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Fallen Earth (Sci-Fi)

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
öncelikle fallout ile çok benzeşiyor. class based değil, skill based. 6 faction var bu benim hoşuma gitti. ırk yok herkes insan. pvp var tabi ki.
karakterimizin özellikleri oyunu etkiliyormuş. örneğin charisma özelliğimiz çok düşükse bazı npc'ler bizle konuşmuyormuş, bazı questleri falan alamıyormuşuz...

çöp tenekesinden falan armor yapabiliyoruz, paintball silahından zip gun yapıyoruz. araba bile yapabiliyoruz. crafting'de şöyle bi güzellik var mesela. oyunda bulduğumuz itemların %99'unu mu ne craft edebiliyormuşuz. ayrıca craftingin şöyle bir değişik olayı var. bir silah yapacaksınız diyelim, 5 saniyede silah yapamıyorsunuz. basıyorsunuz 6 saatte silahı yapıyor. tabi beklememize gerek yok 6 saat, arada normal aktivitelerimizi sürdürebiliyoruz. offline iken falan sıraya koyup yapabiliyoruz...

ilerde mutasyon falan gibi olaylar gelebiliyor karakterimize.

mount olayında mesela atımız bizden farklı bir varlık. mount üstünde combat var, mount'umuz öldürülebiliyor ve biz attan düşüp devam ediyoruz savaşmaya. combat demişken şunu da söleyeyim, sound meter diye bir olay var. karakterinizin ne kadar ses çıkardığı. mobların arkasından yaklaştığınızda ses yaparsanız dönüp saldırıyorlar mesela. ses seviyesini düşürmek için melee silahlar kullanmak ve yerde sürünerek yaklaşmak falan gerekiyor.

son olarak da gördüğüm alchemy var büyü tarzında.

bütün video'yu anlatmayayım ama gerçekten çok hoşuma gitti, üstelik bu taa 2006 yılından. closed beta'ya başlamışlar. beklediğim oyunlar arasında darkfall'un önüne geçti...

Mesaj tarihi:
seneler önce görmüştün zaten ama başlığı var mı yok di mi ;) en azından arama'da çıkmadı :)

videonun sonundaki alchemy olayı pek hoşuma gitti ayrıca
Mesaj tarihi:
arcane said:
Ben de onu sevmedim, Full Metal Alchemist mi Mad Max mi. Atı da sevmedim. Ama gerisini sevdim.

at ile bi problemim yok ama alchemy'i görünce ben de bir an dedim "mad max mi fma mı nası yani?" diye... sonra ama düşündüm sadece silah olayı olsa biraz sıradan olurdu yani. büyüye benzer birşey eklemeleri gerekiyor. okumadım ama muhtemelen radyasyonla falan açıklıyolardır alchemy olayını, bilmiyorum.

bu arada fallout mmo'suna muhtemelen 3 sene falan var. onu bekleyerek vakit geçirmeyi düşünüyorsanız, geçmiş olsun şimdiden :D
Mesaj tarihi:
da çoğunluk akın edecek işte sorun orada
piyasaya çıktığında devrim niteliğindeki tek olayı wasd ve zıplamaydı bana göre (önceden vardıysa da bilmiyorum, pek duymamıştım o zamanlarda), oynadığım oyunlara göre artısını görememiştim pek

blizzard çıkarıyor bunu da (hadi bir de starcraft temalı olsun) , akın eden çok olur.
Mesaj tarihi:
ayrı bi ortam, kılıç kalkan elfler orclar konseptinden uzak iyi güzel vs de yeni bişey katmio gameplay adına anladıım kadarıyla. Yine safe zonelar var yine pvp yapmak isteyen yapacak. Şehirleri ele geçirceksin bağlı olduun factiona puan kazandıracan burası biraz WAR gibi. Ne biliim çok bi vay be bu oynanır dedirtmedi. Harbi EVE Online oynamaya üşeniorum bu saatten sonra sıkıo ama eve gibisi yok galiba =)
Mesaj tarihi:
gameplay adına nasıl yok yahu değişiklik... bi kere aim'i kendin alıyosun, ses çıkarma olayı var, craft sistemini bir hayli geliştirmeyi umuyorlar. craft ile ilgili aşağıda 1-2 soru var, crafter'lar baya gaza geldiler bu chat'ten sonra.

