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WotLK Arena, BG, World PvP Başlığı


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Warrior Druidin olayı o. Arenada bir kere momentumu kaybettiğiniz zaman durumu dengeleyip lehinize çevirmek çok zor, özellikle de şu anda damage'in saçma derecede fazla olduğu durumuda.

En çok da ret rogue'a karşı oynadıklarında güldüm. zaten 450 450 thorns vuruyor, warriorun tek yapması gerek rogue a charge atıp ms+bladestorm açmak : )
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Hadi hayırlı olsun yeni crossrealm bgler.
After successful testing on the PTR, we are pleased to announce that the first Cross-Language Battlegroups were created last Wednesday. This new feature combines Battlegroups from different languages into one, expanding the pool of players keen for PvP action in both Arenas and Battlegrounds. We plan to proceed with the next batch of Cross-Language Battlegroups on Wednesday, June 3rd during the weekly maintenance.

Players from realms of different languages will only ever face each other as opponents in battle and will not be playing on the same faction in Battlegrounds, ensuring that those playing on your side will speak the same language as you.

Please note that not all Battlegroups will be joined into Cross-Language Battlegroups, and this feature will not be affecting the Russian language Battlegroups. Please see below for a full list.

Wondering what Cross-Language Battlegroups are? Check out the FAQ here:

Here you can find a comprehensive list of the Cross-language Battlegroups that can already benefit from this new feature and those who will:

Active Cross-Language Battlegroups
Nightfall, Crueldad
Realms from English Battlegroup Nightfall and Spanish Battlegroup Crueldad will be united as Cruelty / Crueldad. Please discuss this new Cross-Language Battlegroup here: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=9446264859

Némésis, Hinterhalt
Realms from French Battlegroup Némésis and German Battlegroup Hinterhalt will be united as Embuscade / Hinterhalt.

Up-coming Cross-Language Battlegroups
Bloodlust, Cataclysme
Realms from English Battlegroup Bloodlust and French Battlegroup Cataclysme will be united as Cataclysme / Cataclysm.

Cyclone, Todbringer
Realms from English Battlegroup Cyclone and German Battlegroup Todbringer will be united as Cyclone / Wirbelsturm.

Conviction, Raserei
Realms from English Battlegroup Conviction and German Battlegroup Raserei will be united as Frenzy / Raserei.

Rampage, Férocité
Realms from English Battlegroup Rampage and French Battlegroup Férocité will be united as Rampage / Saccage.

Reckoning, Verderbnis
Realms from English Battlegroup Reckoning and German Battlegroup Verderbnis will be united as Reckoning / Abrechnung.

Ruin, Glutsturm
Realms from English Battlegroup Ruin and German Battlegroup Glutsturm will be united as Glutsturm / Emberstorm.

Vengeance, Schattenbrand
Realms from French Battlegroup Vengeance and German Battlegroup Schattenbrand will be united as Vengeance / Rache.

Sturmangriff, Représailles
Realms from German Battlegroup Sturmangriff and French Battlegroup Représailles will be united as Sturmangriff / Charge.

Battlegroups that will not be merged
English – Blackout, Misery and Vindication
German - Blutdurst
Russian - Шквал (Flurry) and Вихрь (Whirlwind)
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Abi 3235612 ay sonra arenaya yeniden başladım, aldım yanıma bir priest eski günlerin hatrına; mana drain nerfler, warlock nerfler ıvır zıvır tınlamadık da şöyle tuhafıma giden bir olay var.

0 ratingden başlattı blizzard, yeni başladık tamam da; %60 küsür win ratiomuz var biz 1100lerde gezerken toplamda bizden daha az maç yapan, win ratiosu %50lerde olan takımlar 1500-1600lerde WTF dedim, patiye bir giriyim dedim. WTF is that shit? :p
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Rikkie said:

WTF dedim, patiye bir giriyim dedim. WTF is that shit? :p

MMR dedigimiz bir olay var, seni sana yakın MMR'ı olan kişilerle oynatıp o ratinge taşımaya çalışıyor oyun.

Yani, ideal durumda, winlerin losslarına eşit oldugunda MMR'ın kadar ratingin olmalı.

Tabi her zaman öyle olmuyor ama ana fikir bu.

MMR: Match Making Rating
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