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Oslo'da patlama


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Usta, adam en baştan, en sona kadar, tüm saldırıyı ve örgütlenmeyi planlamış. Faccebook'tan avrupa çapındaki tüm nasyonalistleri tespit edip onları da "uyandırmaktan", bomba yapımına kadar tüm detaylar var ilk dosyada. 1400 küsür sayfalık ikinci döküman ise bir manifesto. Daha en baştayım ama eleman "1950'ye kadar iyiydik, sonra marksistler geldi ve politik doğruculuk diye bir kavram yerleşti, ne oldu bize" modunda ilerliyor.

Tamamen yabancı karşıtlığı yani, ama altyapısı çok sağlam herifin. Cidden kasmış yani, delirmiş bi zenginden ötesi bu adam.

Hani niilep diyordu ya saygı duydum diye, heh, işte ben şu an saygı duydum yani. Yakalanması bence çok iyi olmuş, o noktada böyle büyük bir saldırıyı kendi kendine yapması çok büyük şans. Bu herif arkaplanda kalsaydı bu altyapıyla bir sürü insanı etkilerdi, yeni bir neonazi örgüt doğardı.
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"3.26 Avoiding suspicion from relatives, neighbours and friends

Present a ”credible project/alibi” to your friends, co-workers and family. Announce to your closest friends, co-workers and family that you are pursuing a ”project” that can at least partly justify your ”new pattern of activities” (isolation/travel) while in the planning phase.

F example, tell them that you have started to play World of Warcraft or any other online MMO game and that you wish to focus on this for the next months/year. This ”new project” can justify isolation and people will understand somewhat why you are not answering your phone over long periods. Tell them that you are completely hooked on the game (raiding dungeons etc). Emphasise to them that this is a dream you have had since you were a kid. If they stress you, insist and ask them to respect your decision. You will be amazed on how much you can do undetected while blaming this game. If your planning requires you to travel, say that you are visiting one of your WoW friends, or better yet, a girl from your ”guild” (who lives in another country). No further questions will be raised if you present these arguments.

Blaming WoW is also quite strategic due to another factor. It is usually considered ”tabu” or even shameful in our society today to be hooked on an MMO. By revealing ”this secret” to your close ones you are therefore (to them at least) entrusting them with your innermost secret. Usually they will ”contribute” to keeping this secret for you which can be very beneficial. (If people from your ”secondary” social circle ask them they will even usually ”lie” on your behalf (giving you alibi), in order to keep your MMO project a secret."

kendine paladin orderi kurmaya kasmis

The badge of the Justiciar Knight


The badge of the Justiciar Knight illustrates a white skull, marked with the symbols of communism, Islam and Nazism on the forehead, impaled on the cross of the martyrs. The background is black. The badge of the Justiciar Knight illustrates our patriotic struggle/ opposition against all three primary hate ideologies of our time: Islam, Multiculturalism (Communism) and Nazism.

The badge of the Justiciar Knight is worn on the left upper arm while the national flag is worn on the right upper arm.

Our military uniform with commendations, insignia and badges should be worn during the trial after a successful operation in cases where the Justiciar Knight survives. The commendations and insignias should be provided post-operation by an Overseer.

hatta kendine uniforma diktirmis


"September 2010
I originally wanted to try establishing a connection with Hells Angels in either Prague, Berlin or Copenhagen. However, I lost my motivation completely during my first few days in Prague. I now have to acquire a semi-automatic rifle and glock legally. I don’t think the rifle will be a problem, as I have completed the 1 week duration hunter course, and I have had a Benelli Nova Pump-Action shot gun for 7 years without incident. I don’t have a criminal record so there is no reason why the police should reject my application.
I have now sent an application for a Ruger Mini 14 semi-automatic rifle (5.56). It is the most “army like” rifle allowed in Norway, although it is considered a “poor man’s” AR-15. I envy our European American brothers as the gun laws in Europe sucks ass in comparison.

