hamsilipilav Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2011 bugün bizim CorSec'den birini gankliyorlardı Tatooine'de hemen gittik 4 kişi adamlar instance'a girmisler yesil kapı cıkısında bekliyoruz intikam icin cıkınca neye uğradıklarını sasırdılar lol
Norak Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2011 bu ability fiyatları paso artıyor lan, az önce 25k ödedim lvl 36 için, level 50 olunca son abilitylere ne kadar ödüyoruz?
Oski Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2011 burda silver, gold, platinum falan olmadığından öyle hayvani geliyor skill fiyatları her şey credit üstünden olunca. yoksa diğer oyunlarda da 30-40'da ikişer üçer gold veriyoruz skillere. 10.000 copper veya silver artık neyse ona tekabül ediyor misal. beğenmiyorsanız pokemon oynayın.
yunusemre Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2011 Genwa said: Warzone'a girerken yaşanan şu log out olayı yüzünden kafa atıcam monitöre artık Bende bunu sadece gemideyken yapiyor, disari cktigimda duzeliyor. Gemide girmeye calisiosan cikip dene bi
Genwa Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2011 Dağda bayırda her yerde denedim, bir kere dadandımı yarım saat sonra falan deneyince giriyor ancak.
Masquerade Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 ability delay hakkinda: said: Hey! It has been discussed internally, and we'll talk about it publicly soon. It's not a simple issue so we don't want to issue a quick, off-the-cuff response. sunu cozsunler bir de illum mudur nedir insanlari disari cikarsinlar cillop gibi olur iste. devami: Q: Ability Delay. Have you guys discussed this internally, and if so, is there an ETA for a fix on this issue? Hey! It has been discussed internally, and we'll talk about it publicly soon. It's not a simple issue so we don't want to issue a quick, off-the-cuff response. Q: Can you tell us what your plans are for guild banks and guild capital ships? Guild banks and guild 'housing' (of some type; ships are most popular as people know) are both on the list for future development. As always it's a question of priorities and so on, but they're definitely discussed. I will say that guild banks are higher priority. Q: What is your favorite MMO (besides this one)? Used to be City of Heroes - first MMO I worked on. Q: Any idea if the space sections will expand to include PvP or grouping? I have an idea. Can't share it though. ;) Q: What aspect of your job is most entertaining/disheartening? Entertaining: Interacting with fans in person. Disheartening: Random anger over things I have no control over. I always want to help more than I can. Q: Can I have a job? Check bioware.com/careers :) Q: I'd love to know tons more about the legacy system. We absolutely know people want to know more about the Legacy System and when the time is right, you'll know. :) Q: How much of a priority is the Mod API to bioware? The UI team is going to work on improving the existing UI first before we look at modding it. Modding may happen, but we have no ETA on 'when' that we can share right now. Q: Any thoughts of letting us play "sabaac" or "pazaak" against others or a house for credits? Those games are fondly remembered by many team members from KotOR. :) Q: Lots of PVP questions for you Stephen: Gabe and his team are working hard on PvP and have plenty of tweaks and changes in the works. We're going to try and share some of their thoughts and objectives soon if we can. Also while I know it's a pat answer - please do post feedback like this in our Forums. We read them and the development team reads them. :) Q: Can we please get a more functional AH/Galactic Trade Market? Improvements will come to the GTN in time, definitely. Q: are there plans to add more vanity pets and non-mechanical mounts to the game? More pets - yes. Non-mechanical mounts - maybe, it's a technical challenge, I've been told. Q: Will there be the ability to raise/lower hoods on Jedi Robes via a command? We know this is wanted, but it's more work than you might expect. It may come in the future. Q: What will it take for us to get offical server forums? Send a stack of unmarked bills to... ;) We were talking about this just today; it's still under discussion. From our perspective there's no easy solution but we have ideas. Q: Do you know if the Devs currently feel Huttball is balanced? I haven't asked specifically but if the devs felt that Huttball was unbalanced I'm sure they'd look at that as an issue; I haven't heard much on that, but they still look at metrics very carefully. Q: Any updates on improvements to the LFG system, or an ETA on when we might see them? No updates on that. Q: Any updates on this 'secret' improvement to Space combat or any hints you might want to 'accidently' drop? No (although see another answer above). I don't 'accidentally' drop hints. :) Q: What upcoming feature are you most excited about that you are allowed to talk about? Legacy System. Well, I'm allowed to say I'm excited about