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WikiLeaks Döküman Tarama Timi

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Mesaj tarihi:

Abdülkadir Aksu, Mafya bağlantısı uyuşturucu karı kız vesaire

Aksu's Kurdish favoritism, reported ties to the heroin trade, well-known predilection for teenage girls, and his son's open Mafia links make him a weak link in the Cabinet, one Erdogan knows the core institutions of the Turkish State could exploit at any time.

Doğan hisselerini satsanız iyi olur derim

Several weeks ago, minister of trade simsek told a group of investors in london to sell their dogan stock...

kaynağı kaybettim.


"¶4. (C) Erdogan has a two-thirds majority in parliament. Main
opposition left-of-center CHP amounts to no more than a bunch
of elitist ankle-biters.
There is currently no serious,
broad-based political alternative, owing to Erdogan's
rhetorical dominance and control of the debate on social
questions close to the hearts of the center-right majority in
Turkey; other party leaders' political bankruptcy; and the
stultifying effect of current party and election laws on
entry for younger, untainted political aspirants. AKP argues
that the economy, at least from the perspective of macro
indicators and continued willingness of emerging-market
portfolio investors to buy the expectations and sell the
facts, appears to have stabilized. Moreover, the authority
of AKP's nationwide party machine is blurring with the
Turkish State's executive power at the provincial and
district level and with municipal functions to an extent not
seen since the days of the one-party state. These factors
seem set to continue for the foreseeable future. "

Davutoğlu'nun agresif dış politikasına amerikan yorumu

davutoglu summed up the davutoglu/akp
philosophy in an extraordinary speech in sarajevo in late
2009 (ref a). his thesis: the balkans, caucasus, and middle
east were all better off when under ottoman control or
influence; peace and progress prevailed. alas the region has
been ravaged by division and war ever since. (he was too
clever to explicitly blame all that on the imperialist
western powers, but came close). however, now turkey is back,
ready to lead -- or even unite. (davutoglu: "we will
re-establish this (ottoman) balkan"."

Trabzonspor'a örtülü ödenek

"¶7. (C) A fellow Trabzon contractor and Trabzonspor board member describes Ozak as coming from the Sufi (mystical) line of the Milli Gorus Islamist movement; he is a quiet, reserved, obedient Erdogan man. As part of Erdogan's strategy to use sports to maintain AKP's grassroots support, and in the wake of AKP's defeat in the Trabzon mayoral race in March 2004, the Istanbul-Black Sea axis which forms Erdogan's Istanbul power base reportedly subsequently succeeded in having Ozak appointed Trabzonspor chairman of the board. At the same time Erdogan reportedly agreed to transfer several million dollars from one of the Prime Ministry's hidden reserves to permit Trabzonspor under Ozak to purchase better players. Our contacts expect Ozak to be relatively more upright than Ergezen was (not a high bar)."

MOSSAD Başkanı Dagan'dan "ordu bi el atsa ya artık" çağrısı

"dagan argued that if the turkish military received more direct support from the united states, it would be better able to prevent the rise of islamists. " (mossad başkanı)

Mesaj tarihi:

On February 22 police detained 47 retired
and active-duty military officers, including 17 flag-grade
officers for -- according to press reports -- their alleged
involvement in coup plots dating back to 2003-2004. Although
coverage of the detentions blanketed the press, neither the
Turkish General Staff (TGS) nor the government appear
publicly outraged (in the case of TGS) or congratulatory (the
governing Justice and Development Party) by the actions.
There has been no official statement from the TGS, and PM
Ergodan took a back seat by stating that the police were
simply acting on order from the judiciary. (His attack dog
Deputy PM Arinc was more polemical.)
announced that he has postponed imminent travel to Egypt, and
late on February 23 called an emergency meeting with his
four-star generals and admirals. Prosecutors have now
detained all of the force commanders from the 2003-2004
period with the exception of former CHOD Hilmi Ozkok and
former Turkish Land Forces Commander Aytac Yalman. End

Mesaj tarihi:

Iran'a silah ihraç eden Türk firmaları?

Thank Turkish officials for Turkey's continued cooperation
and support in preventing the transfer of arms or related
material to and from Iran;

-- Inform the GOT that we are very concerned that Turkish
firms may be exporting to and importing from Iran arms and
related material;

-- Note that the export of Wassenaar Arrangement controlled
items to Iran could require a report to the U.S. Congress
under the Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nonproliferation Act
(INKSNA) and may result in sanctions being imposed on the
entities and individuals involved;

Mesaj tarihi:

Tayyip kendisini Allah tarafından TR'yi yönetmek için seçilmiş gibi görüyoreee

Erdogan's character: Erdogan has traits which render him seriously vulnerable to miscalculating the political dynamic, especially in foreign affairs, and vulnerable to attacks by those who would disrupt his equilibrium. First, overbearing pride. Second, unbridled ambition stemming from the belief God has anointed him to lead Turkey (Mustafa Bilginer, a close confidant of Erdogan and his wife Emine from 1997-2003, has analyzed this trait in a draft book on Erdogan's character; Erdogan used Koranic allusion in his speech to the AK Congress in Oct. 2003 to make the point about his God-appointed mission).


