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Well, after a month of "testing"...

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Bir yerden alıntıdır.

Well, after a month of 'testing' the game, I can confirm I am very dissapointed.

I initially logged on with high expectations, and was greeted by the lacklustre character selection. I may as well start as I mean to go on, I'll compare a few of The Old Republic's features to those of the aged Star Wars Galaxies for ease of reference (although I could have used a number of MMOs).

Character Creation

Star Wars Galaxies had numerous character options, such as: age (wrinkles), height, weight, cheekbone shape, nose shape, eye shape, chin shape, eyebrow shape, several alien species, etc, etc. The Old Republic's character options are pitiful in comparison - where's the aliens? Score: 3/10, could do much better.

Starter Area, and onwards

Nice introduction to the game, although very unoriginal quests, and the 'heroic' combat got old very fast - killing groups of 3 or 4 enemies over and over was not fun after a while. I had fun for about 5 levels maybe? I felt fenced in, there was little in the way of exploration. In comparison, Star Wars Galaxies had numerous starting planets, and was wide open for exploration from the moment you logged in...although there were no quests it was still amazing fun!

I stuck with Star Wars Galaxies from week one, and played consistently until the NGE hit, then sporadically on and off for the remaining years. I could not even manage over two weeks with The Old Republic before giving up...ultimately I found it to be a real borefest. 4/10, really nothing special apart from the awesome voice acting.


I stuck with the game hoping it would get better. Mostly to see Tatooine. I ran out into the desert to explore...and died in a sandstorm. I saw a few Wamp Rats, a Skyk, a Dewback, and a couple of other types at most just stood there. Not roaming, or making a sound, just rooted to the spot. On the up side, the planet's areas you could explore were nicely done.

Let's compare Tatooine in Star Wars Galaxies?

1. In Star Wars Galaxies the planet Tatooine was a massive area, with numerous points of interest, such as the daunting Fort Tusken, the Krayt Graveyard, Mos Eisley, etc. Speaking of Mos Eisley, when playing The Old Republic as Republic there was one large settlement, Anchorhead, yet Star Wars Galaxies had numerous large NPC towns. For the ambience, I'd give it 6/10, for the size of the area it would have to be 2/10.

2. Star Wars Galaxies had various fauna -

Bantha, Beetle, Bocatt, Cu Pa, Desert Razorback, Dewback, Dragonet, Dunelizard, Eopie, Giant Sand Beetle, Gorg, Grizzled Dewback, Krayt Dragon, Kreetle, Lesser Dewback, Mountain Dewback, Overkreetle, Rill, Rogue Bantha, Ronto, Sarlaac, Scyk, Sevorrt, Squill,
Tatooine Mynock, Wild Bladeback Boar, Womp Rat, Worrt, Zucca Boar. I am sure there may have been more, and there were of cause the huge amounts of random NPCs, including the menacing Tuskens (if you go back to pre-CU).

I really can't see any 20 player Krayt Dragon hunting groups forming in The Old Republic (there don't appear to be any krayt!), or jaunts down into the depths of something like the Squill Cave, or players fighting their way through Fort Tusken.

I'm afraid I'll have to give The Old Republic 1/10 for creature variety, a really dire and embarressing selection.

Space Combat

In The Old Republic you have on the rails combat, and you're stuck in one ship, with no option to change to cockpit view etc.

The Star Wars Galaxies alternative have at least 15 - 20 different ships, of different classes, plus a whole pilot profession, with numerous space specific skills, ship crafting, 'rare' ships to find and create, huge space zones, etc, etc.

I'd give The Old Republic's space combat 2/10, and that's mainly for the pretty graphics.

I'll stop now, as this has turned into a real whinge of a post! Thanks for reading if you got this far.


Your entire post says: This is not SWG but WoW. As if that in itself is a bad thing. Not to say I don't agree with some of your points. But to take WoW as a bad game and SWG as the holy grail and then compare SWTOR to that isn't really effective. I could have told you from the start SWTOR is nothing like SWG (Sandbox) but more like WoW (Theme Park).
You would have known too :P


I am afraid I have to agree, and again the OP does make some good points. However, I get the impression you came to the test expecting this to be SWG+, which it was never going to be. As sinxins says, SWG was a sandbox game, SWTOR was never meant to be so will be massively different.

TOR isn't perfect, and I certainly agree totally on the lack of character customisation, however as themepark games go, and one that is heavily storyline based, I wouldn't say it is all that bad. By the very nature of something heavy storyline intensive it will be somewhat more linear, that is necessariy in some respects to maintain the continuity of the storyline.


Not really. As someone who has played WoW from day one until about a year ago, the game had some cool places to explore, multiple leveling paths, critters and mobs moving around, patrolling, some animals were hunting critters, enemy mobs were fighting each other, etc. Not to mention the great ambient background sounds. The world really felt alive at times.

Although I agree that comparing TOR to SWG is a bit unfair as one is a theme park and the other a sandbox, even if you compare TOR to WoW, the only real advantage TOR has over WoW are the class stories and the great voice acting. Everything else is presented better in WoW, right down to the character art style.


I'm not seeing an entirely fair comparison of TOR at (theoretically) release vs SWG at release, but nevertheless there are some good points here.

Even if I would agree that a lot of missions are just kill stuff, I'm not sure what you mean by unoriginal. Nothing in a game these days is original; go back far enough and there will always be something you can say it is derived from. Perhaps you mean varied?

I'm a person who explores by nature, who filled out the map edges in GuildWars long before there were any titles, and I have to say I disagree about the map sizes. People aren't looking at the full maps. There's stuff to explore & do. Sure, it could be bigger, I don't dispute that, but even now players are complaining it takes ages to get from one side of the map to the other. Can't really have it both ways.

Equally, exploration itself is only as good as the stuff you find. I've been to Dromund Kaas back and forth a bit and keep finding bits that surprise me. Big empty space is nothing better. Heck if I hadn't heard about it in general chat it'd have taken a good day at least to just figure out the Jawa Balloon. Exploration is also only as good as your lack of spoilers. That's become tough in today's MMO landscape, and with large populations which SWG never really had.

How many people here found the elite lizard hidden by a waterfall on Kaas? All the datacrons without looking it up? The Jawa balloon landing point by themselves and discover what it was? The Jedi Master boss by himself on Tatooine (as an Imperial)? The mission hidden away inside a farmstead in a remote part of Balmorra? The relic generator on Kaas? There's stuff to find. Not much, could be more, but there's stuff to find.

Yes, the planets need to feel more alive. Yes, space combat could be better. Lord knows my own lengthy feedback covered this. TOR is never going to be a sandbox game, but that doesn't mean TOR can't borrow some of the features that still fit in a mission- & story-driven game.


Yeah he makes some fair points. Character creation for example IS flawed. Worlds don't feel particularly big. Which makes them being separate zones a bad thing. I rather then have several zones all interconnected. The fact they are separate and require zoning would mean they COULD in theory be a lot bigger. They also don't feel very alive or dynamic.