Chat'te dev'lere sorulan sorular ve cevapları:

zigzag - We'll be starting shortly; you're welcome to begin sending your questions. To do so type /msg [QT]Vax or /msg zigzag and type your question in the window that pops up.

zigzag - Good evening and welcome to another great Stratics House of Commons developer chat! Tonight we welcome back the Fallen Earth Team! Tonight 's chat is open topic - any of your questions regarding Fallen Earth are welcome!

zigzag - We'll start with a brief introduction from the developers, and then get started with your questions. Full logs of the chat will be up on uo.stratics.com shortly after the chat.

Tiggs - Hiyas!! Tiggs here Community Director for Fallen Earth

Morgana - I'm Morgana one of the community team members in world on the forums..

[FE]RandomTask - Hey, this is James, writer and content designer. I rise when others sleep and write in the darkness before the dawn.

FE-Funslayer - I'm Mike and I'm the lead scripter for Fallen Earth and part time super hero. Some of you may have seen the question and answer I did on the forum. If you didn't, the largest part of my job is explaining to Lee and Content why they're dreams will never come true.

FELee - I'm Lee Hammock and I'm the lead game designer.

FE_art - I'm Chris. I'm currently the art director for Fallen Earth, and I also did many of the creatures in the game.

[FE]Chuck - Hi am Chuck One, aka. McCoy. I am the lead tester for Fallen Earth. I am the guy who tells them when it broke.

Quisno - Hello I'm Quisno a CM for Fallen Earth. I enjoy long walks in a hazard suit and making others test my food for contamination.

[FE]Wes - I'm Wes and I'm one of the content designers working on Fallen Earth. Anyone who talks smack about the Travelers loses a kneecap!

zigzag - *DoWolf* What is the payemnt method your going to go Subscription or Free2 play with a cash shop?

Tiggs - You won't like this but it has yet to be determined what our sub model is.

Tiggs - To be announced

zigzag - *[Yew]Ameron* is there a teaser trailer that shows some gameplay footage?

FELee - We have more trailers in the works currently, some of which will include gameplay footage. We're also looking at releasing at least a portion the in-game video from the end of the tutorial.

zigzag - *Punkcheese* Guilds/Parties and factions, how will they work together? Can a CHOTA and an Enforcer comfortably be in the same guild/party or will there be some consequences and/or restrictions?

[FE]Wes - I wouldn't say a CHOTA and Enforcer can *comfortably* be in a small team, but it's not impossible, technically, for them to be in the same clan. The real repercussions come if they're doing PvP and start losing faction when their pals kill their allies.

zigzag - *DoWolf* Will there be regional servers?

FELee - We're hoping to have regional servers for specific areas of the launch, but the plans have not been finalized. The focus will be on North America initially.

[QT]Vax - Everyone is welcome to send in questions, don't be shy. To do so type /msg [QT]Vax or /msg zigzag and type your question into the window that pops up!

zigzag - *CigarHero* When will we see a full pvp server? Is FE going to appeal to the hardcore player vs player subscriber. If so, what are your plans for guild cities and player housing?

[FE]Chuck - The current plan is not to have separate pvp and pve servers. There will be a lot to do with pvp though. The conflict towns will be a major place for pvp.

zigzag - *Gonazz* Will there be any way to travel from sector to sector in addition to the mounts?

FE-Funslayer - Well, you can always walk.

FE-Funslayer - If you're asking about something like WoW's flight paths or City of Heroes Subways, we're still trying to find a method of transportation that balances story, the needs of the game and the needs of the players.

zigzag - *[ORK]Gnarlug* Will there be player-owned housing/forts/structures?

