarken options ta auto group kapatılabilir. insanlarla uğraşmak istemiyorsanız

// bedava gelen retcon potion, level 50 den önce talent respec için harcamayın. ileride levelling dışında kullanılmayacak talentleri sıfırlamak için lazım.

// costume core seçerken +1 intelligence olan bir tane seçmeye özen gösterin. %10 more xp demek, sonra main statınızla değiştirirsiniz.

böyle işte :)
Mesaj tarihi:
top 5 diyip 4 tane yazmışsın :P.

Ben hawkeye oynuyorum, baya sağlam gelyior bana. Yerdeki aoe lerin hepsini silebiliyorum, düşmana yeri yumruklatabiliyorum. Tek problemim hareketli hedeflere alan vurabilmek.

soru : sen hawkeye yi nasıl bilirsin? (bu top tier hedesini ciddiye almalı mıyım?)

soru : crafter bende 14 olmak üzere, kasmayı bırakayım mı?

soru : 100 tane cosmic keye açılan bir craft var. Cosmic itemların bonularını değiştiriyormuş sanırım. Alayım mı bunu?

sen oynamayı ne zaman bıraktın? verdiğin bilgiler eskimiş olabilr mi diye merak ettim. Midtown da baya xp geliyordu çünkü bana. 3-4 saatde 1.5 lvl kasmıştım. Şuan hawkeye de hook biraz zorladığı için çok seri olmuyor (shock için lvl ım yüksek geldi). Hookun rahatsız etmeside, rastgele attığı mermiler.

ve bilgiler için teşekkürler.
Mesaj tarihi:
halen aktif oynuyorum. hawkeye sonlarda benim bildiğim.


Galactic Heroes

1. Thor (95) "There is more from whence that came!"
Thor has finally come into his own after several reworks by the Devs. The potential was always there and he retains a very cool and fun to play ability kit. With several build options that all feel powerful and most of his survivability issues addressed (especially with a life steal or +25% life gain core), Thor rises top the top of the rankings with continued beneficial tweaks and awesome powers. You will see quite a few Thors running around now but remember many of them were high level before the buffs and his long time supporters paved the road for the rush of new players to enjoy him as well.
Early Game: Ex ~ Late Game: Ex ~ Versatility: VG ~ DPS: Ex ~ Defense: VG ~ Pop: Ex
SF: Med ~ GD: High (Lifesteal or + Health medkit) ~ Role: Destroyer ~ Stab: Ex

2. Hulk (93) "Really, is that all you got?!"
Hulk remains one of the 3 best heroes with the 1.2 patch. As of July 31st, Hulk was dead last and now, he has finally taken up residence in the top tier. He does not require fantastic gear or a lot of skill management to dish out large damage and take a pounding at the same time. He has become both enjoyable to play and party with. A great pick up for anyone who would like to breeze though the game and have a great time doing it.
Early Game: Ex ~ Late Game: Ex ~ Versatility: VG ~ DPS: Ex ~ Defense: Ex ~ Pop: Ex
SF: Low ~ GD: Low ~ Role: Destroyer ~ Stab: Ex

3. Cable (92) "I've been from the future to the past and back again...but I've run out of time".
Cable takes no crap from anyone. He continues to get stronger with every tweak or patch. Scott's son is the complete package - a Captain America with HUGE DPS. He has Self buffs, party buffs, escapes, sustained damage, burst damage, excellent synergy and a 10/10 on the cool factor. If every Hero were designed like Cable, players would have little to complain about. Cable does require a higher level of skill than some other Heroes to max out his optimal effectiveness and he is a bit slow out of the gate. Keep this in mind as you play him. He should not be played too casually - expect to put the time in to master all his abilities. Cable is the perfect choice if you want to test your in game skills and be rewarded for your time, effort and practice.
Early Game: G ~ Late Game: EX ~ Versatility: Ex ~ DPS: Ex ~ Defense VG ~ Pop: G
SF: Vhigh ~ GD: High ~ Role: Leader-Destroyer ~ Stab: Ex


4. Human Torch (85) "Flame On!"
Torch solidified a top 5 placement very quickly after his debut. He is powerful with amazing visuals. a "blast" to play with fun skills, great synergy, and a cocky attitude. At 900 G, he is a bargain! Gaz's first new Hero is a winner. If all new Heroes come out like Torch, we are in for a treat. Try him out with confidence, you won't be disappointed.
Early Game: VG ~ Late Game: Ex ~ Versatility: Ex ~ DPS: Ex ~ Defense: VG ~ Pop: Ex
SF: High ~ GD: Med ~ Role: Nuker Stab: VG