But the main point the OP seems to make is that he wanted it to be SWG-like and is disappointed it is WoW-like when it was clear SWTOR was WoW-ish.

Mesaj tarihi:

Bir başka yorum.

Thank you, BioWare, for inviting me to this opportunity to play the game for the past month. I know the selection process was random - nobody looked at my account and said, "Hey, let's let Tim play this thing and get his feedback," but, still, thank you.

I did just what you asked me to - I played the game as I would have had it been retail. I largely ignored the bugs because you told me to and I figure you know about them already. Things like broken quests, missing voice-overs, video clipping, etc. I hope that the feedback that I've provided both through the marketing surveys and here on the forums is valuable. I've certainly found value in playing - I've learned a lot about the game and the knowledge I've gained has effectively given me a 1-month jump-start on retail.

When I step back from my preconceived notions about what the game "should" be, and I just play it for the sake of playing it, it is, in my opinion, a really, really good game. It captures my attention. It draws me into the world and almost always keeps me immersed. It tells a lot of really great stories. After playing it for a month, I'm going to call it my favorite game and I eagerly await its release.

As we wind down this marketing focus group test, I just wanted to say that - thank you.

Of course, I can't post a thread without some feedback so I'll describe what I really like, what I really dislike, and what I'm concerned about for the game. Top 3 in each. One player's opinion, obviously, so take it for what you will.

What Is Awesome

The Miz is Awesome... wait, that's sports entertainment, not MMO.

First and foremost, just playing the game is a great experience. The game really feels like KOTOR 3-X and it really feels like Star Wars (while in this player's opinion, KOTOR sort of didn't). Taking a look at the game overall, the stories, quests, combat, the "every minute" playing, without looking for flaws, just relaxing, playing SWTOR is a fun experience. Ultimately, that's what a game is about, right?

Second, I loved the moment of getting my first ship. When I ran into the hangar and saw it there, I couldn't help but walk around the whole thing, looking over every inch. It was a cool feeling of excitement, but that is also the definition of immersion.

Third is hard to nail down because it's a toss-up between a lot of features, but I think I do have to go with story. Story is a tough one because different types of stories appeal to different people. It's very subjective. But looking at it overall, I haven't encountered a "bad" story yet. And I've encountered some "holy smokes, really?!" stories. I particularly enjoyed the Trooper's starting-world story. I stopped playing my Sith Inquisitor when he ran into the Revanites because I don't want to spoil that part of the story for myself in retail. I suppose this is what we all expect from BioWare - great story - but even though it's expected it's still a very positive aspect of the game.

What Sucks

In keeping with the same vein as what is awesome... Cena sucks! Ok moving on to SWTOR...

First and foremost, having to think hard and work to manage inventory and credits in a modern MMO is both frustrating and stupid. Players who are not aware of the expenses that are coming - especially for mounts and the ever-escalating training costs - will craft themselves into financial ruin. And it's just not fun. Do you have fun managing your bank accounts and paying your bills and ensuring you don't get behind? Now imagine how fun it would be if your next month's mortgage could be 400% of what it was last month, without notice from your lender. Seriously, where's the fun in that? (OK, jumping on my soap box about this for a bit...)

BioWare, you said that you put in the feature to have our companions sell our grays because selling grays wasn't "heroic". You want this game to be about heroism and story.

Tell me, what exactly is heroic about looting grays? Did we ever see Han Solo bend over a fresh kill, rifle through its pockets, and hand Chewbacca a hunk of metal to go sell off for a few credits? NO!

Did we ever see Obi-Wan tell Luke that he'd need 4,500 credits to teach him how to defend against blaster fire with his lightsaber? Again, NO!

Did we ever see Anakin tell Senator Palpatine that he'd get right back to him because he had to run back to town real quick to sell off all the worthless green junk he had looted? NO!

There is nothing heroic or fun about the way the loot-credit-credit sink relationship set up in this game.

But wait, there's more. When players who aren't anticipating these expenses craft themselves into bankruptcy and discover they need a whole lot more cash than they have on-hand to train for the next level or for their vehicles, what are they going to do? Some will be so frustrated they'll quit. Some, if they really want to play, will BUY CREDITS. Yep, the economy as it stands will encourage this horrid behavior and all the BS that credit-sellers perpetrate on the gaming community, from being bad citizens ingame to aggressively hacking accounts. In WoW, it is incredibly simple to become a millionaire yet people still buy gold and accounts still get hacked for their gold. I can't imagine how brutal it will be in this game, where credits are really going to be a problem for players.

You can fix this, BioWare. You can take a step away from the "tried and true" MMO mold and do something really creative for your players.

You can start by re-evaluating the gold sinks you've built into the game. Make them a lot smaller. Then you can just plain old cut out the gray drops because there is nothing heroic or fun or "story" about that whole process. Just drop credits instead of grays.

While you're at it, you might as well get rid of green drops, too. You'll have more accurate numbers than I, but I believe that I've equipped less than one half of one percent of the green world drops I've ever had. Quest rewards are superior to green drops. Green drops are a leftover from old-school MMOs in which you have to grind to level, and through that grinding green drops might upgrade your gear. This is not the case in SWTOR - you will have a really tough time leveling if you try to do it through grinding. You are heavily incented to quest and thus you will have quest rewards that are superior to green drops.

So the only thing green drops really do is to take up inventory space and turn into credits when I get back to town. Again, what's so heroic, fun, or "story" about running out of bag space or stopping in the middle of an adventure because you have to sell a bunch of junk? And your companions can't even help you with these!

Get rid of green drops and turn them into credits, too. What seems to be 99.5% of them have no other value in this game.

OK, off my soapbox on credits.

My second dislike is the crafting system. As it stands, at least to the levels I've played, there is nothing worth crafting except Biochem, and that's only so I don't have to pay extortionate fees for stims. Nothing else I've been able to craft is a legitimate upgrade to gear I got through questing. You should change this so that, level-for-level, crafted goods are just a hair better than quest rewards. This would make a player-driven economy somewhat viable.

My third dislike is general PvE game balance. Some classes are overpowered for the content. Some are tragically underpowered. Being overpowered can feel heroic, I guess. Being underpowered just sucks and makes the class unplayable, at least for me.


OK, so three concerns because I really don't know how they'll play out...

My first concern is the launcher. Not the issues with downloading and installing because I'm sure you'll fix those, but with security. The game seems to have a two-step authentication process in which the launcher executable is responsible for authentication which it then passes to the game client executable.

Rift used a similar technology and it opened the door to severe hacking as soon as the game was released. The Rift hackers figured out how to log into peoples' accounts given only their account ID which was readily available on the forums. They didn't need email address. They didn't need password. They just needed one number they could easily get to (or randomly generate) and the knowledge they gained by reverse-engineering the authentication token passed between launcher and game client.

Please make sure you have a rock-solid anti-hacking firm look into this technology!

