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Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Haa evet bir daha okuyunca anladım, ilk seferinde kıçımdan anlamışım bariz.

Evet değişti Shatter 4.0.1 ile. artık 3 kat crit şansı veriyor. Yani %30 critin varsa %60 bonus, %10 critin varsa %20 bonus oldu.
Mesaj tarihi:
Evet yeni shater yüzünden baya bir arttı critin önemi. Hoş mage pvp'de hala baya güçlü olsada, %17 hit kas (ne talent kaldı ne buff), resil kas, haste kas, üstüne crit kas biraz ilginç olacak.
Mesaj tarihi:
ılgınc caster classlar yıne basladı nerf geldı dıye fılan ulen roglardan bı ton skıll slındı dpsde sonlara ındık sesımız cıkmadı bırazda sız aglayın bakalım sımdı :p

Deadly Poison base damage and attack power coefficient have been increased by 30%.
Recuperate now restores 2% of maximum health, down from 3%.
Venomous Wounds base damage and attack power coefficient have been increased by 30%.

Aggression now increases damage of Sinister Strike, Backstab, and Eviscerate by 7/14/20%, up from 5/10/15%.
Bandit's Guile now gives 10/20/30% increased damage as the rogue gains greater insight, up from 5/10/15%.

sanırım bızıde bufflarmıs yanı
Mesaj tarihi:
Ben yeni masterysistemi sayesinde blizzardın bu sefer çok daha dengeli bir dps-heal-tank sistemi oturtacağına inanıyorum.

Çünkü sadece 1 statın verdiği değeleri oynayarak o classa %10 fazla dps yada %15 az heal sağlamak mümkün.

Tabi olay buff-nerf ile sürekli birilerini imba yapmaksa ona birşey demek zor.
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi 85 oldugum anda Freemoon'u harrasslıcam bana bi theorycraft yapsın item konusunda masteryim kaç olsun haste kaç crit kaç, öyle çıkıcam arenaya.

Allah pvefag'lerin basına birşey getirmesin.
Mesaj tarihi:


Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Bane of Agony damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Bane of Doom damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Corruption damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Death Coil damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Drain Life damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Drain Soul damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Immolate damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Incinerate damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Rain of Fire damage has been increased to be more comparable to other area-of-effect abilities.
* Searing Pain damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Seed of Corruption damage has been reduced to be more comparable to other area-of-effect abilities.
* Shadowbolt damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Soul Fire damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.


* Hand of Gul'dan damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.


* Chaos Bolt damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Conflagrate damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Shadowburn damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

Mesaj tarihi:
Oha direk silselermiş spelleri bizim pet oynasaydı.
Leveling85 yarın mı geliyor yoksa expansionı mı beklicez?
icphedia said:


Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Bane of Agony damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Bane of Doom damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Corruption damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Death Coil damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Drain Life damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Drain Soul damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Immolate damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Incinerate damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Rain of Fire damage has been increased to be more comparable to other area-of-effect abilities.
* Searing Pain damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Seed of Corruption damage has been reduced to be more comparable to other area-of-effect abilities.
* Shadowbolt damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Soul Fire damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.


* Hand of Gul'dan damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.


* Chaos Bolt damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Conflagrate damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.
* Shadowburn damage has been reduced by approximately 12%.

Mesaj tarihi:
iyi olmuş, pvp setsiz warlock bile siliyordu. Ha çok mu olmuş, o kısmı tartışılabilir denemeden bilemicem :)

yarın geliyor mu patch? Maintenance süresi bu hafta uzun değil de

asdasd 4.0.3a için patch yapıyoruz diye yazmışlar kocaman ztn kih kih
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