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3.1 changes


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MacLeod said:

blizzard da kim bu developer teamden sorumluysa ona da helal olsun bu adamı hala nasıl işin başında tutuyor. Sırf en son hunter BM nerf ile exp shot buffı hemen 1 hafta sonra BM i yeniden bufflıycaz exp shot nerfliycez demesi bile adamın ne yaptığından bi haber olduğunun göstergesi

Kardeş %100 haklısın. böyle bir dengesizlik ve aptallık olamaz.herkes Bm die survival e yonlendirdiler bu kez geri BM bufflayıp survival nerflıolar. gercekten acınası bir durum. asla bir denge tutturamıcak blizzard eger aynı adamlar gorevde kalırsa.. bide saka gibi hotfix yapmıslar .. yani patch i bile bekleyememısler. ne meraklıymıssınız ya nerflemeye hunterı. aynı hassasiyeti diger classlar icinde bekleriz dear Blizzard.Bi seferde ne yapıolarsa yapsınlar . ben artık ne buff ne nerf istiyorum yeter oynanmasınlar benim karakterimle..
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Improved Shadow Bolt – this talent now provides a 5% spell critical strike buff (similar to Improved Scorch)

Improved Soul Leech – this talent now provides Replenishment (similar to shadow priests)

Drain Soul now has a chance to produce Soul Shards even if the target doesn’t die.

Siphon Life no longer as an active ability but the talent grants the old Siphon Life effect to Corruption.

Curse of Recklessness and Curse of Weakness have been combined into one spell

Consume Shadows – this Voidwalker ability is no longer channeled but has a cooldown.

Several other warlock talents have had their ranks reduced, their effects changed or removed. This list includes but is not limited to Demonic Empathy, Shadow Embrace, Eradication, Suppression, and Pandemic.

Additional new talents have been added.

Hepsini anladım da.
Improved Soul Leech – this talent now provides Replenishment (similar to shadow priests) bu ne oluyor tam olarak. Yani SL yapınca partymize mana buff mı yapmış olucaz?

Ve bu tam olarak nasıl olacak anlamadım.
Siphon Life no longer as an active ability but the talent grants the old Siphon Life effect to Corruption.
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siphon life diye bir büyün olmucak artık diyor.İlgili talent'a verirsen Corruption''ın üzerine bide siphon lif efect'i eklenicekmiş.
Replenishment'ta aynı işte SP'lerin ve retri palaların verdiği o devamlı tickleyen mana gain sizde otomatik olarak olucakmış artık
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We are planning a lot of exciting content for patch 3.1.0, and we are doing a three-part preview series on upcoming class changes. This is the third in the series: Mages, Paladins, Hunters, and Death Knights. Please keep in mind, that this list is not at all comprehensive, and subject to change.

Mage (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Improved Water Elemental – this talent has been removed and replaced with a new talent that grants Replenishment (similar to Shadow priests).
* We are also working on a way to give frost mages Ice Lance “Shatter combos” in PvE.
* We are also working on more survivability for Fire spec in PvP.
* We are also working on making Spirit a more useful and interesting stat for all mages.

Paladin (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Blessing of Kings – this spell is now a base ability trainable by all paladins.
* Exorcism – this spell now causes damage to all types of enemy targets. However, it always critical strikes undead or demon targets. This change should make sure paladin damage doesn’t drop when going from Naxxramas to later tiers of content.
* Shield of the Templar now causes your Avenger’s Shield and Shield of the Righteousness to silence targets for 3 sec. The old damage bonus of this talent has been folded into Holy Shield, Avenger’s Shield, and Shield of the Righteousness.
* Ardent Defender, Improved Hammer of Justice, One-Handed Weapon Specialization and more have had their ranks reduced.
* Guarded by the Light – no longer reduces the mana cost of shield spells, but now has a 50/100% chance to refresh Divine Plea duration.
* Judgements of the Just – now also reduces the cooldown of Hammer of Justice by 10/20 seconds and increases the duration of the Seal of Justice stun effect by 0.5/1 second.

Hunter (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Consumable ammunition has been removed from the game. Arrows and bullets no longer stack, but are not consumed. Ranged attack speed bonus gained from quivers and ammo bags will be preserved in a different capacity.
* A new tier of hunter pet talents have been added. In particular, this allows Beastmaster hunters to improve their damage per second (DPS) with their 51 point talent.
* Hunting Party – this talent has been reduced to 3 ranks and also grants a passive bonus to the hunter.
* Piercing Shots – this talent has been changed. Your Aimed, Steady and Chimera Shots cause the target to bleed for 10/20/30% of damage dealt for 8 sec.
* Sniper Training – this talent has been changed. After standing still for 6 sec, you gain a 2/4/6% damage bonus to Steady, Aimed and Explosive Shot.
* We are also looking to add additional trap functionality to Survival.