My second concern is competition for resources, especially at launch. I've been in zones with a couple other players - A COUPLE - and it seemed tough to find the mobs I needed to kill or the nodes I needed to gather. This is at a time when there are regularly under 50 people of my faction online. When retail launch hits, I can see myself sitting in a corner scratching my backside because there are simply no quest objectives available - everyone else will have already got them. This will be amplified significantly by credit-sellers camping good spawns if you don't change your economic model. Hopefully you've implemented a population-based respawn timer like WOW has for mobs, quest objectives, and resource nodes.

My third concern, and maybe it should be my first, is Microtransactions. These, if implemented incorrectly, are the only thing that could prevent me from buying and subscribing to SWTOR. If any microtransaction gives its buyer any real in-game advantage over players who don't use them, I won't buy. Simple as that. If you want to do the WoW-thing and give players non-combat pets and mounts with unique skins for micro-transactions, that's awesome!


Anyway, that's probably my final feedback post and with it, a heart-felt thank you, again, for selecting me to participate. It really is a good game overall, and can be a much better game if you remove a few warts. I can't wait to play the real thing!

To those who would argue against my points, please remember that these are opinions... feelings... not facts. Not much sense in arguing those. I'm sure you have your own "top 3" in each of these categories, though, and I encourage you to respond with those rather than arguments.

Mesaj tarihi:

Great. And this is what raises SWTOR above games such as Rift or WAR (along with it being Star Wars).

Character Creation
Horrible. Probably the worst I have seen in an MMO.

Body Types - Short anorexid, Average Skinny, Overgrown Bodybuilder on Steroids, Short & Fat. Neither of these are the normal heroic build. Just an average athletic character type is needed.

Head shapes - Shameful how little choice is given here. About 4 European, 4 Asian and 4 African heads across all races, slightly different depending on Body Type. And even within those 4 heads there is little difference besides noses.

Facial Features - Need way more of these (tattoos, scars, facial hair etc.)

Facial Hair - Most of the ones are really bad looking. Civil War Era looking. Way too much hair in the beards, moustaches, burns / mutton chops. Now heroic or cool at all. We need the trimmed beard, stubble, etc. looks. 21st century facial hair.

Hair styles and color - More options here too. And restrict certain looks to Empire/Republic and certain races. (Like the beady one for Republic Jedi)

Make Cyborg a human facial feature. OR give actual mechanical arms/legs.
Make races look more unique, not just humans with a different color of skin. Unique head shapes, facial features, etc.

Just over all this needs way, way more choice. When you have conversations with NPCs it zooms in on all your faces, it should be personal. And I shouldn't browse through the login screen characters and find that most of them look almost exactly the same, just different races.

Crafting - Nothing inherently wrong, nor special about it. The fact you can send your companions to do stuff makes it less of a grind than say WoW or DAoC. But things need to be smoothened out so that your gathering profession actually gets you the stuff you need for your crafting profession if they are around the same skill level.

Combat Some classes need more variation in skills (Sith Assassin) and I would also suggest taking a good look and perhaps doing quite a revamp of combat skills. I would try to introduce combo chains (Attack 1 opens up attack 2 opens up attack 3). In combination with more positional combat (Front, Side, Back).

Melee - If possible pimp up melee combat to look more flashy. Feels kind of dull compared to the awesome effects of force attacks or ranged attacks such as rockets and flame throwers.

Advanced Classes - They take classes in nice different directions. Though looks-wise it needs more work. Especially classes that keep the same armor class need to have a more unique look. Sith Assassin need shorter robes or tucked into their boots, or just simply give them pants to wear, maintaining robes for Sorcerers. Perhaps add another armor class for BH so that Mercenary can be say Reinforced Armor while Powertech gets the Heavy Armor.

Skill trees - Work on more synergy and more of a packaged whole that takes the class in a more specific direction when it comes to DPS trees. Introduce more active abilities into skill trees.

Make choice matter more (early on). Remove the ability to farm Dark Side / Light Side points so easily through diplomacy. As well as the easily available companion gifts. Make choices you make come back earlier on, even if in small ways. So that it really feels like you play your own story and your dialogue options don't simply determine what the NPC is going to respond with.

Companions - For a company such as Bioware which prides itself on RPGs with Companions I find SWTOR to really be shallow when it comes to your companions. You need a lot more interaction and dialogue with them.

[b]Sith Inquisitor Story[b] lacks motivation for Light Side players. Why is the SI following his new Master to Dromund Kaas? The Empire enslaved him, then forced him to go to Korriban. You basically 'free' yourself when you are asked to go to Dromund Kaas. What motivates my character to actually do it if he is LS and not hungering for power? And if LS also hungers for power, then make this come back more obvious in dialogue options.
In the end I had to give myself fake motivational story through the Revanites -> Find out if they were right about the Emperor and if so, 'free' him.

I am an avid PvPer since DAoC and it is the main thing I look for in an MMO. I found WoW battlegrounds to be rather boring. But I have to honestly say I'd rather play WoW battlegrounds (which I have for years) than SWTOR Warfronts

Warfronts - They are too small and lack any sort of diverse terrain. They are plain open rooms. Which means you can see your enemy anywhere in that room, pretty much. And there is little room for deploying tactics. It just becomes deatchmatch around objectives.
It would be alright if there was/will be true meaningful open world RvR such as DAoC frontiers or Planetside as end-game PvP. But I don't see myself, an avid PvPer, doing much warfronts at all.

The Ball Not sure how this WF is called, the one with the ball. I don't think this fits in SWTOR and would rather see it removed, or turned into a 5vs5 arena style.

I don't feel they are worlds, but zones. And when that is the case I ask to myself, what is the benefit of them being worlds then? I'd rather have 1 world with a lot of different zones but all interconnected than the current setup. Worlds would basically allow you to create much bigger zones, because they are all zoned. But I don't 'feel' these 'big' Worlds. Sure, they are big. But it feels more like the world is big and I am small. Often a lot of nice art is lost on me because I'd have to pan the camera up. The world is also quite empty / spacious. Which isn't bad, but it means that the actual game world that is in use and used isn't really that big at all. I had expected more lush dynamic worlds that feel alive. Perhaps introduce critters...
Making them big and empty also means it feels you are walking so slowly and for so long to get anywhere (Kaas City) before you get sprint / mount.

Sound - Wow. I bought a 5.1 surround set when I got a chance to test SWTOR because I remembered the amazing ambient sounds from the KOTOR series. I have this story that'll always stay with me. I had virtual 7.1 sound headset from Steelseries and was in Dantooine in KOTOR. I kept hearing a bird chirping on my left side. On my left was also my window. So eventually I put off the headset and listened, thinking there was a bird at my window, but it was the game.
SWTOR is so... quiet... dead.

Vibroblades/knives I'm not sure if at high level they become actual blades / swords. But the low level oversized stun rods or tiny jousting sticks called warblades really are quite silly

Lightsabers - They don't look like rays of light but more like light-tubes to me. To talk in photoshop terms. It seems like you added a stroke around the white inner side but you should be adding a outer glow as well :P I'd also like to hear them more.

Cinematics - Some feel a bit stuttering. Sudden changes in movement, not smooth. Pauses etc. Very staged.

