Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 7, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 7, 2011
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 8, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 8, 2011 "Stephen Reid" said: Hello again everyone, Since this thread began we've seen a lot of posts, a lot of opinions and a lot of discussion. I'd like you to know we're reading your feedback. We understand that there's been a desire to gain a definitive 'answer' to why this decision was taken. As I've said before, you already have your answer in the very first post of this thread. It was a decision made to ensure the highest quality of game service in every territory in which we launch, regardless of when that launch occurs. I'd like to recap on a few other key questions and answers: There are no plans to 'region lock' or 'IP block' players from the game. You may experience some latency issues if you're not playing in a launch territory. Anyone who pre-orders The Old Republic and redeems their pre-order code will be eligible for Early Game Access. Those eligible for Early Game Access will be able to download the game client before it starts. There will be a period after launch day in which those who have pre-ordered will be able to continue playing before entering their Game Code. More information on this will be made available closer to launch. We will accept credit card payments for subscriptions. These seem to be the key questions for those who choose to potentially import the game, and hopefully we've answered those. We understand many of you are also interested to know the timeframe for release of The Old Republic outside of the initial launch countries, but unfortunately we cannot give you a definitive timeframe right now. As we get closer to our initial launch, hopefully that will change and we'll be able to give you more details.
DA2019 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 8, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 8, 2011 WARdaki gibi. Asıl CDkey gelene kadarki sürede şu anki keyler geçerli olacak, o süreyi de 2 hafta gibi tutarlar. Avrupa Serverları nerede olacak acaba? EA, GOA gibi bir hata yapmaz bu sefer. Kendi serverını kendi host eder büyük ihtimal.
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 8, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 8, 2011 Soru said: Are red-zone players eligible for the announced september beta weekends ? Or beta in general ? There appears to be no information about regioning in the beta FAQ. Cevap said: Discussions are happening on this right now. When a decision's been made, we'll let you know.
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2011 başka bir tester review'u, güzel olmuş okumanızı tavsiye ederim Here is my review for SWTOR after testing it for 20 days. Please consider that the points are my personal reflection about what I think is good (or bad) in the game. First to my characters: So far I have played 5 characters and followed the story. As far as possible I have done all the quests I have found and did not skip any - unless group quests I did not get a group for. The list of my characters are: • Sith Inquisitor: Sorcerer - lvl 27 - currently on Nar Shaddaa (story line for that planet finished - on her way to Tatooine) • Sith Warrior: Juggernaut - lvl 22 - currently on Balmorra (story line for that planet finished - on last standard quests) • Jedi Knight: Sentinel - lvl 19 - currently on Taris • Smuggler: Gunslinger - lvl 13 - currently on Coruscant • Bounty Hunter - lvl 10 - currently still on Nal Hutta I have not seen anything, not done everything and even I did some exploring I still have alot to discover. Character creation It has been said several times that people (including myself) want a more 'in depth' character creation. But I have started thinking. Maybe they have done it out of the reason to limit data transfer and therefore make it possible for more characters in the same place? The biggest MMO on the market has only 1 bodytype and size - so it may explain why there can be hundreds of toons in one place (even it is getting laggy then). In case this is the reason then I want to say quiet. Because it may lead to the one thing alot of PvP'ers are dreaming of: big battles between players without limiting it to only a certain number allowed in a zone. For the rest: Many people (including myself) would love to see a few more races - especially iconic races like the Wookies or Togruta - something I am really missing is the possibility to create a little Ashoka Tano Overall I have to say that - after my first disappointment in character creation - I am quite satisfied with the look of my toons. We have only 4 body types and a dozen heads - but together with the additional stuff like cyberparts, hair, make-up and so on you can quite create a unique looking character. But I still want them to add a few more body types (at least 2), some more heads and especially the chance to color my lips and eyeshades (and not using pre-fab make-ups). User Interface and Chat This is my really biggest point I have to complain about. Neither the UI nor the chat are coming close to any modern standard we are used from so many other MMO's. The UI is simply not customizable. Yes, I can add a second bottom bar, I can add a side bar left and right - but that's not enough for me. I want at least an option to scale the UI. The quest helper on the right can't be minimized and fills a good portion of the screen. The windows can't be moved or minimized (to switch between several windows). There is also not the slightest option to give the UI another color (in case the 'blue' is too much resembling to the light side or republic). Then comes the chat system and it was another shock for me. I have to get used that it is in the upper left corner and meanwhile I have to say that I like the position - especially in the conversations with the NPC and even more in space. Reminds me a bit of SWG - it had the same position in space. And it has the same behaviour: as soon as you leave planet the chat history is getting deleted. I don't know hat the reason is - I did not like it in SWG and I do not like it here either. It makes the communication a pain - you are zoning and on the loading screen - and meanwhile someone wanted to tell you something - and you miss it. There is also no chance so far to set a filter to a window (what you want displayed in it or not). You can't give the chat your own color system. Even they have used the 'standard' MMO-colors it is sometimes nice to create an own color. Quite disturbing is that some of the colors are not easily recognized on certain backgrounds - because the chat always stays a bit translucent and I had sometimes troubles reading stuff. And that 'say' and 'general' are using the same color is some kind of bad joke - hard for roleplayers. We also have no chance to create own windows or own chat channels. I really hope this system as we have seen it here is only a basic starter kit and they are still working on the final solution. Because it would be hard for me to live with it in the release version. Animations and Interaction I have noticed that some emotes are still without any animations and some are copied (giggle and laugh for example). So I really hope this is a point they are working on and some stuff is still not properly linked. I have seen my character saluting, I have seen her leaning against a wall waiting - but only in cutscenes. I can't do that myself - and this would add a really important feature for those people not only running around to hunt xp and items. A good animation and emoting system is the juice of roleplaying. Here comes another big flaw the game still has. We can't really interact with alot of objects. Only lore- or quest-objects can't be accessed. All the other stuff are simply obstacles, decoration - nothing more. We can't sit on chairs, we can't sit on benches (and there are really nice ones out there) - we can't even use any furniture aboard our ship - except the enhancement stations and the bankbox. I really hope this is only in this beta build. Because I can't believe they will release a game denying the slightest interaction with the environment and still want to call it a MMORPG. World Design As I have created my first toon (a Jedi Knight) on Tython 20 days ago I was released to the so-called 'starter-zone' and soon I was a bit disappointed. It looked so close to the stuff I have done a dozen times in other MMO's already... and as I have gained my first level with the typical visit at a trainer I was starting to think: "Can that be? Is that the game I was waiting for?" Of course - the voiceovers of the NPC were great - the communication with them via radial like Mass Effect or Dragon Age added some new 'spice'. But running down the path to the Jedi Temple on Tython I was a bit bored to be honest. Then I was entering the inner temple, standing in front of the giant hovering holocron and had the first time a 'woah' effect. I was looking around stunned in awe, jaws dropping. And soon I was sucked into the story and the boredom was gone. They have managed what they really can do good: Creating an incredible immersion into the game universe. Since then I know I am in a galaxy far, far away... So far I really love the worlds I have visited. I love the surroundings, the view we have from certain points, the way the planets are done and give me a very special feeling to be at a different place. I do not miss a weather system or a day / night cycle - I prefer the certain atmosphere they are creating with colour and light on the planets. But there are a few points I want to add: Sometimes the world is too lifeless. Coruscant and Nar Shaddaar in special. No moving neon signs - all is static. Too many static NPC - not enough patrolling ones. I would at least double the number of NPC standing around at the main hubs - not everywhere. But a spaceport has to be lively with coming and going people, farewell- and welcome scenes. The plaza before the Senate has to buzzle with activities of people from all different worlds in the galaxy. So far it is a bit lacking. A few other points I have already mentioned: the Jedi Temple on Coruscant is completely different to what we see in the Deceived-Trailor and therefore bad designed in my eyes. We do not see enough from Coruscant - let the Taxi have some movement in the upper regions too - we all know what we see is only some distant, not accessible scenery - but it would add so much to the immersion. Let us see the ruined temple remnants when we come close with the taxi or let us climb some high building to have at least a fantastic look over Coruscant. Other worlds are quite fine - Dromund Kaas has alot of different areas and a nice dark 'feeling' - on Balmorra I have