5. Ms. Marvel (84) "I sort of accidentally blasted him in the crotch. Seven times in the crotch."
Aug 1st patch brought majors changes to Ms. Marvel, and they look very promising. The Devs gave her some much needed love. As more people are now starting to play her, she continues to make her supporters happy. From 2nd last to top 10 in only a few days, It shows the Devs are paying close attention to feedback. Edit Aug 9th: Ms. Marvel is promoted to the top 5. After close inspection and playing with her a bit, I can see that she gets progressively better as she levels, not quite in an exponential way, but certainly accelerates more than linear; whereas, other heroes (like Capt.) have are more "linear" improvement as they level.
Early Game: VG ~ Late Game: Ex ~ Versatilty: VG ~ DPS: VG ~ Defense: Ex ~ Pop: Ex
SF: Med ~ GD: Low ~ Role: Bruiser ~ Stab: G

6. Storm (83) "I've been a thief, a goddess, and X-Man, and a queen. And yet, I somehow, I always end up in a sewer under New York City."
August 1st patch brought a much more flexible Strom into the mix. I always felt, even before the patch that she was “subtlety” strong. She might even be top 5 with her current upgrades. Some Storm players were unhappy with the changes, but this is probably more due to having to rework some in game tactics, in favour of newer stronger ones. Once people get a certain play style they are used to, asking them to abandon it can be less than popular. If you have not played her yet and are considering. don't hesitate, you will be very pleased with her performance. Edit Aug 16th. Seen a lot more Storm play and she is looking really good. 1.2 Edit. Very stable. Well liked. Early Game: Ex ~ Late Game: VG ~ Versatility: VG ~ DPS: Ex ~ Defense ~ VG ~ Pop Ex
SF: Low ~ GD: Low ~ Role: Dominator ~ Stab: Ex

7. Emma Frost (82) (projected score)

8. Jean Grey (81.5) "Fools! You dare to trifle with the Phoenix?"
Jean has bounced around in the rankings from 1.0 to 1.1 and now 1.2. A strong pick that went south with changes to DoT damage. Most of this has been fixed and she is reported to be tanky and has good sustainable DPS. She can be confidently played as a fun and versatile Hero.

Early Game: VG ~ Late Game: VG ~ Versatility: G ~ DPS: VG ~ Defense: VG ~ Pop: G SF: Med ~ GD: Med ~ Role: Dominator ~ Stab: G

9. Thing (81) "It's Clobberin' Time!!!" All around very solid. Always at the front. Always soaking it up. Great self and party buffs. Everything you want from a Tank. Still, due to poor defensive scaling with the current game mechanics he is probably a little more squishy than what a Tank should be. The Devs have promised a rework of his skills, which should further "solidify" his his position. Edit 1.14 patch, other Heroes move around Thing both up and down with tweaks and changes but he remains relatively stable in his position. A testament to the original strong build he was given. Edit 1.2 Patch. Still "Solid" Improvements are well received thus far. Early Game: VG ~ Late Game: VG ~ Versatility: Fr DPS: VG ~ Defense: VG ~ Pop: G
SF: Low ~ GD: Low ~ Role: Tank ~ Stab: G

10. Cyclops (80) "I hope you all payed attention in class, because this is going to be one hell of a test."
Cyclops has always been a source of debate. Many like him a lot. Other do not like him at all. In a party though, I guarantee you will like him, so much of his malign has been due to his solo play and poor survive. 1.2 addresses these issues giving him higher damage and better survive, and he is still THE hero you want to have in your party. A bit of a slow starter he comes into his own as you progress. Give him a chance and stick with him.
Early Game: G ~ Late Game: VG ~ Versatility: Fr ~ DPS:VG ~ Defense: G ~ Pop: Fr
SF:High ~ GD: Med ~ Role: Leader-Nuker Stab:Fr