Flashpoints Need more of these at early level

LFG tool needs a lot of work. More depth. Be able to select specific quests / flashpoints you are LFG for. Or select you are looking for group for anything/everything and automatically show other players the group quests and normal quests you have.

Class Story Conversations - Make other group members able to join the conversation but not make any choices. I helped this guy in his class story area but had to wait when he spoke to his NPCs. It would be nice if I could at least follow the conversation if I want too.

I'm sure I forgot some things but I'll add them as I think of them in the post below.

In closing:

SWTOR is a good game, better than the crop of MMOs that have come up AFTER WoW. But it is not a great game yet. As things stand, I will pre-order it. I will level perhaps 3-4 classes to 50 for the story. In the mean time I will also dabble in some end-game content. But after that I'll quit the game. I give it... 3-4 months of play time before I quit.

It needs work (I have disregarded the myriad of bugs that are still in the game as this was not our job) in some areas. And a few areas need to be really really worked on hard and changed. I was hoping to see this released late September. But I don't expect anything earlier than November now. Get into crunch and make this happen. Because as it stands, I see an average MMO with a great story in the Star Wars universe.

Mesaj tarihi:

En açıklayıcı olanı..

Much like a few other posts, this isn't really aimed at other testers' reading it, more for Bioware, but by all means feel free.

Firstly thank you Bioware for this experience. I really have enjoyed playtesting TOR, and hope my many /bug and /lag reports go some way to making it a better experience. Hopefully the same goes for my and many other players' feedback. So without (much) further ado, here's my final thoughts. It's a bit jumbled in places, as some tidbits are just things I noticed.

This post is going to seem rather negative. Sorry about that. I can assure you there's much about the game that is great. If it's not in this post, chances are I liked it. I will attempt to highlight bits I really really liked, but in general if people aren't complaining about it, it's probably just fine, or even really good. I figure you want the bits that need fixing highlighting.

It's also quite long. Well, I'm condensing 30 days of notes here, what do you expect? I apologise in advance if I've used the terms quests, mounts, pets, or any other WoW-isms, but it's hard to avoid completely.

It is split into four sections (I warned you it's long, right?): Big issues, observations, a tour of the planets I've been to, and analysis of the story I've seen (spoilers here for people reading).

Bigger Issues To Address
I've split these into things I'd say you must address prior to release, and ones where if you got them added, it'd really help the game along.

NPC design
I've written at length about NPC design already here, even if that post is aimed at group content specifically. A short summary would be that the worlds don't feel alive right now, and group content doesn't feel heroic at all. The two together really deaden the game experience in a way that is so universal to the game that it must be addressed. Grouping UI I addressed here. Some great feedback from other players in those.

Must-haves (one or more of):
The enemies rarely use powers or abilities, the group missions are just the same NPCs with more health, and they all stand around in small groups. There's no coordination, no intelligence, and fighting them begins to feel very repetitive. This has got to change, because currently it helps make every planet feel the same over and over. It destroys what immersion the game has built from the story.

Add in more story & tactics to combat - use of stealth to disable or slice droids to your side, force persuade on a commander to order a patrol out of the way, and so on. Give us options!

Update missions so that NPCs react to your actions. I've poisoned nests and the nearby NPCs just stand going 'what's that smell?'. I've fought so-called attacks that are just a sequence of static groups. Again, nothing feels alive & it ruins immersion.

Add Warhammer-style public missions, Rift-style invasions, and Tabula-Rasa-style hold points where the NPCs fight pitched battles (no not just standing shooting at each other) and the players determine who wins & loses. Reinforcements arrive by shuttle, and it all starts over again, say, every 20 minutes. Integrate these into the story where attacks are reported, instead of having players push a button to start an attack(!?). I'd rather wait a little and have a fun time than just have the missions seem mindless & robotic. I watched players in TR just play in these by themselves to heal NPCs or fight the tough end-wave elites just for fun.

More flashpoints. Black Talon in particular I thought was great, enough said really.

Make enemy NPCs react to passing fast travel speeders. I fly over them - why aren't they trying (and failing) to attack, to give chase, just a little reaction, please!

Add more moving friendly NPCs - the guards who wandered roads in WoW for example come to mind.

Add more neutral NPCs who are just going about their business e.g. moisture farmers, civilians - not everyone should be wielding a blaster & hostile.

Movement by NPCs generally - dropships unloading troops, soldiers drilling, messengers, runners, speeders passing by.

Sound! Cities are silent. Areas that should be teeming with ambient noise are eerily quiet. NPCs standing about (mostly) aren't talking to each other. Cantinas only sound like there's music. Background noise is missing in so many ways.

Space combat
Ironically the controversial on-rails bit wasn't what irritated me about space combat in the slightest. I felt like the on-rails component kept the combat interesting and I could focus on fighting, not worrying about flying.

Really liked:
That one mission that provided ship upgrades unexpectedly. More of this please. Story-driven upgrades to your ship are a good thing.

Enable this to be more than a solo thing - allow grouping, or make space combat public in some suitable way, so that I can see other pilots and perhaps assist them. It's probably asking a bit much for PvP in space at this stage, but the thought is there.

Make space combat bigger in scope. Right now it feels like a little mini-game with no real purpose to it beyond wasting time grinding for more space combat. Currently it's World of Tanks, in space, but with less fun and even less point. Link it to the game world. Give it meaning. We're in a war aren't we? Make it something like a front line.

Make the upgrades less grindy & more useful. 5 Fleet Commendations for a lousy extra 150 armour? 168 for all the upgrades once you're level 50? We left grind behind in Aion, thanks. Why isn't my vast number of credits in play here at all? Why do the upgrades do practically nothing after all that grind?

Where to begin... companions are a great concept, currently feeling a little tacked on.

One absolute requirement before release is the following: randomise the default armours for companions (including the ones they receive over missions), and let each and every companion select different looks. This includes not only armour itself, but where appropriate, hairstyles & makeup etc. It absolutely kills the feeling of immersion & fun when everyone is running around with an identical companion. Khem Val doesn't change look at all currently. Big problem when a million players have them. This has got to change - I can't emphasise this enough.

On your ship, the hub of your social gatherings for companions, you can't interact with them much - unlike Dragon Age Origin's camp, where you can both talk to companions & sort out their inventory, you have to land to do the latter, and it's painful & tedious.

Companions ought to be hidden or told to stand still during conversations they don't participate in (including other people's!). They keep turning up & clipping the people you're trying to talk to. Very distracting & annoying.

Companions ought to either have their own or share your alignment. Very irritating not being able to give Light or Dark items to them.

You don't really converse with them (second conversation is around level 25!), nor are they an integral part of your conversations the way Garrus or Liara might be in Mass Effect. Too often they're disposable pets, rather than friends you want to keep by your side. They need to be brought deeper into your life as a character. I've had one whole quest for one companion in the entire playthrough of a Sith Inquistor to level 35.

I haven't come across any interactions between companions yet. I noted this in Mass Effect 2 as well (Dragon Age 2 by comparison managed to add this) - I don't interrupt any confrontations between Khem Val & Andronikos etc. It would help to make them feel more alive if they talked to each other as well as to me.