it... Q: I was wondering if you could shed some light on neutral gear As I understand it neutral gear was harder to implement than first thought, and was unfortunately moved out of the launch window. It's not 'dead', and James Ohlen brings it up as something he's a fan of quite often, so.. chances are pretty good it'll make it in someday. Q: The camera doesn't have an option to disable the auto-follow function No insight on that beyond what you already know, but we (Community team) are aware that it's a request/concern, and we'll raise it as such. Q: How do you feel about being the bulwark (as the manager of the community team) against which things like bugs and game complaints come to? Being the bulwark (AKA 'Chief Whipping Boy' which is what I signed on a box at our launch event in Austin) is just part of the job. Some days it's fine, other days it gets to you. The latter days involve beer. ;) Nonetheless, it's an important part of the job, so we spend a considerable amount of time reading, noting, assessing and performing triage on bug or game issues. Unfortunately with all the development team power in the world we can't fix every bug instantly, or make every change everyone wants, so it's always got to be a matter of priorities. We try our best. Q: Also, what adjustments have you had to make since you arrived in America? I have adjusted in many tiny ways I guess - I did change my spelling pretty early on, to ease confusion through email with people who didn't know I was English. I also added about 20lbs. :( Q: Has there been much discussion of implementing an "Armory" like website? We're aware of that sort of thing. :) Q: Is community management entirely managed by you and your team or is Lucasarts involved in some capacity? We work closely with LucasArts as our partner, so we talk a lot. On-the-ground decisions, day to day, are generally made by us, but they have a voice in many discussions. Q: It's been a bit unclear on what the future of space combat in SWTOR is. changes to space combat will happen over time, we're sure, but don't expect a whole new game to suddenly appear in a matter of months. Q: Ability Delay & Character Responsiveness / Empty Maps While Questing / UI / Camera / Graphics / guild window ... I will say that there isn't much here I haven't heard discussed, or that the development team is unaware of, but I can't give you ETAs. Why? Because development is complex, things change over time, and giving out ETAs just leads to RAAAGE when we don't hit the original suggested date (as people tend to forget what the 'E' stands for in 'ETA'). Anyway - everything you say we're aware of, that much I'll say. Q: hopefully that will get some wheels turning at BW if they aren't already. Well, so far I'm seeing many of the same questions we get on the Forums, and that's fine. :) I assure you that wheels are always turning here! Q: Are there any plan on updating the website, bringing it out of the design it had three years ago into a more modern design? Yes Q: And is increased website interactivity (posting as your character on the forums instead of a screen name, Armory features, etc.) anywhere on the horizon? maybe! Q: We're interested in stuff like more emotes with animation, different sit animations, being able to lounge in a cantina, etc. We also like to plan RP events and love large, open spaces that can hold lots of people. It's very possible that some or all of what you're asking for will potentially be put into the game... but as you can tell I have no ETAs on that. I hate to be vague, but it's always going to be a matter of priorities. Q: will there ever be galactic-scale events in the game World events might happen at some point, but not, say, by next month. :) Q: Many if not all AAA MMO's have server forums Replied above; it's still being discussed. Q: Can you tell the people who worked on the timelines and stuff on the website they are super awesome? They already know. :) Thanks tho'! Q: What is your european strategy? Will you keep putting maintenence on day / primetime for europe? The unfortunate reality of maintenance windows is that someone, somewhere, is always going to be affected. Our European prime-time - which is when we have our highest PCUs across all servers - has actually not been impacted by our current maintenance windows. It's later in the evening, not during the day. That said, this week we did overrun, and we know that many EU players were on holiday too, so that wasn't good. We're taking steps to address that. Q: On the dev team, are there 'experts' in certain areas like racial cultural differences, Mandalorian lore, galactic history, the Chiss Ascendancy, lightsaber combat, ship design etc? Experts... not really, that I'm aware of. Many of the writers are experts but we don't have a 'Lightsaber guy' (well except Brad who makes them..). Q: Was there a single team responsible for this or did people just make suggestions as they thought of stuff they wanted