11. Deadpool (79.5) "As American as apple pie and hand guns"
No major changes with Aug 1 patch. And drops 4 spots as other Heroes move above him. DP remains a powerhouse Hero but there are some concerns with his DPS as the game mechanics have changed. Still, FUN is at the core of everything he does and he has a versatile kit. A Soloing machine who is also great in groups. If there is any Hero that is "worth the price of admission" DP is it. Edit Aug 14th. Still fun, but no where near the clear potential as before. Patch 1.14 brings some much needed DPS increases. Edit Aug 29th. Meleepool looks good, give it a try.
Early Game: VG ~ Late Game: Fr ~ Versatility: VG ~ DPS: VG ~ Defence: G ~ Pop: G
SF: Med ~ GD: High ~ Role: Bruiser Or Sniper ~ Stab: G

12. DareDevil (79) "No, I don't want to hear your excuses -- and Yes, I'm here to kick your face in."
DareDevil has become a great Hero to have. He is fun to play, has a very cool visual effect with Radar Ping, does great damage, can stay in the pocket indefinitely and is cheap! There are several viable build paths and some fantastic passives. He gets stronger as he levels and you begin to go deep into his skill trees. Liberal investment in his damage mitigation skills will let him plow through almost any size wave.
Early Game: Fr ~ Late Game: Ex ~ Versatility: G ~ DPS: VG ~ Defense: Ex ~ Pop: VG
SF: High ~ GD: Crucial (PSS + FFF) ~ Role: Bruiser ~ Stab: VG

13. Wolverine (78.5) "I need a beer!"
With Aug 1st. Patch, Wolverine has some good changes and some not so good one. He is being nicely balanced with smart upgrades from the Devs. He is the definition of “Bruiser”. Accellerating DPS, Very good damage mitigation, excellent mobility and versatility. The perfect “hole plugger”. Additional changes to game Defense mechanics might help him further. Wolverine may suffer a minor fall off at later levels as his early level OP heal (flat not percentage), doesn't scale as well as dodging Heroes (percentage not flat) Wolverine is my personal favourite Marvel Hero who I am “saving for later”. Very fun to play. Not too easy, not too hard. A great Hero to have in your roster. Be careful when you get past 50, flat healing factor is not as effective as earlier on. Get a +25% health/Spirit core for additional sustain.
Early Game:Ex ~ Late Game: VG ~ Versatility: G ~ DPS VG ~ Defense Ex ~ Pop: VG
SF: Med ~ GD: High ~ Role: Killer ~ Stab: G

14. Black Widow (78) Don't think I'm helpless, just because I'm soft and cuddly!"
1.2 brings some respectability back to Black Widow. She was at one point the highest DPSer in the game. When this was brought in line, her inherent weaknesses were very apparent. A nice rework by the Devs and some patience from her fans gives her a good score and prospects to move up even further. She is worth keeping an eye on. I do love her voice over and she gets my vote for sexiest Hero.
Early Game: Fr ~ Late Game: Pr ~ Versatility: Fr ~ DPS: Fr ~ Defense: Fr ~ Pop: Fr
SF: High ~ GD: High ~ Role: Killer ~ Stab: Fr

15. Black Panther (77.5) "Take your best shot. I will offer no resistance. Then it will be my turn!"
Aug 1st patch brings some good changes to BP, particularly with his ability to dish out some serious DPS. Unfortunately, these changes are hard take advantage of. It requires huge skill point investment to ramp it up, which then leaves him no points for survivability. It also leaves him perpetually spirit starved. In fact, BP is currently one of the most fragile Heroes in the game, saved only by frequent and timely use of Stealthy Escape. Still, in part, his weaknesses make him tremendous fun to play. BP presents a true challenge, good reflexes, timing and constant resource management. He has a great voice over and excellent combat animations. Another ideal Hero to pick up if you like your game experience to tend towards “difficult”. But if you find the right build, BP can be extremely effective. Head over to the BP forums for some great ideas.
Early Game: VG ~ Late Game: VG ~ Versatility: VG ~ DPS: Ex ~ Defense: G ~ Pop: Fr
SF: VHigh ~ GD: High ~ Role: Killer ~ Stab: G

16. Scarlet Witch (76.5) "I'm about to lose control!"
Much Stronger than what her ranking might suggest. Her CC is excellent and her damage output is decent but she is very party dependent, slow and awkward to use. Make sure you let her catch up before engaging and make sure you protect her during fights and she will make a great contribution. The Aug 1 patch gave her some minor improvements which deal with some of her mobility issues and increased her direct damage. Fair and reasonable changes. Edit Aug 9th: SW has been steadily demoted with community feedback and each new review. She is still fun to play and good in a party. Early Game: Fr ~ Late Game: G ~ Versatility: Fr ~ DPS: Fr ~ Defense: Fr ~ Pop: Fr
SF: High ~ GD: Med Role: Dominator ~ Stab: Fr