However, the EUSSR borders to Turkey and the Middle East so acquiring illegal arms isn’t exactly rocket science providing you are motivated enough. In any case; I would rather have preferred a Ruger Mini 30, but I already own a 7.62 bolt rifle and it is likely that the police wouldn’t grant me a similar caliber. On the application form I stated: “hunting deer”. It would have been tempting to just write the truth; “executing

nukleer santrallere saldiri planalri hazirlamis

Assault strategy 1 (no insiders): An assault team of three Justiciar Knights, depending on plant security, might be enough to neutralise the checkpoint guards (based on the number of armed guards). Some facilities will have many; others will have no armed guards at all. Deception might prove valuable. F example by posing as representatives from the fire authorities, forging IDs, insignia and uniforms. Bomb truck may be modifies so it mimics a fire truck.
Assault strategy 2 (no insiders): An assault team of three Justiciar Knights. Two fights their way inside, forces the plant workers to take the reactor online and deactivates the interior bomb shield, then detonates a smaller charge (50 kg) destroying the reactor. One Knight should study the safety systems and learn how to turn the reactor online, unless restricted by keys, password, etc. As soon as this is done the third Knight (who is outside waiting in the ―barrack buster truck‖) detonates the load and tears a hole in the containment building. A truck containing gasoline/rubber with a bridge device might be required to ensure that the required plumes are generated inside which will transport the radiation to the athmosphere. It is likely that the interior bomb shield is likely to activate
automatically as soon as the first explosion detonates. In this case, a total of 3 bombs will be required (1 large, 2 smaller).
Assault strategy 3 (1 insider+2): An assault team of two Justiciar Knights might be enough to neutralise the checkpoint guards given that one Justiciar Knight works at the checkpoint undercover. The undercover guard can easily neutralise the other checkpoint guards, deactivate security measures and open the gates.

aplha as fuck

As for girlfriends; I do get the occasional lead, or the occasional girl making a move, especially now a day as I’m fit like hell and feel great. But I’m trying to avoid relationships as it would only complicate my plans and it may jeopardize my operation. And I don’t feel comfortable manipulating girls any more into one night stands. I am not that person any more. I did screw two girls in Prague though, but that was mainly because it was a realistic chance that I would end up dead during the process of establishing a weapons connection. I won’t make any effort to try to completely justify it though. Human males are imperfect by default as they are plagued by their biological needs. Nevertheless, screwing around outside of marriage is after all a relatively small sin compared to the huge amounts of grace I am about to generate with my martyrdom operation. And it is essential that you do what is required to keep moral and motivation at a high level; especially, just prior to
operation critical moments.
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okudukca dehsete dustum, eger bu salak cidden bu zeka ile oturup calissa idi yepyeni bir siyasi hariekt kurabilirdi, denemis zaten ama avrupada artik irkcilik ana akim olmadigi icin basarili olmamis, kendi davasinida yumusatmamis

ve urkutucu olan herifin cogu konuda asiri bilgili olmasi, ve adam su forumun yarisindan fazlasi gibi gamer ve nerd, yaptigi operasyonu bu kadar basarili kilan ise oyunlardan ve izledigi yapimlardan bu kadar cok sey ogrenmis olmasi

hani counter atarken adam bicakliyan biri dgeil, senelerdir oyun oynayip bunu gelecek icin kendimi egitiyorum dusuncesinde bunyesine yedirmis biri

allahtan medya bu kadar zeki degilde "oyunlarda ates edio siddet" diyip kapiycaklar olayi, oysa analiz edince burda gaz ve simualtor olarak kullandigi oyunlarla tek bir kisinin yaptigi en piskopat eylemi organize etmis bi adam var


IRL yagami light herif direk
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ombakkombak said:

biz biz diyorda, kimse yok galiba etrafında, okuduklarımdan anladığım kadarıyla özellikle arkadaşlarından çok hayal kırıklığına uğramış gibi duruyor

Edit: Yalnız adam WOW oynuyormuş dedik ama şerefsiz WoW'u planlarını gizlemek için oynuyormuş oha

yok plani yeni bunun, bu herif TBC de nordrassilde oyniyordu yani forumda surekli atisiyorduk bunla ve tayfasi ile
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adam silah talimi bomba hazırlama vs gibi işlere ayrıdığı zamanda sosyal hayattan uzaklaşıyormuş, ama dikkat çekmemek için insanlara wow oynuyorumda ondan diyormuş vs. birde wow'a takıldım deyince insanlar bunu acıyıp soru sormayı bırakıyormuş :D Silah almak için ülke dışına çıkınca wow'dan kız buldum aga ayağı yapıyormuş.
Tabii şuda var:

I decided I would allow myself to play the newly launched expansion: World of Warcraft – Cataclysm. The combination of these three counter measures, in addition to my 3 weekly indoctrination/meditation walks, resulted in my morale and motivation again peaking.