Alevi Aşık Veysel asdkjh

In the words of the great (Alevi)
Anatolian bard Asik Veysel, this is a "long and delicate

PKK ile mücadeleyi ret (tam olarak karşılığı bu değil sanırım ama dikkatçekici)

¶7. (C) Our 2007 decision to share operational intelligence
was a turning point for the bilateral relationship, and
President Obama's declaration before the Turkish Parliament
of our continuing commitment to support Turkey's fight
against the PKK was warmly welcomed. This cooperation has
helped to improve our bilateral relationship across the
board. Turkey's military leaders value this intelligence and
the advice our military leaders give them. Our work has made
it difficult for PKK terrorists to use northern Iraq as a
safe haven. Turkish causalities are still occurring,
however, and an increasing proportion are from IEDs. Due to
pressure on Chief of Staff General Basbug and the Turkish
General Staff (TGS) to "finish off" the PKK this year, the
government wants and has requested direct U.S. kinetic action
against the PKK; we have refused this request to date due to
our own rules of engagement. The GOT has also requested the
sale of armed MQ-9/Reaper UAVs, which will be a challenge to
fulfill (see para 10).

Erdoğan'ın İsviçre'deki 8 banka hesabı

¶21. (S) Third is corruption. AKP swept to power by promising
to root out corruption. However, in increasing numbers
AKPers from ministers on down, and people close to the party,
are telling us of conflicts of interest or serious corruption
in the party at the national, provincial and local level and
among close family members of ministers. We have heard from
two contacts that Erdogan has eight accounts in Swiss banks;
his explanations that his wealth comes from the wedding
presents guests gave his son and that a Turkish businessman
is paying the educational expenses of all four Erdogan
children in the U.S. purely altruistically are lame.

Mesaj tarihi:
Türkiye'nin Aşkabat Büyükelçisinin, Türkmenistan ve Rusyanın İran'a uranyum göndereceğini açıkladığı belge
Mesaj tarihi:

Metal Fırtına / Milliyetçilik olayı

There is a more disturbing consequence of AKP's weakness: resurgent nationalism. Two of the hottest selling books in Turkey are “Metal Storm”, a conspiracy novel that feeds the worst instincts of Turks with its tale of a U.S. invasion of Turkey followed by Turkish nuclear counter-strike with the help of the Russians; and “Mein Kampf” (ref C). Under instructions from the Directorate of Religious Affairs, imams across Turkey delivered a March 11 sermon against Christian missionaries (ref D), claiming they aim to “steal the beliefs of our young people and children.” We are receiving increased reports of anti-Christian activity in different regions of Turkey (e.g., ref E). The Central Bank Governor told us that nationalist/isolationist forces are behind the problems with the IMF (ref F). An attempt to burn the Turkish flag during a Newroz celebration in Mersin has drawn strong nationalistic statements from across the spectrum, including a statement from the General Staff that “the Turkish nation and the Turkish armed forces are ready to sacrifice their blood to protect their country and their flag.” The decision to memorialize, after a 47-year hiatus, the killing by British forces of several Ottoman soldiers during the Allies' W.W.I occupation of Istanbul also bespeaks the national mood.

Mesaj tarihi:


AKP'nin zayıflığını gösteren bir diğer neden ise: yükselişe geçen milliyetçilik.Türkiye'de şu an En çok satan iki kitap; birincisi Metal Fırtına, Amerika'nın Türkiye işgalini ve Türklerin Rus yardımıyla Nükleer kullanımını konu alıyor, ikincisi de Kavgam.


oha adamlar nelere dıkkat edıolar
Mesaj tarihi:

We also detect the military's hand behind recent allegations that the US has either directly or indirectly provided weapons to the PKK...

¶7. (C) Comment: Despite analysts' claims of military
confidence, the generals are clearly working behind the
scenes, using ongoing PKK terrorism and the debate over the
necessity of a cross-border operation into northern Iraq to
portray the AKP as weak on terrorism. We also detect the
military's hand behind recent allegations that the U.S. has,
either directly or indirectly, provided weapons to the PKK in
northern Iraq.
This is also designed to weaken AKP's
national security credentials and encourage undecided voters
to turn to "tougher" pro-secular parties.
While the military
could roil the waters and make a public statement on the
elections at any time, its post-election reaction may be
delayed by the August 1 start of annual, and all-consuming,
Supreme Military Council (YAS) promotions and assignments
deliberations. End Comment.


Mesaj tarihi:
amerika bazı küçük dostlarını ve ilişkilerini feda edip başak bir oyun oynuyor olamaz mı yau, hani kendisi de bazı yanıltıcı belgeleri araya katamaz mı? türkiye irana silah satıyor o zaman türkiye irandır!!! gibi

habetürk de paçalarından akıyor artık, bu kadar yağcılık olur. yiğit bulut da fırçasız süngersiz yıkama yapıyor öte yandan
Mesaj tarihi:
baska ulke olsa bu kadar şyden sora hukunet değişirdide bizim ulkede hiç bişi olmaz. yarın yalanlarlar herşeyi. sora siteye erişim kapatılır. 2 haftayada unutulur gider.
Mesaj tarihi:
Bu arada en çok çalışan birim Amerika'nın ardından Türkiye büyükelçiliği, artık iç işlerimiz nasıl takip ediliyor siz anlayın burdan : http://bit.ly/gXSYeV

Ha ben anlayamadım, neden böyle ki yani, çok mu önemliyiz, çok ciddi tehlike mi arz ediyoruz yoksa hakkaten kilit ülke mi burası yani.
Mesaj tarihi:
Batının var olan politikaları orta doğu coğrafyası olduğu sürece kilit ülke olacağız herhalde. Her zaman kilit ülkeydik aslında, soğuk savaş döneminde de öyleydik, şimdi de öyleyiz.
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