loved the moving grass and the battle scenery, the shots into the energy shield over Sobrik or the artillery explosions near the factory. I really can't complain about the world size and world desing. Only a few points are missing in my eyes (as mentioned above). Quest Design To cut it short: in my eyes the quest design is amazing. It is far from: "Go and kill 20 Banthas and bring me their fur" we know out of so many other MMO's. Together with the voiceovers you are getting sucked into the world and into your 'job'. And what I love most is the possibility to do my own choices. Till yet it was only possible to accept or reject quests - now you can also have some influence. Not as much as to have a really free interaction (because that's not possible in a game) - but in sense of MMO's it's really the next step and something completely new to me. I also like the stories behind. The woman with her lover who is a republic spy... and the husband who wants her killed even it was his fault to hide secret plans in his drawer at the bed. The marking of objects to call in a satellite bombardement, the covering of secret operations, the retrieval of vital information out of a wrecked ship and and and. As long as you are not holding yourself back and telling yourself allt he time that it is the simply 'go there, pull a switch and bring me something-mechanic you can have alot of fun. And therefore I can't complain about the quest system. I really love it and so far it has not become boring at all. Another plus we have not seen in any MMO: Flashpoints - Quests with a storyline. I have only done Black Talon and Esseles so far. But I have heard already from White Nova and other stuff and can't wait to see them. I hope that the endcontent may have Operations in a way like the flashpoints. So that we have to follow some story with exciting turns. And I hope they do it with some random stuff so it will not be a 'Boss A at 20.00, Boss B at 20.45, Boss C at 21.30' - always the same, always knowing what to expect. Also a good point: Till Nar Shaddaar I have only discovered two not working quests. One was to retrieve a heirloom in a farmhouse on Nal Hutta - the hidden cache was simply not clickable. The other one was the dewback escort on Balmorra. I could do it early in the morning - but as soon as some players were online it was 'stuck' at the 'loading of the dewback' sequence. Maybe there can only be one escort on the road - and then the dewback is getting stuck and the next player can't go out with its own convoy - I don't know. But else I am quite thrilled about the quality of the quests so far. Character Story Well we don't need to talk about. Most people simply love it, some only like it, others think it's nothing for MMO's and changes SW:tOR to a solo RPG with multiplayer options. I belong to the people loving it. So far I have seen 5 stories - all were exciting but I have to say I love the Sith sorcerer best so far... and my smuggler. Heck, the girl is really a tough lass and the voiceover is incredible. The first time I have heard her talking I was excited all over. Yeah.... that's it, lass, demand your freighter back. Really incredible. So nothing much to say about the character stories at all - they are the real 'spice' in the game - making it unique on the market. Sure, there was Age of Conan who had a very thrilling character story.... so I have thought in the beginning. But it was only a few quests (after Tortage it continued at lvl 30, lvl 50, lvl 60 and finally the finale with lvl 80). And all had the same. Here we have 8 different stories - and those are really dense, following your toon and leading it on it's way through the galaxy. Incredibly done -typical BioWare - nothing more to say. Ship and Space Combat Well, the moment I was really working for was to get my first spaceship with my first character - and I really was excited as I had it. And then came the let down after discovering it is a mere solo object. You can't enter it with your group mates. You need it for travel and as soon as the group moves from one planet to another the troubles begin. When you have two characters of the same class, then you can't enter your ship sometimes - only getting a multiconversation box - that's it. Only known solution: disband group, travel to the next planet, invite group members. That's very bad done in my eyes. At least we should be able as group to travel with 'one' ship to the next planet to continue our quests - and not forcing us to split up. I also dislike that there is no customization option - the ship stays the ship. You can't give her a name. You can't paint her. You even can't use any furniture in it (as elsewhere too) and the 'Captain's Chair' is sole decoration. Space combat - we had a lot of discussion here already and I don't want to point out what we already said so many times. Alot of people would have liked a system like 'X-Wing vs. TieFighter' or 'Jump to Lightspeed' (SWG). BioWare said from the very first beginning such system will not be added - and so we have got what they have told us we will get. Not very happy about it but I have to admit that it is fun. A nice minigame between questing... and you can even let your companions craft while you are doing it. The upgrade possibilities for the ship are nice and also essential. After the first mission the difficulty is raising very high - and without equipment the next mission can't be solved for most of us. I know, some did it and I congratulate them - but the average player like me will have problems. Crafting and Item Enhancement Mentioning the crafting I can only say what a blast. In the beginning I was a bit unsure about it. You can't start before you are getting your first companion around lvl 10 - and oyu have to travel to your capital first. Slowly I was learning what the system is about. Critical success... what? Uh - the item is getting an additional slot. What are those slots for? Oh ... I can put modifications in it... good... well.... what's the use of it? It was a hard way to discover that SW:tOR has a very unique and exciting crafting system. Not as complex as I had it in SWG - but ... in my eyes it is the second best I have ever seen. You can not only craft items with additional slots - you can reverse engineer them to get blue or even purple schematics.... and then.... yes then I have discovered that I can change a green item with the help of blue modifications into a blue item. I don't want to go into detail. Only so much: I was talking to friends a few months ago, pointing a system out where you can keep our favorite weapon / armor and upgrade it every time you level up. And now I come to SW:tOR and discover that the devs made my dream come true. I only can say marvellous. And I love the system - even I have alot of questions. A bit of a downgrade is the ressource collecting. Always on the same spots - I think soon will people start botting after release and farm the ressources. And as soon as people discover the true abilities of the item enhancement system I bet that crafted items will have a very good market value. Overall: ressources not so good solved - crafting: first time after some MMO's crafting has become a sense again. Light and Dark - your decisions SW:tOR discovers something old new. We had already good and bad karma in Ultima Online. But this time your actions while questing or following your story line have some results again. You gain light or darkside points. I am fascinated - but still don't know enough about it to give a valuable statement. All I know is that it influences your standing with your companions - and that you need certain light/dark level for items. Is that all? I do not know - here you would have to play several times the same toon, doing different decisions to see if there is any influence on the game world. So far I only have discovered that it is not good as Sith to always choose the 'kill'-Option Companion Here I can't say much either. I like the idea behind it to give us companions to make solo game play a bit easier and support our toons when we want to do some stuff alone. Also the affection system seems to be very nice - your companions have their own opinions about the galaxy and your actions - and they add some 'spice' sometimes in conversations. The system is neat - but still so much discover that I can't judge it right now. I only can tell I like it so far. Combat and PvP I am not very suited to give here valid statements. I am playing my toons never with an EXCEL sheet - and therefore I can't say much about stats, their impact on gameplay or the usefullness of skilltrees. I am one of the players, who judges out of feelings what would be a nice skill or not. I am never calculating DPS, it's just not my way to play a game. So I let others decide about it and listen to their opinions. It will not affect my kind of playstyle very much. Only when I am going on raids, then I try to have a 'useful' build, because I am a social player and care alot for the success of my friends. And so I don't want to be 'useless' or a hindrance. When someone tells me to change a skill for a certain fight, then I do it. And I am not too shy to ask those knowing better than me. And my opinion to PvP? Well I am a mere PvE Player - I don't like PvP very much. But here I have played some and can say I will PvP - not on a PvP server, but I will do it. I like the warzones, the ideas behind them (especially Alderaan) and I can say it is very addictive. That's something new to me and I really enjoyed the thrill. But it will not become my standard gameplay. I will do it from time to time (like the space combat). Conclusion To the end I only want to say that I really like the game - even in the unfinished state it is. It's Star Wars - and I am a Star Wars Fan and can't deny it. It gave me already some great moments (roleplaying in a Flashpoint for example). I know I will miss the game after the test phase is done. And I know I will wait impatiently for it's release and pre-order it as soon as possible. Collectors Edition of course - you don't have to ask. In one point I want to join the side of those who do not like SW:tOR as it is: BioWare should release it in a finished state at all costs. Right now, with the many bugs on Nar Shaddaar for example, it would be a very bad idea. You never get a second chance for a first impression. But with a bit finetuning, adding of some stuff and reworking the UI I am sure SW:tOR will become a success. It may not displace WoW as biggest MMO. But with the right work done it will become a blockbuster and I can imagine a very solid player base - even they may be a bit smaller than some want it to be. A number in the millions may be possible though. But that's none of my business and I can wait for the future what it will bring. May the Force be with you all!