I would greatly prefer to be able to at least partially mould my companions - if I choose a light side or dark side approach, to nudge them in the same direction, much as I could with Alistair or Leliana. Don't diminish their current state of being opinionated re affection etc. - just let me feel like I have some influence with them, on their alignment, their attitude. Some particularly come to mind; more on that later.

Extra-story content
The levelling progression is ok, the story is great, but we all need a breather sometimes, a little bit of the galaxy we can call our own, or perhaps fight to make our own. The game is crying out for some sort of objective-based PvE & PvP that is just a case of 'have at each other' to move a front line, to secure territory, perhaps tied in with an expanded space combat - in short, there's a war out there and we should be able to participate. This isn't just endgame, although it makes an excellent concept for endgame. You could level bracket this suitably and let everyone participate in stuff that just feels like players out making a mark on the world. A comparison would be GuildWars Alliance Battles, a PvP match system (though I would incorporate PvE as well). Nothing quite like looking at the world map and seeing the front line move, outposts change hands, all thanks to your efforts.

Technical Evaluation
Whilst of course this is a beta client, I noted some interesting behaviours that are worthy of comment.

There's a fair bit of graphical hang (as what looks suspiciously like graphics driver hang) and that needs serious investigation (I've had too many cases where the client hung my machine and thus couldn't /lag report it).

The client easily exhausts 32-bit address space, and as such I'd strongly recommend adding Large Address Aware to the client, as well as strongly considering a 64-bit native client. We are well into the 21st century by now - a 64-bit client should be perfectly feasible considering how little third party code appears to be present in TOR. (For those unaware, a default 32-bit process gets 2GB address space, an LAA 32-bit process on a 64-bit OS can get 4GB address space, and a 64-bit process gets ... more than one could ever possibly need). In the same vein, the client's two processes are easily using up 4GB of RAM and as such the same reasoning applies.

As far as graphics options go, all the usual suspects are currently missing - in particular I'd like to see vsync working (I can't get it to work), a choice between real full-screen, fake full-screen, windowed mode, and support for anti-aliasing. The game doesn't look its best with a bunch of jaggies.

Sound has an annoying tendency to start then disappear as you move (e.g. start a speeder, you hear it, something else that yields a sound, and the speeder sound has gone).

I was disappointed to see no DX11 support in the engine. Whilst of course DX9 is required because it is ubiquitous, DX11 presents considerable performance savings for anyone able to run it (VRAM virtualisation, multi-threaded rendering, the list goes on). I hope that even if it's post-release, we see this upgrade for TOR as it is shaping up to be quite a demanding game, graphically speaking.

Missions & Planet Story
Missions generally seem to have no consequences or branching. I can be rude as I like and yet mysteriously I end up with the exact same results as everyone else, just different dialogue. In fact none of my actions really seem to do much in the longer term. I know this is Chapter 1 and so you could have all sorts of consequences lined up, but in the shorter term per planet, a little branching wouldn't hurt to make you feel like what you say matters.

I'd like to believe that TOR actually has twice as many quests and we got double xp so that we could level in a reasonable 30 days, but given that this is as-release feedback, the levelling curve needs to be slower. Consider that in 30 days I got one character to level 36, one to level 21, and one to 10. Even with four characters, I'll be lucky to not have four at level 50 in six-seven months max, and plenty will be faster. That's pretty quick, and arguably looking at how STO was received where players got to max level in a month, I'd say things need to be slower.

Do something about every ship being the same. Change the decor, let me populate rooms with trophies, buy (or craft) miscellaneous art, change the colour of the blasters, fit turrets (how can you have ships in Star Wars and not have turrets?). By the same token, being able in future to change the actual ship to suit personal tastes would be rather nice (i.e. more than just one ship available per class). Without this, it's going to be very hard not to feel 'everyone else has one of these just the same'.

Cities & Levels
I note that there aren't many level 50 or level +5 (i.e. whatever your level, they're 5 above) guards about the place. What's to stop a marauding horde of level 50s laying waste to say, Dromund Kaas, or Tatooine, or any of the low level areas? If players can do something, trust me, some players will. See Goonswarm in EVE.

It may seem a tiny point, but please arrange all elevators so that when one is up, the other is down? It seems rather silly to have three up at the same time and just increases standing about (or suicidal jumping).

Did you know, there doesn't seem to be a single door in TOR? Ok, there's one or two, mostly ones I have to cut through, but really, the place is lacking doors. It's like the entire game is one open-plan office. How can I laugh at a stormtrooper hitting his head on a door opening when there aren't any? How can I skip merrily ..ahem.. run through a closing blast door with troopers yelling 'close the blast door' when again, there's not one to be found?

My (potentially very expensive) speeder being a saleable item I did not find terribly comforting. Make this akin to unlocks please.

Basic speeders not only look rather ugly, but wipe out companion buffs (the only time that happens), and make them disappear & need resummoning. Why, given such a heavy reliance on companions, aren't these speeders available as two-seaters?

Speeders really shouldn't be usable indoors. It tends to look really silly.

Each spaceport ought to have simple and obvious signs for which door is whose entry point for their airlock. Each class could have a fairly straightforward symbol above the door for starters. Just much more convenient.

Whilst the Thanta on Alderaan made a brief appearance, the game desperately needs different navigation methods per planet. Make them stand apart in every way available, as they need all the help they can get currently to not seem like the same.

General Chat
Confusing & buggy doesn't begin to describe this. I could hear people that couldn't hear what I said. I could hear people on other planets than the one I was on. I could hear people on the opposing side, yet I can't mail items to them. All just very weirdly implemented. Is this a faction war you want to have filled with childish swearing & insults, or one you'd like to constrain a bit ala WoW?

Put simply, we rather need more than one per action. Jumping in particular started to grate on me. Jedi Academy had this great little forward flip you could do sometimes that really made you feel like a Force wielder. Currently everyone looks like a frog. Equally combat animations, whilst great, need to mix it up a little so that you don't feel like 'yes he's stabbing that exact same way every time I press that button'. Immersion is key.

Crafting & Economy
I see where TOR is going with crafting, but it sorely needs some streamlining & work. I would like to see my companions busily doing something if I have them crafting on the ship.

Crafting should only go from cargo hold, not from inventory. It's daft that I remotely send my companion out to gather items, which turn up in my inventory by magic, and craft items from my inventory (they're great ninja pickpockets clearly), and then magically deposit them in my inventory when done. Cargo hold eliminates all the magic, and is much bigger too.

Why only three companions off doing something? Worried about farming? Wait until bots get hold of this interface - then you'll see farming. If anything, tailor the game so farming, queueing of crafting etc. is already part & parcel of the game interface, and so there's nothing to bot or cheat over. Adjust the recipes & economy accordingly; everything is just supply & demand after all.

I am rather concerned that the results of crafting aren't really anything you'd sell to other players with the exception of some rare items. Everything we get from the game gives us better loot. A loot-based economy is fine, but it begs the question - why have crafting at all? There needs to be some reason to make stuff.