Moral olsun diye de oynuyormuş xD
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Bu arada adam İslam ile ilgili yazdığı çoğu şeyde haklı da.

1. Head-on denial
: The crassest form of negationism is obviously the simple denialof the facts. This is mostly done in the form of general claims, such as:
"Islam istolerant"
"Islamic Spain was a model of multicultural harmony"
"the anti-Jewishhatred was unknown among Muslims until Zionism and anti-Semitism together entered the Muslim world from Europe
". Since it is rare that a specific crime of Islamis brought to the public's notice, there is little occasion to come out and deny specificcrimes. Exceptions are the Armenian genocide, officially denied in Turkey and theentire Muslim world.The Rushdie affair was the occasion for negationism on a grand scale. There happensto be an unambiguous answer to the question:
"Is it Islamic to kill those who voicecriticism of the Prophet?"
According to the media and most
, the answer wasdefinitely: no. According to the basic traditions of Islam, it was: yes. Mohammed aswell as his immediate successors have killed critics, both in formal executions and innight-time stabbings. In Islamic law, the Prophet's example is valid precedent. Atmost there could be some quarrelling over the procedure: some jurists thought thatRushdie should first be kidnapped to an Islamic country and given a chance to recantbefore an Islamic court, though the ayatollahs have ruled that no amount of remorsecan save Rushdie. If he stands by his book, even the so-called moderates think hemust be killed. Islamic law punishes both apostasy and insults to the Prophet with thedeath penalty: twice there is no escape for Rushdie. Yet, the outside public was toldby many
that killing Rushdie is un-Islamic
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Herif kurmak istediği gruba katılcak olanlara faaliyetlerini gizlemek için kullanabilcekleri şey olarak WoW'u göstermiş manifestosunda. Odaya kapanma, toplantılara katılma, seyahat etme gibi olaylarda aileye ve çevredekilere hesap verirken WoW için yaptım deyin demiş.

Adam tam bi evil mastermind
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Dartanian said:

Abi yagami iyi niyetliydi direk ya sdf

buda iyi niyetli kendi perspektifinden bakinca, zaten hep problem burdan cikiyor

adamin yabanci istilasi ve avrupanin dokusu ile ilgili yazdiklari dogru, hatta cok guzel tespitlerde bulunmus

sorun olan adam diyorki bu bole yumusak siyasetle, toleransla cozulmez, birinin butun kotulugu ustune alip o insan olmasi lazim yoksa hicbirsey degismiycek

al iste yagami light direk

adam cok ugrasmis ancak hicbir organizasyonda kabul gormemis gorusleri
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ombakkombak said:

adam silah talimi bomba hazırlama vs gibi işlere ayrıdığı zamanda sosyal hayattan uzaklaşıyormuş, ama dikkat çekmemek için insanlara wow oynuyorumda ondan diyormuş vs. birde wow'a takıldım deyince insanlar bunu acıyıp soru sormayı bırakıyormuş :D Silah almak için ülke dışına çıkınca wow'dan kız buldum aga ayağı yapıyormuş.
Tabii şuda var:

I decided I would allow myself to play the newly launched expansion: World of Warcraft � Cataclysm. The combination of these three counter measures, in addition to my 3 weekly indoctrination/meditation walks, resulted in my morale and motivation again peaking.

Moral olsun diye de oynuyormuş xD



yani adam bu eylemi minumum 8 ayda planlamis

cidden urkutucu
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Viktor said:



yani adam bu eylemi minumum 8 ayda planlamis

cidden urkutucu

Benim anladığım kadarıyla rahat 2 sene var; adam 2009'da armor ve silah aldım diye yazıyor

It has been decided that the operation will be effectuated in Autumn, 2011. However, I cannot go into factors concerning why, at this point. My current funds are running low, and I have less than 15 000 Euro left with a 30 000 credit backup from my 10 different credit cards. My primary funds should cover all planned expenses without spending any of the credit.
Bunu Ekim 2010'da yazmış
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Viktor said:

okudukca dehsete dustum, eger bu salak cidden bu zeka ile oturup calissa idi yepyeni bir siyasi hariekt kurabilirdi, denemis zaten ama avrupada artik irkcilik ana akim olmadigi icin basarili olmamis, kendi davasinida yumusatmamis

Avrupalı insanlardan duyduğum üzere sağcılık yükselişte, ırkçılığı bilmesem de
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