ahmedinejad Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 said: Thank Turkish officials for Turkey's continued cooperation and support in preventing the transfer of arms or related material to and from Iran; -- Inform the GOT that we are very concerned that Turkish firms may be exporting to and importing from Iran arms and related material; -- Note that the export of Wassenaar Arrangement controlled items to Iran could require a report to the U.S. Congress under the Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nonproliferation Act (INKSNA) and may result in sanctions being imposed on the entities and individuals involved; oha oha http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/cable/2010/02/10STATE15856.html
ahmedinejad Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 said: ¶9. (c) various factors explain the shifts we see in turkish foreign policy beyond the personal views of the akp leadership: -- islamization: as reported ref b, religiosity has been increasing in turkey in past years, just as has been seen in many other muslim societies. the akp is both a beneficiary of, and a stimulus for, this phenomenon. however, bitter opposition within turkey against domestic "pro-islamic" reforms (e.g., head scarves) has frustrated the akp, and a more "islamic" or "middle eastern" foreign policy offers an alternative sop for the akp's devout base. -- success: despite its problems, turkey over the past 50 years has been a success story, rising to the 16th largest economy and membership in the g-20. this, along with its extraordinary security situation compared to all other regional states, and democratic system, encourage a more active -- and more independent -- leadership role in regional and even global affairs. -- economics: one secret of turkish success has been its trade and technology-led economic growth. this growth is in good part thanks to its customs union with the eu, by far its biggest export market, and resulting investment from the eu, as well as decades of technology transfer and educational assistance from the u.s. nevertheless, with exports to the eu down due to the 2008-2009 crisis, turkey is looking for new markets, particularly in the hydrocarbon rich arab world, iran, russia, and caucasus/central asia. they have money, and strong import demand, and turkey is dependent on them for its oil and gas. these countries, however, (along with china-another turkish export target) tend much more than the eu and north america to mix politics and trade. to some
ahmedinejad Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 faruk özak trabzonspor'a örtülü ödenekten baya bi milyon dolar para vermiş. said: A fellow Trabzon contractor and Trabzonspor board member describes Ozak as coming from the Sufi (mystical) line of the Milli Gorus Islamist movement; he is a quiet, reserved, obedient Erdogan man. As part of Erdogan's strategy to use sports to maintain AKP's grassroots support, and in the wake of AKP's defeat in the Trabzon mayoral race in March 2004, the Istanbul-Black Sea axis which forms Erdogan's Istanbul power base reportedly subsequently succeeded in having Ozak appointed Trabzonspor chairman of the board. At the same time Erdogan reportedly agreed to transfer several million dollars from one of the Prime Ministry's hidden reserves to permit Trabzonspor under Ozak to purchase better players. Our contacts expect Ozak to be relatively more upright than Ergezen was (not a high bar).
roket adam Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 "dagan argued that if the turkish military received more direct support from the united states, it would be better able to prevent the rise of islamists. " (mossad başkanı) http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/cable/2007/07/07TELAVIV2280.html "¶7. (C) A fellow Trabzon contractor and Trabzonspor board member describes Ozak as coming from the Sufi (mystical) line of the Milli Gorus Islamist movement; he is a quiet, reserved, obedient Erdogan man. As part of Erdogan's strategy to use sports to maintain AKP's grassroots support, and in the wake of AKP's defeat in the Trabzon mayoral race in March 2004, the Istanbul-Black Sea axis which forms Erdogan's Istanbul power base reportedly subsequently succeeded in having Ozak appointed Trabzonspor chairman of the board. At the same time Erdogan reportedly agreed to transfer several million dollars from one of the Prime Ministry's hidden reserves to permit Trabzonspor under Ozak to purchase better players. Our contacts expect Ozak to be relatively more upright than Ergezen was (not a high bar)." http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/cable/2005/06/05ANKARA3199.html
Chastise Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 the republican people's party (chp), the lead opposition party, attacks akp foreign policy relatively ineffectively with a mix of mhp-like nationalist rhetoric and "abandoning the west" criticism. hahahah favorim ya.
Eralp Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 BioHazarD said: komplo teorisi: amerika ilk başta kendi aleyhinde dökümanları yayınlattı bu herife ki bi bağı varmış gibi gözükmesin sonra türkiye törörüstlere yardım ediyo rörörö diyerek türkiyeye saldırmak için sebep yaratıcak :P yalnız var ya....
ahmedinejad Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Currently released so far... 219 / 251,287 bu belgelerin tamamı asla yayınlanmaz.
ahmedinejad Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 said: davutoglu summed up the davutoglu/akp philosophy in an extraordinary speech in sarajevo in late 2009 (ref a). his thesis: the balkans, caucasus, and middle east were all better off when under ottoman control or influence; peace and progress prevailed. alas the region has been ravaged by division and war ever since. (he was too clever to explicitly blame all that on the imperialist western powers, but came close). however, now turkey is back, ready to lead -- or even unite. (davutoglu: "we will re-establish this (ottoman) balkan")."
