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Hello Warriors,

I’ve got a sneak preview of things coming up in the beta for you to discuss. We still have lots of polish and bug fixing to do and we’re still wrestling with a few elements of the warrior abilities and talents so do not consider this an exhaustive list. As always, post any concerns or suggestions you have.


* Enraged Assault redesigned, now Enraged Regeneration: You regenerate 30% of your total health over 10 sec. This ability consumes all Enrage effects and prevents any from affecting you for the full duration. Must be enraged to use. Cost 15 rage, 3 min cooldown.
* Slam – We’re working to change this ability to suspend the swing timer when you are using the ability. In other words, if you’re .5 sec away from swinging your weapon when you start using Slam you’ll be .5 sec from swinging your weapon after Slam goes off.


* Improved Charge now generates 5/10 rage.
* Mace Specialization now ignores 3/6/9/12/15% of target’s armor.
* Sudden Death and Trauma swapped locations.
* Bladestorm now lasts 6 seconds, causing a whirlwind every second.


* Toughness now also reduces duration of movement slowing effects by 10/20/30/40/50%.
* Improved Sunder Armor renamed Puncture, reduced to 2 ranks for 1/2 rage cost reduction.
* Improved Disarm reduced to 2 ranks, now reduces the cooldown of Disarm by 10/20 sec and increases damage taken by disarmed targets by 5/10%.
* Improved Defensive Stance reduced to 2 ranks, now reduces spell damage taken by 3/6% and any block/parry/dodge has a 50/100% chance to enrage the warrior causing 5/10% more damage for 12 sec.
* Vigilance will soon transfer the 10% threat lost to the warrior. It will also have 3 charges to curb using it on targets that are being hit constantly. We’re still polishing this element to get it to feel right.
* [large](NEW) Warbringer is a new one point talent on Tier 9 that allows Charge to be used in combat. Did I mention the change to Improved Charge?[/large]
* Critical Block now also increases your chance to critically hit with your Shield Slam by 5/10/15%.
* Sword and Board no longer triggers when Shield Slam is used, but the chance to trigger has increased to 3/6/9/12/15%. Note these are not final numbers.


* Intensify Rage and Precision swapped locations.
* Enrage now increases damage done by 3/6/9/12/15%, limitation on number of attacks removed.
* Improved Whirlwind now increases damage of Whirlwind by 10/20%, no longer reduces cooldown.
* Focused Attacks changed to use PPM (procs per minute) to make it trigger at the same rate regardless of weapon speed. Note that dual-wielding and haste still improve your chances.
* Titan’s Grip still needs a counterbalancing element, but what it will entail and how severe it will be is still being evaluated.
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Sparkcaster said:
baya baya olur, ayrıca pve de niye kolaylık sağlıyor onu anlamadım, gayet gereksiz bi değişiklik, pvpde de pve de de arkadan calıscan

Pve de solo mob keserken arkasına geçmek icin binbir takla atıyon artık gogue combo pointte vermiyo zaten insanı bezdiyo farm yaparken quest yaparken.
Yani 41 point talentle aldıgın skille quest farm yapmak tam bir işkence böyle işmi olur.
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Rogue Update 2 said:

Rogue Update (Part 2)
Hello again,

Here’s a quick update on some additional changes we’ve made over the weekend. Most of these, but not all, will be in the next beta build.

- Cloak of Shadows cooldown changed to 1.5 min.
- Disarm Trap range increased to 20 yds, cast time reduced to 1 sec, now requires stealth.
- (NEW – Level 75) Tricks of the Trade: The current party or raid member becomes the target of your Tricks of the Trade. The threat caused by your next attack and all actions taken for 6 sec afterwards will be transferred to the target. In addition, all damage caused by the target is increased by 15% during this time. 30 sec cooldown. (Surprise! :) Yes, this is the new group/raid utility ability. We haven’t put any stacking protection on it yet but we’ll need one type of solution or other to prevent the need for 5 rogue Trick rotations. Note also that you cannot use this ability on yourself.)

