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Playstation Vita

Öne çıkan mesajlar

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Mesaj tarihi:

August 13-19

Soul Sacrifice - Reg: $35.99 | Sale: $24.99 | PS+: $17.49

Gravity Rush - Reg: $35.99 | Sale: $24.99 | PS+: Free

Street Fighter X Tekken - Reg: $39.99 | Sale: $27.99 | PS+: $19.59

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus - Reg: $39.99 | Sale: $27.99 | PS+: $19.59

Guilty Gear Accent XX Core + R - Reg: $14.99 | Sale: $10.49 | PS+: $7.34

Atelier Totori Plus - Reg: $39.99 | Sale: $27.99 | PS+: $19.59

Silent Hill Book of Memories - Reg: $29.99 | Sale: $14.99 | PS+: $7.50

Touch My Katamari - Reg: $14.99 | Sale: $7.49 | PS+: $3.75

Ridge Racer - Reg: $24.99 | Sale: $12.49 | PS+: $6.25

August 20-26

Muramasa Rebirth - Reg: $34.99 | Sale: $27.99 | PS+: $20.99

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection - Reg: $29.99 | Sale: $20.99 | PS+: $14.69

New Little Kings Story - Reg: $19.99 | Sale: $13.99 | PS+: $9.79

Dead or Alive 5 Plus - Reg: $39.99 | Sale: $19.99 | PS+: $10.00

Ragnarok Odyssey - Reg: $29.99 | Sale: $20.99 | PS+: $14.69

Dynasty Warriors Next - Reg: $34.99 | Sale: $17.49 | PS+: $8.75

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Reg: $39.99 | Sale: $19.99 | PS+: $10.00

Super Monkey Ball - Reg: $29.99 | Sale: $20.99 | PS+: $14.69

isin komigi ridge racer ile silent hill japan dev'lar tarafindan yapilmadi SCEA

indirimler sahane ama ona lafim yok lol
Mesaj tarihi:
gamescom ozeti;

price cut hem cosole'a hemde mem-card'lara.
BL2 port
FM 2014
rogou legacy
velocity 2
hm 2
duke nukem 3d (lel)
murasaki baby
flawless remote play (:P)
Mesaj tarihi:
Well, it’s a mode that was added into last year’s PC and Mac version of Football Manager as a quicker way to play the full Football Manager experience. It has all you’d expect from FM – our huge database of players researched by a team of over 1,500 scouts around the world, a 3D match engine showing the action, a full tactics module, realistic transfers, AI that makes both players and managers act as you’d expect them to in the real world, and dozens of playable leagues, with hundreds of manageable clubs from all over the world, but has been streamlined for a faster playing experience.

It does, however, have way more features than the PSP Football Manager Handheld releases which you may have played on your PS Vita before. And, to re-iterate, the full FM 3D match engine!

The best thing about all of this is that not only will you now get to play Football Manager Classic on a PS Vita but, for the first time ever, if you have the game on PC, Mac or Linux, you’ll be able to play the game across all platforms. Play the game at home on your computer, upload the saved game to the cloud, download on your PS Vita, and continue to play on the bus. Anytime, any place, anywhere.

full version lem bu resmen...

Mesaj tarihi:

what the actual fuck

abi aklım almıyor nasıl yapanilirler ki yani o kadar donanım var mı ya vitada? open world oyun 20 fps mi oynicaz nasıl olucak vallahi algım yetmedi.
Mesaj tarihi:
vita guclu, su kzm beta'yi oynayinca anlarsin aletin gercek gucunu.

bl2'ye gelince, sub native res olacaktir buyuk ihtimal(umarim yanilirim utandirirlar beni heh) vasat bir port bekliyorum ben neyse

sony bu oyuna ne gerek vardi simdi, oynucak adam zaten oynadi. seriyi bende cok seviyorum ama pc'de oynadim, exclusive content cikarmadiklari surece vita'ya alip oynucagimi pek sanmiyorum. oyunu alirsam sirf arkadas baskisindan alirim.

birde cross-play mutlaka olmali, oyunu satmak istiyorlarsa..
Mesaj tarihi:
konferansta indirim var diyorlar,

sony tr deki eleman tweet atıyor, hohohoh global bile bizi takip ediyor diye,

sonrada şey yazmış biz fiyatı 959 dan 649 a düşürdük zaten,

adam resmen indirim gelmeyecek alete diyor, kazık fiyattan konsol/kart satmaya devam ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Broken Sword ve Borderlands 2ye çok sevindim. Helldivers da epey keyifli gözüküyor,starship troopers serisini henüz yeni seyretmiş biri olarak epey hypeladım ona,multiplayersa tadından yinmez.

Bi de şu Tales serisini getirseler avrupaya artık,eziyet ediyorlar insana resmen.
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