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StarCraft 2


Öne çıkan mesajlar

bu arada eski birimler artık oyunda yok gibi kesin konuşmayın daha oyun inanılmaz değişimlerden geçecek ve sadece demoda gördüğünüz üniteler olacak diye birşey yok

ve söylediklerine göre artık daha kalabalık ordular yapabaileceğiz, sanırım limit 200'ün üzerinde olacak.
eskiden oldugu gibi en fazla 12 üniteyi deil, tüm üniteleri birden seçme imkanı oldğunu düşünürsek 200den fazla ünite yapabilecegiz. ama tabii bu stratejik dengeleri nasıl deiştirir bilemiyorum, sonuçta sc'de az üniteyle çok iş yapmaya çalışmak ayrı bir güzellikti.
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terran gosusu herkesi pwn ettiği icin terran > all dio herkes ;p

gün olur zork ile biri terrancı amcamızı dürügünü çizerse , zerg > all olur.

boxer terran'la ünlü, yellow zerg'le ünlü, nal_ra protoss'la ünlü.
her ırkın bir ünlü progamer'ı mevcut.

gerçi protoss hastası olduğumdan nal_ra'ya kanım kaynıyor benim.
o reaver droplarına, o high templarlarına hastayım adamın.
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nal_ra ownz boxer olmasın o

bonecum benim bildigim sadece dragon phoenix olarakd egisicek su anlık eski birimler simdilik aynen kalıo die biliorum

bu arada terren > all diyenler terranlar sadece lost temple gibi gazı aşırı olan maplerde güçlüdürler kristal gaz oranının daha düzgün oladugu maplerde genelde terran anca critter keser.
[ Mesaj 16 Haziran 2007, Cumartesi - 23:29 tarihinde, Bleda tarafından güncellenmiştir ]

[ Mesaj 16 Haziran 2007, Cumartesi - 23:32 tarihinde, Bleda tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
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Old Units Still In Service

Zergling: New ability to mutate into suicidal "Baneling", that can roll across the terrain.

Marine: Will be able to upgrade defenses with a shield.
Siege Tank

Zealot: Will have a new charge ability, allowing a zealot unit to quickly close the distance between itself and an enemy unit.
High Templar: Reportedly (from a PC Gamer article) has the added ability of trapping an enemy in a forcefield and/or creating barriers that can create an effective bottleneck point.

[ Mesaj 18 Haziran 2007, Pazartesi - 15:57 tarihinde, Bone tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
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New units

Reaper: Uses dual pistols, can jet pack up and down ledges.

Colossus: A large quad-legged vehicle that fires strong dual lasers in a "wave-like" pattern well-suited to destroying swarms of weaker units; when one unit is destroyed, the laser "sweeps" towards another unit. Shown in the video destroying a large wave of Zerglings. This unit can also traverse differences in terrain height due to its long legs. The Colossus has no anti-air weapons.
Immortal: Replaces the Dragoon. Strong defense against powerful attacks, but vulnerable to weaker attacks.
Mothership: A powerful flying unit which consumes an extreme amount of resources to produce, but is a unique unit (1 at a time). Has the Timebomb ability, which slows all enemy missile attacks, and the Planet Cracker, a large laser that obliterates anything in its path, in the style of the original StarCraft intro. Also has an ability to create a black hole that can suck in ships as large as Battlecruisers. Looks like a floating sand dollar.
Phase Prism: A dual-purpose unit, able to transport units or act as a mobile Pylon. Apparently obsoletes and replaces the Shuttle.
Phoenix: This anti-air unit can overcharge its guns for a multiple projectile blast, but after the blast the ship is rendered inert for a short period. The Phoenix is very weak versus large enemy air units such as a Battlecruiser, but is powerful versus small and medium air units. It can also strafe ground targets.
Soul Hunter: A Protoss infantry unit with a ranged attack resembling arcing electricity, riding on a hovering platform of some sort and wielding a large weapon of some sort on one arm. Many fans believe the unit resembles the Vindicator from StarCraft: Ghost. The Soul Hunter's attack is effective against biological units and buildings but weak against mechanical units and robots; Soul Hunters gain power from draining biological units as well, firing one beam (originally) going up to three beams when fully powered up.
Stalker: A Dragoon-like unit of the Dark Templar, able to blink (short-range teleport) and deliver ranged attacks against air and ground units.
Star Relic: A unit that cloaks all nearby Protoss units and buildings, and is equipped with a powerful Fusion Beam that will slowly cause a target to explode and when the target does explode, it will cause splash damage to surrounding units ... the more powerful the target, the greater the splash damage caused by its explosion. The Star Relic appears to replace the Arbiter.
Tempest: A large air unit, similar to the Carrier, with strong shields, seemingly has no weapons of it owns but carrying blue Interceptor-like fighter craft. The Tempest's shields only protect it from attacks directed at it from the ground.
Twilight Archon: A large ground unit, swirling with blue energy and shooting short-ranged blasts of energy, very similar to the Archon of classic StarCraft.
Warp Ray: Flying unit that deals damage with a blue laser that does more damage as it focuses on the same target. Good versus heavily armored targets like Battlecruisers and buildings, weak against small arms fire.

Nydus Worm: Can be used to transport small units such as Zerglings underground.
Succubus: New ground "caster support" unit, derived from Ghosts captured during the Zerg invasion of Tarsonis, that can take control of enemy unit for a brief period of time, then force that unit to explode.
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