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Rift: Planes of Telara

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Mesaj tarihi:
Telara the Merciless – a six-day Open Beta event – begins on February 15th. Servers are open from 10:00 AM PST on Tuesday, February 15th through 7:00AM on Monday, February 21st. Join the fight for Telara’s survival in the final RIFT beta event!

Visit www.RIFTgame.com/beta for more information.

Open Beta – Telara the Merciless

Tuesday, Feb. 15 2011 at 10:00 AM PST (18:00 GMT) through 10:00 AM PST (18:00 GMT) on Monday, Feb. 21 2011

Levels 1 – 42

A tireless and unending force, the planes of Telara continue their assault on humanity. The final (beta) battle is at hand and the fate of the planet lies in the courage and strength of Telara’s champions. Become one of the Ascended and fight back against a world that promises to otherwise snuff out the last bastions of hope.

Play to Win! Defeat any dungeon boss and you could be eligible to win an NVIDIA 460 video card! Terms and conditions apply, click here for details. And In-Game Prize Packs will be given away to ten (10) select players who complete the objective!

Beta Event dates subject to change and/or cancellation at any time in Trion's sole discretion.
Mesaj tarihi:
narsor said:

oyunu lvl10a kadar oynadım, grafikleri ve sesleri gayet iyi buldum. Grafikler harika, armor üzerindeki yansımalar, detaylar çok iyi (medium oynadım yine de gayet iyiydi, ATI 4850 ancak o kadar kaldırabiliyor akıcı bi şekilde).

4850 var. Max açıyorum herşeyi. Ortalama 30FPS ile gayet rahat oynuyorum ben.
Mesaj tarihi:
Kanuni said:

ne buldun sormasi ayip ? ayrica grafik ayarlarinin koklenmis olduguna eminmisin ? sanki golgeler cansiz duruyor, AA acik degil gibi, laptopumda daha iyi grafikler bundan. veya ss alirken bozulmus goruntu.

Laptop (tu)

güzel renklere sahip bir ekran görüntüsü
Mesaj tarihi:
bende dün bi makina aldım konusu açıldı madem. Alet şu ;


bunla full ayarlarda oynanabilirmi acep. Dün tam test edicektimki kapandı oyun.Fulle yakın ayarlarda 15 fps nin altına düşermi bu alet ?

Isınma sorunu yok aletin. Zaten soğutucu filan bişilerde aldım altına.
Mesaj tarihi:
RedallHoor said:

Kanuni said:

ne buldun sormasi ayip ? ayrica grafik ayarlarinin koklenmis olduguna eminmisin ? sanki golgeler cansiz duruyor, AA acik degil gibi, laptopumda daha iyi grafikler bundan. veya ss alirken bozulmus goruntu.

Laptop (tu)

güzel renklere sahip bir ekran görüntüsü

desene renkler cok guzel diye her santimine baktim yazilari okudum diyorum nedir bu..

laptop > all
Mesaj tarihi:
laptop çok overrated. kocaman ekranım olcak önümde, ayaklarımı da ekranın yanına uzatıp klavyeyi üstüme çekcem. işte o zaman kaliteli görüntünün tadı çıkar.
Mesaj tarihi:
evde oynuyorum, iste oynuyorum, tuvalette oynuyorum :P, yatarken tv karsisinda deniz kenarinda, arabada, nerde olursa benimle :)

canim benim :)

notebook > laptop > pc
Mesaj tarihi:
oyunu oynamadım , oyun hakkında tek merak ettiğim pve mantığı nasıl?? wow u tahtından indiricek oyun pve sini wow dan daha iyi yapmalı, wow daki guildlerin boss kesme yarışı , t1 t2 t3 gear mantığı oyunu bu kadar zamandır lider yapıyor, ne zamanki bir oyun wow daki gibi 25 lik raid mantığında instance lar getirir, o zaman wow un koltuğu sallanır. Fakat nedense sanki wow, pvp si yüzünden tutuluyormuş gibi bütün firmalar mmolarında pvp ye ağırlık veriyor, belkide pve yi beceremiyorlar bilmiyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:
do9uz said:

Kendi forumlarında Beta 6 daki değişikliklerden sonra World PVP yi mahvettiklerinden bahsediyorlarmış insanlar. Nedir işin aslı?

%0.5 nerfte bile çılgına dönen svekid lerin ağlamaları forumlarda yoksa world pvp ye direk olarak yaptıkları bişi yok.
Mesaj tarihi:

* Damage of weapon poisons has been increased.
* Poison Gas: Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds, down from 2 minutes.

* Verse of Fascination: Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds, down from 2 minutes.
* Coda of Distress: Now in the same stacking group as Ember Charge and Melted Skin.
* Cadence, Power Chord, Riff, Coda of Wrath, and Code of Fury now require "Any" weapon to execute; doesn't matter what kind.