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2011 betalar invitelar gitmiş yine dün bugün
GwindonSurion Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2011 emu elimden öper
Darksun Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2011 Sparkcaster said: betalar invitelar gitmiş yine dün bugün Swg'yi JTL beta invite ı gelmedi diye bıraktığımı hatırlıyorum. Millete 2 şer 2 şer gelirken 3 accountuma 1 beta invite bile gelmemişti =P Dark jedi knight ım varken sallayıp bırakmıştım. Düşünüyorumda amma uğraşmışım o karakter için, ha deydimi evet deydi koskoca server kapışırken 6-7 jedi ın ortasında geçiyordu savaş, o hazzı hiçbir karakter vermedi bir daha =P
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 10, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 10, 2011 10 ve 11. Q&A'lardaki herif gene. baya ukala bence, ama iyi bilgi veriyor. november release'ine kesin gözüyle bakıyor adam. SWTOR Exclusive Tester Q&A #14 SWTOR Exclusive Tester Q&A #14 Q: Has anything been said about reducing the size of the screen-consuming light/dark side choice indicator? A: To my knowledge, no, although with the new build (8/2/11) the light/dark/Companion Affection Indicators all got a make over and look a lot more familiar. Q: If i were to play as a sentinel or marauder do i have to use dual light sabers or is it a viable option to just have one, is there any costs or penalties to this? A: Really would depend on the content you were doing. If it was 3-5 levels below you, I could possibly see this being accomplished if you're pretty good with your class, but you'd basically lose half your skills that are Dual Wielding only. That and why wouldn't you just roll Jugg/Guard if you wanted one Light Saber? Q: How complex are the boss fights in higher level flashpoints? Any complex fights in the class stories? A: This is a opinionated question, which will receive a biased answer. Yes/No/Kind Of. It all depends on your level, game play skill and your awareness. Personally I have yet to fun into a Instance that me and my group couln't conquer, and I have yet to see any quest I couldn't solo that was meant to be solo'd. Q: Can you detail specifically a few of the vanity pets you've encountered and how they were acquired? A: "X is bought from vendor Y" "X drops from mob Y in area Z" I'm not a vanity pet kind of guy. I've seen a couple vendors have droids, but I haven't bought them, they serve no purpose other then following you around, so in my opinion, they're a waste of my time Q: In the current build, by what percentage will your movement speed increase when using a typical level 25 vehicle? A: 60% I believe, although I swear the tooltip is bugged, it still seems like the 90% of last build. Q: Can you describe some of the more exotic lightsaber blades you've seen? A: They still look like lightsabers, but sound nothing like a lightsaber, they'll get your attention Q: Is there a reputation system in the game and if so do you gain any reputation based upon your lightside/darkside actions? A: As far as I have seen, and unless I am totally blind and missed it (possible), there is no reputation aside from Light/Dark and Companion Affection. Kind of sad, but either something that isn't implemented yet, or just never will be. Q: Would you consider yourself a BAMF or a hero? A: I consider myself the Anti-Hero. I'm not a BAMF or Hero with my character, I'm the guy who goes in fulfills his mission, kills anything in his way, then goes home with Mako and has a few drinks and sleeps comformtably. Q: The Legacy races, are you able to change your race to one of them once you max level? Could I level a human to fifty and change to a Chagrian once I've unlocked that race? A: Haven't seen that yet, the new build just went up, the only 50's are the ones from the previous build, and half of them are completely unusable due to some game changes messing up characters permanently. Q: This entire question is about skills from trainer, not from tree (shared or not). Are skills from trainer, not tree, that we can get are for our new AC (i.e. Jedi Guardian) or for our basic class (i.e. Jedi Knight)? Are i.e. Jedi Guardian get exactly the same skills with exactly same requirements as Jedi Sentinel? Or for example Jedi Sentinels skills are same as Jedi Guardians, but will require two lightsabers to activate? A: No, your skills are entirely different. You share the same base Jedi skills, but when you pop over to the Guardian/Sent tab at the trainer, the skills are completely different. Q: Can you give some examples of the more "interesting" titles in-game? I know there are many, but choose a few good ones, preferably from a variety of classes. Thanks. A: Well, you can get the Merciless, the Heartless, etc, but the cool ones I can't give out or where you get them, us testers need something to brag about for a few days after launch hehe. Q: At what point does the story transition from chapter 1 to 2? From 2 to 3? And is it a drastic or subtle change in your story?(Please no spoilers) A: Transitions From 1 -> 2 then 2 -> 3 is roughly 30ish and then early 40s, the story moves along real fast once you finish chapter 1. Q: If you've tried them (most of the Q&A testers say they haven't), how deep/complex are the romance arcs? A: Not as deep as you would think. I mean they're nice, but it's not extremely passionate or anything. Q: With companion killing confirmed as taken out, does that also mean that the other feature we were told about (Getting a companion to leave/betray us with a low enough approval score) is out as well? Can we torture any of our companions? A: "Can we torture our companions?" Are you okay there buddy? The people who help you out by crafting for you and taking the hits and you want to torture them? Tsk tsk... but honestly no, basically the worse you can do is berate them or call them names for the most part (Aside from Vette, who you can shock). Q: Will our companions acknowledge each other's existence, and move around the ship, or do they just stick to their hide-y hole on the ship and not move, and not talk about each other? A: They kind of just stand there. Q: Have you "tanked" for a group during your testing and, if so, how would you compare the experience to tanking in world of warcraft? Would say it's better, worse, or about the same experience? A: Yes, I rolled a Powertech this build and must say it's more fun to tank then WoW, but essentially it's the same experience. I say it's more fun because there are no mods, it's just pure skill guiding you. Q: Do you know if any Aussies have managed to sneak into beta? A: No, I don't know, but I highly doubt it, it seems to me and this is in NO WAY OFFICIAL, but the ony regions getting into beta are the regions launching first, the so called "green zones", but I can in no way confirm this, it's just what I have seen. That and NA makes up a good portion of the server (a decent bit of Canadians too). Q: If so, are they having any problems with latency? Thanks! A: No Aussies in Aussie land are testing to my knowledge. Q: What does the Sith Assassin's DPS charge, Lightning Charge, and more importantly their TANK charge, Dark Charge, do? A: They all do different things, extra damage, extra armor, extra threat, etc. Think of them like Warrior Stances for those of you who played WoW, they're situational in a way (i.e solo'ing with Khem Val, you don't really need extra aggro). Q: Can both ACs of the Jedi Consular use double bladed lightsabers, or just one? And which one would you say is more fun or better for dps? A: Just the Shadow. Haven't played a Consular at all, but knowing they're a mirror image for the most part of the Inquisitor, I'd say go with the Sage, casters can get fun with the proc's. Q: We've seen the Esseles video and everyone chose the dark side on the "how to unlock the door" question. Would the light side choice just result in a different video or would the players really need to destroy some extra stuff to proceed? A: Without spoiling anything (you didn't really see much of the instance) it takes longer and adds in certain things you wouldn't get otherwise. It's like Killing the Captain or Not. Q: Does a color crystal (or any other mod for a weapon) get destroyed, if you remove it from the item? A: Once you modify a weapon with a hilt, crystal, power pack, barrel, etc you won't get it back, if you place in a upgrade over that component, the old one is destroyed. Q: From what I have read the dps tree for Sith Juggernauts seems to be pretty good. What I would like to know is the dps tree for the Bounty Hunter Powertech viable at all for leveling or would you be gimping yourself? A: In this new build (8/2/11) Bounty Hunters got a extreme make over, Heat Dissipitates much faster, we now have Gas Cylinders (like Stances) for aggro, DPS, etc, we got some new moves, the old moves sort of got reworked, etc. FOr instance, Flame Thrower is now a 3 second channel and will kill basically a 3 mob group if you aim it right, or severly cripple them to the point 1 basic attack to kill them if you stack the proper stat (Aim). Q: Devs and testers claim all three healing classes (Sorc, Operative, Merc) can "primary heal." Which, in beta, is the class regarded as the "best" pure healer if specced right and how do each class differ from one another in terms of how they heal? (ie Large heals, HoTs, etc) A: They're all viable right now, but I would have to go with Operative and Merc as the 2 main ones for the longer fights, Sorcerers, at least from what I have seen can't really keep up in the long fights without serious Force management, but they have the best burst healing, imho. I love tanking with a Merc healer. Q: How good is the Jedi Guardian. What is your opinion on the skill trees? Is it worth the DPS to go vigilance? A: It's the same as the Juggernaut, so go for it, IMHO better DPS then the Marauder, but I can't really prove that without a parser. Q: Are there currently same-gender romance arcs within the game? A: No, it seems that they won't be in the game, which IMHO is a shame. Some people choose to live their own lives that way (nothing wrong with that, even though I disagree) and they can't play their character as a extension of their real life persona. Q: I will be duoing the whole game with my wife, who really wants to play a Consular Sage. I think the Consular Shadow looks pretty fun, but I'm concerned about playing the same class. I read that you can't both complete a class quest at the same time (you basically have to do it once for each). I'm also concerned about "fighting" for loot drops. Do you think these are serious issues and we should be a different combo? Or do you think things like smart crafting will make loot a non-issue while leveling? Is end-game loot more class-specific or AC-specific? A: As far as playing together, I'd highly suggest Going Knight/Consular if you want to get the full experience together. As far as end game loot, I can't say how it's changed in this build, I am re-leveling currently and am only in my 20's. Q: If i would spend my talentpoints into the shared madness tree as a Sith Assassin, would it then still matter which AC i have chosen?? A: Yes, shared tree or not, each AC has a different play style. Q: Can you explain the difference between a SI, sorcerer with all points in the madness tree vs. a SI, assasin with all his points in the deception tree? Is it "just" stealth and dualsaber?? A: Melee/Ranged is about as much as I am confortable saying without just saying with no personal experience to back it up. Q: Im planning on levelling with my brother. He wants te be a SW and im leaning towards SI. Can the two of us do 4-man flashpoints with us and 2 companions? I guess what im asking if the companions are good enough to tank and/or heal in the flashpoints or do we need 4 "real" ppl. for it? A: As of right now in this current build, you can easily do Black Talon/Esseles with companions if you hit 10 and get