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 tüm dosyaları tek tek okumak çok zor iş. eğer önemli bir şey gözünüze çarparsa, wikileaks linkiyle birlikte, ilgili paragrafı ve kısa yorumunuzu (oha oha koş koş değil de...) yazarsanız çok sevinirim. said: The novel phrase, "history insurance," not heretofore advertized by Wikileaks, may refer to another Wikileaks protective measure or it may be a pointer, code word or passphrase, even one of the likely multi-level passphrases for the "insurance.aes256" file. A search of torrents turned up a handful of hits on "history insurance," but none appear to be related to recent actions of Wikileaks. However, shrewdly, Wikileaks could have pre-postioned a slew of protective measures before the bombshell campaign started, perhaps as early as the initiation of Wikileaks in late 2006 if not well before then by Assange and collaborators to create a secret "historical" air-gap between the measures and the public venture. These would be unveiled as necessary commensurate with threats unveiled, but never fully revealed despite rubber-hose interrogation -- "rubber hose" an Assange nick for an encryption program. Assange and the security wizards advising Wikileaks are unusually gifted at long-range deception and protection, some sell those arcane and lucrative services to spies, governments, banks, businesses, billionaires and other criminal cartels -- and give freely to those targetted by highly-profitable and nutty secrecy peddlers. A few provide operational security for the Internet and digital communications and know their weaknesses and strengths, hideaways and byways for genuine and phony actionable intelligence, financial lawful and outlaw rings and where their dirty money is hidden. Yes, among them are ex-NSA officials and their exceptionally adept contract researchers as unbound by NDAs and secrecy agreements as Bradley Manning and others deeper inside not yet unveiled. What they know is what James Bamford in "The Puzzle Palace" (paper, p. 461) explores of the NSA dilemma of what to do with data gathered on corrupt officials in the US and elsewhere other than bury it as unminizable foreign intelligence despite pleas from law enforcement agencies. bu ne be, kendimi alpha protocol oynuyormuş gibi hissettim... torrent'i indirmeye gerek yok herhalde, bilgileri yayınlamaya başlamışlar...
roket adam Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 İtin poposuna sokmuşlar CHP'yi de ha ahahahah said: "¶4. (C) Erdogan has a two-thirds majority in parliament. Main opposition left-of-center CHP amounts to no more than a bunch of elitist ankle-biters. There is currently no serious, broad-based political alternative, owing to Erdogan's rhetorical dominance and control of the debate on social questions close to the hearts of the center-right majority in Turkey; other party leaders' political bankruptcy; and the stultifying effect of current party and election laws on entry for younger, untainted political aspirants. AKP argues that the economy, at least from the perspective of macro indicators and continued willingness of emerging-market portfolio investors to buy the expectations and sell the facts, appears to have stabilized. Moreover, the authority of AKP's nationwide party machine is blurring with the Turkish State's executive power at the provincial and district level and with municipal functions to an extent not seen since the days of the one-party state. These factors seem set to continue for the foreseeable future. " http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/cable/2004/12/04ANKARA7211.html
ahmedinejad Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 @bone 250k küsür belgeden 200 küsür tanesi yayınlanmış daha. geri kalanı illa ki kıracaklar bi gün
dasaaa Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 yaw şu önemli gördüklerinizi, özetleri başka bi başlığa alalım aslında.
Suark Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 ya evet, bone da dasaa da haklı. several weeks ago, minister of trade simsek told a group of investors in london to sell their dogan stock... bole bısı gormus ark bulmaya calısıorm
roket adam Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Ben o son yazdığını okuduğuma eminim, ekşiden birinin sallaması değil yani, bizzat Wikileaks'de okudum sızıntılar arasında gezinirken. Bu var ya bu, olay çıkarıcak olay! said: Several weeks ago, minister of trade simsek told a group of investors in london to sell their dogan stock...
roket adam Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 OHŞ: said: Aksu's Kurdish favoritism, reported ties to the heroin trade, well-known predilection for teenage girls, and his son's open Mafia links make him a weak link in the Cabinet, one Erdogan knows the core institutions of the Turkish State could exploit at any time. http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/cable/2005/06/05ANKARA3199.html Edit: Aksu dediği Abdülkadir Aksu
dasaaa Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 açtım. sadece şekildeki gibi. başka bişi koymuyoruz.. taam? WikiLeaks Döküman Tarama Timi
dasaaa Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 buradakileri de alıntı yapıp koyarsınız oraya hatta. derli toplu olur. kolay takip edilir.
fede Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 abi nabıyosunuz siz. saçma drama dizilirini takip eder gibi wikileaks mi takip ediyosunuz. insanlar çok acayip ya
Longshanks Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 sen de italya 2.lig futbol takımlarındaki oyuncuların isimlerini biliyosun lan
dasaaa Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 lan acaip oyunlar dönüyor fede! kesin senin de dosyan vardır da görmeyelim diye kasıyorsundur sen.. ne çakalsın lan sen
fede Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 abi bakmayın utanırım ben :( ya gerçekten. ekşide filan da pembe dizi izler gibi takip ediyolar. vay serhatlar filan. normalde şu bilgiler dünyanın her yerinde hükümet düşürür(oh klişemi de yaptım) ama türkiyede bişey olmaz. mal gibi daktilo yazılarına baktığınızla kalırsınız lsdkfjsklf
fede Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 ahahaha trabzona para aktarmışlar. gitti şampiyonluk
roket adam Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 fede said: abi nabıyosunuz siz. saçma drama dizilirini takip eder gibi wikileaks mi takip ediyosunuz. insanlar çok acayip ya ahaha aynen, olm çok zevkli ya. bir sürü saçma sapan şey var. koca başbakanlarını teflon, çıplak imparator, mal falan diye imlemişler aslkdjasd. böyle bi olay bu. okunmaya değer cidden
Karasakal Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2010 Habertürke bakıyorum, varsa yoksa AKPnin lehine olanları yayınlıyor. Yok İsrail bizden çok tırsıyormuş, Yok Ahmet Davutoğlu süpermiş, Tayyip Atatürk kadar aşmışmış. Tarafsızlığın içine ettiler. BU yazıalrı forumdaki 4-5 kişi bulabiliyorsa, araştırmacı gazeteci denilen tipler çok daha hızlı bulabilmeliydi.
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