- Vigor moved to Tier 3.
- Relentless Strikes moved to Subtlety Tier 1, made 5 ranks for 4/8/12/16/20% chance.
- Murder moved to Tier 6, now increases damage by 2/4%.
- (NEW – Tier 7) Overkill: Abilities used while stealthed and for 6 seconds after breaking stealth cost 10 less energy.
- Focused Attacks and Turn the Tables have swapped locations.
- Master Poisoner moved to Tier 9, no longer increases chance to hit with poison attacks, now increases the critical hit chance of all attacks made against any target you have poisoned by 1/2/3% and reduces the duration of all Poison effects applied to you by 17/34/50%. (This does not stack with the Paladin talent Heart of the Crusader.)
- Hunger for Blood duration increased to 30 seconds.

- Precision now also increases chance to hit with poison attacks by 1/2/3/4/5%.
- Nerves of Steel will now reduce damage taken while stunned or feared by 15/30% rather than reducing duration.
- Improved Sprint moved to Tier 4.
- Blade Twisting now slows movement speed by 70%.
- Mace Specialization now ignores 3/6/9/12/15% of target’s armor.
- Throwing Specialization now also has a chance to interrupt target when Fan of Knives is used.
- Unfair Advantage: Whenever you dodge an attack you strike back for 50/100% of your main hand weapon’s damage.
- Stay of Execution removed, replaced with Blood Poisoning.
- (NEW – Tier 9) Blood Poisoning: All physical damage caused to enemies you have poisoned is increased by 1/2%.
- Prey on the Weak now increases critical strike damage of all attacks.
- Killing Spree is the new name for Murder Spree and should be working much better very soon.

- Shadowstep will no longer be usable while rooted.
- Elusiveness moved to Tier 3, now reduces cooldown of Cloak of Shadows by 15/30 sec.
- Premeditation cooldown reduced to 20 sec.
- Preparation no longer refreshes the cooldown to Premeditation.
- Master of Deception reduced to 3 ranks.
- Opportunity reduces to 2 ranks for 10/20%.
- Camouflage reduced to 3 ranks for 5/10/15% speed and 2/4/6 sec off the cooldown of Stealth.
- Initiative moved to Tier 4, increased to 33/66/100% chance.
- Improved Ambush moved to Tier 4, reduced to 2 ranks for 25/50%.
- Serrated Blades moved to Tier 3.
- Wrongfully Accused replaced with Filthy Tricks.
- (NEW – Tier 9) Filthy Tricks: Reduces the cooldown of your Tricks of the Trade and Distract abilities by 5/10 sec.
- Slaughter from the Shadows now also reduces the energy cost of your Hemorrhage ability by 1/2/3/4/5.
- Shadow Dance redesigned, now allows the use of Sap, Garrote, Ambush, Cheap Shot, Premeditation, Pickpocket and Disarm Trap regardless of being stealthed. Those abilities all gain a cooldown of 2 sec. Lasts 10 sec.

Thanks for reading!
Avatar of Gamnin
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Roguelar Threat konusunda büyük rahatlama yaşayacak kanımca:

(NEW – Level 75) Tricks of the Trade: The current party or raid member becomes the target of your Tricks of the Trade. The threat caused by your next attack and all actions taken for 6 sec afterwards will be transferred to the target. In addition, all damage caused by the target is increased by 15% during this time. 30 sec cooldown. (Surprise! Yes, this is the new group/raid utility ability. We haven’t put any stacking protection on it yet but we’ll need one type of solution or other to prevent the need for 5 rogue Trick rotations. Note also that you cannot use this ability on yourself.)
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Bu biraz anlamsiz bir nerf olmus :

- Cloak of Shadows cooldown changed to 1.5 min.
- Elusiveness moved to Tier 3, now reduces cooldown of Cloak of Shadows by 15/30 sec.

PvP icin nerf gelmesini anlardim ama bu durumda zaten butun PvPci roguelar Elusiveness alacaklar ve PvP icin hicbir sey degismeyecek.

Yani nerf benim gibi PvE yapan roguelara geldi ama PvE icin bu tur bir nerf yapmalarinin ne luzumu vardi anlamiyorum.
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