your AC's. The diffuculty was bumped up slightly so without your ACs I'd suggest not doing it until you're comfortable with the game. Q: I was wondering how viable the Shared Skill Trees for being the main spec? For example, I would love to be a Trooper and toss out a ton of grenades and explosives by going Assault Specialist focused, but is that really going to be a viable skill tree? Or is it more designed to be a compliment tree for the Gunnery/Tank Trees? A: As it stands now, every spec is viable in one way or another, and for a Trooper, I can't really say more then that, no personal experience beyond level 12. Q: Hi there. I was wondering if there is any discussion on the beta forums for SI Purebloods? I understand that the combo is still in beta, is it popular? Also, now regarding the SW, does it seem like they'll get another race other than cyborg (lame excuse of a race imo)? A: For the Legacy System, I can't say. As far as SI Purebloods, I don't see too many of them, and they don't really fit into the story seeing as the Inquisitor starts off as a former slave who overcomes the odds. Q: Can you have different faction characters on pvp servers currently? A: Yes, you can have both on a PvP server as of now, subject to change of course. Q: To the best of your knowledge, does the word ‘Midichlorian’ appear anywhere in this game? A: No, to my knowledge it does not. Q: How much do your choices effect your gameplay? In the recent Esseles walk through, they had the choice between killing the engineers or running around the ship to turn off conduits. How much would saving them have affected the flashpoint, for example? A: Long term, not much of a change, the only change would be bosses/length of the actual instance itself. Q: On the same topic, are there any chances to influence actual gameplay with your decisions? I’m thinking of the Sith academy in KOTOR, where, depending on what you did, you could poison one or both of the headmasters to make the fights with them easier. Are things like this common or present at all? A: Can't answer this with more then a maybe, not exactly sure what you're asking and I don't want to spoil a class story for anyone. Q: Did you ever kill one of your companions before the option was removed? If you did, how obvious did BW make it that an unchangeable choice was coming. And does losing a companion make such a huge difference as BW and some people claim? A: No, I never killed a companion. The option though was made clear enough that it was a dumb decision, but yes, if you weren't paying attention (it happens sometimes, you forget that Companion X is the only one you have) and pop goes the weasel and you have only one companion left, who can't even fight. Yes, it really made a huge difference. Although I wish you could kill perhaps one companion.... *cough* Khem Val *cough* Q: You (if you’re the same person who wrote QA13) mentioned that you thought November was an optimistic release date, and yet others have said the game seems pretty complete? What makes you think it won’t (or perhaps shouldn’t) make a November release? A: I', not the guy from QA #13, I am the guy from #10+11. I'm not going to lie that guy had no real idea what he was talking about, this game will easily hit a November. This new build is rough, but they took 5 steps foward, but only 2 back. We're figuratively 3 steps ahead of where we were, you'll see this game in November. Q: About how many abilities do most classes juggle in combat? Does it ever get overwhelming? A: Depends. I only use roughly 5 abilities, because the others aren't really worth it. I use Flame Thrower, Basic Attack, Rockets, Electro Dart and Rail Shot with a Rocket Jump opener. Now, if I were to fight say a Elite, yes I use a lot more, but for your standard questing experience, it's not overwhelming unless you make it overwhelming. Q: It was mentioned in QA13 that the UI can not be changed or manipulated. Has BW said on the forums whether or not they intend for it to be the same at launch, or have they just not gotten around to it because its not currently that high of a priority? A: I haven't seen them mention this, and IMHO it's not a High Priority right now with the other things that are wrong. Q: One of the devs mentioned at Comiccon that they are undecided whether or not to include racial abilities or other ways your race might effect your class. Any idea what these might be? A: As of now, there are no Racial Abilities or anything in game. They're all the same, and unless they plan to implement that at a later date in testing, I'd say don't worry about it. Q: Asked this before, but griefers always find something new. Any fun ways people have griefed by abusing bugged items or conditions, like WoWaids or the Baron Geddon Auction house bomb? A: Not really abusing bugged items or conditions this build, but since Revan is now a PvP server, it's always enjoyable when you outlevel someone by a large enough margin that they can't kill you to just keep killing their companion over and over. Essentially they're gimped and you're not doing anything wrong. Q: Is here any old blaster-shoot sound from star wars movies(I II III IV V VI) for player's weapons? Just like those sounds but i've heard only some new "BOM-BOM-BOM" sounds when it shoots. A: Yes, but mostly blasters are new and interesting sounds. The rarer the more ear catching they are. Q: One of beta-testers said that we're able to keep a sword we grab everywhere and if we like it. We need just to modify it and can use it everytime we want. Can we do the same with vibro-swords? Could it be a good substitute for a lightsaber? A: Sure, you can keep any weapon you find and use it whenever, but if you're still using the same lightsaber you got at the end of your Origin world after level 20 you're a idiot, plain and simple, any other lightsaber will be better. If you're nostalgic, you can keep it, otherwise get rid of it, it's a hindrance. Q: About Sith Inquisitor - Sorcerer. Which class from WoW it looking like? I mean casters ofc (Mage/ ShadowPriest/ Warlock/ ElementalShammy/) I expecting only the basics and mechanics. A: Majorily Mage with a small, small hint of melee capability. Q: I would like to know if when in conversation, you are imune? I mean, you can be attacked when, e.g., you are receiving a quest? A: You're safe. Just when you're done you can be attacked. Q: I’m curious, just how much of your player character can you customize, and how many options are there for each thing, such as hair, eyes, etc? A: Think your typical MMO. Enough to be happy, but not enough to spend 9 hours customizing every little detail. Only people obsessed with character appearance will be upset. Q: Besides fixing bugs, can you name one thing you'd change in each of these areas? -Solo Combat - A: Make it Everquest hard. It's not enjoyable when you know you can't die if your eyes are open and both hands are working. -Party Combat - A: Again, make it harder. As long as either your tank or healer is competent it's essentially easy mode and retarded DPS can be carried. -The "M" in MMO--social, economy, messing around - A: I'd like to see some Invasions occasionally, like on Balmorra (as EMpire) every once and a while have the Reistance attack the main city (Sobrik) and the outposts, and it's up to the players to defend, stuff like that, to get people talking and playing together. Q: When does one chapter begin and end and what happens, does the main plot change or what? A: It changes, yes, and it's very obvious that it has changed. Q: Are there any armor sets for the Imperial Agent that include a proper helmet? Not goggles or a hat, but a full-on, face-covering mask? A: Can't say that I have seen one.... yet. But with the amount of new gear they added recently, I am sure there is one like that. Q: Can I send a /tell to an enemy player? A: No. Q: How do Twi'leks look with helmets on? Do their lekku just get chopped off? A: Honestly, I have seen 1 Twi'lek player since the new build started, and it was around level 4 when there are no helmets, I'd imagine they're still being chopped off, and will hopefully be fixed pre-launch. Q: When looking at other players companions do you see their name or just so and so companion I.E. If another player lets call him DarthCake has Vette out what do you see on your screen-Vette or [darthcake's companion=] ? A: Vette [darthcake's companion=] Q: A surprising number of MMOs I've played have gotten tab targeting wrong. Assuming there is tab targetting in SWTOR, is it good? In other words does it tend to target the mob you would expect it to target when you press tab? A: It works like it's worked in every other MMO, you push tab, you target a enemy. But I don't use it, why risk tab targetting the wrong group when you can just right click to initiate? Q: We see a lot of skills that knockback or stun "standard or weak" enemies. In PvE, does this refer to elite / normal mobs? What are players considered in PvP, standard or weak or none of these two? A: There are 5 grades on NPCs in PvE. Weak, normal, Strong, Elite and Boss (with the occasional world boss thats stronger). Honestly, I haven't PvP'd since the last build, so it might have changed, no sense in telling you what it was, when it could have changed and get you guys all riled up. Q: Lets say your lower lvl friend is getting picked on in PvP by a group of other low lvl people. Is it possible to go to his side, stare down the punks, flip on the lightsaber and make them drop a brick in their underwear because they know they are about to get dominated HE KILLED THE YOUNGLINGS! Basically what I am asking is: can a force user manually switch on his lightsaber while out of combat? Similar to say, WoW, where you could pull out your weapons by pressing "Z" A: Yes, but depending on the group size, you might have signed your death warrant, as a group of 5-6 level 20s can easily take on a 40, unless the 40 is Pretty Decent in PvP and has Experise gear on (Resilience). Q: What is the color coding from WORST/WEAKEST items to BEST/STRONGEST items in SWTOR? A: Think basically any MMO. Grey,White,Green, Blue and Purple Q: How does the GUARDIAN/JUGGERNAUT damage compare to SENTINEL/SITH WARRIOR damage? Is there a massive difference? A: No, all classes do the same DPS overall, it's just burst vs sustained. Q: Generally how long can you actually hold onto a piece of gear that you love before having to switch to something you might not like as much just because of better stats? A: 10 levels if you put a lot of credits/commendations into upgrading it. Q: Wondering how truly explorable the planets are and if there are any benefits to actually going off the beaten path? A: Relics, if you want to make them, you're going off the beaten path. Q: What is the single most fun thing to do in SWTOR? A: Kill stuff. Q: Is there anything, any game system in SWTOR that you actually think is TERRIBLE or just really lacking? A: It's not a game system, per say, but replayability is just horrible, in my opinion. If you level a Sith Warrior, then decide to level any other Empire class, 75% of your quest content will be repeated. The only difference will be your class quests, otherwise it's still the same. You get 2 play throughs before it's head bangingly numbing. (1 Empire, 1 Republic) *I just want to note that this is purely MY OPINION. Some of you may agree, some of you may disagree, don't take my opinion as law, try the game for yourself when it comes out. Q: It is well known that a big part of character development is the morality system with both the light side and the dark side having rewards. What I'd like to know is if there are any rewards for staying in the gray morality or if they punish you for it. A: Yes and no. So far, since I am going Dark on this character, that Grey's lose out on the gear, but they should (no official word, just a suggestion made to them) put up gear similar to Dark/Light required gear that requires