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Oslo'da patlama

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Sayfa 1378'e bakin beyler. Megerse daha buyuk bir teror orgutuyle gorusuyormus bu adam. Ahahaha aralarinda en mali bu cikti sanirim buyuk ihtimalle gorustugu sirp savas suclusunu da aramaya baslarlar yakinda.
Mesaj tarihi:
Osmanlı tarihinin anlatıldığı kısım da çok detaylı ve yine bir "bakın onlar ilk başta yoktular, biz boş bıraktık, geldiler, soykırımı koydular paso, şimdi istanbul'da şu kadar ermeni rum kaldı" modunda, br de Ermenistan ve Kıbrıs yüzünden sürekl Avrupa'yı suçlamış.

Hatta bazı kısımlarda direkt Almanya yüzünden oldu diyorlar.

Ama adam son kısımda haklı beyler:

Search Turkish history and compare...What is expected from a country that murders its intellectuals and journalists for utteringa word... “Genocide”... Not forgetting to honour those same murderers.... What isexpected from a country that restricts speech, jails and fines its authors, pressmen,thinkers for daring to think and “insulting Turkishness”, and regards all minorities as “Turks”... With centuries of unrepentant murders and violations, is Turkey fit to enter theEuropean Union? Or is it still “The sick man of Europe”.All EU and national level parliamentarians who supports EU membership for Turkeyshould travel to the Turkish countryside, wear a sweater with a cross, and see how longbefore it takes before they are beaten or gets murdered. Then he will bear witnesshimself how “tolerant” Turkish Muslims are
Mesaj tarihi:
Viktor said:

Ardeth said:

bu arada manifestoyu okumadım da bence sırf "ehüre salağa bak nazi özentisi bu" denmesin diye nazilere karşı çıkıyor olabilir. nazilerle ilgili kısmı okuyan varsa buraya post etsin

adamin kafasinin karistigi nokta orda, bende onu cozemedim

templarim diyor
hardcore hristiyanim diyor

ama yahudileri seviyor, israili destekliyorum diyor ve celiskili aciklamalar yapiyor

a-)kafasi karisik (ki sanmiyorum bunu)
b-)dunyayi mason ve yahudilerin yonettigine inanmis, onlarida yanina cekmek beraber hariket etmek veya davasina engel olmamalarini saglamak istiyor ki herifin kafa yapisina bakarsak bu daha olasi

dusmanimin dusmani dostumdur diye takilmista olabilir

Tapınak Şovalyelerinin Masonluk çatısı altında olaylarına devam ettiğine dair teoriler var.Hatta masonlukta tapınak şovalyesi rütbesi de var.Yani o nokta da kafası karışık değil teoriyi kabul etmiş gözüküyor.

Tabloda da paralel öğeler görülüyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
boş bıraktık ne la ortaokul ve lise yıllarımız yapılan savaşları öğrenmekler geçti sdf gerçi kim hazırlıyorsa o kitapları feci gazlar o açıdan onları da dikkate almamak lazım
Mesaj tarihi:



