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Ünlü sanatçı Mehmet Ali Erbil, Vefat etti.


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If you decided to read this article I assume you are in lock step with the rest of us that are eagerly anticipating Warhammer Online. If not, keep reading because I might just touch on something you've played before. So far, I think its a great game (initial review coming after launch) and have been pretty excited about it. Finally, an mmorpg that is centered around PVPish activities and hopefully doesn't require large chunks of time (Molten Core and BWL flashbacks) is coming. While we are waiting to rush into battle in a few short days, just hanging out sharpening our blades and practicing our spells, I thought I'd put together some thoughts on Warhammer Online in regard to some of the things I wish it had right now. Like a pieces of a puzzle, I'd put together my own War based mmo game. Start with War as is, because I really do like the way PVP and RVR is interwoven into everything you do. Then we start adding the pieces...Yes, I know that mmorpg development for a top notch title is a horrendous undertaking and that we are getting a boatload of features and content in the game as it is already, but that doesn't mean I can't come up with a wish list regardless. Its not a knock on Mythic because this stuff isn't in the game now, so take it at face value. Perhaps we'll get these things in a content patch or an expansion at some point, but here are the things I personally would have loved to see at launch time. I'm going to go back in time to some games I played and pick out some cool things from those games for this list. I'm not here to say that the game I reference was the one who invented or improved the feature, just to say that the given game was where I experienced it:

* Player cities ala Star Wars galaxies. I loved the idea of a guild or collection of players getting together and building all the structures needed to complete and grow a city. There was a meta game of city building and development in SWG that I thought was really cool, and something that was fun (for the most part, I do also remember bugs and abandoned houses and such) to participate in. Needless to say, you could have individual housing in this city as well, and it provided additional storage. The city as a whole provided lots of cool perks to crafters and travelers also, and they could fit in War. Cites are built only to be burned down in war time!
* Careers and skills from Star Wars Galaxies. The only decision that tied you to your toon was the race selection, other than that you could be a mix of whatever you want. Tank/healer? Ok. Crafter/ranged dps? Ok, do it to it. You could unlearn these skills and mix and match a Tera Kasi Artist and Rifleman if you wanted to do so, and I thought that was great. I realize that the Games Workshop IP does not permit Mythic to let us create Black Orcs with Tanking/Healing skills mixed together. I never played the table top game, I know little about the lore, and I don't really care how it sticks to it. Give me Bright Wizard Doctors and I'd be happy.
* Character customization from City of Heroes. My wife and I spent HOURS making different toons, the customization was fantastic. That was one of the first games that really drew my wife in, and I enjoyed it also. All the different costume types and color combination possibilities let you really go wild with making the character you really wanted. Again, not possible in War because the IP says that a Dwarf is short and has a long beard, not purple and orange with Zebra stripes head to toe. But it would be great to see a Black Orc in spandex, so I can still wish.
* Sidekick (apprenticeship) system from City of Heroes. It was absolutely fantastic to be able to take just about any friend coming into the game and boost them up to my level so we could play together. This also helped with grouping, cause guild mates or pick up folks could jump in regardless of level and be able to contribute and fill a critical group role. Short a healer or a tank? No problem if a lowbie wants to join...and that just makes life better by reducing the amount of down time we all spend trying to put groups together.
* Waypoint system from EQ2. I thought the visual waypoints that you could create to help people get from point A to B was brilliant. When it worked, it would give you a glowing trail to follow on the ground so that you could get different places. It had its problems, like pointing through walls instead of showing you to go around them, but I assume that this was eventually worked out as I wasn't in EQ2 very long, but thought this was a great feature.
* Web features from EQ2/WoW. Right out of the box, your guild got its own web site, complete with forums and other cool tools. You got your own personal character screen too, which apparently stays around forever as my level 50 Swashbuckler is still there. While it doesn't have prebuilt guild sites, WoW also has the armory to show my old toons as well. The web services from WoW also give the ability to do server transfers and name changes, things I definitely hope that Mythic rolls out eventually.
* Mounted combat via AoC. I can't even believe I'm mentioning FailCom's Rage of Bonan game here, but this was a cool game design element. AoC definitely had a few redeeming qualities, so I'll mention them here, and this was one. I'm only talking about this one in concept though, because I never actually experienced it for myself in AoC other than watching.
* Decapitations and fatalities ala AoC. Yep, AoC makes this list again. It was the one thing that made combat enjoyable to me in that game, it gave it that moment of excitement that you could laugh at how gross and cool the animation was when you pulled one off. On second thought, this might make the game too violent and lose some mass appeal so it probabaly doesn't belong here. Personally I'd like to see it if it I could know it wouldn't turn some players away so I'll leave it here as an honorable mention.
* Boss fights from WoW. I hate the raiding treadmill after running on it for so long, but while I was running it I saw some of the coolest boss fights in any game. Highly scripted encounters that took alot of effort and strategy to conquer made me really feel that Blizzard did an excellent job on most of these fights. I hope they are similar in War, although I won't do many if there are 4 hours of trash to clear to get to them and need to coordinate 24 people. I still have fond memories of seeing and fighting Ragnaros for the first time :)
* Glowing weapon enchants ala WoW. It was really cool to see those great enchant effects on weapons in WoW, I'd love to see something similar in War. Yeah, I know that Swordmasters can enchant their blades and Sorceresses can cast tough of frost, but those are limited in scope. Weapon enchants were useable by everyone that could get the materials together and had someone to do the enchant. Unless talismans add glowing effects to weapons (they didn't in the 1 test I did in closed beta) then I'd love to see this.
* Arenas ala WoW. WTF!!! What are you thinking Brent? You HATED arenas in WoW! Yes, yes...I did. But that was only because I played a hunter as my main (the worst arena class imo) and because I feel that Blizzard didn't correctly implement them in the long run. IF they could be made so that things were a bit more even (idk, naked brawls to the death might be fun?) then I'd be all for having these small, strategic fights in Warhammer. They could probably be a good alternative to the larger RVR fights and scenarios. They were extremely tense and competitive battles most of the time, and I sometimes loved beating my head on the arena walls. I don't miss the "you must have x classes with x spec" to be able to compete and everyone else is screwed, so if that could be avoided I think arena matches of some sort would be a good thing to have in War. Maybe. Lol.

Anyway, those are a few quick thoughts about things that I would probably like to see in War if they were possible. Its probably best that they aren't there and that War is what it is, but hey we're just talkin here so no harm right? Did I miss a great feature that you think War should have? Did I miss the greatest feature ever cause I didn't play DAoC or Eve or Planetside or some other mmo? Holla back, and keep those blades sharp! more...
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