FELee - Player housing is a goal, but not something we'll have for release. We'd rather delay it and do it right rather than put something in that's no good. But we eventually totoally want player forts and such.

zigzag - *Punkcheese* Will the servers be stictly region based, or can I play on whatever server I want?

FELee - I'm not sure how the region server thing will break down. As said previously it's all being ironed out. I'd hate to say one thing and have something else happen.

zigzag - *[LoR]Tornadium* With regards to end game content. Are we going to see more raid based/Group content or more solo content

[FE]Wes - What is this mysterious "end-game" of which you speak? We do plan to have important team-oriented events - large facilities that you need a squad of fellow players to sweep through. But I wouldn't expect anything like a 40-man raid boss. We'll also have conflict towns, crafting, and other activities to keep people coming back after they've reached the current level cap.

zigzag - *CanyonTrader* I'm a crafter: Are there still plans at launch to offer spaces for rent in towns for crafters to sell their wares?

FELee - We aren't going to have the rentable spaces up for release. It's on the list of things we want, but we can't get the tech good enough for release without sacrificing other factors. We are expanding crafting in other ways, such as adding an experiment system.

zigzag - *Punkcheese* Can you compare the PvP style to some other games? Just to get an idea of what to expect

Tiggs - First 5 people to message me with an email will win a beta key!

Tiggs - got 5!

[FE]Chuck - The PvP style of Fallen Earth is one of constant goal oriented fighting. The best example is the conflict towns. The reason you fight is to control these key towns. You can upgrade the towns and get better stuff from them but first you will need to take them and hold them. That is where our PvP style comes in. We will not have a lot of just random PvP but it will have a reason for the fighting. You will have defined goals.

Tiggs - Contest time!

FELee - Trivia time! Send your answer to Tiggs for a t-shirt. Who is the highest ranking officer in the Enforcers?

zigzag - *CigarHero* How is the game going to be set up server wise? Are the rumors true that there will only be three servers, one PVP, one RP and one Normal? If so, how do you plan on dealing with the massive amounts of players in starting zones?

Tiggs - The winner of the tshirt is Morrek -- Colonel Elizabeth Pryce

Tiggs - That has yet to be determined.

zigzag - *CigarHero* How will the loot system be put into place in PVP?

[FE]Wes - If you mean "Can I loot other players?" then all I can really say is: "There is no PvP looting system." You can loot NPCs in a PvP zone, but not other players. We *are* going to have special ubernodes that people can go after (and fight for) in some PvP zones.

zigzag - *Ella* Will dedicated crafters gains levels at the same speed as combat focus character or is crafting secondary to combat??

FELee - Characters who craft will not earn as much XP, minute by minute of play, as crafters but they will earn as much on a daily basis since they can craft offline. Players also get XP for harvesting, so crafters can get a lot XP without having to fight anyone.

zigzag - NukkiePliskin* What kinds of vehicles do you have in mind for release and the future? Any chance we'll be able to replicate our favourite Mad Max moments?

[FE]Chuck - The vehicles at launch? Well we will start out with horses and we will have some motorcycles, atvs, and on from there. In the future more muscle cars and the like may be appearing. As to the Mad Max moments, well there is certainly some mad max type things to our vehicles. Also you can drive in pvp zones. Be careful with that. You might not survive it.

zigzag - *Punkcheese* Why a recipe based crafting system? Why not something that rewards simple experimentation (mix three things - get one one thing; change one - get something slightly/very different)?

FELee - Because that sort of system takes a much much larger time to implement. Also it can be extremely frustrating unless players key in on how the devs are thinking about the system. We are working on introducing an experimentation angle to the crafting sytem and we do have the capacity to unlock new stuff through research.

zigzag - *Vaeyn* There's been hints of an expansion and that it may come pretty soon after launch. Have you begun this work already, do you plan this to be a full-blown paid expansion or a major update, and do you have a general time frame, loose, when you would like to release this expansion?

