HolyRaider Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 kasım aralık arası olsa über olur ya
derFremdeSohn Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 bilge water ne ya ahahahaha :D
Rikkie Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Gamespotta falan heryerde starcraft2 için 27 temmuz deniliyor, eğer doğruysa (ki sırf gamespotta öyle yazması tek başına yeter bence :p) cataclysmin yazın gelme ihtimali %0 gibi birşey artık.
blazkowicz Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 grim batol silah modelleri düştü. One Hand Sword: Dagger: Staff: 2-Hander Axe: One Hand Mace: XBow:
Rotweiler Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Sonunda weapon modellinge yeni birisi geldi herhalde. Adama benzemeye başlamış.
scorch Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Rikkie said: Gamespotta falan heryerde starcraft2 için 27 temmuz deniliyor, eğer doğruysa (ki sırf gamespotta öyle yazması tek başına yeter bence :p) cataclysmin yazın gelme ihtimali %0 gibi birşey artık. scorch said: ya bi aksilik olmassa ki eğer 20-27 haziran~temmuz gold olur bence. çoook sağlam oturttum tarihi yanlız :P
BabacumMostors Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Rotweiler said: Sonunda weapon modellinge yeni birisi geldi herhalde. Adama benzemeye başlamış. yok be xbow bildiğin kuşa benziyor
BabacumMostors Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 off çok kötü oldum midem kalktı ıyy
J'eon Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 bu ne ulan, sağlam update ler gelmiş kayboldum bi an mmo-champion'da.
BonePART Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 abi su silahlari gosterirken arkadaki adamin ciplak olmasi beni cok huzursuz ediyo
J'eon Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2010 daggerlar iyi de, 1h sword lar bişiye çok benziyor, felaket benzettim bişeye
Masquerade Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 12, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 12, 2010 lawl. mmo-champ kaldırmış cata ile ilgili herşeyi. said: Update - Added today's news to the current post to keep the Cataclysm announcement on top, just to make sure that mods don't yell at users who won't understand what's going on. Cataclysm content removed from the site Blizzard asked us to remove all the content from the Cataclysm Alpha on the site. I don't have any reason or project to be an internet superhero because none of the underwear I have look nice over my pants and I'm in the process of removing all the content from the site.
deadwoll Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 12, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 12, 2010 said: none of the underwear I have look nice over my pants Haha
pekaziz Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2010 Beta başvuruları başladı. https://eu.battle.net
CusTodeM Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2010 normal account girdikten sonra bveta settings var orası mı
pekaziz Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2010 Aynı SC2 gibi şu anda, bütün oyunları için betaya katılmak istiyorum seçiliyse zaten ekstra bir şey yapmaya gerek yok.
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 14, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 14, 2010 said: HORDE / ALLIANCE PLOT Regarding Garrosh -The flashback you get from Vol'jin actually takes place right after Thrall left. It's been awhile since then. -Immediately after Garrosh took offense to Vol'jin's comments and kicked the trolls back to the echo islands to "cool down," Cairne started traveling to Orgrimmar. -When he arrives he says that Garrosh could be a great leader if tempered, but for now he is not ready. Then Cairne challenges him to a nonlethal duel for leadership of the horde. -Garrosh really likes and respects Cairne and doesn't want to fight him, but feels obligated as he believes the horde needs the fury of a Hellscream. -They fight. Garrosh is actually doing his best not to injure the old cow. Unfortunately we later find out that Magatha has been poisoning Cairne for either weeks or months, and it really starts showing. -Right as Garrosh is aiming a disarming swing to end the fight, Cairne stumbles or collapses and catches the axe right in the chest, dying instantly. He may have been dead from the poison before the axe even hit. -Garrosh freaks the f*ck out and has a breakdown over the event and locks himself alone in the throne room. In the meantime Magatha takes over Thunder Bluff and the Grimtotem go all fascist state. -Sometime later Garrosh emerges a lot more calm, leads a raid to put TB back in the hands of Baine, and basically starts acting like Saurfang with a mean streak instead of a psychopathic whiner. Additional Info on Garrosh There's also apparently some quest where an overzealous orc commander nukes a neutral druid base. It kills women and children. Garrosh rides up sometime later, quietly makes a statement like "a great warrior once told me that the horde began to fail when it lost all sense of mercy for the innocent, that will not happen again" and breaks the guy's neck before lobbing him off a cliff. The Alliance -The people of stormwind f*cking hate Wrynn right now. They think that he deliberately taunted Deathwing out of hiding with Onyxia's head. Most of them believe that he's a bloodthirsty moron. -Most of the sh*t really goes down in Ironforge though. I don't have nearly as many details as on the horde version, but Magni is afraid that earthquakes are going to destroy the city. He decides he's going to open up Old Ironforge and try to commune with the earth spirits there, despite a Wildhammer shaman envoy telling him that he won't be able to handle it. He botches the ritual and ends up permanently turned to stone. -Moira returns. With dark iron heir in tow, and all the dark irons that escaped Blackrock. Wildhammers also converge on the city fearing a half dark iron on the throne. Massive, massive civil war in the streets. Wrynn leads some adventurers in and kills Moira and sets up a council of leaders with one from each clan to hold power until her child grows up. The dwarves agree to this, but they and the gnomes are f*cking enraged at Wrynn for meddling in the affairs of another kingdom like that, paranoid that he's going to turn into a tyrant. -Basically everyone hates Wrynn. Dwarves and gnomes are fearful of him not respecting boundries. Humans think that while he worked in Northrend he'll never make a good standing king. Genn Graymane tells him that he acts like an orc. It's some pretty intense political sh*t compared to the horde, where people are like "well, Garrosh admits he was an idiot and is manning up, plus he's winning us shitloads of territory, so he's cool." MMOChamp'de gördüm, ne kadar doğru bilemiyorum :p
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 14, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 14, 2010 dark iron cüceleri aslın ironforge u, belki cücelerin delikanlılık katsayısı artar
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