3.159 Failed coup in Turkey (2007) – Case study of the Ergenekon Network

Ergenekon network
" is the name given to a clandestine, Kemalist ultra-nationalistorganisation in Turkey with ties to members of the country's military and security forces.Its agenda has variously been described as Eurasianist, and isolationist. The defendantsportray themselves as defenders of secularism, and national sovereignty. According tothe indictment, the group's claim to legitimacy is that it allegedly protects nationalinterests, which the defendants believe are incompatible with the rule of the IslamistJustice and Development Party.Over a hundred people, including several generals, party officials, and a former secretarygeneral of the National Security Council, have been detained or questioned since July2008.The first person to publicly talk about the organisation was retired naval officer ErolMütercimler, who said in 1997:
“It is above the General Staff, the MİT (National Intelligence Organisatio) and the PrimeMinister. There are generals, heads of police departments, and businessmen in thisorganisation.”
Mütercimler said he heard of the original organisation's existence from retired generalMemduh Ünlütürk, who was involved in the anti-communist Ziverbey interrogationsfollowing the 1971 coup. Major general Ünlütürk told Mütercimler that Ergenekon wasoriginally founded with the support of the CIA and the Pentagon (probably right as it wasan-anti Communist network established in the beginning of the cold war).Mütercimler and others, however, draw a distinction between the Ergenekon of today andthe original one. Today's Ergenekon is said to be a "splinter" off the old one. The personwhose testimony contributed most to the indictment, Tuncay Güney, described Ergenekonas a junta related to the Turkish Resistance Organisation operating in North Cyprus.Another position is that while some of the suspects may be guilty of something, there isno organisation to which they are all party, and that the only thing they have in commonis opposition to the AKP. In an article for
, Dündar compares Ergenekon with theSusurluk network, and the Counter-Guerrilla; two other Turkish clandestine groups.Dündar also says that Ergenekon differs from the ”Counter-Guerrilla” in that the formerleans towards Russia, while the latter leans towards the United States. Claims of Ergenekon's Eurasian affinity are supported by the statements of the movement's chief advocate, Aleksandr Dugin, who called Ergenekon a "pro-Russian group". A noted retiredintelligence agent, Mahir Kaynak, says that on the contrary Ergenekon is the antithesis of Susurluk; the former is predominantly military, while the latter was a paramilitary gangthat was erected in opposition to the military.When the Russian newspaper
declared Dugin to be the brains behindErgenekon, Dugin responded that he had no part in illegal activities, but that he saw nocrime in sharing their vision of Turkey's future—free from the influence of NATO and theUnited States.

According to one of the prosecutors the organisation consists of six cells with thefollowing personnel:
Secret and civil cells liaisons
: Veli Küçük and Muzaffer Tekin.
: M. Zekeriya Öztürk, Kemal Kerinçsiz, İsmail Yıldız, and Erkut Ersoy.
NGO head
: Sevgi Erenerol. Kemal Kerinçsiz (assistant).
Theory, Propaganda, and Disinformation Department head
: Doğu Perinçek.
Mafia structuring head
: Veli Küçük. Muzaffer Tekin (assistant).
Underground contacts
: Ali Yasak, Sami Hoştan, Semih Tufan Gülaltay, and Sedat Peker.
Terrorist organisations heads
: Veli Küçük and Doğu Perinçek.
University structuring
: Kemal Yalçın Alemdaroğlu, Emin Gürses, Habib Ümit Sayın.
Research and information gathering head
: Mehmet Zekeriya Öztürk.
Judicial branch heads
: Kemal Kerinçsiz, Fuat Turgut, and Nusret Senem.
Of those, the structure of only the "Theory" department has been revealed as of September 2008.It is said that the top position is held for a six month term by an active army officer. Byselecting active officers, the group maintains connections with the military establishment.

Reason for the failure of the Ergenekon Network
It is likely to believe that the network had become too big (for clandestine activity) andthe involved too bold. Cells lacked precautionary discipline when communicating. Therewas communication between the different cells which made it possible for individualinformants to identify individuals from the 6 different cells.

News agency commentary:
An investigation into an alleged plot by secularist ultranationalists to overthrow theTurkish government has deepened with the recent arrest of senior military officers andthe discovery of several weapons caches. At the same time, there is growing concern thatthe probe could lead to increased tension between the government and Turkey’s powerfulmilitary, as well as that the investigation -- aimed at tackling long-standing anti-democratic forces in Turkish politics -- is becoming dangerously politicised.The investigation into the coup plot, commonly known as "Ergenekon," has alreadyresulted in the arrest of some 130 people, among them retired four-star generals andprominent politicians, journalists and academics. According to an indictment, the plotterswere hoping to bring down the Islamist-rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP) bysowing enough chaos, through terror attacks and high-level assassinations, that themilitary would be forced to intervene.

perincek ile yoldas dugin inde adlari geciyor
Mesaj tarihi:
Haydee, Asur soykırımını kürtler yapmış lan. Ben ilk defa duyuyorum böyle bir şeyi:

