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Update: Oyun Subat 25'e ertelendi. 22 Ocakta Sinirli Slotlu Trial Baslayacak[Status Tartisma Topic'i]

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Biraz umut aşılıyım bari insanlara.
Dün geceki yunanistan buluşmasına gelmiş adamlar.

Originally Posted by Madrandomize View Post
Just came back from the event.

Just from what i remember.

Servers are somewhere in germany (in this state) running on multiple processing cores (didnt hear well i will explain why),the backbone structure is enough to support way more than 10000 users but this limit is a safe cap so everything runs smoothly

22 of january still stands,the game launch is imminent (free translation)

Tasos corrected the 3 million info and the 50 devs info,into 300000 users subscribed,30+ devs.

They showed a short version of darkfall 17 mins video.

Talked about bussiness plans and their efforts to secure a publisher that fits their goals.

Talked about how shity greece is in the technologic department and that the state doesn't really care about anything about technology.

I personally asked tasos when he came out if an open beta will take place and he said yes and nod his head agreeing with it.He was pretty confident and he is pretty tall,i am 1,82 and he is about 10 cm taller.Right after my question a chick from eurobank(a representative i believe) came and talked things with him and another person about some bussiness advise i believe.

I left after that cause the rain was starting again and i had the family car which my parents needed asap.

BTW the place was overcrowded and actually i was out of the building the whole time that's why i didn't hear much.Also i had the impression that most people in the room didn't know what an mmorpg is (the audience was a bit old,but not very old) so tasos had to oversimplify things.


Buda giden bir elemanın çektiği video. Sesler yok bugün alt yazısı ile bir daha koyacakmış forumlara o zaman linklerim buraya da.
Mesaj tarihi:
Tasos'un kendisi de open beta olcak demiş ama tarih filan söylememiş, gene resmi bişii yok gibi ortada pek :D
15 ocakta açılcağına umutlandım ben şahsen :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Tasos'un söylediklerinin özeti.

Originally Posted by Mozi

00:00:04,607 --> 00:00:08,607
We don't have 3 million users or 50 employees
We have 30 employees and ...

00:00:09,896 --> 00:00:11,896
...about the 3 million users,


00:00:25,450 --> 00:00:29,950
At the moment we have about 300k registered
users at our forums... in our beta...

00:00:32,362 --> 00:00:35,362
Who are actually trying to get to our beta

00:00:37,602 --> 00:00:41,602
Of course our system cannot support 300K users
simultaneously at this stage.


00:01:04,872 --> 00:01:07,872
It is located in a server somewhere
in Germany


00:02:04,275 --> 00:02:06,674
We started some 6 years ago
this effort

00:02:07,604 --> 00:02:10,905
which it had already been started
as a concept in Norway from 4 people

00:03:03,443 --> 00:03:06,443
for 6 years non stop
following a very serious pace

00:03:08,177 --> 00:03:11,177
Because all our competitors
follow serious paces


00:03:13,987 --> 00:03:16,487
All our technology is


00:03:59,591 --> 00:04:02,591
.. we have been developing a video
game for 6 years now


00:05:12,703 --> 00:05:14,703
It is a virtual world which in
size is something like a small country


00:05:17,172 --> 00:05:20,472
And it supports, this virtual world,
10K users simultaneously

00:05:22,770 --> 00:05:24,770
More actually, but we put this as a
safety limit


00:05:36,086 --> 00:05:38,086
Q:In terms of hardware, what are
we talking about?

00:05:40,728 --> 00:05:43,728
We talking about lots of servers

00:05:44,721 --> 00:05:46,721
hundreds of proccessors...
in Germany

00:05:53,586 --> 00:05:55,586
Q: how many?
80, but times 8 proccessors

00:05:57,886 --> 00:05:59,886
To get a magnitude of the
processing power.

00:06:05,107 --> 00:06:07,107
It is enough to recreate a
virtual world

00:06:07,684 --> 00:06:10,083
Notice here the tree leaves
moving, and for every tree

00:06:10,520 --> 00:06:12,520
Lots of things going on, there
are million of objects

00:06:13,573 --> 00:06:15,573
tens of thousands of users


00:10:01,446 --> 00:10:04,946
Q: What will be the cost of the game

00:10:07,245 --> 00:10:09,245
It's a bit lower that the

00:10:12,437 --> 00:10:15,437
about 10 to 11 euroes
per month

00:10:16,627 --> 00:10:18,228
Q: And when is it being released?

00:10:18,691 --> 00:10:20,691
22nd of january is our launch date


00:10:27,816 --> 00:10:29,816
Q: And where is the game being

00:10:31,881 --> 00:10:33,881
Worldwide. We are launching in
Europe with the US also taking part

00:10:41,016 --> 00:10:43,516
And we have seen that our game can
run problem-free from our tests

Mesaj tarihi:
O değilde salam paralı bir şirket alsada şu garibanların elinden bı kurtulsak yoksa ciddi ciddi bu adamlara bağiş filan toplamaya başlamamız lazım :?
Mesaj tarihi:
En çok neden korkuyorum biliyo musun, yıllardır vaporware vaporware çığırtkanlığı yapan arcane haklı çıkıp ben demiştim diyecek, adama IN YOUR FACE NIGGA yapamıycam, işte ondan korkuyorum :P
Mesaj tarihi:
Bir leaker demiş ki, oyunun en iddalı olduğu konular (siege, gemi vs) daha test edilmemiş. Eğer test edilir de sorun çıkarsa doğal olarak çıkış tarihi ertelenebilir.

kaynak : tık
Mesaj tarihi:
15 gün beleş trial olacagı için oyunu ellerinden geldigince fixleyip cıkaracaklar tabi, ertelenirse şaşırmam 1-2 ay daha. millet begenmezse 3. günde bırakır yoksa eheh
Mesaj tarihi:
ana sayfa açılmıyo darkfallonline.com

adamlar kapadılar, kaçtılar uzak doğuya falan :D

şaka bi yana yeni siteyi koysalar 1-2 güne ve 3-5 anons olsa yeni sayfada, oldukça mutlu olucam
Mesaj tarihi:
ulan masticore verdin gazı içimizde patladı ıyımı.Heyecanla bekliyordum walla.

Hiçbir açıklamada yok bukadar emek sarf etmiş bu adamlar.Yüzlerce bekleyen var hala bır acıklama yok.

Eskiden Uo da acılacak serverları beklerkende bu durumu yasardık bir kısı tarıh saat veremezdı acıcazda acıcaz, verende vaktinden 1 ay sonra acardı hehe bılmem hatırlarmısınız..
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