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Interneti yavaş olmayan var mı? vol.2


Öne çıkan mesajlar

DeadSkinMask said:

nasıl oluyo da bu hızla ben torrentte maksimum 30kb/s görüyorum bana bi açıklayın la.

Haci ornegin burda soyle bir muhabbet var:
Interneti aliyorsun adamlar seni standart bir ip aralaligina atiyorlar. Bu bolgede tum portlarin block'lu. Biraz para veriyon seni static ip aralagina kaydiriyorlar. Burda block yok.
Ya da guvenlik acisindan block koyuyorlar interneti aldigin yere telefon ediyorsun kaldiriyorlar.
Herseyi deneyip de cozum bulamadiysan yukarda anlattiklarimdan kaynakli olabilir.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

buradan test yaptım.


Result Summary

The measured packet loss was somewhat high
Network packet buffering may be excessive
Some DNS resolvers appear to be down

Network latency measurements (?): Latency: 170ms Loss: 7.0% –
The round-trip time (RTT) between your computer and our server is 170 msec, which is good.
We recorded a packet loss of 7%. This loss is very significant and will lead to serious performance problems. It could be due either to very high load on our servers due to a large number of visitors, or problems in your network. Of the packet loss, at least 7.0% of the packets appear to have been lost on the path from your computer to our servers.

TCP connection setup latency (?): 170ms +

Network background health measurement (?): no transient outages +

Network bandwidth (?): Upload 430 Kbit/sec, Download 590 Kbit/sec +

Network buffer measurements (?): Uplink 2000 ms, Downlink 420 ms –

We estimate your uplink as having 2000 msec of buffering. This is quite high, and you may experience substantial disruption to your network performance when performing interactive tasks such as web-surfing while simultaneously conducting large uploads. With such a buffer, real-time applications such as games or audio chat can work quite poorly when conducting large uploads at the same time.
We estimate your downlink as having 420 msec of buffering. This level may serve well for maximizing speed while minimizing the impact of large transfers on other traffic.

Direct probing of DNS resolvers (?) –
Your system is configured to use 4 DNS resolver(s).
The resolver at is not responding to requests.
The resolver at could not process the following tested types:

Large (~3000B) TXT records
Large (~3000B) TXT records fetched with EDNS0

It does not validate DNSSEC. It does not wildcard NXDOMAIN errors.
The resolver at could not process the following tested types:

Large (~3000B) TXT records fetched with EDNS0

It does not validate DNSSEC. It does not wildcard NXDOMAIN errors.

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Bi de bişi sorcam belki bilen cevaplar.

Şimdi evde speedtest de yurtiçi ping 30 dan aşağı çıkmıo. WoW da felan 120ms den aşağı düşmüo.

Ama 900 metre ilerdeki dükkanda speedtest yurtiçi pin 6-10ms. WoW da 80ms felan.

Birde ipler über farklı. Biri 88.*.*.* civarı hep, evde 9*.*.*.*. Tamam ev ile dükkanın santraller farklıda, bu kadarmı fark olur :D Sanki bi tanesinde data bütün istanbulu dolaşıo öbüründe direk gidio.
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