FE_art - We're currently working on lots of new concept art for future content. We have new creatures, armor, weapons and architecture in the works. We're also using that concept art to "beef up" the current three sectors, so we can keep the look of the game consistant.

[FE]Wes - We *are* working on post-release content when time allows. Given the nature of testing, however, we're putting a higher priority on making sure the release content is as solid as possible. We're not going to set a date for any expansion content's release just yet.

zigzag - Being that Smiling Gator was the original front for Fallen Earth, and for the moment using the Aura Engine, what engine has FE moved to in its passing? Can we expect the ability for medium end computers to be able to run your title?

FELee - We're using an in house developed engine that our graphics programmer developed, all of which is part of the overall Icarus Tools Suite. It runs on my computer at home well enough (not fantastic, I have the graphics at about half level) and my computer is 3.5 years old.

zigzag - What are the stances of the publisher of FE on real money transfers? Will you allow this? Or will it be an offense of the banning nature?

Tiggs - We have yet to work out the specifics on what our policies will be fully regarding real life transfers. However, we are leaning towards the typical stance as almost all MMOs and not allowing it.

zigzag - *_Corpse_* In the last Dev chat It was mentioned that you'll were tinkering with a experimentation system for crafting, whats the progess on that and how much control over makeing a item does it give?

FELee - Basically the experimentation system allows you to take high end items and try to make them better, possibly increasing the stats of aspects of the item at the risk of losing the item entirely.

zigzag - [18:38] *Gonazz* Are there any plans for a waypoint system, locator system for npc's and tracking grouped up players? Heh helps fins your buddies and so frustrating in other games running around trying to meet up.

Tiggs - Another Contest Question!!!! Which faction has a lucky rabbit foot as part of their armor? Message me with your answer

FELee - We're working on making better systems for locating grouped up players currently. We have some functionality, but are working on improving it. Not sure what you mean for locating NPCs, but we do mark things like merchants, mission givers, and other types of special NPCs on your maps.

zigzag - *Tiran* How firmly will the 'Name Rules' be enforced? Are we going to see 'leetspeek' names, 'IAmAGod' names, etc?

Tiggs - Smilinbob is the winner Chota!

Tiggs - While Chuck is typing, What is the meaning of Chibble Message me with your answer for a tshirt

[FE]Chuck - There will be some name rules in place. You will not be allowed to name yourself a named npc or the like. Vulgar language will also not be allowed in names. But if someone wants to make a clever play on letters and words then, have at. We wont stop you.

zigzag - *DoWolf* If you had to go back what is the one feature you would put back in the game for launch that you put on hold and or scrapped?

FELee - More advanced options for Animal Training. Or more monkeys. One of the two.

[FE]RandomTask - Actually, most of the cuts I've seen in my time on the game were to systems that we would rather do right the first time than release half-baked. I HAVE NO REGRETS!

FE-Funslayer - Flamethrowers

FE-Funslayer - I was told it would be "too awesome"

Tiggs - Tcheth wins! potential negative side effects

[FE]Wes - What scrapped feature would I want? Bugs on the ceiling. Crazy, scary skittering bugs running along the ceiling and dropping on people without warning.

Tiggs - My scrapped features: To kill all over the world at will including the devs that laugh at me and make fun of my jersey accent

FE_art - I always wanted to do more BIG creatures. Being the main creature artist, it would have been really fun to do a few more huge, scary monsters. But, there's always expansions...

[FE]Chuck - Drive in theaters showing actual movies. There was talk of it at one time but it will just not happen at this point. Maybe down the road.

zigzag - *Anon7148* Since you are doing away with classes, how much difference do you see in combat from mmos that have them, or do people 'skill up' for those same roles?

