D@rkwish Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 Serverda ele geçirilmeyen 2-3 şehir varsa vardır zaten yeni başlayan hiçbir grup şehir kuramaz yeni bir serverda başlamadıkları sürece anca şehri siege edip ele geçirebilirler. Ve skill cap zaten var ama hardcap yok bir noktadan sonra gainler deli gibi yavaşlıycak atıyorum 2 haftalık skill 2-3 ayda kasılabilicek gibisinden ki Darkfallda skillin istediğin kadar kral olsun daha 1 dakikalık bir charın bile karşında sağlam bir şansı var emin ol oynayınca anlarsın.
Quel-Thul Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 1 saattir sıradayım yaw oynayamayacaz oyunu bu gidişle xD
D@rkwish Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 Bende bi 10 dakkadır felan sıradayım bugün 1 saate yakın açık kaldı acc satışları sanırım o yüzden biraz fazla sattılar sanki :S bu saatlerde yoğunluk olur gerçi malum prime time :) Oyuna girince oyun çökmedikçe yada maintenance olmadıkça çıkma zaten :P ben öyle yapıyorum :)
Quel-Thul Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 2 kere sıra geldi de; ilkinde error verdi, oyunu kurdugum yerdeki bi setup dosyasını çalıştırmak gerekiyomuş, ikincide crash oldu sanırım çözünürlügü 1680x1050 yaptıgım icin :S bu sefer olacak inşallah :D
D@rkwish Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 data dosyana gir client_1.txt vardır onun içini kopyala yapıştır buraya büyük ihtimal JavaVM den dolayı hata oldu çözünürlük değil.
D@rkwish Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 Tasos said: Hello, We offered a larger number of copies the last couple of days, we’ll continue today. The larger number of new players entering the game are responsible for the queue times some of you have been experiencing during prime time hours. These are temporary. Tomorrow (Thursday) and possibly on Friday, we won’t offer more Darkfall copies in order to allow the new players to distribute around the world. We are trying to find a good balance between low queue times and increased Darkfall availability. We are continually improving our capacity and optimizing as we increase the number of Darkfall copies available. A way to decrease queue times is for players to bind away from the starting areas as soon as possible. Most of the congestion is seen around the starting areas. Prime-time hours are when most of the queuing will occur. Again, this is temporary. We are continuing to ban players we detect are using third party exploit programs. If you're not using them, there's no reason to worry that you'll be banned for their use. Thank you The Darkfall Team
Quel-Thul Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 11, 2009 [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] 3DNow: yes [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Channels Enabled: no [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] cmpxchg: yes [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] cmpxchg16b: no [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] cmp8xchg16: no [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] FP Emulated: no [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] FP Errata: no [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] MMX: yes [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] NX: yes [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] PAE: yes [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] RDTSC: yes [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] SSE: yes [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] SSE2: yes [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] SSE3: yes [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Native processor architecture: INTEL [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Active processor mask: 3 [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Processor count: 2 [20:56:22.163 +1 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] WOW64: no [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] OS Version 6.0 build 6001 [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] CSDVersion Service Pack 1 [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] ServicePack 1.0 [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] SuiteMask 0x100 [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Product Type: Workstation [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] 2045 MB Physical memory [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] 1248 MB Available Physical memory [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] 2047 MB Virtual memory [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] 1390 MB Available Virtual memory [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] 4334 MB Pagefile [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] 2851 MB Available Pagefile [20:56:22.164 +2 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] 38% memory load [20:56:22.186 +24 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] WMI: Win32_BaseBoard [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Name: 'Base Board' [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Caption: 'Base Board' [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Description: 'Base Board' [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] DeviceID: 0x80041002 [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] PNPDeviceID: 0x80041002 [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Status: 'OK' [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Manufacturer: 'ASUSTeK Computer INC.' [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Product: 'M2A-VM' [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] SerialNumber: '123456789000' [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Version: '1.XX ' [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] [20:56:22.480 +318 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] WMI: Win32_DiskDrive [20:56:22.824 +662 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Name: '.PHYSICALDRIVE1' [20:56:22.824 +662 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Caption: 'SAMSUNG HD250HJ ATA Device' [20:56:22.824 +662 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Description: 'Disk sürücüsü' [20:56:22.824 +662 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] DeviceID: '.PHYSICALDRIVE1' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] PNPDeviceID: 'IDEDISKSAMSUNG_HD250HJ_________________________FH100-065&29D0824F&0&0.0.0' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Status: 'OK' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] InterfaceType: 'IDE' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] MediaType: 'Fixed hard disk media' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Model: 'SAMSUNG HD250HJ ATA Device' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Manufacturer: '(Standart disk sürücüleri)' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Name: '.PHYSICALDRIVE0' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Caption: 'ST3160815A ATA Device' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Description: 'Disk sürücüsü' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] DeviceID: '.PHYSICALDRIVE0' [20:56:22.825 +663 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] PNPDeviceID: 'IDEDISKST3160815A______________________________3.AAD___5&2FA4B41&0&0.1.0' [20:56:22.826 +664 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Status: 'OK' [20:56:22.826 +664 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] InterfaceType: 'IDE' [20:56:22.826 +664 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] MediaType: 'Fixed hard disk media' [20:56:22.826 +664 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Model: 'ST3160815A ATA Device' [20:56:22.826 +664 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Manufacturer: '(Standart disk sürücüleri)' [20:56:22.826 +664 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] [20:56:22.826 +664 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] WMI: Win32_Keyboard [20:56:22.950 +788 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Name: 'Enhanced (101- or 102-key)' [20:56:22.950 +788 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Caption: 'Enhanced (101- or 102-key)' [20:56:22.950 +788 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Description: 'Lycosa Keyboard' [20:56:22.950 +788 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] DeviceID: 'USBVID_1532&PID_0109&MI_006&19387D85&0&0000' [20:56:22.950 +788 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] PNPDeviceID: 'USBVID_1532&PID_0109&MI_006&19387D85&0&0000' [20:56:22.950 +788 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Status: 'OK' [20:56:22.950 +788 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Layout: '0000041F' [20:56:22.950 +788 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] [20:56:22.951 +789 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] WMI: Win32_PointingDevice [20:56:23.078 +916 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Name: 'DeathAdder Mouse' [20:56:23.078 +916 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Caption: 'DeathAdder Mouse' [20:56:23.078 +916 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Description: 'DeathAdder Mouse' [20:56:23.078 +916 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] DeviceID: 'USBVID_1532&PID_00075&17BEC829&0&1' [20:56:23.078 +916 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] PNPDeviceID: 'USBVID_1532&PID_00075&17BEC829&0&1' [20:56:23.078 +916 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Status: 'OK' [20:56:23.078 +916 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] HardwareType: 'DeathAdder Mouse' [20:56:23.078 +916 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Manufacturer: 'Razer' [20:56:23.078 +916 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] [20:56:23.079 +917 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] WMI: Win32_SoundDevice [20:56:23.145 +983 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Name: 'Creative X-Fi Audio Processor (WDM)' [20:56:23.145 +983 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Caption: 'Creative X-Fi Audio Processor (WDM)' [20:56:23.145 +983 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Description: 'Creative X-Fi Audio Processor (WDM)' [20:56:23.145 +983 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] DeviceID: 'PCIVEN_1102&DEV_0005&SUBSYS_00311102&REV_004&35E69562&0&30A4' [20:56:23.145 +983 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] PNPDeviceID: 'PCIVEN_1102&DEV_0005&SUBSYS_00311102&REV_004&35E69562&0&30A4' [20:56:23.145 +983 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Status: 'OK' [20:56:23.145 +983 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Manufacturer: 'Creative Technology, Ltd.' [20:56:23.145 +983 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] ProductName: 'Creative X-Fi Audio Processor (WDM)' [20:56:23.145 +983 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] [20:56:23.146 +984 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] WMI: Win32_DesktopMonitor [20:56:23.247 +1085 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Name: 'Hyundai IT N220W DVI' [20:56:23.247 +1085 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Caption: 'Hyundai IT N220W DVI' [20:56:23.247 +1085 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Description: 'Hyundai IT N220W DVI' [20:56:23.247 +1085 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] DeviceID: 'DesktopMonitor1' [20:56:23.247 +1085 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] PNPDeviceID: 'DISPLAYHIT6DFF5&2DD4E693&0&UID272' [20:56:23.247 +1085 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Status: 'OK' [20:56:23.247 +1085 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] MonitorManufacturer: 'Hyundai IT Co., Ltd.' [20:56:23.247 +1085 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] MonitorType: 'Hyundai IT N220W DVI' [20:56:23.247 +1085 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] [20:56:23.248 +1086 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] WMI: Win32_VideoController [20:56:23.472 +1310 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Name: 'NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT ' [20:56:23.472 +1310 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Caption: 'NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT ' [20:56:23.472 +1310 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Description: 'NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT ' [20:56:23.473 +1311 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] DeviceID: 'VideoController1' [20:56:23.473 +1311 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] PNPDeviceID: 'PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_0402&SUBSYS_601219DA&REV_A14&638E8BD&0&0010' [20:56:23.473 +1311 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] Status: 'OK' [20:56:23.473 +1311 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] InstalledDisplayDrivers: 'nvd3dum.dll,nvwgf2um.dll' [20:56:23.473 +1311 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] DriverVersion: '' [20:56:23.473 +1311 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] VideoModeDescription: '1680 x 1050 x 4294967296 colors' [20:56:23.473 +1311 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] VideoProcessor: 'GeForce 8600 GT' [20:56:23.473 +1311 T0 1] (warning) [SystemInfo] [20:56:24.380 +2218 T0 1] (warning) [Engine::EngineModule] No Engine configuration, using defaults [20:56:36.632 +14470 T2402 1450630] (error) [Modules::Application] My NodeID is 14630 [20:56:38.084 +15922 T2402 1450630] (warning) [SFArchiveManager] Could not find classes/com/aventurine/loader/nativeclassloader.class [20:56:38.085 +15923 T2402 1450630] (warning) [SFArchiveManager]
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