you to be neither Light or Dark and have similar stats. Q: In your last Q & A you mentioned that leveling as a healer is slow and painful. Can you elaborate on why a bit? A: The last guy (#13) was a idiot. Leveling a Healer and Tank is the same as leveling a DPS, there is no real noticeable difference. My Powertech in +Defense gear is actually out killing Merc DPS players. If your a healer, spec'd as a healer, as long as you wear appropiate gear, there is no real difference. Q: I was wondering about the Jedi consular .. In recent leaked footage the early level consular shows as having a single saber instead of a double sided saber. What benefit if any, would be provided by getting the dual? A: You don't get it until level 10 when you get your AC and go Shadow. And there is no real benefit aside from the fact that as a Shadow, some abilities require a dual bladed Lightsaber. Q: At what level can you learn professions? Are there trainers on your starting planet? A: Once you get to your Capital planet you can learn them. Q: Can you respec in your advanced class(from one tree to another)? How often can you do it and is there a fee for doing so? A: There is a fee, and you can do it until your hearts content. And no, AC Respecing is not in as of yet, it should *hopefully* be in soon. And for those of you who don't want it, QQ moar. You'd be the first to cry when you realize you made the wrong choice and have to relevel. Q: What are the major changes from the new build? A: Too many to list really, but chat got a facelift, enemy nameplates, class revamps, performance increased, it's just, IMO way ahead of the previous build. Q: How does pvp gear differ from pve gear? Is there an emphasis on any particular stat? A: Expertise, your TOR version of Resilience, and your classes main stat. Q: How big is the inventory on your ship? A: At what level? It changes a few times. Q: Do items have any flavor text? Like ""Helm of the Mandolor" Once owned by the great Mandolor himself. Died of flying pig disease. Wear this helm at your own risk."" A: Not that I have seen. Q: So I get the feeling that there is an ideal combination when it comes to crew skills. I'm just trying to get a feel for the right combination of skills you need to be self sufficient enough to make one type of item. Say I take "artifice" (so I can make inlays, etc for my gear) does it make sense to train treasure hunting and scavenging as my two other skills so I can gather all the materials to make gear with the "artifice" crafting skill (via missions and manual gathering)? Or does another combination work/not work? -- Thanks. A: For those of you played WoW, Rift, etc. There are synergies. You don't choose mining to be a leatherworker. If you get Bioanalysis you go BioChem, etc, it's not really mix and match if you want to be self sufficient. Q: Hello, I have a question about the flash points. It has been mentioned a few times that flash points are not a good source of LS/DS points, however are they a good source of experience for people who do not want to do quests? Also, every time you do a flashpoint, do you still have to go through all the dialogue again if you have already been there before, or is there a way to "skip" the cut scene? A: I don't know who told you instances aren't good for LS/DS, but if you plan on doing it over and over, it's very good. As far as repeating a instance goes, yes, you're listening to the dialogue again, unless the group decides to skip it. Q: For TOR what is the class equivalent of the Rogue class in WoW? A: Assasin/Shadow. Q: In regard to Flashpoints, we already know there will be several and you will be doing them for story and all, though I was wondering how long does it take to clear a Flashpoint all the way, at the level the Flashpoint is designed for (and of course in a full human group). So lets say, how long did it take you to clear Black Talon/Essele the first time and then in one of the speedruns? Or how about one of the later Flashpoints? A: About an hour for a full clear, and never did them a second or third time, the dialogue really gets to you after the first time, when you want to skip it, and the other 3 people don't. Q: The Scoundrel uses a Scattergun in close combat. Does it make damage or is it just a knock back tool? A: No idea, I haven't played a smuggler beyond level 2. Q: In Q&A 13, the tester says "not all stories are created equal" and that the "Jedi Knight story is pretty bland and repetitive". Could you give a light overview of each class story (as far as you know) in terms of quality? I'm trying to figure out what class to play and it is basically an 8-way tie. A: Well, as far as the Tester from QA #13, he really misled you guys on a lot of things and as far as stories go... Jedi Knights have one of the better ones, once you get to Act 2 and 3, I mean... some classes have cool Act 1s, then suck for 2 and 3, others have horrible Act 1s but get good later on. Q: Question about equipment and modifications, are the base stats of a random item typically AC specific, class specific, trinity role specific, or free for all? A: Base stats are now linked to a class, as the system has been changed. Each class is now basically looking for Endurance, and their classes stat. Bioware decided that apparently having more then 1 stat per class was too hard, so now it's basically Endurance and your Stat, then +Critical or +Defense. (Kind of a simplification, but no too much) Q: What sorts of armor restrictions are there between AC's? example Mercs wearing powertech armor? A: It's basically, if you can wear Heavy Armor, you can wear ANY heavy armor, but if you're a Merc/Powertech and you put on +strength gear... you're a idiot unless it's for Role Play purposes. Q: Are the assault cannons locked down to only the Commando AC for Troopers? Or is it still possible to use one as a Vanguard, even if it is with a slight decrease in stats? A: Commando only. Q: Are there different quality settings for shadows? While watching the Developer Walkthrough (Tatooine), I thought the shadows under Darth Silthar were very... distracting. I have seen the shadows look the same way in some of the leak videos as well, and they felt similarly distracting. Are there any options to help the shadows look more real? A: Yes, but shadows are very degrading on performance, at least in my opinion, easier to turn them off and get 100+ fps, then have them on and get 45ish in combat. Q: How/When are romance arcs handled with companions? Are they something that's universally handled towards level cap? or is it different for every romanceable companion. For example, as Sith Warrior can I choose to romance Vette before ever getting to meet Jaesa? A: It's a combination of Story Progression and Affection. You might get it earlier or later then someone else, there is no clear cut path to Romance. Q: Could you speak on the new companion overhaul that was introduced in the newest build? A: It's a lot more dynamic. They have a skill bar, like we do, where you can either have them auto cast everything, or do it on your command. And if you leave it on auto, you can fold the bar up, so it looks exactly like it did in the last build, and go on your merry way. As far as appearance changes, what used to be Kits for your companion are now appearance modification kits. You don't get to choose what your companion looks like beyond the provided kits. But I guess it's better then nothing. I still use the default though, because it looks the best on the majority of Companions, IMHO. Q: I have a question about the multiplayer dialogue system. I know that when there are multiple people in a dialogue scenario you have limited amount of time to choose an option and then roll against the other player(s) for who gets to talk. I'm just wondering, what happens if, say there are 2 people in the group and no one chooses anything by the time the time limit expires? I know if one person doesn't choose something they effectively roll a 0, but what if no one does? Does the time limit become extended until someone finally does? or does it choose something for you? A: Never been in that situation, I'd imagine nothing would happen as a option needs to be selected to progress the conversation. Q: I know that is a training droid available in the pre-order. What this think do? Can you get training points from him? Can I buy it in-game? A: I have no idea. The game hasn't launched yet. Q: Crew skills? how many are is a character able to pursue? How much depth do you feel the system has? A: 3 per character on your account.
GwindonSurion Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 11, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 11, 2011 artık bütün bilgiler benim için uzun bir süre
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 leak videolar: (password isterse: alterswtor) vimeo üzerinden açılıyor sadece hutball ! The purpose of this guide is to cover some basic and not-so-basic aspects of Huttball. I originally posted this last phase when many of the dynamics were different. I will steadily revise the guide, so far I have removed things that no longer apply. Basics Huttball is football. Your objective is to get the ball across the opposing team's goal line. The opposing team's goal line is on the opposite side of the field. Do not take the ball toward your own goal. Look up at the ceiling. Be sure the colors are those of the opposing team. The game is more chaotic now and it is possible to get confused. The score board in the upper right has a round icon under each team's name. The team with the icon is the team who currently has possession of the ball. Possession of the ball transfers from one team to the other when the ball carrier dies and there is a player close enough to the ball at the time of death. Do not die with the ball. Passing the ball is the best way to avoid this. Passing is so important that it has its own section. The player with the ball has a bright column of light on them. If your team does not have the ball, then you should be somewhere near the ball carrier. If you are off somewhere else, you're really not helping your team as much as you could be. Hazzards. Hazzards are there to help you offensively and defensively. The fire wall is the most critical. Running through it places a DOT on you. It is not instant death if you have healing, use cooldowns, etc. Being knocked into the fire wall however is much more lethal. Fire walls are on timers. There is an ability that you receive called Throw the Ball. It's an icon of a green ball. When you activate this ability, it places a targeted AoE on your mouse. Move the target icon so that it covers a team mate, then click again. The ball will pass to your team mate. Do not die with the ball. When out of combat you may use the standard sprint ability. Throw the Ball Throw the Ball should be on your hotbar by the time the match begins. If you do not see this icon do the following: Open your abilities. Go to the general tab Drag it on to your hot bar. The ball places a snare on you. The ball seems to have a damage effect, more testing is needed to determine the exact mechanic. These two elements exist to encourage passing the ball. Both can be overcome by healing and certain class abilities. The ball flies through the air much farther and faster than anyone can run with it. Do not run in a cluster. Run ahead of of the carrier and pass to each other. You run at full speed without the ball. Throw the Ball has a 30m range. It cannot be used while you are stunned. It can be used to throw the ball to people on a higher or lower platform. This is very important. If you place the target on a team mate it will pass to that player. If you place the target so that it does not overlap anyone, you will ground the ball. Grounding the ball forces it to reset in the center. You must not die with the ball in your possession otherwise the ball immediately goes to the closest enemy player. Offense