to see? The writing team was solely responsible for what we call 'ambient dialogue'. Q: How many writers were there for the class storylines? How much did they work together? Class storylines - most class storylines were written by one or two writers, as I understand it. The development went on for a decent period of time, so in many cases some parts were written by one writer, some by others. That said, we can generally point to one writer as having written the 'bulk' of a class. Q: Hi id like to ask if you aware of the fps issue many players even with high end pcs are having ? We're aware and are looking into it - it's not something where we're expecting to find a 'magic bullet' solution as 'FPS issues' can cover a wide range of problems. That said, we're working to improve the client where we can. Q: Do you actually enjoy the forums right now or have you aged significantly as a result of having to be a part of that whining drivel? That sounds a lot like you just described our Forums in similar terms to standing next to a nuclear reactor. Are you saying I won't be able to have children now? Q: What are some of your favorite British tv shows? Doctor Who. :) Q: Has the team considered additional "content" for those who choose light side or dark side? Specifically non-armor related items. Interesting idea! The obvious issue is that at a rough guess, you just potentially tripled the amount of content in the game... even if it was just activated at certain points. :) Never heard something like this discussed but you never know! Q: as a Brit how can you spell in an American fashion!!?!?!?! Spelling 'American style' makes things easier when you're mostly dealing with Americans. That said I can change my colours on the fly when required. :) Q: do you think that alternative specs will be allowed at some stage in the future? Also, legacy system, any further insight you are willing to share with us at this point in time? Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure. Legacy System... will be cool? :) Q: What roadmap can we expect for future content patches? New planets? New dailies? More story chapters? 'What players want' varies radically; some players don't want us to add any new content, but just want bugs fixed instead, for example. I will say that production times - especially regarding writing, casting and doing VO - are not a major concern. We've been planning the future of the game (in broad strokes!) for quite a long time. We've had actors in recording studios for quite a while recording stuff. So, we've planned ahead. We look at the overall spread of players through the game very carefully and will continue to look at that going forward. Q: Is there any information you can provide regarding the user interface in terms of making it more user friendly or with more customization options? UI customization is coming for sure. :) Q: Earlier today you tweeted that you guys are "looking into" the issue of level 50 players overpowering lower level players in Warzones. What are some potential solutions we could see? I'll leave that to Gabe to reply when he has time - we plan to expound on that soon enough. Q: I read your tweet regarding same gender romance. If it is added in the future will it be available to current companions or limited to future companions. As it's a future feature, I've got no info to share on that right now, but I know that the question you're asking will be considered by the developers. Q: Will community response be swift on important yet tough issues? For instance the ability delay. Commented on that very issue right near the top of this page. :) Q: Is there a schedule that will try to be followed for putting out new patches including fixes and/or new content There's a schedule for 'big' content patches, but we're not talking about what it is publicly just yet. For smaller fixes, we are rolling many of them into weekly patches (you've seen the first) and others may get rolled out as needed. Q: Will you make pvp brackets? That's something I'll be getting Gabe Amatangelo to talk more on, but we're definitely looking at that. Q: How much can you control the way the developers/designers interact with the community...? Primarily I want the three people named to spend the majority of their time making the game. :) That said we speak to all of them regularly and they contribute where possible. Q: Regarding the Horrid FPS, what's the priority and status on fixing these issues and working on optimization? We've been looking at that closely and will continue to do so. Q: Will players be able to romance existing companions, or will new companions be added? Sorry, I've got no updates on that right now. Q: "Green line bug" or what to call it, is that something the team is aware of? That is something we're aware of and the visual FX team are looking at. Q: I noticed the robes for the Jedi Knights had oddly proportioned butts. I think the word you're looking for is 'bustle' (the