Anhora Mesaj tarihi: Mart 8, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 8, 2016 Üye olan var mı? Neler oluyor bu sitede merak ettim. Kayıt olmaya çalıştım ama daha fazla efor sarfet dediler sdf
Editor Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 Davetiye yok ancak önerebiliyorsun application yaptıktan sonra... IRC ye gelirsen öneririm akşam müsait olursam.
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 "roket adam" said: olan var mı? ne sitesi ki bu?
sabonis Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 bu editor'ün elinin kolunun uzanmadığı yer alan var mı lan? :D adam inanılmaz.
cabiria Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 ScienceHD (SciHD) is a niche tracker with a focus on Documentaries, Science and E-Learningi. The vast majority of our content are videos, but we also have eBooks, Audiobooks, and an eLearning section. And although the name hints at it, the content is not restricted to high def. We are a small tight-knit community of close to 4,000 users and we currently have a little over 34,000 torrents, with new and old material being uploaded daily. We have several internal groups that upload new material almost daily. One of our claims to fame is we host one of the largest NOVA and Horizon collections found on the web. At the time of this writing, we have about 60% of all novas and just under 50% of all Horizons out there. If there's something specific you're looking for, you can always make a request. We have a lot of very helpful people around, and 80% of the requests have been filled. We actively hunt down all open requests and fill them as fast as possible. If IRC or talking in the forums is something you are interested in, both our forum and IRC channels are pretty active, especially considering our modest size. It's really easy to keep a good ratio even for users with poor connections, as our credit system is very generous and you can boost your ratio in the credit shop, along with exchanging your credits for various things, such as Invites, Random Titles, Random Avatars, LHC Attempts, Personal FL, Slot Machine Spins, Friendly FL, Random Charity, and more. We also have user triggered global FL's fairly often, and last but not least, roughly 30% of our content is permanently freeleeched. wcd'de elite ve üstüne dağıtılyıor hafif taşaklı bi site yani. kabul etmezler bence ama application'ı bi doldur bakalım.
Anhora Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 Abi 4000 users diyor, belli ki işi bilenleri alıyorlar.
Editor Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 9, 2016 özellikle aradığınız bişi varsa yardımcı olurum
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