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Football Manager 2010


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Rooney direk complete player abi. Adam top kapıyo pas veriyo pas alıyo gol atıyo attırıyo. Tek başına her işi yapıyo kalecilik hariç. Onu kalıba sokmak zor gerçek hayatta. Ha özelliklerine bakarsan da fm'de ben gayet complete forward oynatırım. Forvetleri traquerista oynatmayı sevmiyorum sadece amc'leri öyle oynatırım. Sonuçta Rooney takımın en ucunda da çok başarılı oynuyor. Arkadan sızmaktan çok göstere göstere yazıyo adam =D
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poopla said:

nileppezdel said:

Kelime anlamı olarak öyle de fm'de poacher = fast striker gibi bişey. Savunmanın arkasına sarkıp bol bol karşı karşıya kalacak adam.

off the ball, anticipation, composure, finishing, pace, acceleration önemli baya

adv forward oluyo bu anlattığın

Yaşlandı artık ama gerçek hayatta şu tanımın karşılığı benim için inzaghi'dir.Cok cok hızlı değildi ama adamda öyle bir off the ball, anticipation, composure var ki şu yaşına rağmen oynadı hatta geçen sene milan'nın en golcu oyuncusuydu galiba. Tahtına aday gösterebileceğim kişide Gonzalo Higuain
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Bu poacher tartışmasına bir katkı da ben koymak istiyorum, lütfen bir kere okuyun.Tactical Therorems kitabından. FM oynayan herkesin en az bunu anlayacak kadar ingilizce bildiğini varsayıyorum ve çeviri yapmıyorum (tamam tamam bir de üşeniyorum, kabul):

Deep-Lying Forward: The deep-lying forward looks to come back towards the midfield to pick up the ball, and then distributes the ball to the players behind him, or looks to hold up the ball so that players can run on in front of him. Very useful as a lone forward or as part of a strike partnership, the DLF tends to be pretty strong but also a little creative. He can also score goals himself when needed. Like a target man, he tends to play with his back to goal, but is more comfortable with the ball at his feet rather than jumping up high to flick the ball on. Usually the DLF will not score a huge amount of goals on his own, but as a lone striker he can allow creative midfielders to thrive (such as the French national team in the 1998 World Cup with Guivarc'h), or as part of a front two (such as Sherringham’s link up with Alan Shearer or Andy Cole).
Contemporary Example: Carlton Cole (West Ham; England); John Carew (Aston Villa; Norway)
Classic Example: Teddy Sheringham (Manchester United; England); Stéphane Guivarc'h (France)

Advanced Forward: This player usually hangs on the shoulder of the last defender, looking to latch on to through balls from the midfield or his strike partner. He can be isolated if used entirely on his own, so he will need support from the attacking midfield stratum or a fellow centre forward. Usually quick, pretty decent on the ball and a lethal finisher, he is slightly more well rounded than the “poacher” as he will drop back a little bit if absolutely needed to put pressure on the centre backs or to receive the ball. This player is likely to be the top goal scorer for any team that employs him, and will be the focus of many attacks. Therefore, he needs to be reliable and able to handle pressure.
Contemporary Example: Fernando Torres (Liverpool; Spain); Samuel Eto’o (Internazionale; Cameroon)
Classic Example: Ronaldo (Real Madrid; Brazil); Gerd Müller (Bayern München; West Germany)

Target Man: The target man is the big guy up front who can hold up the ball as well as flick it on to his strike partner. With excellent jumping, heading and strength, he is in the perfect place to deal with long balls coming from the goal keeper and the defence. He is also good at terrorising defences with his height when the ball comes in from crosses and corners. The target man does not need to be the best finisher in the world, nor does he need great technical ability. His size and strength are enough to disrupt the opposition long enough for his more creative teammates to score. As a lone forward, the target man would struggle. Without support, there would be nobody for him to create space for. However, as part of a strike partnership, especially with an advanced forward or a poacher, he can be very effective.

Contemporary Example: Emile Heskey (Aston Villa; England)
Classic Example: Jan Koller (Czech Republic

Poacher: The poacher is dying out in modern, top-level football, but there is still room for a man who “only” scores goals. The tendency has been for forwards to become more well-rounded; helping the midfield, being creative and moving around to create more space for other players. The poacher, however, does little of this. His job is to hang around the penalty area creating a yard of space at the last moment to pick up a through ball or cross and score goals. A good poacher can easily get 30 goals a season, but the whole team needs to be set up for him. He will absolutely need a strike partner, otherwise he will be totally isolated, and the midfield need to work the ball into the box to provide him with lots of opportunities to score. He needs to be incredibly composed, have great finishing, be brilliant off the ball and be very consistent.
Contemporary Example: Raúl González (Real Madrid); Michael Owen (Manchester United; England)
Classic Example: Gary Lineker (Everton; England) Görüldüğü üzere Jardel bu sınıfa giriyor. Baros değil.