Skills & especially speeder skills begin to get just a little ridiculously expensive towards level 25 onwards. It's not a terribly effective money sink in the first place as they're all one-off purchases. Taxes are usually far more effective.

Why can't I remove upgrades? I can get items that have None in that slot, so why can't I remove items? For example, I'd really like to see an opportunity to customise your sniper rifle or lightsaber as you level so that rather than replacing the look with new drops, you keep the look you personally like and keep upgrading the item instead. It feels much more like yours that way - a finely tuned weapon for your personal use.

Inventory & Rewards
Why can't I sort my inventory? Why can't I have it in tabs like Dragon Age 2 to separate out the different types of items?

Alternatively, when I bring up the companion window + inventory, or crafting + cargo hold, fade out everything that is of no use in that context. Items that can't be worn; items that aren't relevant to crafting.

There's no way to preview items to see what they look like from mission rewards, nor any way to see what rewards a given mission will provide in advance. Makes decision making quite hard...

I've walked through casinos, visited cantinas, and there's not one minigame in the place. Sabaac, pazaak, that cute game Chewie & the droids played, Battleships in Star Wars, the list of ideas goes on.

Please let us select what icons to show, without limited range (ok other than missions & undiscovered locations, fair enough), so we can get rid of twenty crafting vendor icons and find a bank on the map & minimap!

All maps should have full ability to zoom in & out - to see the full world or zoom into an area. All maps should also have ways to click from one area to another; not all currently do.

The galaxy map is frankly abymsal. It offers nothing in the way of useful interfaces that wouldn't be better presented just as a list (and I'm all for interfaces that look like they belong). Why do I have to click on or hover over an area to see what's in it? Why no permanent tooltips? Mass Effect 2's galaxy map was superior in just about every way.

Maybe it's just me, but calling this instant-items-are-available-anywhere-in-the-galaxy magic as mail totally breaks immersion. Banks are bad enough but you know, those didn't bug me the way mail did. There are so many ways you can do this that don't remind you you're playing an MMO, but rather you're inside Star Wars. Delivery to your ship's hold; messages at your holoterminal; Czerka Corporation's friendly NPC messengers; heck I'd even accept in-game generated spam (the Royal Prince of Tatooine's bank manager has need of your ability to move funds and would urgently like to meet you) if it meant I get to use mail in a way that feels like Star Wars. How you name & market features is everything for immersion.

Ease of identifying enemies
A survey question no less - I would propose some sort of Force Sense or Scanner Vision etc. that enables me to see in the dark for a bit. There have been so many occasions where the area is dimly lit, the NPCs are hard to see, and I end up feeling more like I am getting tired eyes than enjoying the game from just trying to make stuff out. It need not be active all the time, and not very far, but enough that I can avoid walking into an elite because I, a mighty & powerful Sith, can't see...

Headgear & Clothing
If we're going to have headgear, can we please arrange for ones that don't clip with hoods, or chest items with toggleable hoods, or something? I know we can hide them, but that's a sledgehammer solution. Nothing more annoying than some great stats headgear loot that makes you look like a demented American Football player wearing a hoodie.

On that subject, a lot of the headgear for Sith looks... kinda daft. An armoured face is one thing. An armoured face with rings around it is getting a little overcompensating. Darth Jadus in the Agent storyline was an example where it looked good.

Dyes... when five players in a playtesting group who happen to all be around the same level all look identical because they are all wearing the same blue drops from the latest group content, something is deeply wrong with how loot & clothing & colours are presented. Please let us vary this by some means.

Planetary Visits
So this is a random smattering of observations from my times on various planets. When I go through my primary playthrough in a moment, more may be touched upon from that specific perspective.

One overall deeply worrying trend was that every planet played the same once you got off Dromund Kaas. You arrive, see some initial people, do a story quest, meet the first big cheese of the planet, do more story, meet the real big cheese of the planet, save the world, and then just as you're heading to the spaceport, the really really big cheese of the planet invites you back for more mayhem. It's the same every time... Please change this. It's terribly predictable.

Not much to write about this planet. It's dusty, brown, spooky, brown, and generally felt perfect for the burial place of the Sith. Excellently done.

Dromund Kaas
A planet that I actually felt was perfect in almost every way. I'd of course like to see more than just NPCs standing around in the capital, some suggestion that it's an actual capital with people doing stuff (and not just the players), but nevertheless, great follow-on from Korriban. Just intimidating enough that the jungle felt unfriendly, yet a suitable challenge for any fledgling seeking to prove themselves. The Revanites were a welcome addition.

Well, what a disastrous start this planet has. It's a pity because I really warmed to the planet after spending time on it, but this place really makes you feel unwelcome. A few measly missions in Sobrik, one of which leads you in entirely the wrong direction (Serious Business), and you think 'is this it?'. It's only having gone further in and explored that I started to get a feel for what missions I ought to do first.

The place itself is also lacking a good battle feel, despite the nice touch in Sobrik of base shields and artillery fire hitting it (make this more obvious please, took me four days of wandering through before I finally saw it).

Why is the only speeder for Sobrik right at the spaceport? How about one at the entrance to the rest of Balmorra as well?

Getting sent to Makarran Outpost - well, this was weird. Just sent to an NPC, and immediately get a reward, no hello, no welcome, not even 'here are some other people to speak to.

Nar Shaddaa
Oh speeders, from Hell's heart, I stab at thee. Getting around on Nar Shaddaa is an utter pain in the ***, and that's ignoring the bugs where you fall through gratings or companions disappear into walls.

The mob placement equally makes walking from A to B irritatingly slow, and I hate having to just run through stuff because I've lost patience with fighting every idiot on Nar Shaddaa with a blaster.

The feel of the place is good, but it still doesn't really feel like the Hutt's Jewel. It needs... more. Possibly just more crime, dancers, hutts, exploitation, slaves, and so on, but whilst I recognise the rating of the game makes this difficult, a touch more debauchery & suggestion of anything goes would be apropos.

The bosses' health in group content just got silly here. We had a level 36 DPS AC come along for one and whilst he could tank the bosses, he and us combined couldn't kill the bosses before their adds respawned. Something wrong there.

Really nothing to write home about here. Lots of sand, a frustrating Jawa Balloon that I got disconnected off, sand people - all pretty much as I expected, and I liked the achieved look. The Jawa on Imperial side were made to be rather more of a threat than I was expecting...

It all felt rather eerily similar to Balmorra, just with different enemies & more sand. The Mandalorian poison quest had a lot of potential but really turned out just to be another kill quest, although having timers was a nice touch.

One rare exception was the Rakatan Czerka mission line. Absolute gold. By far the best mission I've seen in TOR so far, and with so much potential too.

This place felt very empty initially. Few missions, long distances, not much to do; however I really liked the opening shock collar quest. A shame it was one of the rare ones that wasn't just kill 10 stuff.

There are almost no vendors about the place. It really needs stim vendors at every speeder point, and on that subject no speeder vendors I could find.

