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Darkfall Online Bilgilendirme ve Gelişmeleri


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Tasos said:

As you may have noticed, there's a new Darkfall website up and the message boards also have an updated look. The website is still under heavy construction so please excuse any placeholders, outdated information, and browser incompatibilities. These will be addressed throughout the day and over the weekend. We'll be adding a lot of content to the site and we'll keep it updated.

We've also activated new payment options. You can now use PayPal, Carte Bleue and JCB. We will introduce even more payment options in the near future.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

Official foruma düşmüş ben bu sabah farkettim. Yay kullanırken oku düşmana gönderirken düşman tam oku yemeden eğer yüksek seviye bir staff alırsan eline mesela Corpsecall(dmg modifier ı 1.0, r50 bowun dmg modifier ı 0.75 ama r0 la bile bu bug oluyo)dmg modifier olarak elinde yayı değil staff ı görüyor ve yüksek dmg yapıyorsun :D
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

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