17. Capt. America (76) "We have no choice. So we fight -- and we win. There are no other options."
The Devs got The Capt. Right from the get go. He is both easy and fun to play. He is a good choice for your first “purchased” Hero, if you want to dive into one. He is versatile, great buffs, tanks well and has some decent costume selections. Be aware he does have mediocre DPS and as Heroes around him start to get buffed a general increase is probably in order. He drops in the rankings with 1.2 patch, not because he is worse off, but because his main strength (unkillable) is now a valid label to give to many Heroes. He is no longer unique in his ability to tank anything and his DPS is still much less than most other Heroes. Early Game: VG ~ Late Game: G ~ Versatility: VG ~ DPS: Pr ~ Defense: Ex ~ Pop: Fr
SF: Med ~ GD: Low ~ Role: Leader-Tank ~ Stab: Fr

The B Team

18. Hawkeye (74) "First Sign of Madness. Talkin' to yourself. First Sign, definitely. Fishing's the Second."
Hawkeye is a grinder. As you plunk away with strong basic attacks and somewhat impressive Boss damage, Hawkeye's workman like skills and play style will get the job done. IF you can put up with his purple and pink pajama's and the "chunk, chunk, chunk" sound of his attacks, he will start to grow on you. He is easy to learn and a safe pick up to to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of the game. As of patch 1.14, the devs have given Hawkeye some addtional DPS and a few quality of life improvements. More are probably coming but I expect this arrow slinger to be middle of the road for awhile. Edit 1.2 Huge bump in score for Hawkeye. His STDPS is possibly the best right now and his wave clearing has improved significantly. Early Game: Fr ~ Late Game: G ~ Versatility: G ~ DPS Ex ~ Defense Pr ~ Pop:VG
SF: Med ~ GD: Med ~ Role: Sniper ~ Stab: Pr

19. Iron Man (72.5) "Contrary to popular belief, I know exactly what I`m doing..."
As of Patch 1.15 Iron Man falls to the bottom spot. How he got here is probably a combination of game mechanic changes and quick fix solutions to his kit that do not measure up. The Devs have promised a major rework of his powers for the October Patch, so it's going to be another month before he can hold his head up again. Temp hotfixes prior to that may give him a little blue sky. "Frustrating" is I word I hear often in association with playing him. Edit 1.2 Temporary Fix by the Devs seems to have been enought to help IM contribute in a meaningful way. Early Game: Fr ~ Late Game: Fr ~ Versatility: Fr ~ DPS: Fr ~ Defense: G ~ Pop: G
SF: Med ~ GD: Low ~ Role: Destroyer in waiting ~ Stab: Fr

20. Rocket Raccoon (72) "... together, we're going to save the universe! Whether it wants to be saved or not!..."
RR still has very cool skills, but they are under powered comparitively atm. Others have moved past him with their beneficial changes. It is also true that his DPS is not the highest, nor should it be because of his high flexibility. RR is great to have in a party. Edit Aug 11th. I spent some time reading the RR forums and the DoT fix has hurt one of his main skills BFG. Further, the mob density is affecting his pet survivability. So RR moves from 2nd to 13th awaiting fixes and tweaks from the devs. Edit Aug 14th. Drops further, needs a tweak/buff to compete again.
Early Game: G ~ Late Game: Fr ~ Versatility: Ex ~ DPS: Fr ~ Defense: VG ~ Pop: Pr
SF: High ~ GD: Med ~ Role: Leader-Sniper Stab: Pr

21. Colossus (70) "Then comrades, let us end this battle -- once and for all!"
Colossus has been slowly but surely dropping in the rankings along with his popularity. I took closer look at him after I was doing some greens and got paired with a Colossus (37) with my 35 Wolvy. It felt a little badly for the Colossus he could not keep up and was ineffective. So the player subbed in a Punisher to take over... of all things. I was surprised and noted how much better he did after the sub. Colossus still has a place as a reasonable tank and if he can get in the mix his damage isn't too too bad. He has some helpful auras as well. 1.2 Data needed. Early Game: G ~ Late Game: G ~ Versatility: Fr ~ DPS Fr ~ Defense:Ex ~ Pop: Fr
SF: Low ~ GD: Med ~ Role: Tank ~ Stab: Fr