thing at the back of a Victoria era dress). Perhaps you can keep your Lightsaber in there? We've raised that one as an issue. Q: Sometimes during briefings characters appear 6 inches tall. Never fix the aforementioned bug. We might disappoint you on that. Point taken, though. Q: Why have the server maintenance and web site maintenance at the same time? Well, we made the decision that we didn't want to have two maintenance periods per week (if required) so decided to bundle them together. The two aren't joined at the hip, however; we will have maintenance periods in future where we'll just have the game in maintenance mode and not the webservers. Q: If you can generalize, how much new content is intended to be patched instead of an "expansion pack." ? We have a lot of content intended for interim patches before any future potential expansions. Q: What are the expectations of a successful "year 1" for bioware and swtor? Goals you want to meet? Expectations for me are just to stay alive. :) Q: Also, do you plan on having any type of ranking system in the future for player vs player combat / warfronts / arena's? Ranking is something that's been discussed on the PvP team. Q: Are you cooking up anything special for this SWTOR community that might be unique or innovative? I think the Guild HQ and pre-launch placement was pretty unique. :) I don't have any projects with my name on it yet. Other stuff... yeah, we have ideas! Q: Do you have any insight on the Legacy system and what perks we can look forward to? Legacy System - nothing I can reveal yet. Plans are cool though. :) Q: Do you actively play SWTOR, and if so, what Class/Advanced Class? I'm actively playing a Smuggler/Gunslinger right now! Q: Will it be possible to give us more information on exactly what we can get out of the legacy system? Without revealing more details I do want to point out one thing: don't assume that there's another, 'secret' character creation system that we're going to allow for those who have unlocked their Legacy. The Legacy System will allow you to have more options at character creation, but it's not like "Oh, you unlocked your Legacy? You now have 50 more beard types available to you!" Q: What is Bioware's current stance on Advanced Class respeccing? Currently AC respeccing is not 'on the table' - ie, it's not seen as being a feature we'll be adding in soon. It's back at the philosophical discussion stage, AFAIK. Even if you'd need to reroll, having been through the story once (and I've been through Ord Mantell a few times myself!) you'll go through a lot faster. Experiment with different moral choices, I enjoy it myself. :) Q: Can we get more badass cinematics? If you mean CG cinematics a la 'Hope', 'Return', 'Deceived' - we save those for big events. What's the next big event after launch? Hmmm... Q: Are there any plans to add more Heavy Armor options on the Republic side that would be visually similar to darksider/Sith armor? I haven't heard of too many plans to make JK armor that'll basically make a JK look like a Sith. We do feel that player classes should be able to be identified from their look, to a degree. But never say never... Q: Is the team aware of the large number of quests showing up here and there that simply can not be abandoned? Double-checked and it's definitely something that's being tracked towards a resolution. Q: What are the long term development plans to ensure that people stay interested in the game? Long term - yes, we're planning to add more high-level content, among other things. We're not committing to a specific schedule yet though.
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 TLDR her soruya "olabilir, yapilabilir dusunebiliriz" diye cevap vermis kendi kafalarinin dikine giddiklerini tekrarlamis, bioway or the highway demis eh 2012 de insanlara zorla kendi modelini dayatan bi firmadanda bu beklenirdi, resmen kulaklarini musteri onerilerine tikamislar "BIZ OYLE DUSUNMIYORUZ YAAAAA" modunda takiliyorlar design konusunda
Loex Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 yazık olmuş oyuna okudumda izlenimleri şimdi
DA2019 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Bence noel/yılbaşı tatili sonrasında, hızlanacaklar. Fikslenmesi gereken çok konu var, bunlar da sorularda dile getirilmiş. Hepsinin farkındalar ama evet, çok kaçamak cevaplar vermiş. Bekleyip görücez artık.
Bezerye Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 bir şeyi merak ediyorum; şu ana kadar empire oynarken ilk karşı faction adamı nar shadda'da gördüm(tabi sadece şehirde, attack edilebilen bir bölgede karşılaşmadım.bildiğim kadarıyla da karşılaşamıyoruz) , ilk world pvp imkanınıda tatooine'de yakaladım, merak ettiğim olay ise şu, tatooineden sonraki haritalarda, tatooine gibi contested territorymi yani quest yaparken , gezerken vs karşı factiondan bir adama denk gelip pvp yapabiliyormuyuz(mesela aldeeran), eğer ki bu ilum'a kadar sadece tatooine'de yapılabiliyorsa gerçekten yazık etmişler.