FELee - Characters tend to be more multi-role in FE than classed games since players have more of a hand in choosing thier abilities. We tend to get more "I do support, but still kick ass with my rifle" sorts of things. It's a lot harder to pigeon hole our characters.

zigzag - *arrector_pili_muscle* Graphics are important for game immersion, what game would you compare that has about the same graphics as this?

FE_art - Graphically I would put us in between Half-Life 2 and Fear? Stylistically, we're in the HL2 vein. But we went for current-gen graphics, so we have per-pixel shading, normal maps, etc. We're not quite "cutting edge" like Gears of War, but I think we hold up really well to next-gen games made a couple of years ago like "Fear". Given some of the restrictions we have working on an MMO, I think we've done well.

zigzag - *Tomb* This is mostly for FELee. But the artdepartments answer would be cool to hear aswell. Anything lore-wise you think is aspecially awesome? Something that just "omg, this just cant be/look better".

FELee - For me it's the overall storyline, through the release content and up until Siller's Canyon. It's a great story. Secondarily, Shakti, since she is an awesome character. Tertiary, Alec Masters. And the CoGs. Okay, lots of stuff.

[FE]Chuck - The lightbearer philosophy is especially clever. This is best experienced but there is some really clever missions showing you how they think. Haven in sector two is one of my favorite towns for this reason.

FE_art - Unfortunately, artists NEVER think that way. We're never totally happy. That said, I think some of our level designs are really great.

[FE]RandomTask - Considering the nature theme of the Vistas, that one of their major cities, Thorne's Bluff, is set in an abandoned zoo is pretty awesome. Especially since the lions escaped and bred.

FE-Funslayer - Personally, I love the Fall of Hoover Dam. But then I've spent a portion of my life working on making that awesome for the player.

[FE]Wes - The super soldier with the helicopter blade and El Cadejo are two of the most fantastic-looking monstrosities in the game. (Kudos to FE_Art for those!) But I also like how the level designers have taken our design concepts for places like the Cult of the Dead Lair and the Hoffa Bunker and turning them into honest-to-goodness showcases.

zigzag - *DoWolf* Will the crs team be limited to what they can do to help players like in most games it takes weeks if not months to fix ther problems?

Tiggs - Good question Dowolf. I've been working very closely with the team that is putting our tools together for the CSRs to use. We will have ingame GMs which makes things a bit easier. Nothing should ever take weeks or months to fix for a problem unless it is a very minor issue.

Tiggs - Bugs shouldn't take weeks or months but major overhauls can take longer.

Tiggs - We will do our best to make sure you have the best CSR experience when in Fallen Earth.

zigzag - *Lucid* Engine wise, what platform are you using for sound and graphics ( Direct3D vs OpenGL, so on, so forth ). Can we expect to see a multi-platform ( Mac.. maybe even *Nix?) client some time after release?

FE-Funslayer - The graphics engine uses Direct3d. As a Mac user, I would love to see a client for OSX, but something like that is on the distant horizon. But nothing is impossible.

zigzag - That will wrap it up for tonight. Thanks for coming! You can join #fallenearth to chat more about the game. The log for tonight’s chat will be up shortly on http://www.stratics.com!

Tiggs - Thank you everyone for coming. We are sending out beta invites each day! Please be sure to sign up on for the beta on forums.fallenearth.com

FELee - G'night! Thanks for coming everyone and keep applying for beta keys

FE_art - It's been fun. Thanks for coming!

[FE]Chuck - Goodnight everyone. This was fun. Sign up for the beta. We are always glad to get feedback. It really does help. See you around.

[FE]RandomTask - Thanks for all the great questions! Good night!

Quisno - Thank you all! Hope to see you real soon.

FE-Funslayer - Thanks for coming to the chat. I look forward to seeing you either in Beta or after release!

[FE]Wes - Thanks for coming out and asking awesome questions.