The ball carrier starts moving toward the enemy goal unless they are low on health. If they are low on health they should immediately pass before they are stunned and killed. Sage/Sorcerer should shield the carrier and run with them. You want to heal the carrier and use your AoE knockback and stuns to keep pressure off the carrier. You have the ability to pull a team mate to you. For Sorcerers this ability is called Extrication. This should be used to pull the carrier back to you in case they get pulled away or knocked away. [A word on Extrication] Many times players who are not very familiar with the game claim that a player without force leap somehow cheated to have force leap. Or they think one of their team mates has pulled the enemy carrier to a better position out of stupidity. What's happening is a Sage/Sorcer pulled their team mate to themselves with Extrication. The other team members should move ahead of the carrier to the best position they can so that they can receive the ball. Pass the Ball does not work well if you have no one to pass it to. It works extremely well when you pass the ball to someone who is already past a hazzard for a much quicker score. Grounding the ball. If you are going to die and none of your team mates are in position, you should throw the ball to the ground. This will cause it to respawn in the middle. If your team is thinking and working as a team then they should see that you are in trouble. If they can't reach you or save you, they should already be heading to the middle to grab it. They should even tell you to ground it or you should tell them you are about to ground it. Do not die with the ball. Killing players It is not a good thing to kill as many players as you can while on offense. Doing this teleports them to their goal line which is where your carrier is headed. Unless your carrier has a protector or can protect themselves with shield and AoE knockback, try to slow down defenders instead. Knock them into the pit but leave them there with snares and blinds. DO NOT kill them. You are only doing them a favor if you do. If you must kill someone, kill DPS. This seems counter intuitive but hear me out. Killing a healer takes a lot of time if they really don't want to die. They have the CC and panic buttons to make this take a long time. Also, if a healer is coming at your carrier, the likelihood of your carrier being stunned and knocked off into the pit is dramatically higher. If the healer is good, they can keep you tied up while they're DPS is getting the ball back. Death of the carrier is the way your team loses the ball. Getting the DPS off your character gives your team time. In the zergish nature of the game right now, the less focus fire your carrier takes, the more time they have to keep the carrier up with their 3 second big heals. Effects like trauma make it harder for healers to singlehandedly save someone. Ball carriers. The people who are best at running the ball are the ones with force speed. Second best are people who are difficult to kill. Defense Nothing is cheap or cheesy. Nothing. If you adopt this mindset you will have the proper killer instinct to win. If your team does not have the ball, do all that you can to impede the carrier. Stun them, pull them out of position, snare them. Your secondary objective is to kill the carrier to get the ball back. Suicide. The spawn point is on the platform above the goal line. There is no respawn timer. This means that if you are out of position after a possession change and the other team is advancing the ball in your territory, suicide is your fastest option. It's an instant teleport. It's a full heal. When you are conflicted about doing this, see item #1. Kill the carrier. Stun the carrier. Stuns do not break on damage, even if it's coming in from 6 players in a zerg. 4B. Use an AoE blind before you begin your damage spike. This will let you get your damage in before being knocked back or otherwise CC'd. This will also delay healing from the people running with the carrier. No kill is as important as the carrier. Not even the healer attempting to support them. In a 12v12 match with Trauma in effect, a healer cannot outheal focus fire from 5+ players. Fire walls. Stunning and snaring on the fire is a tactic. Classes with AoE snare like Guardian and Juggernaut should use this immediately after applying a blind if it's up. Offense likes to run in a pack with the carrier and will follow them over hazzards to not get separated. When snared, you can see 2 or 3 people die at once because of the new fire wall timers. Useful Abilities This section will continue to be expanded. I have more content but there have been a number of changes. Force Speed. This ability is king. You ignore the ball snare and seemingly most other snares. When shielded you can speed through the fire. This makes Sages and Sorcerers particularly strong since they can do both for themselves. Force Leap / Force Charge. When you have the ball, look for people ahead of you in a place you want to go. Leap to them. This is especially helpful if you have been knocked into the pit or you are stuck behind a hazzard. You cannot leap to someone using cover. Intercept. When you have the ball, look for team mates ahead of you in a place you want to go. This is a level 50 Guardian / Juggernaut ability that functions like Force Leap / Charge to a friendly target. Extrication / Rescue. It allows a Sorcer/Sage to pull a team mate to themselves. 30m range You can move to a better position and suddenly bring the carrier to you. You can also pull the carrier back if they get knocked into the pit. Force Pull. Use this to pull the carrier out of position. Preferably into the pit. This ability has been removed from Guardian and Juggernaut I do not know if anything else has changed with it, need confirmation. Overload. This ability is quite powerful because it's only on a 30 second cooldown. This is the AoE knockback that Sorcerers/Sages have. Position yourself so that your enemy is between you and the pit or you and a firewall or acid pool. Knocking people into a firewall is usually fatal. Knocking people into an acid pool followed by a stun is often fatal, but good players can usually survive this if they're not already low on health. Force Push. This ability can mean the difference between a win or loss, primarily because of its range. If the carrier is coming, push them into a firewall and kill them. If they're about to cross the goal line, push them backward into the pit. This has a long cooldown (2 minutes) so while handy, it's nowhere near the power of Overload. Chilling Scream. This ability is an AoE snare. You want to use this liberally to try and separate the assist train. Now that firewalls are on a short timer, this ability can lead to deaths for the opposing team. Defending against Force Leap. If you are a ranged class that has to stand still to do a lot of damage, always put your foot on the edge of a platform or acid pool. Leap positions the player directly in front of you, which generally means they'll fall straight down. Portable Cover also prevents Force Leap. Stun. This is one of the strongest offensive weapons. Try to save it for focusing down a particular target. Now that there are 12 players, attack in groups of 5 or so. A stun combined with focus fire on the carrier should lead to death before they can pass the ball. You cannot pass while stunned. Tanking stances. If you are a Guardian, Juggernaut, Shadow or Assassin and you have the ball, you should consider immediately switching into your tanking stance. You gain the benefit of your shield and increased armor. If you are on offense running with the carrier, switch to tank stance and apply guard to the carrier. kel dor görmek sevindirici de seçilebilir ırk olarak da konulsaydı keşke,
DA2019 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 Bir önceki phasede bu grafik ayarlarının hiçbiri yoktu. Rötuşlamaya başladılar.
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 zaten bu grafiklerin başlığı da old client vs new idi. değiştiriyorlar demek ki.
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 5 dakikalık leak pvp videosu, password gene alterswtor, gene vimeo üzerinden izleyebiliyorsunuz. click meah
yunusemre Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 yauw ne zamandır takip edemiyorum forumu, çok da yorgunum post okuyasım yok :) Tek soru atıyım ortaya cevaplaması kolay nasılsa pre-order edebiliyor muyuz TR'den ? Siteden denedim origin'den bile alamadım sizin region'a yok öyle bişi dedi satmadı bana
BlackRose Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2011 oyunun düz versiyonu'dan 60+25 (kargo) toplam 85 dolara geliyor, emaile kod yolluyolar kutusu gelmese bile farketmiyor, indirip oynayabiliyosun... hayır yollamıyor
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 13, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 13, 2011 Patch Notes 8/9/2011 Patch Notes 8/9/2011 General Reworked terrain in the Boneyard on Voss to accommodate a new cliff shape. A loading screen has been added during quick travel when assets are loading. Optimizations to improve server and chat stability have been implemented. Group members of the same class now enter their own instance of class phases by default. Classes & Combat Bounty Hunter Explosive Dart can now be trained at level 5. Unload can now be trained at level 3. Death From Above can now be trained at level 10. Electro Dart can now be trained at level 12 Mercenary Arsenal Tree Unload has been replaced by Riddle, allowing the Bounty Hunter to fire a channeled blaster attack in a narrow frontal cone while rotating to aim. Firebug (shared tree) Explosive Dart has been replaced by Thermal Detonator, a single-target delayed explosion that deals high damage Imperial Agent Shiv: This ability now plays the correct impact sound. Trooper Sticky Grenade can now be trained at level 5. Full Auto can now be trained at level 3. Hail of Bolts can now be trained at level 10. Cryo Grenade can now be trained at level 12. Commando Gunnery Tree Full Auto has been replaced by Rotary Cannon, allowing the trooper to fire a channeled blaster attack in a narrow frontal cone while rotating aim. Assault Specialist (shared tree) Sticky Grenade has been replaced by Assault Plastique, a single target delayed explosion that deals high damage. Companion Characters Corrected a cloth physics error with Khem Val's starter clothes. Rusk can now use abilities correctly. Joric can now use abilities correctly. Missions & NPCs Empire An Ancient Answer: The Ravager now initiates correctly. Chaos and Harmony: Companion Characters associated with this mission are now returned properly. Death and Life: Players in a group will no longer be teleported after using the Revanite Altar if they are not on this mission. Death Marks: Menace now appears at the appropriate time, and players can now return to phases correctly after leaving or dying during fights. Gifts of the Exiles: This mission can now be completed Secret Intentions: This mission has been renamed to "Taris: Bonus Series" The Star Chamber: Companion characters associated with this mission are now returned properly. Republic Destroying the War Droids: Fixed an issue that could cause this mission to deliver blank conversations. New Intelligence: Companion characters are now returned correctly at the end of this mission Showdown with Lord Sadic: Fixed a typo in this mission's tracking. Vivicar Awaits: The blast door can now be opened. NPCs Enemy NPCs on Hutta are now more numerous. Space Combat Sarapin Assault: This mission now advances properly when the shield generators are destroyed. Nameplates now display properly when you fly past them during Space Combat Missions. User Interface Added a nw map notes to Origin Worlds to clarify bind points. Item names are now displayed correctly in the chat log when buying and selling items. Fixed missing text for credits found as loot.