Red Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 alderaan da var bi jedi outpost.allahın dağında tesaduf gordüm ama ztn mapte adam yoktu ki jedi olsun.kimse yoktu
Norak Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 alderaan da aslında 2 tane var büyük republic outpost ama biri teaaaaaaaaa dagda resmen bulana kadar tüm haritayı actım lol sith bölgesinde oda. neyseki bizim serverda sürekli karsı faction çıkıyo karsına öle bombos değil ehue. ama server kapasiteleri baya düsük tahmin ediyorum, full dediği 3k bile değil bence toplamda.
Perspective Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 dün hoth da quest yaparken republicden fazla empire ile karşılaştım valla
Sufi Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 too long did read :X üzüldüğüm nokta şu ki vaatlerin zayıflığı beklentilerin zayıflığı yanında yeterince zayıf kalamıyor.
Kanuni Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 bu kadar bekleyip istediklerini bulamayanlar adina cok uzgunum. ben yirttim allahtan. cikacak mmo da yok amanin ..
Red Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 ben muhtemelen lvl 50 yapıp bırakırım ilerde oyun güzelleşirse açarım tekrar pvp için oynayan biri olarak şuan oyun beni sarmıyor
guernica Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 wow'un ilk zamanlarıyla kıyaslama yapabilecek olan var mı peki?
Kanuni Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Seru said: bıraktın mı oyunu, nedir? yooo oyun guzel benim adima demek istediydim.
DeviantSun Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Valla çok konuşmak istemiyorum ama sadece tek diyebileceğim, release olduğundan beri sadece 9 gün (çift rakamlara bile ulaşamamışız) geçmiş bir oyun hakkında insanların ne kadar çabuk defterden sildiklerine şaşıyorum. Oyun sektörü bizi ne kadar sabırsız, çabuk tüketen, affı olmayan insanlar haline getirmiş. Cidden çok merak ettiğim bir şey var, şu anda ben zaman makinesine bindirip insanları WoW'un çıktığı güne götürsem ve oynatsam, WoW'un o zamanki haline ne derler, Nightfall warlock 5 sn içinde kendilerini neredeyse instakill yapıp, trololo diye gezdiğinde ne düşünürler. İşin özü şu, oyunu oynarken eğleniyor musunuz, eğlenmiyor musunuz? Eğer SWTOR seviyesinde bir oyunu oynarken bile eğlenmiyorsanız cidden sizin adınıza üzüldüm. Kötü niyetimden değil, aksine sizin işiniz çok zor. İstek seviyeniz çok yüksek ve cidden bu seviyeyi karşılayacak pek bir oyun yok. O yüzden SWTOR'dan ayrılsanız bile başka oyunlarda mutlu olamayacaksınız. Sanmıyorum ki GW2, WH40K Online veya TSW geldiğinde de mutlu olmayacaksınız. WoW, uzun geçmişi ve sonsuz kaynakları sayesinde sizi tatmin edecek tek oyun gibi gözüküyor. Umarım ondan da sıkılmamışsınızdır çünkü cidden ne şu anda, ne de yakın gelecekte eşdeğeri yok.
RRa Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 beğenmeyenler gidip uyusunlar biraz. şuanda swtordan iyi oyunu bitek rüyanızda görürsünüz
Qui Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 WoW'un ilk günleri şöyleydi şeklinde yapılan savunmalara katılmıyorum. Her yeni oyun çıktığında 10-15 yıllık mmo tecrubesi bir kenara bırakılıp, benzer sorunların tekrardan yaşanması mantıklı değildir. Bunlar savaş sırrı değil. Sorunların sebepleri ve çözümleri belli. Bir çoğu için önlem alınabilir. Ha şuna katılıyorum: 4-6 ay geçmeden oyunu patlatmak, başarısız ilan etmek doğru değil. Günlük tespitler yapılabilir, ama akibetini anlamamız zaman alacak. MMO web siteleri çok yanlı yazılar yayınlıyorlar. Bu hafta BioWare'in nasıl efsane çıkış yaptığı, bugüne kadar çıkmış en harka oyun olduğu yönünde onlarca farklı kaynağa ait (aslında arka planda bazıları ortak) yazı okudum. Bugün massivle ilk defa SW:TOR'u adres göstermeden "başarısız oyunu nasıl anlarsınız"a benzer bir yazı yazmış. Dolayısıyla makalelere bakarak fikirlerinizi oluşturmayın, taraflılar. Velhasıl, karar vermek için erken. BioWare kötü yönetiyor, ama malzeme iyi. Hızla toplarlayabilir. Arka plandan iyi desteklendiği için AOC gibi daha zayıf desteklenmiş oyunlara göre daha kolay toparlayabilir.