Death Knight (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Gargoyle and Unholy Blight have swapped talent positions. Gargoyle’s damage has increased and runic power cost per time has decreased.
* Pestilence – this spell no longer causes damage but just spreads diseases. Blood Boil is intended to be the general area attack, and has been changed to be castable on targets with no diseases on them, but does extra damage if diseases are present.
* Unbreakable Armor now absorbs a flat amount of damage that increases as your armor increases. It no longer boosts armor.
* The Frost tree has been shuffled. Among other things, PvP talents such as Endless Winter are closer to the top of the tree where Blood and Unholy death knights can access them.
* Sudden Doom – this talent now procs a Death Coil rather than requiring an additional button click. It works similarly to shamans’ Lightning Overload.
* Magic Suppression and Blood of the North have been reduced to 3 ranks for the same benefit.
* Blood Gorged now grants armor penetration instead of expertise.

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ammo change süper olmuş. quiver olayı da kalkıyor. bakalım o %15 hastei nasıl çözücekler. MM e deepwound tarzı bişey gelmiş oldukça ilginç duruyor. BM yi de 51 puan talent ile bufflamışlar ama yine petler aşırı güçlü olabilir. Trap ve hunting party değişiklikleri faydalı bişey getirmezse survival yalan olucak gibi duruyor.
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Upcoming changes to Mana Regeneration

As we have suggested, we have become concerned that mana regeneration is currently too powerful, especially for healers. We want players to have to keep an eye on mana. We don’t want you to go out of mana every fight, but running out of mana should be a very real risk for sloppy playing or attempting content that you aren’t yet ready for. When mana regeneration is trivial then certain parts of the game break down – classes that offer Replenishment are devalued, stats that offer mana regeneration are devalued, and spells that are efficient are neglected in preference to spells with high throughput.

Here are a list of changes you are likely to see in 3.1. They will be available to try out on the PTR. Mana regeneration is somewhat technical, so please bear with us.

* Regeneration while not casting (outside of the “five second rule”) will be decreased. We think that (1) the ability to cast heal over time spells and then sit back and (2) benefitting from a clearcasting proc that also gets you out of the five second rule both provide too much mana regeneration, even over short time periods.
* To make this change, we are reducing mana regeneration granted by Spirit across the board. However we are also boosting the effects of talents such as Meditation that increase regeneration while casting. The net result should be that your regeneration while casting will stay about the same, but your not-casting regeneration will be reduced. This change will have little impact on dps casters, since they are basically always casting.
* The specific talents and abilities being boosted are: Arcane Meditation, Improved Spirit Tap, Intensity, Mage Armor, Meditation, Pyromaniac and Spirit Tap. Yes this makes these “mandatory” talents even more mandatory, if such a thing is possible.
* Since paladins rely less on Spirit as a mana-regeneration stat, we have to address them in other ways. We don’t want to change Illumination or Replenishment. However, we are going to increase the healing penalty on Divine Plea from 20% to 50%. Divine Plea was originally intended to help Protection and Retribution paladins stay full on mana. It should be a decision for Holy paladins, not something that is automatically used every cooldown.
* In addition, we are also changing the way Spiritual Attunement works. In situations with a large amount of outgoing raid damage, as well as in PvP, this passive ability was responsible for more mana regeneration than we would like. We want to keep the necessary benefit it grants to tanking Protection paladins, while making it less powerful for Holy paladins in PvP or raid encounters with a lot of group damage.
* We are also taking a close look at clearcasting procs themselves. One likely outcome is to change them to an Innervate-like surge of mana so that the net benefit is the same, but healers won’t shift to out-of-casting regeneration so often.
* We balance around the assumption that even 10-player groups have someone offering Replenishment. To make this even easier on players we are likely to offer this ability to additional classes, as well as make sure that existing sources of Replenishment are more equitable.
* These changes are ultimately being done to bring the different healing classes more in line with each other as well as to give the encounter team more leeway when designing encounters, who can balance with these new mana regeneration numbers in mind. In a world with infinite healer mana, the only way to challenge healers is with increasingly insane amount of raid damage, so that global cooldowns become the limiting factor since mana fails to be. An example is the Eredar Twins in late Sunwell. We weren’t necessarily happy with that model, and this change hopefully allows us to move towards giving healing a more deliberate and thoughtful pace rather than frenetic spam.
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Darkthrone said:
We are also working on making Spirit a more useful and interesting stat for all mages

Oley Spirit spellpower olarak geri döner artik aynı warlock gibi. Ben Arcane nerf gelir diye bekliyordum ama...

sus ulan $omagizli. 4 senedir ilk defa overpowered arcane oynuyoruz $urda canimiz cikardi eskiden yeti$mek icin millete keyfini surelim biraz.
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