Morgana - thank you all....goodnight, great questions tonight
Mesaj tarihi:
hepsini okumadim ama tahmin ediyorum ki o adamlar o sorulari beyendirmek icin soruyor
simdi crafting sistemi var diyorsun ama item kaybetme olmassa ekonomik olarak pek gerekli olmuyor tutmuyor
loot olayi sart adam itemlerini kaybetmeliki crafterlerin urettigi hersey surekli satila bilsin :)
yani aslin soru loot olayi varmi ordada kesin yoktur o sorularda bu
Mesaj tarihi:
evet yokmuş hiç loot. işte biraz warhamemr gibi olacak böle savaşmanın bi amacı olacak vs dio da yani ben orayı ele geçiriim sonra sen ele geçir bi sen bi ben modda savaşmak da çok bayar.
Mesaj tarihi:
uzun uğraşlar sonunda beta'ya girebildim (windows 7'de download etmek ve update etmek mümkün değil de, başka bilg'e taşıdım orada update ettim vs)

daha prologue'u oynadım sadece. oldukça hoş yapmışlar diyebilirim. özellikle fallout 3'ten zevk alanların bu oyunda da oldukça zevk alacaklarını düşünüyorum. ben ki fallout3'ü, izometrik varken böle fo3 mü olur diye protesto etmiştim, bu oyuna daha bi ısınmak için çaba harcayacam.

şimdilik söleyecek birşey yok. prologue'dan sonra etrafta 3-5 quest aldım ama uykum geldi artık :) yarın gece girdiğimde birşeyler karalarım heralde.

bu arada, adamlar cidden oyuncularla müthiş kontak kuruyorlar. devamlı anonslar, forumlara post'lar, bilgi vermeler vs vs. darkfall'dan sonra cennetteymiş gibi hissettim kendimi forumlarında. Mail attım windows7 ile betayı download edemiyorum diye 1 saat içinde cevap geldi falan. Ayrıca zannedersem ilk defa bir mmorpg'de ölünce nasıl geri döndüğümüze dair mantıklı bir açıklama var :) (mmorpg karnem 6 tane ile sınırlıdır)

mmo(fps)rpg olarak başarılı olacakmış gibi görünüyor ilk yarım saatlik gözlemim sonucunda.
  • 2 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Ben de oyuna girebildim, bunun beta testi aoc'unkinden kat kat daha iyi ve daha çıkmasına aylar var o yüzden bu oyundan çok umutluyum.

Fakat Oyunun grafikleri çok kötü yaw =S beta olduğu içindir diye umuyorum ama harbiden felaket kötü.

Neyse bir kaç ek bilgi vereyim oyun hakkında.

-Oyunda craftable vehicle'lar var ve yakıt kullanıyorlar. Bazı araçların üstünde silah var. Bazı araçlar büyük kargo taşımacılığına özel üretilmiş.

-Haritada bir uçtan diğer uca yürüyerek gitmek 15 saat alıyor.

-Hayvan tame edebiliyorsunuz.

-Mutasyona uğrayabiliyorsunuz.

-Oyunda level sistemi var ama tek özelliği level atladıkça size AP vermesi. Bu AP'leri attribute ya da skill'lerinizi arttırmak için kullanıyorsunuz. Yani her karakter son level'da birbirinden farklı olacak.

-Crafting çok detaysız. Yine de oyun crafting üzerine kurulmuş bu bile mmo kıtlığında idare eder.

-Atmosfer güzel olmuş bir nevi fallout havası yakalamışlar hem komik hem post-apocaliptic.

-Feci bir level grind olacak gibi gözüküyor 1 saat oynayıp ancak 3. level olabildim.

-Oyun mmo-fps olmuş nge gibi oynanıyor aynen o yüzden combat sisteminin çok güzel olduğunu söyleyemem.
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Mesaj tarihi:
Haydi patiler yokmudur daha fazla bilgi?

Nasıl buldunuz, sonunda MMORPG Fallout oynayabilecekmiyiz?

(Birde beta account nereden bulunur ki?)

Edit: Buldum.
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