* Iron Bonds: Tweaked to work better with Bond of Alacrity.
* Ties that Bind: No longer reduces health.
* Greater Primal Companion: Now takes less damage from area of effect attacks based on how many points are spent in Beastmaster.

* Dualism - New Ability: Unlocked with 40 points in Bladedancer. This Rhythmic action allows them to strike twice and add an additional combo point with Quick Strike and Precision Strike. Lasts 15 seconds. Causes exhaustion for 45 seconds.
* Mass Subdue: The cooldown has been increased to 30 seconds from 25.
* Incapacitate: Duration increased to 6 seconds, up from 5.

* Shadow's Touch: No longer considers corpses in its area of effect.
* Sigil of Power: Now works properly with Obliterate and returns a lot more mana.
* Sigil of Woe: Now works properly with Obliterate.

* Two-Handed Specialization: Now gives more contribution per point spent in Champion, capping at 50% instead of 15%.
* Disruptive Strike: No longer an attack point consumer that reduces casting time of targets. It now functions as a high-damage single target attack point builder that generates 2 attack points.
* Slayer's Bearing: No longer has a negative effect.
* Destroyer's Bearing: Enhances the damage of attack point consumers by 50% while active. It no longer has a negative effect. Causes finishers to build an attack point after consuming the available points when triggered.
* Deadly Strikes: Enhances damage by 6% per point for all non-finisher Physical attacks.
* Mighty Blow, Bladefury, and Cornered Beast: Now update their tooltips when you've spent points in Follow Through.

* Fixed an issue allowing damage from Sacrifice Life: Mana and Sacrifice Life: Damage to trigger healing from Lifegiving Veil.
* Clinging Form: The cooldown reduction provided by this ability is now reflected in the Transmogrify tooltip.
* Synthesis: Updated description to indicate it can only be used on group or raid members.

* Durable Control: Now only affects the damage thresholds on Transmogrify, Mass Exhaustion, and Disorient when the affected target is above 70% health.
* Mana Wrench: Fixed an issue where the effect of this ability was reversed.

* Summon Faerie, Summon Greater Faerie: The Faerie now receives 25% of the owner's spell crit, as well as the owner's full Valor.
* Summon Satyr: The Satyr now receives the owner's full Valor.
* Balm of the Forest: Removed.
* Natural Dedication: Now available at 26 points. Increases the damage of all nearby party and raid members by 5%.
* Faith in Action: Now available at 0 points. This passive converts Spell Power into Attack Power, Spell Critical into Melee Critical, and Focus into Melee Hit.
* Stone Strike: Renamed to Stone Burst: Now a player based AoE unbreakable root. No longer deals damage.

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02-09-2011 02:46 AM #2

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* Sacrifice: Now works with Lesser Air Elemental rank 3.
* Greater Water Elemental: Reduced damage dealt by Ice Bolt.
* Earth Elemental: Reduced damage dealt by Thud and Pulverize.

* Bewilder: No longer has a cooldown.
* Shroud of Agony: No longer persists through death.

* Increased base damage of all damaging abilities.
* Faith in Action: Now available at 0 points. This passive converts Spell Power into Attack Power, Spell Critical into Melee Critical, and Focus into Melee Hit.
* Cavalier: No longer does any melee stat conversions due to Faith in Action.
* Hammer of Virtue: Now adds 1-5% damage to all melee attacks without requiring a mace or hammer.
* Sovereign Hammer: Renamed to Sovereignty: Now a ranged spell that deals Life damage. No longer weapon-based.
* Humbling Blow: Renamed to Humility: Now a ranged spell that snares the enemy. No longer weapon-based, does not trigger global cooldown.
* Stunning Blow: Renamed to Supremacy.
* Celerity: Removed.
* Virtue: Removed.
* Dedication: Ability now present on Druid soul as Natural Dedication.
* Valor: Now only takes up to 3 points, increasing Block by 10-30% of Spell Power, and is now always active instead of being attached to Cavalier.
* Mien of Honor: No longer dispellable. Lasts indefinitely until cancelled.
* Mien of Leadership: No longer dispellable. Lasts indefinitely until cancelled. Increases armor by 100% + 1% per point spent in Justicar, threat by 100%, and Endurance by 90%. Still reduces healing except from Salvation, Reparation, and Reprieve, and damage penalties no longer apply to Justicar abilities.
* Reprieve: Doubled the base heal value.
* Healer's Creed: Now takes up to only 2 points, decreasing the cost of Doctrines by 15-30%.
* Devout Deflection: Now available as a tier 5 branch ability, taking up to 3 points. Increases Parry by 65-195% of Spell Power.
* Righteous Imperative: Now available at 26 points. Acts as a player-based area aggro swap to the Justicar on a 60 second cooldown.
* Just Defense: Now available at 38 points. Grants a powerful absorption shield for 10 seconds, on a 1 minute cooldown.
* Resplendent Embrace: Now available at 44 points. Increases all incoming healing on the Justicar by 50% for 10 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.
* Interdict: No longer deals damage.
* Precept of Valiance: Cooldown removed.
* Absolution: Now also restores 50% mana.