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 14, 2011 Kiting ve Trandoshan companionlar hakkında Have a read of two recent and interesting Star Wars: The Old Republic developer comments. While they are very specific to their topics, you may find them relevant to the SWTOR gameplay experience you are anticipating. First up, Georg Zoeller has spoken his piece on the viability of “Kiting” (basically, grabbing aggo and leading around an enemy while your buddies fire away at it) for the Smuggler class. Mr. Zoeller doesn’t think the Smuggler is your best option when attempting to kite mobs (or other players in a PvP setting.) Georg Zoeller: “As far as kiting goes, it’s not easy being a Smuggler. Not impossible, but it wouldn’t be my class of choice for that, and here is why: - Try kiting a Sith Warrior, who can force charge up to 30 meters and can throw their Lightsaber. - Try kiting a Sith Inquisitor, who has powerful control effects and the ability to enter Force Speed for a few seconds, with greatly increased movement rate. - Try kiting a Bounty Hunter, who may have the ability to use their jetpack to catch up to you or use a grappling hook as well as good range with their blaster rifle. - Try kiting Imperial Agents why may have a sniper rifle with long range equal or better than your own. There’s certainly the option to make use of environment/line of sight and advanced players will find that for example Warriors can be made miserable by a Smuggler dodging around in their dead zone (out of melee range, not yet in Force Charge range), hitting hard with the scatter gun (15m range) – but kiting overall in our game isn’t simple due to the wide range of utility all classes have.” Next up, writer Jo Berry gives us her two, very valuable credits regarding the Jedi Consular having a Trandoshan companion. If you read our recent guest post by Arnold Triplett on the newly announced Trandoshan companion, Qyzen Fess, you may be eager to hear Berry’s take. If I’m not mistaken, Berry is the person who has written the Jedi Consular story you will be enjoying in SWTOR. Jo Berry says: “Another factor to consider is that for Trandoshans, hunting isn’t just utilitarian, it’s a very meaningful part of their culture. It’s a social and religious activity that raises their status in the eyes of their peers, and brings them closer to their goddess. Obviously many Trandoshans go about hunting in a more brutal fashion, or care less about the spiritual aspects than the joy of the kill; as a result, that’s what most people in the galaxy imagine when someone says ‘Trandoshan’. For individual Trandoshans who see hunting not as an end in itself, but a way of honouring the Scorekeeper, it’s a tough perception to overcome. To be honest, though, the mindset of a Jedi meditating to prepare both mind and body before a battle, and that of a religiously-inclined Trandoshan praying to the Scorekeeper during a difficult hunt, aren’t a million miles apart. Both parties serve something greater than themselves–the Force on one hand, and the Scorekeeper and the concept of earning your self-worth, on the other. Both subscribe to a value system which, to those outside it, can sometimes seem downright peculiar. I’m not saying all Trandoshans and Jedi should hug and be BFFs. You can’t sugar coat the fact that, yes, Trandoshan culture inclines them towards violence, and that’s something a Jedi would have to accept. But there’s a little common ground between them… a starting point, at least.“
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 15, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 15, 2011 password alterswtor, vimeo üzerinden izliyorsunuz. 9 dakikalık PvP videosu
-Deno- Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 15, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 15, 2011 bounty hunter review'u, uzun First of all I would like to thank Bioware for giving me the possibility to test SWTOR and also to thank all of the fellow testers who have done a magnificent job in identifying the areas in this game which could still be improved before the launch. In this post, I will be solely concentrating on the specific character and my impressions, positives and negatives concerning it. The rest of the actual gameplay mechanics and the feedback regarding those have been so well pointed out in other threads that I will not be listing them again but rather concentrating on the Powertech advanced class of the Bounty Hunter which I played up till level 42. The post will be advancing from BH in general to Powertech advanced class and then the Shieldtech (tanking) tree since it is the talent tree which I used during the game. This will be a quite long read for those who actually manage to read it through but since we cannot play the game anymore, might as well write and read something about it The more detailed information can be found at the end under the "Shieldtech" section but I also felt that I would touch a few general points about Bounty Hunter and Powertech first. Bounty Hunter in general - The main story line and quest chains Personally I think that the Bounty Hunter story and main quest was quite fun and interesting, though at times I would also say rather predictive. Around the fourth time that you go through the same like quest chain it starts to beg for some variation. I'm not talking about same quests but the same quest chain feel. You know when you are stalking your current bounty on a planet for the first time that you will need to confront and chase them at least three of four times before you can actually kill / capture them. I know that this is done essentially so that you have pretty much one bounty hunter quest chain stage for each map area on a planet but it still becomes rather unsurprising the further you do this. - Companions Well, what to really say here? Personally from what I've read it seems that the bounty hunters are getting their third companion quite much later than the rest of the classes which seemed personally like eternity. Otherwise the companions are kind of ok but it still feels that something like an assasination droid or something else could fit in more nicely. It seems that the developers are planning on being able to switch the "types" of the companions from dps to tank etc. and I think this will be one really great change. Also I'm not sure whether these are the companions that will be in the launch but the more variety and options even regarding the crew members is a great plus! Also, I think that the BH gets one of the best and most interesting companion in the game (Blizz) - Bounty Hunter ship Please, please allow us more options regarding the bounty hunter ship! I'm not asking millions of different alternatives but the current shoe box is just so.. shoe box! Even being allowed to choose from two or three alternatives would be great if it is possible. Powertech advanced class - Powertech in general I personally liked the idea of "taking advantage of the most recent and most powerful technological equipment". However, to certain extent this doesn't seem really as such that it is advertised. I don't know whether it would be possible or even wise to create one more armor type to further emphasize this but at the moment I do not feel that the advanced class fully lives up to it's name. From the sound of the description and my personal expectations, this advanced class should be really gear / item dependant but in truth it is the same as with any other class. I guess the technology aspect applies more to the few talents that you get out of choosing the advanced class over the other but it still feels rather weird that you have essentially all of the heavy armor classes wearing the same equipment as you do even though you are supposed to be the most equipment reliant class. This is not a huge problem and seeing this is only one advanced class, the time warranted to doing something like this might not be the best course of action but it is something that could be considered. Also one of the reasons I did pick up Powertech was that I sort of knew that major part of the Bounty Hunters would pick up mercenary (dual wielding blasters anyone? ) and such I didn't really run into many other Powertechs which in itself felt rather good. We all want to be unique. - Powertech talent trees By looking at the different talent trees, it does become quite obvious what it's role is in the grand scheme of things. Mid-range to close range damage dealing with a lot of AoE possibliites relying on techonological attacks. I think the firebug tree is shared between Powertech and Mercenary but not knowing the abilities that the mercenaries get, quickly thinking the firebug tree would be more suitable for powertechs rather than mercenaries. The Shieldtech, the tanking talen tree, is the interesting part and I will poke at it more closely since that is what I choose to play as. - Powertech abilities Nothing too major to comment on these in general. As said up there in the powertech general opinion, the technological aspect of the class really comes from these few gadgets which are not available to the others. It has one or two of the most interesting and fun abilities (Jet charge!!!!!) in any game but at the same time it feels like theres not too much or enough differentiation between the mercenary and powertech in regards to the abilities. Most of the awesome / most useful abilities are in the Bounty Hunter general ability list rather than Powertech specific. Shieldtech - Shieldtech in general As noted earlier in the post, I played with the Shieldtech talent tree throughout the levels when advanced class was accessed up till level 42. I knew that the tanking tree in general doesn't really equate to fast leveling process and I accepted that also knowing that the talent spec would help out with the group quests since I think we all know that there is never really a shortage of dps but rather that of tanks and healers. I won't go into the details of actually finding groups to do the quests since this obviously still needs some work and has been pointed out in other threads. In general I really like the tanking experience and leving with this spec. I dropped it for a few levels somewhere around 32-34 to try out another talent tree which significantly increased the time with killing mobs but also increased how fast my health was going down I think that it is still a good spec for leveling and not really offset by the lack of dps as long as you can keep your companion up to date and dealing damage while soloing. - Shieldtech talent tree This is of course the most important thing and which makes shieldtech the shieldtech. Quickly looking at the tree, it offers a couple of different abilities which significantly distinguishes you from the other talent trees and advanced classes. However I still feel that some of the passive talents could use some more edge to them and a couple more actual abilities would further enhance the experience. I will touch upon the specific talents and combat mechanics in the following sections. Shieldtech in more detail Since I already touched upon the solo play and there really isn't much to discuss there, I would like to point out how this actually plays out in group combat. As a tank spec, you are expected to be taking majority of the damage while not dealing that much yourself. - Threat and aggro The one major point about tanking is the abilty to effectively keep your group members from taking damage by directing the enemy's attacks to you and having most of the attacks being mitigated by your defenses. Personally I found keeping aggro with the shieldtech rather hard. There is supposed to be a passived modifier to your threat generation while the Interceptor screen is up (neccessary to get the damage mitigation from shield) but for it doesn't seem to be that high. Mainly the problem arises when there are multiple ranged mobs which are really scattered around enough so that your AoE attacks cannot reach them all (or probably couldn't anyway since they only affect up to three enemies) and trying to keep a track of which enemy is attacking and who is rather hard. This actually brings a certain level of attention / challenge which most of the time actually makes the spec fun to play. You are not making too much damage and holding aggro through damage alone seems to be rather moot. The main key to holding aggro are the few taunt abilities which are at your disposal. They have a rather short cooldowns and they do not share so essentially you are able to cycle the single target and AoE target taunts to keep a group of mobs or a single mob attacking you pretty much all the time. This means that you are not really making much damage outside of the "auto-attack" since you have to have the heat available to cycle through the taunt attacks and temporary stuns to keep the others from taking damage. I think that the threat modifier of the Interceptor screen could use a short of review to see whether it could be increased since the passive threat generation through attacks seem to result only in temporary aggro for the tank and taunting is actually your bread and butter while tanking with this spec. I personally have to say that it was much fun even with the aggro dropping every now and then but seeing how it actually requires attention and actions is really nice. - Defensive cooldowns.. where and what? I found the lack of defensive cooldowns rather disturbing while doign some