Complete Forward: Occasionally, a team will be lucky enough to find a player who is tall, strong, quick, brilliant with the ball at his feet and in the air and a lethal finisher. When this does happen, a team has a lot of versatility. The complete forward could play on his own, or with striker partner. He can play with his back to goal or off the shoulder of the last defender. Essentially, giving him the complete forward role allows him to do whatever he feels is necessary to help the midfield, score goals and lay on assists for his team mates. Most teams will not have a player who can do all of this: but if you do, allowing him to play to all his strengths could really give your team an edge.
Contemporary Example: Didier Drogba (Chelsea; Ivory Coast)
Classic Example: Johan Cruijff (Ajax; Netherlands)

Defensive Forward: When a team is playing against a much stronger team, it may need even more help in defence. One option is to tell the striker to track back as much as possible and put pressure on the midfield. In doing this, the team will lose some attacking bite, but if you are expecting to be heavily beaten anyway this might not be too much of a sacrifice. The player will need to be a decent tackler, have quite a bit of stamina and be willing to work his socks off. If employed as a lone striker, he will need help from the midfield to create chances. With a strike partner, he will try to feed him in as much as possible. A useful tactical tool, the defensive forward is an even more defensive version of the deep-lying forward. Nobody has really made their name in this position, but there are plenty of forwards who can play this when required.
Contemporary Example: Wayne Rooney (Manchester United)
Classic Example: Again, this is more a tactical tool than a long-term position that someone could build a career around. As such, we can point to individual games where individual players have excelled, but there are few definitive “classic” defensive forwards.

Trequartista: Much like the AMC version, the TQ in the FC position will look to roam around looking for space to create movement for his teammates. What many have termed the “4-6-0” at Roma is probably more accurately a 4-5-1 with Totti as a trequartista. Similar in position to an inside forward, the TQ is more concerned with creating chances first, and scoring if the opportunity presents itself, while the opposite is true of the inside forward.
Contemporary Example: Francesco Totti (Roma; Italy); Kaka (Real Madrid; Brazil)
Classic Example: Roberto Baggio (Italy); Diego Maradona (Argentina); Denis Bergkamp (Arsenal; Ajax; Netherlands); Pelé (Brazil) ÇOK SEVERİM ve ÖNERİRİM
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Rewendor said:

complete olmaz rooneyden, dediklerin tamam da boy pos yok kafa golü atamıyo hava topuna çıkamıyo top indiremiyo :) Complete için eksiğinin olmaması lazım hiç. Advanced ideal rooneye

futbolu çok iyi takip ediyormuşsun rewendor. rooney son 9 ya da 10 maçta 8 kafa golü attı lig, şampiyonlar ligi ve kupada.

çok çok çok iyi kafa vuruyor rooney. çok iyi zıplıyor. boyu da hiç kısa değil. çok uzun olmamasına rağmen çok iyi sıçrıyor ve kafa vuruyor. rooney günümüzdeki en iyi forvet olma yolunda ilerliyor şu anda. ayrıca kesinlikle complete forward falan değil, Trequartistadır. çılgınlar gibi saldırır rakip kaleye. dikine gider boğa gibi. çok güçlüdür ezer geçer. uzaktan şut atar. bitiriciliği çok iyidir.
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verdiğin istatistikten daha kendin emin deilsin bari verme yahu :) 1.78 adamın boyu, tamam normal bir insan için fena değil de hava hakimiyeti istediğin forvet için bayağı kısa kalıyor.

Ayrıca hava hakimiyeti sadece kafa golü atmak değil top indirmek yanındakilere top yumuşatıp gol pozisyonu hazırlamaktır falan filan. Gerçi bilmiyorum 10 maçta 8 kafa golü attıysa son dönemde bayağı geliştirmiş demektir bu yönünü.

Tranquista'ya Messi, c.r. ya da totti falan uyar da Rooney ı ıh.

Bu arada bahsettiğimiz gibi Baros işte poacher, sürekli rakip defansla uğraşıp gol atmaya uğraşır dedik defansı yıpratmaya oynar dedik. Bunları yapacak adam zaten geri dönüp orta sahaya yardım edecek değil ya.
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rooney manu'da trequartista oynuyor, yada benim yaptığım çıkarım bu manu maçlarından.

o değil don't ask me kutucunu işaretledimiz bir soruyu bize tekrar sormaya baslaması için napmak lazım? yanlışlıkla maçlarından kadro bu olsun mu emin misin şeyinde işaretlemişim arada yanlış kadrolarla başlıyorum maça, çok sinir.
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Rewendor said:

Bu arada bahsettiğimiz gibi Baros işte poacher, sürekli rakip defansla uğraşıp gol atmaya uğraşır dedik defansı yıpratmaya oynar dedik. Bunları yapacak adam zaten geri dönüp orta sahaya yardım edecek değil ya.

bütün forvetler poacher o zaman
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