* Damage over time effects now have a chance to critically hit.
* Revivify: Can now be used both in and out of combat.
* Vengeful Spirit: Now increases damage of Ruination by 3-9% for each stack of Deathly Calling on an enemy, rather than affecting critical hit chance of Ruination.
* Necrosis: Fixed an issue causing Necrosis effects spread by Ruination to deal much lower damage than intended.

* Damage of weapon enchantments has been increased.
* Dusk to Dawn: An additional 100% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack. Ability's base damage reduced to offset this bonus. Requires a melee weapon to use. Now triggers the damage from Scourge of Darkness on the first application.
* Twilight Force: An additional 50% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack. Ability's base damage reduced to offset this bonus.
* Dusk Strike: An additional 50% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack. Ability's base damage reduced to offset this bonus.
* Scourge of Darkness: Can now deal critical damage.

* Aegis of Salvation: No longer requires a reagent.
* Life's Grace: Now gives the target 30% of their mana when they are resurrected.

* Combat Precision: Now modifies the damage of all non-finisher ability attacks.
* Flurry: Now lasts for 4 seconds, but each hit does more damage.
* Paired Strike: Duration lowered to 5 seconds from 8.
* Focus of Body: No longer requires a reagent.

* Caregiver's Blessing: Now properly states duration of 1 minute.
* Surging Flames: Now lasts 1 hour and has a stack size of 1 per caster instead of 1 total.
* Cauterize: Now removes 1 Disease, Poison, or Curse from the ally. Requires the target to be diseased, poisoned, or cursed to begin with in order to cast.
* Sterilize: Now removes all Diseases, Poisons, and Curses from the ally. Requires the target to be diseased, poisoned, or cursed to begin with in order to cast.
* Wisdom of the Era, Life of the Era: No longer requires a reagent.
* Flames of the Phoenix: Now also restores 20% mana.

* Fixed the Pyromancer soul quest giving a Soul Siphon when accepted.
* Flashfire: Fixed an issue where this could stun an ally if using 'cast on target's target'.
* Flaring Intellect: No longer requires a reagent to cast.

* Ethereal Bonds: Now correctly modifies tooltips of affected abilities.
* Power from the Masses: Now properly triggers off of Blood Fever, Flesh Rot, Necrotic Wounds, and Soul Sickness while Plague Bringer is active.
* Incite: No longer shares a cooldown with other taunt abilities.
* Binding of Death: Now enhances damage of AoE and DoT effects, and reduces the power cost of area effects and cleaves by 5.
* Plague Bringer: Power cost reduced to 10.

* Enhanced Burst of one type no longer stacks with the other two types.
* Ranged abilities now trigger Blade spells.
* Burning Blood: Can now trigger on ranged attacks.
* Spears: Now starts auto-attack. Can trigger Elemental Touch.
* Improved Avatar: Now increases a specific effect from each Avatar ability.
* Avatar of the Rift: Now reduces all damage.
* Avatar of Wind: Now increases dodge by 3% base amount, before additional ability affects are factored in.
* Elemental Touch: Now deals damage based on how many points are spent in Riftblade.

* Traps are no longer triggered by corpses on the ground inside their range.

* Healer's Haste: Fixed mana cost.
* Cleansing Prayer: Now removes 1 Disease, Poison, or Curse from the ally. Requires the target to be diseased, poisoned, or cursed to begin with in order to cast.
* Empowering Light: Now removes 1 Disease, Poison, or Curse from up to 10 group/raid members within 15 meters. Has a 10 second cooldown and triggers global cooldown.
* Noble Blessing: No longer requires a reagent.
* Life's Return: Now also restores 50% mana.
* Breath of Life: Now restores 20% mana.

* Faith in Action: Now available at 0 points. This passive converts Spell Power into Attack Power, Spell Critical into Melee Critical, and Focus into Melee Hit.
* Brutalize: Tooltip now indicates that this applies every time Massive Blow hits, not just criticals.
* Vengeance of the Winter Storm: Removed ranks 8-10 and distributed the remaining rank levels to avoid duplicating damage between ranks.
* Courage of the [Bear, Jaguar, Eagle]: No longer does any melee stat conversions due to Faith in Action.