Assyrian Massacre (1842 Turkey)
In 1842 Badr Khan Beg, A Hakkari (southeast Turkey) Kurdish Amir, combined with otherKurdish forces led by Nurallah, attacked the Assyrians, intending to burn, kill, destroy,and, if possible, exterminate the Assyrians from the mountains. The Kurds destroyed andburned whatever came within their reach.
Mesaj tarihi:
"Erdogan's efforts to further re—Islamise Turkey are entirely consistent with a return toTurkey's Ottoman past as the heartland of an Empire established by jihad, and governedby the Shari'a. Indeed, both the current Erdogan administration, and the regime headedby the overtly pious Muslim Erbakan, a decade ago, reflect the advanced state of Islam's"socio-political reawakening" in Turkey since 1950—1960, when the Menderesgovernment - pandering to Muslim religious sentiments for electoral support re-established the dervish orders, and undertook an extensive campaign of mosqueconstruction [62]. Despite Frank Gaffney's apparent failure to understand this continuumof related historical phenomena, I share his acute concerns. And ultimately, we agreethat Turkey's bid to join the EU should be rejected..."
Mesaj tarihi:
3.144 European Federation military campaigns against Muslim BosniaHerzegovina, Muslim Kosovo, Muslim Albania, Turkey, Syria (Lebanon), Jordanand Egypt
Several issues will have to be clarified before initiating a campaign of this magnitude. Athorough military and logistical strategy will have to be developed.
Campaign one
– reconquista of Europe (West/East)
Western European countries
When a large part of Western Europe (and the Balkans) is liberated from culturalMarxism, wait for the rest of the nations to join the alliance. The US will implodeeventually and no measures should be taken (depending on several factors) againstTurkey and the liberation of our Middle Eastern Christian cousins before the US civil warP2 or P3 starts.The US government will do EVERYTHING to prevent Europe from forming the EuropeanFederation with Russia, as it would mean the end for the US as the world’s primarycultural and military superpower.Also, before engaging Turkey or any Middle Eastern country the most important thing isto launch a military campaign against Pakistan taking their nuclear capabilities away fromthem. If this is not done they will surely transfer the technology to Turkey and otherMuslim countries. No Muslim countries will be allowed to have nuclear weapons! This isthe most important principle. It may come to a situation where we will be forced to delayour Anatolia campaign for up to a few decades, in order to prevent an armedconfrontation with the US. The US is in a process of rapid cultural and cohesionaldisintegration so a window of opportunity will eventually arise. We should strive toinclude the new nationalistic minded leadership of the US in to the European Federationafter the multiculturalists have lost power.
Campaign two
– secondary claims (Cyprus, Anatolia)A military campaign should be launched against Turkey with the goal of liberating GreekWestern Anatolia, Northern Cyprus and Armenian Eastern Anatolia.Biological and chemical attacks might prove useful as it will leave the infrastructureintact.The US will use threats and will perhaps attempt to militarily defend Turkey, Kosovo,Bosnia Herzegovina, Lebanon or Syria

adam akfasinda 3. dunya savasini kurgulamis
Mesaj tarihi:
Şimdi de Bosna'ya geçti. Herif büyük harflerle yazmış Bosna tamamen sırptı, yüzlerce yıl boyunca tek bir müslüman aile yoktu, geldiler, müslüman yaptılar, boşnak diye bir şey icat ettiler ortalığın canına okudular diyor.

Bir yandan da okurken keyif alıyorum ahahahha çok sağlam butthurt var. "Viyana kapıları" cidden çok büyük tabu olmuş adamlarda.
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi hikayeyi birakinda adamin arkasinda baska terorist orgutu varmis ohannes sayfa 1378'den baslayin okumaya asil:

Everyone was encouraged but at the end, it was their own decision how they decided to manifest their resistance. A special emphasis was put on the long term nature of the struggle (50-100 years). Our task was to contribute to a long term approach and not to act prematurely. If there was a large scale attack the next 10 years it was said, we should avoid any immediate follow up attacks as it would negate the shock effect of the subsequent attacks. A large successful attack every 5-12 years was optimal depending on available forces.

This was not a stereotypical “right wing” meeting full of underprivileged racist skinheads with a short temper, but quite the opposite. Most of them were successful entrepreneurs, business or political leaders, some with families, most of them Christian conservatives but also some agnostics and even atheists.

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