The Devouring Plague line was such a damp squib. Here was I, having been primed by a bit of Killik combat already through the rest of the planet (some great missions in there too, like the cocoon ones), and then the Plague line is introduced. Ok, I thought, Starship Troopers here we come. Giant bugs attacking the cities, major battles, nasty enemies, and... no, the mission dealt with fifteen Killik total and then pronounced the invasion over. Very disappointing.

The fight with Ulgo was actually fun! The rocket launcher provided some very nice light relief as well as breaking up what otherwise would be yet another 'kill loads of groups' mission. Nevertheless, at no point did I actually feel like I was in an assault on a castle. Everyone was still calming standing around. The same goes in fact for every assault on Alderaan. See invasions & hold points earlier.

Everything seemed to get harder on Taris. Previously I'd waded through the blood of my foes with ease, and now it seemed much easier to die, and yet I had already almost out-levelled the place. I did like slaughtering groups of Rakghouls with area of effect weapons. That was fun.

Not once, not ever, in my entire time on Taris, a world filled with decay and ancient devastation, has any building even remotely contemplated collapsing! It started to stretch disbelief a bit.

With a side-order of notes about skills.
Jedi Consular Feedback
I only really got off Tython with this. The story was good as far as it went.

Please make the object we pull out of the ground at least differ per planet. Also I think Telekinetic & Project are named the wrong way around.

Flesh Raiders, Flesh Raiders, Flesh Raiders. It gets rather dull on Tython always fighting the same guys. The droids were a welcome alternative, but really don't feature much by comparison.

We're going to have long queues for those combat droid tests...

Imperial Agent Feedback
My Agent only got as far as a distance into Balmorra before I decided to concentrate on one class.

This story was superb. James Bond and then some. I don't want to add anything more. It really took my breath away. Not one bit comes to mind where I felt 'this is silly' including my terrible chat-up lines with Watcher Two. Granted I didn't get as far, but if it continues in this vein, it really should be good. Probably the one I'll play at release.

The sniper still feels a bit clunky with cover and power usage compared to the fluid actions of the Force classes. Equally, it doesn't really feel like sniping. It's not terribly long range when the melee NPCs can saunter over quite quickly.

Sith Inquistor Progression (here be spoilers)
My Sorcerer reached level 36 & had just got to Quesh at time of writing.

I really loved the uplifted slave storyline concept. It wasn't what I expected as a starting point, and even if the first section is thoroughly cliched, I still enjoyed it immensely. Nevertheless you might want to tone down the 'you are so incredibly powerful' rhetoric just a touch, because it's hard to feel it's true when you know in the back of your mind several million other players are also being told that. The blood & skulls sidequest was a lovely touch. I was rather hoping to choose to kill at some point the friendly helpful girl right at the start, but the concept as is still worked.

Korriban was fun & suitably Sith, up until level 9-10. Long instances (or what seemed at the time like long instances) where the only medical center is outside, you can't revive inside the instance, Khem Val does his level best to die instantly with every movement, and everything respawns at restart, are extremely irritating. I actually logged out in frustration at getting the tomb of Naga Sadow done, the number of times bugs & death combined to make me redo it over, and over, and over (6-7 times in total).

Getting my lightsaber was a panic-inducing moment - mostly my fault, but nevertheless might want streamlining.

Dromund Kaas' story was again suitably Sith - taking out a meddling Darth for Zash - although I was hoping for rather more intrigue than walking into his Sanctum offices and killing him in broad daylight... The dealings with Lord Kallig were a great little unexpected twist.

Balmorra's Inquistor line seemed a little far-fetched - it felt rather like being told 'here, take this Ebola vaccine, it's only 50% likely to give you the real thing and cause you to die, but don't worry, you're protected by plot armour!'. The first real decent decision, of dealing with the Major's son, was a great piece of diverging story - however, the 'ancient relic' was deeply disappointing. It was essentially a simple saber I discarded after two more levels. I was really hoping for both paths to yield some sort of longer term quest over an ancient relic, be it the saber or something else. Something to work towards.

Nar Shaddaa's story was actually pretty well done despite all the other pain on that planet, with one glaring exception. The fight with Paladius was just awful from an execution standpoint. He's draining my essence; cutting me off from the force; I can't shock him when I choose to. Just when I think 'hey a challenging fight, I must have to think about this' - the game gives me no change whatsoever to my force powers and it's just a standard battle. Terrible letdown. Also, Light Side points for killing him? Really? Sith usually kill defeated opponents...

The next little bit of story was really disjointed - I had Kallig turn up midway through a holo conversation with Zash. She didn't see us talking? Felt really weird. I didn't even need to justify or otherwise deal with my impromptu return to Korriban, killing a Sith Lord in the process. Nobody noticed?

Tatooine's artifact hunt was fun in concept; a chase across the desert. The reality was not actually especially involving. It mostly consisted of go to A, go to B, go to C, get artifact. Andronikos made it bearable, but really this felt a little simple and more just filler around the rest of Tatooine.

Alderaan's story by comparison was actually intriguing. I wanted to know more the moment it opened. It touched me in ways the Agent story had, with hints of politics & intrigue & backstabbing. It cried out for more than what it got, which was nevertheless pretty good. One key irritation I had was that the Jedi that kills the Thul's Sith never spoke nor had a name. For such a key & powerful figure, he really deserved more.

Having finally got all the artifacts, I trot back to Kaas. Except I don't, because what really happens is this: I holo with Zash who tells me to come back. I arrive at Kaas. Nothing happening. I land. I get told to take off again and use my holoterminal (?!). Kallig turns up, we chat, I go to Nar Shaddaa. Terribly disjointed. The Nar Shaddaa bit itself was fun & painless, and I especially loved the mercs' reactions.

The confrontation & fight with Zash was way too easy. She's a Darth, and a master manipulator, and has prepared for an entire storyline to face me, and yet I recall beating her with two clicks of attacks. Confronting one's master should be tougher, and not just with healthpoints.

The followup with Thanaton, Kallig, ghost binding, and all that was a lot of back & forth and yet I was thoroughly excited. I really enjoyed this piece of the story - the way Khem Val announced me, the followup power struggle & Thanaton's disapproval - it all worked. What didn't work so well was the idea that I could still come & go as I please to Kaas post-Thanaton. He's the Dark Council's hand and yet I can casually stroll into the capital as and when? This needed more justification.

Anyway, off to Taris I went, and this is where the story for me completes as I've got no further than the starting point of Quesh. The concept of Taris' story is first-rate. I'd been itching to do some good old fashioned Sith corruption of Jedi for ages and this was perfect. The implementation is sadly lacking. The sequence might as well read 'and lo the Jedi decided it was time for a change of wardrobe and left with the Sith, proclaiming she'd still do all the light side stuff she'd done before'. There's no actual corruption that I could see, no prideful boasting, no causing of emotions, no killing to prove one's loyalty. In short, Ashara desperately needs to actually fall to the dark side instead of just flipping a coin. In the same way as I highlighted a desire to mould companions, I want to mould Ashara - if I am a LS Sith who desires peace & order, she can reinforce that. If I am DS Sith, I help her fall further. This needs so much expansion.