* Removed Recharge and Improved Recharge.
* New Ability - Building Storm: Increases the critical hit damage bonus of Hypothermia-causing spells by 50%. Each damaging spell cast by the Stormcaller applies a stacking debuff on the enemy for 10 seconds, increasing the chance for the next Hypothermia-causing spell to critically hit by 10% per stack.
* New Branch Ability - Favorable Conditions: Each stack of Building Storm increases the critical strike chance of Hypothermia-causing spells by an additional 5-10% per stack. Tier 3 branch ability, requires Building Storm in order to purchase.
* Eye of the Storm: Reduced damage.

* Rift Shield: Once again absorbs damage.
* Furious Rage: Is now an interrupt instead of a reactive ability.

* Healing Current: Now available at 2 points. Added 3 additional ranks.
* Cleansing Waters: Now available at 10 points. Now requires the target to be Diseased, Poisoned, or Cursed to cast.
* Curative Waters: Now heals 1 Disease, Poison, or Curse from the ally 3 times over 6 seconds. Has a 10 second cooldown.
* Well of Life: Now also restores 20% mana.

* Damage over time effects now have a chance to critically hit.
* Neddra's Might: No longer requires a reagent to cast.
Mesaj tarihi:
tinu said:

Fakat nedense sanki wow, pvp si yüzünden tutuluyormuş gibi bütün firmalar mmolarında pvp ye ağırlık veriyor.

WOW un bugüne gelmesindeki tek sebep PVP ye ağırlık vermesi idi. PVM si kötü demiyorum. O da ayrı bir uğraş, çaba istiyor ama firmalar doğru düşünüyor. EQ2 aynı dönemde çıktı PVM si gayet başarılı idi, şu an LOTRO var PVM üzerine kurulu bir MMO ama herkes WOW a gitti? Sence niye?

Şu yukardaki mesajların %90 ı okusan RIFT içinde aynı şey söz konusu. Çoğu kişi classlar arası dengeden pvp den cart dan curttan bahsetmiş. PVM sinden bahseden çok az kişi var. Ortalıkta PVP muhabbetleri dönüyor gördüğün gibi ki sırf PVP si güzel,eğlenceli olduğu içinde çoğu kişi bu oyunu alacak. Benim gördüğüm o.
Mesaj tarihi:
WoW hiçbir zaman pvpye ağırlık vermedi. Rift'in pvpye ağırlık verme gibi bir hurafesi varsa nedeninin son zamanlarda rekor sayıda kişinin bir anda Warhammer'ı bırakması olduğuna emin olabilirsiniz eheh.
Mesaj tarihi:
wow kesinlikle pvp ağırlıklı bir oyun değildir bence tartışması bile olmaz bu konunun!!! wow a rakip çıkamamasının sebebi de wow daki pve olayını hiçbir oyunun yakalayamamış olmasıdır, baktığınız zaman bugun binlerce guild progress yarışı yapıyor , her expansıon da yeni bosslar yeni hikayelerle ortaya çıkıyor ve guildler ilk kim kesecek diye yarışa başlıyor, işte hiçbir oyunda bu yok! ne zaman birileri bu tarz bir pve destekli oyun yapar, o zaman bir şeyler değişebilir,

bu rift i oynayan arkadaşlara bu yüzden sordum bu oyunun pve mantığı nasıl işliyor, sadece 5 kişilik dungeonlarmı var yok seri bosslardan oluşan 20 - 25 kişilik raid dungeonlar varmı?
Mesaj tarihi:
wowda pvp mi var?

4.5 senede 2 kere falan girdim battlegroundmıydı neydi sdf

warhammerı zatn kaç kişi oyuyordu kaç kişi bıraktı ki :p 200k? pvp oyuncularının sayısı herzamamn pve item hungting yapanlardan az olmuştur ta uodan beri böledir bu, yoksa eve online ı 10 milyon kişi oynuyor olurdu wow yerine. rift açılınca kaç pvp, kaç pve server var bakarız isterseniz :)

wowun olayı item greed işte paso daha güçlü olmaca geyiği diabloda olduğu gibi, riftte farklı olmayacak sonuçta dungeonlarda aylarını harcayıp armor-token peşinde koşan oyuncular oluşturacak ana gelirini oyunun, yoksa wowda millet abi koş pvpvpvp olduğu için değil güzel armorlar vb verdiği için pvp yapıyordu.

ama rift işte yeni dünya herşey yeni ortamlar güzel atmosfer güzel ve rift diye sıkıcılığı baya azaltan bir olayın olması avantajı, üstelik aynı oyunu 34363 sene oynamaktan aynı zindanları 8000. kere yapmaktan sıkılanlar için güzel bir alternatif şu an.
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