22. Spider Man (68) "I guess it's easy to laugh in the face of danger when you don't take anything too seriously."
Spidey has some woes. No self heal, no reliable AOE clear and still a bit to squishy 1 v 1 vs a boss. but this may be temporary as the Devs consider his kit. His position may seems low when first looked at and Spider Man's placement has generated some debate in the past. But if you directly compare him to other heroes, right now his impact is not up to par.
Early Game: Fr ~ Late Game: Fr ~ Versatility: G ~ DPS: Fr Defense: VG ~ Pop:Fr
SF: High ~ GD: Crucial (PSS+FFF) ~ Role: Bruiser ~ Stab: Fr

23. Punisher (67) "For the guilty there is no escape from my justice."
Aug 1st patch upped his staying power a bit, He does have uber DPS skills but no more so than any ranged DPS champ and he lacks much of what makes other ranged Heroes great. Edit Aug 11th. Punisher inhabits last place ranking. Edit Aug 1.14 patch. Punisher moves up a few spots. Started to see some players actually playing him and a FIRST! a Punisher player actually rezzed me and another Hero.
Early Game: Fr ~ Late Game: Fr ~ Versatility: G ~ DPS:VG ~ Defense Pr ~ Pop: Pr
SF: Med ~ GD: High ~ Role: Sniper ~ Stab: Fr

bakabilirsin rankinglere (1.2 updated) top tier olayını ciddiye alıp almama tamamen oyuna bakış açın ile alakalı. şöyle örnek vereyim.

human torch flame: on ile manhattan da sağ tuş basılı gezerek farmlıyor, garibim wolverine single target yada 3-5 mob keserek farmlıyor. vakit ve harcanan emek bazı herolarda verimsiz. başkasının 2 dakikanın altında yaptığı terminali 10 dakkada yapmak önemli değil diyorsan, ben bu herodan zevk alıyorum diyorsan, fazla takma tier muhabbetine. keyfine bak. illa fixlerler.. verimsiz kötü herolarıda diğerlerinin seviyesine çekmeye çalışıyorlar her patch. mesela thor bu 1.2 patch e kadar early game de çok iyiydi, level arttıkça çok kötüleşiyordu. şu anda top5 direkt.

crafterda önemli olan level0. kullanabileceğin her şey açılmış oluyor level 10 da. max levela kadar bişey açılmıyor. max levelda, fazladan düşen kostümleri disenchant etme gibi garip bişey açılıyor. onun içinde 100000 tane item donate etmek bence gerekli değil.

cosmic item reroll gerekli al. ama level60 da kullanımı mantıklı. (10k+unstable+element) recipe ı alıyorsun. level60 hero ile gidip 42 splinters harcayarak cosmic item alıyorsun. daha sonra drop olarak düşmüş yada store dan alabileceğin unstable molecule lerle cosmic itemi rerolluyorsun, BiS item elde edene kadar. unstable molecule zaten az düşüyor. onlarıda level 60 olmadan harcamak mantıklı değil. end game item reroll recipe ı yani.. 60 olduğunda bis cosmic item için illa kullanacaksın..

manhattan şuanda level kasmak için çok güzel. lvl50 lere kadar hızlı level atlatıyor. daha sonraları required xp to level abardığı için, level atlamak zorlaşıyor. şöyle farkı anlatayım: manhattan level 51-52 arası 5 saat. red terminal shocker la 1.5 saat :)

gerçi daha hızlı level atlamakta mümkün. bazı supergroup (guild) ler, bovine sector (a.k.a cow level) speedrun yapıyorlar 4 kişi. 50-60 6 saat sürüyor topu topu bu şekilde.
sorun şu ki cow level için item craft etmen lazım. recipe random düşüyor. bana daha düşmedi, drop rate çok düşük. recipe da galiba belirli bossların medallionlarını istiyor craft edebilmen için itemi. onları falan topluyorsun.
Mesaj tarihi:
Bilgiler için teşekkürler.

Bir şey daha sormak istiyorum. 100 eternity splinter olayı sadece yeni hesaplar için mi? Benim hesabım ile gidip alamıyor muyum bunu? alıyorsak nereden alıyoruz (görevleri resetlemek gerekiyor mu?. Oyun içinde doom dan dediler, gittim direk kestim (düşük lvl doom u :P. 3ün 1ini verdi)
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