DeviantSun Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Abi katılıyorum sana, gönül isterdi ki, hatalarımızdan ders çıkartalım ama ne yazık ki öyle olmuyor her zaman, olamıyor. Olamıyor sebeplerini o kadar çok ki, en azından bir kısmını yazayım; 1. Balancing is a bitch. Yani dengeleme cidden inanılmaz zor bir şey. 13 yıllık Starcraft için bile hala ince ayar patch'leri çıkmaya devam ediyorsa durumun ne kadar zor olduğunu az çok görebilirsiniz. 2. Birinin zevki diğerinin laneti. Düşünün, şu bir avuç insan arasında bile Crossserver iğrençtir, yok süperdir, hayır iğrençtir diyen bir sürü insan var. Size çok doğru ve mantıklı gelen bir sürü özellik, ayar vs. binlerce insan tarafından gereksiz, saçma ve yanlış gelebilir. Bir grup der ki, PvP set random, çok saçma. Random olmasın. Random yapmazsınız, bu sefer başka birisi, PvP seti çok kolay, hemen alıyorsun. Bunun üzerine almayı zorlaştırırsınız. Bu sefer başka bir oyuncu PvP seti çok zor alınıyor, şu ana kadar alanlar bizi eziyor. PvP setini nerflersiniz, o kadar PvP seti topladık, nerflediniz hiç anlamı kalmadı derler :D Bunun sonu yok ne yazık ki. Er geç, tasarım takımınızın son kararına saygı duymak zorunda kalıyorsunuz. 3. Programlama cidden lanet bir şey. Bir şeyin doğrusunu biliyor olabilirsiniz ama bu her zaman doğrusunu yapabilirsiniz anlamına gelmiyor. Bazen yanlış olduğunu bile bile bazı şeyler yapmak zorunda kalıyorsunuz. Çünkü piyasaya sürmek zorundasınız (Bknz. 4. madde) 4. Ne yazık ki tepenizde yayıncının demir yumruğu her zaman var. Yayıncı gözünde piyasadaki hatalı ürün, piyasada olmayan düzgün üründen iyidir. Sadece belli bir miktar ürününüzü geciktirebilirsiniz ve emin olun bu aralık çok ama çok azdır. Bir yazılımcı olarak bir kaç madde yazmaya çalıştım. Emin olun yazdıkça yazarım ama çoğu insan okumuyor, o yüzden kimseyi sıkmadan en önemlilerini belirttim :)
alabandes Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2011 DeviantSun said: 2. Birinin zevki diğerinin laneti. Düşünün, şu bir avuç insan arasında bile Crossserver iğrençtir, yok süperdir, hayır iğrençtir diyen bir sürü insan var. Size çok doğru ve mantıklı gelen bir sürü özellik, ayar vs. binlerce insan tarafından gereksiz, saçma ve yanlış gelebilir. Bir grup der ki, PvP set random, çok saçma. Random olmasın. Random yapmazsınız, bu sefer başka birisi, PvP seti çok kolay, hemen alıyorsun. Bunun üzerine almayı zorlaştırırsınız. Bu sefer başka bir oyuncu PvP seti çok zor alınıyor, şu ana kadar alanlar bizi eziyor. PvP setini nerflersiniz, o kadar PvP seti topladık, nerflediniz hiç anlamı kalmadı derler :D Bunun sonu yok ne yazık ki. Er geç, tasarım takımınızın son kararına saygı duymak zorunda kalıyorsunuz. Olayın özü ve güzel tespit(tu)
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