group quests. I'm not saying that there should be a bucket load of these at your disposal and you do get couple of these from the talent tree but around level 30 you don't really have any defensive cooldowns for boss fights while at the same time other classes and advanced skill trees seem to have at least one or two based on the conversations I had in few group situations. This seems rather weird that the tank spec is one of the specs without any real defensive cooldowns for those difficult situations where one might be warranted. On the matter of the few defensive cooldowns that you do get from the talent tree: The Kolto Overload which increases your health by 30% for 20 seconds seems like a nice talent and can be a sort of a life saver when your health is ticking down close to death. This however could warrant for a more visible graphic indication that the ability has been activated. Currently the character sort of flashes red or is pulsating red color to indicate that this has been activated. Take a healer who doesn't know the spec and talent tree, it might come as rather big suprise when the talen wears off and suddenly you have 30% less health. I think something more visible to alert the healers that this has been activated would be a good thing. The carbonite shield is the last talent that you can pick up from the talent tree. As such it negates 30% of all incoming damage for a while (can't remember the exact figures so please don't flame me since I cannot hop in game to check them out anyway ). This again suffers from the same problem as with the kolto overload that how is it conveyd to the healer that you have activated this if it is not clearly conveyed to them? I mean if that big portion of damage is negated for a time, when the talent suddenly wears off you are taking so much more damage that the healers really need to be on their feet at that time. - Shieldtech, shields and damage mitigation through armor Well, as the talent tree says, the shieldtech is using shield generators to negate a certain portion of the incoming damage. That being said, it really wasn't what I pictured shields to be like before actually playing the game. Now for those who are not using shields, essentially the shield has a certain % that an attack will hit the shield and will absorb a certain % of damage. From the top of my head this seems rather strange that an attack has a "chance" to hit a shield rather than every attack hitting a shield before it would be depleted. The main issue which I have is that the shield is purely based on rng. The attack might or might not hit the shield which begs one to wonder that is this such a great ability to have? I think that most of the actual damage mitigation actually comes from the armor values since the talent which unlocks the personal shield increases armor values by 60% and this is flat out damage reduction, no chances or random numbers. Also that the shield talent is actually unlocked by spending 11 talent points (I guess in order to avoid imbalances with being able to access multiple talent trees) it leaves the spec pretty much null and void up until you get the talent. This is not a major issues but the shieldtech doesn't feel like a shield tech untill you unlock this talent. The other question which I ponder upon is the relation of the defense stat and the shield absorption stat. By default the Shield itself has a 20% chance that an attack will hit it and this can be increased to 26% through talents. Now, the defense stat actually gives a certain % of negating all the damage of an attack (dodge, parry or what ever it is). What I fear here is that will stacking defense stat outweigh the stacking of the shield absorption stat? I fear that we'll end up with some excel sheets which people use to calculate the optimal defense and shield absorption values to get most damage mitigation out of the class. Of course some might say that this is an issue with min / maxers but for myself I would rather have a clear indication of what I should be focusing on. This is totally an issue for theory crafting since I haven't done any actual calculations regarding this but I bet someone will do that once the game is released - Where are the shields?!?! This is actually the biggest complain that I can think of this talent tree and spec in total. There are so little shieldgenerators currently in the game with ranged stats that I actually would have gone through levels 16-34 without any upgrade to my shield unless I hadn't picked up one rare crafting recipe from the auction network. You can find several shields throughout the game but an actual shield generator which enables your shield are really hard to come by. Granted, I didn't do all the group quests on all the planets but I pretty much did all the solo quests I could find and not a single one had a shield generator with ranged stats as a reward. There are not shield generators for the class quest rewards which is the first place where these should be located since this is pretty much class specific item. It is ince to see a rare shield drop during group quests only to find it is a shield, not a shield generator and getting laughed at by the other persons in the group about how you need to update your shield generator after they have inspected yours and asked whether I need it (Thank you Jeyne ) I'm not one to demand an upgared to an item every level but seeing as this is what makes the shieldtech a shieldtech, the lack of shield generators is just too much for me to take. This is the reason that I actually respecced around level 32 to another tree simply because I hadn't found a new shield generator for the past 12 levels. This also relates to the Cybertech crafting profession. I precisely picked up the Cybertech thinking that this allows you to craft shield generators (I think the description says generators, though now that I think about it, it might have been about Droid Generators for the companions since it was in the same sentence with the droid parts). Now, it turns out that the Cybertech is the crafting skill for shield generators as well but with the downfall of not having any shield generators as base crafting recipes which you can train from the Cybertech trainer. The only shield I managed to craft as a Cybertech came from a rare pattern which someone had acquired from somewhere and posted it on the galactic auction network. Mind you, this was level 20 shield and I didn't see any other crafting recipes available for shields after that. Please consider adding some baseline crafting recipes to the vendors for also shield generators. They do not have to be the best of the best and available every level but at it's current state there really isn't anything available. - Area of effect attacks After the ranting about the shields, we come back to the matter of area of effect attacks. This is also largely in conjunction with the threat and aggro issue but I felt this could also deserve it's own section. The Powertech in general seems to be geared towards AoE damage which is rather valuable especially with group quests where the usual amount of mobs in a group comes close to five. But for some reason the AoE attacks have been restricted to only attack three closest enemies which I'm having some trouble with. With the other classes crowd control skills, you really need to watch out where you are using the AoE attacks and that those mobs which are not affected by AoE's (out of range, too many) will also concentrate their attacks on you. Tip of the day, grapple does not break the crowd control abilities so in several places I actually pulled the CC'd mob out of the pack in order to being able to use AoE safely on the others I would consider lifting the restriction on the amount of mobs the AoE attacks can effect. Personally I doubt whether the dps with AoE is even high enough to take down groups of mobs at the same time so this could at least be thought about. Other AoE attack which could warrant it's own mention are the cone attacks which attack a specific range in front of you. These are pretty good and can be used to hit as many mobs as you can muster in front of you. Though the cone attacks also suffer from few design issues such as elevation and the minimum range. If you happen to be even few inches higher than the mobs, the attack will miss and this is really painful in elevated terrains since even the graphic shows that the attack would scorch their head but they are not taking any damage. The same can be said about the minimum range of the cone attacks.. some of the melee mobs come so close to you straight in fron of you that they pretty much stick their mouth to the muzzle of the flamethrower but somehow are capable of not being hit by it. In general the positional requirements and the need to gather up mobs and positioning them brings a nice change and level to the game in such fashion that you one again need to think about what you are doing. Still, the missing cone attacks and AoE restrictions can at times still make you grind your teeth though. - Crowd control.. or the lack of and solo survival One other issue with the lack of shield generators which is a sort of a negative for myself is the lack of proper crowd control abilities. In terms of group combat this is not so much of an issue since the other classes seem to have some nice crowd control abilities and by coordinating with them is useful and fun. This mainly affects the solo play and the general feel of the class / spec compared to others. As said, I have acknowledged that leveling as a tank profession has it's down sides in terms of how fast you are advancing, but in terms of certain group quests / harder quests I sort of feel left out. I played a sith sorceror to around level 20 as well and seeing how fast they are cutting down enemies while at the same time getting a really good crowd control ability makes me sort of unhappy about the shieldtech and soloing. The classes such as sith sorcerors can pretty much solo certain group quests to which I have absolutely no chance to do them alone because I do not possess any crowd control abilities to mitigate damage from multiple mobs. Maybe I'm just crying about other classes having it easier but I sort of feel that a certain type of CC could also be warranted especially for the Powertech advanced class in order to help leveling and certain quests. This is kind of also related to the fact that up untill level 42 I don't have any healing abilities of myself at all which pretty much means that I need to dps the harder mobs down fast enough before my health runs out. I know that we have the companion with healing abilities but this significantly also cuts down the dps output so the fights will last even longer and still might not be enough to down certain mobs. - Weapons In terms of the Powertech and Shieldtech, I sort of feel that handling a single blaster seems rather silly. Mind you, I am not asking for double wielding for us as well but being this big hulk in advanced armor and wielding a single blaster seems rather comical I don't know why the certain weapon types have been so closely tied to the specific classes. I could easily see for example the Shieldtech being able to use a Scatter gun or a Melee weapon. Then again, you are not really using the weapon for much else apart from the stats and the "auto attack" but the impression it leaves is still rather dull. You are spreading flames of death around you one second and next you are firing this small and puny blaster at someones face from point blank range for the next few minutes. The fact that the "Shield" in itself doesn't really show much anywhere on your character ( apart from occational animation of the shield when being hit) I just feel that there should be something different to set yourself apart from the others. Maybe if the shield would actually be a constant animation and not when it triggers might help to get the feeling of uniqueness and usefulness Please consider allowing the Powertech also access to Scatter guns and melee weapons or develop something to allow us to clearly show what we are on about and feeling like the tank that we should be. Conclusion Personally I really liked the Bounty Hunter / Powertech / Shieldtech experience despite the few flaws / disappointments listed above. The fact that I didn't see too many Powertechs around compared to mercenaries kind of gave me the feeling of being unique which is always a plus when playing games with other people. There are certain issues that could be looked at mentioned above in terms of talents, items and combat mechanics but as a whole I think the advanced class and spec manages to differentiate itself from the others pretty well. I picked up Shieldtech hoping to get something unique out of it and I did. If you managed to read this whole wall of text through, kudos to you. Now to find something to do while waiting for the launch. If you have any questions regarding the Powertech / Shieldtech, please free to ask and I'll try to comment to the best of my knowledge. Thanks again Bioware and my fellow testers! I hope to see you once the game goes live!
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2011 Guild beta testing başlıyor
aquila Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2011 isallah bize de cikar, dinimiz amin subhanake yarappiem. gult master zaten son dalgada girdi betaya, bizi de alsin yanina.
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