TOR is an ok-to-good game with a good-to-great-to-sometimes-superb story. It needs a lot more fleshing out both technically (e.g. UI) and in terms of gameplay design (e.g NPCs, extra stuff to do). As it stands it has the potential to make a minor but not terribly significant impact on the MMO industry. With most of the players' feedback from this forum taken into account, it might shake the foundations of every MMO that came before it. I for one hope for the latter, and wish you luck.

Mesaj tarihi:
Yani yeni bir SWG bekleyenler hayal kırıklığına uğrayacak. Ne yazık ki SWTOR da WoWun açtığı yoldan gidiyor. Tek avantajı, Star Wars evreni.

Onun dışında bir yenilik kattığını görmedim. (Bioware single player oyunlarından gelen companion sistemi hariç)
Mesaj tarihi:
ahmedinejad said:

böyle nerd tiplerin değerlendirmeleri genelde saçma olur. beklemek lazım resmi çıkışı.

Tarz meselesi. Nerd tiplerin oyuna bakış açısıyla seninki ayrı olabilir ama ben incelemeleri okuduğumda benim önemsediğim yerlere dikkat ettiklerini gördüm.
Mesaj tarihi:
Character Creation

Star Wars Galaxies had numerous character options, such as: age (wrinkles), height, weight, cheekbone shape, nose shape, eye shape, chin shape, eyebrow shape, several alien species, etc, etc. The Old Republic's character options are pitiful in comparison - where's the aliens? Score: 3/10, could do much better.

abi şuna 3/10 veren adamın hangi değerlendirmesini ciddiye alacaksın ki?
Mesaj tarihi:
Yahu gayet haklı işte adam. Ultimada bile sçaından sakalına deri rengine seçiyorduk, sen koca evrende geçen bir oyun yapıyorsun bu tarz şeylere dikkat etmen lazım, gemi çeşitliliğine dikkat etmen lazım, canlı çeşitliliğine dikkat etmen lazım. Ama kalkıp bunları umursamayıp herkes okey okey create ekranını geçsin herkesin tek tip gemisi olsun gitsin level kassın, cinematic görsün diye oyun yaparsan olmaz işte. benim için olmaz, kabul eden varsa oynasın.
Mesaj tarihi:
Kabul etmeyen 1 milyon oyuncu mu, kabul eden 15 milyon oyuncu mu? Kabul etmeyen 1 milyon oyuncu, 15 milyon oyuncu kadar para harcarsa olur da, hem herşey olsun ama herşey ücretsiz olsun olunca olamıyor maalesef.
Mesaj tarihi:
WOW işini geçin bir kere.. oturup adam gibi detaylı detaylı yazmak var ama üşeniyorum.
Flashpoint çok başarılı, krakterlerin animasyonları ve bir kaç belli başlı bugun rutuş edilmesi lazım ama genel olarak olmuş.
SW fanlarını kotor fanlarını rahatsız edicek göze batan bir şey yok.
Her zone da sosyalleşeceksiniz. End game ne olur onuda zaman gostericek. Ama hani demişlerdi ya; her classı oynamak isteyeceksiniz, hakikatmış
Gemi beni benden aldı.
Mesaj tarihi:
"Tell me, what exactly is heroic about looting grays? Did we ever see Han Solo bend over a fresh kill, rifle through its pockets, and hand Chewbacca a hunk of metal to go sell off for a few credits? NO!

Did we ever see Obi-Wan tell Luke that he'd need 4,500 credits to teach him how to defend against blaster fire with his lightsaber? Again, NO!

Did we ever see Anakin tell Senator Palpatine that he'd get right back to him because he had to run back to town real quick to sell off all the worthless green junk he had looted? NO!

There is nothing heroic or fun about the way the loot-credit-credit sink relationship set up in this game."

bundan sonra oyunlarda hiç kimseyi lootlamayacağım.
çok aptalca bişiymiş hakikaten.
10 tane goblin sana saldırıyor, öldürüyorsun,
sonra da durup her birine eğilip tek tek ceset yokluyorsun.
Mesaj tarihi:
ahmedinejad said:

Character Creation

Star Wars Galaxies had numerous character options, such as: age (wrinkles), height, weight, cheekbone shape, nose shape, eye shape, chin shape, eyebrow shape, several alien species, etc, etc. The Old Republic's character options are pitiful in comparison - where's the aliens? Score: 3/10, could do much better.

abi şuna 3/10 veren adamın hangi değerlendirmesini ciddiye alacaksın ki?

abi swg yi 10 dakika oynamış olsaydın 1 verirdin
Mesaj tarihi:
ahmedinejad said:

Character Creation

Star Wars Galaxies had numerous character options, such as: age (wrinkles), height, weight, cheekbone shape, nose shape, eye shape, chin shape, eyebrow shape, several alien species, etc, etc. The Old Republic's character options are pitiful in comparison - where's the aliens? Score: 3/10, could do much better.

abi şuna 3/10 veren adamın hangi değerlendirmesini ciddiye alacaksın ki?

okumadın herhalde, svg'de herşey vardı bunda bi halt yok diyo
Mesaj tarihi:
hayır benim demek istediğim şu, şu anda oyun zaten gelişim aşamasında değil mi? karakterin burnunu değiştirip değiştiremeyeceğim gibi mevzular umrumda değil benim, oyuna beni katması önemli, o atmosferi vermesi önemli.

bu adamların incelemelerinde hep şöyle bir sıkıntı oluyor mükemmelin üzerinden değerlendiriyorlar. her şey yavaş yavaş gelir, yok kafamın üstüne dövme koyamıyorum diye oyunu eleştirmenin manası yok. oyun nasıl, parti sistemi nasıl, ortam nasıl, meslekler nasıl, bunlar gelişir mi gelişmez mi, geleceğinde umut var mı bunları insaflı bir şekilde değerlendirsinler. yoksa dışarıdan yorum yapmak kolay.
Mesaj tarihi:
iyide adam karakter yaratmayı anlatmış zayıf demiş, karakter yaratmaya 3 veriyorum 10 üzerinden diye sonlandırmış. karakter yaratma kötü oyuna 3 veriyorum dememiş
Mesaj tarihi:
yok onu örnek olarak verdiydim ben, genel olarak ilk cümle "ya oyun çok boktan hacı" diye başlayınca ilk paragrafı çıkardım ben de.

neyse dediğim gibi şu yorumları hiç iplemiyorum ben bir müşteri/oyuncu olarak. oyun çıkar alırım oynarım beğenmezsem paramın üstüne soğuk su içer wowa dönerim.
Mesaj tarihi:
Character Creation

Star Wars Galaxies had numerous character options, such as: age (wrinkles), height, weight, cheekbone shape, nose shape, eye shape, chin shape, eyebrow shape, several alien species, etc, etc. The Old Republic's character options are pitiful in comparison - where's the aliens? Score: 3/10, could do much better.
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