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2.4 PTR Patch Notes

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Spiegel said:
ha öyle mi yani normal oyunda olmıcak öyle bişi? hm o zmn burdan alcamtım oyunu da boşa almış olurum us alırsam eu da oynayamıcaksam eu da alamıyorum kartı kabul etmiyor hayda mecburen us de oynıcaz herhalde bu gidişle

Yanlız bu söylediğin farklı birşey. Oyunu nerden alırsan al, oyun ile gelen CD keyi istediğin yerden aktif edebiliyorsun. CD keyi aktif ettikten sonra olay bitiyor, Eu'dan ettiysen USye USden ettiysen EU'ya dönüş yapamıyorsun.

Yoksa "oyunu EU da oynamak için illa EUdan alman gerekiyor" diye bir kural yok.
Mesaj tarihi:
xx New PTR Build - Class/professions changes
by Boubouille on March 05, 2008, 10:34:38 PM
A new build has been deployed on PTRs, as usual the post will be updated if anything new is found on servers.

Undocumented class changes
Due to the nature of the Warlocks and Shaman changes, you should seriously wait for a confirmation from an official source before going crazy. (I could also be wrong and suck at interpreting game files.)
Quote from Blizzard staff
Mass dispell now affects a maximum of 10 friendly targets and 10 enemy targets.

Changes to Flametongue (both Weapon and Totem) have been reverted. The healing reduction debuff has been removed.

Changes to Life Tap have been reverted. Values are back to normal.
Rank 1 - Converts 20 health into 20 mana.
Rank 2 - Converts 65 health into 65 mana.
Rank 3 - Converts 130 health into 130 mana.
Rank 4 - Converts 210 health into 210 mana.
Rank 5 - Converts 300 health into 300 mana.
Rank 6 - Converts 420 health into 420 mana.
Rank 7 - Converts 580 health into 580 mana.

Mesaj tarihi:
-Wissy said:
Jay-Jay said:
-Wissy said:
Scarab Lord tabii ki. En `rare` title.

En rare title o diğil "justicar" aslında. Çok dandik olduğu için, battleground repi de artık hiç bi işe yaramadığı için kimse almıyor :D

Scarab Lord realm basina 1 tane.


kapı açıldıktan sonra 8 saat süre ile questi veren herkes titleı alabilir, sadece mountu alamaz diye biliyorum ben.

ed,t: ki denmiş zaten
Mesaj tarihi:
Direk forum linki
No other warlock nerfs are planned for 2.4. One of the things we look at is class representation in arenas (although normalized for class popularity). In this particular chart, a value of 100% means the class is represented as we'd expect, a value over 100% means the class is represented that much more often than we'd expect, a value below 100% means they're represented less than we'd want (obviously this chart doesn't include a spec breakdown in any way).

2v2 3v3 5v5

Druid 276.0% 184.0% 80.5%

Hunter 43.0% 50.2% 43.0%

Mage 8.7% 96.0% 96.0%

Paladin 19.7% 29.5% 147.4%

Priest 113.3% 164.8% 185.4%

Shaman 37.8% 50.4% 138.6%

Rogue 144.2% 175.1% 61.8%

Warlock 149.2% 93.2% 111.9%

Warrior 130.4% 90.7% 79.3%

Locks are doing pretty well overall, but what had us worried was that it appeared to us a month ago or so as though warlocks were on an uptrend. However, the evidence is strong that that trend is reversing, which means significant nerfs aren't really what we want right now (we really don't know where those numbers will settle down).

Edit: one other detail regarding the chart, this one is set at 2200+ rating.

Druide daha nerf gelecek gibi görünüyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
In this particular chart, a value of 100% means the class is represented as we'd expect, a value over 100% means the class is represented that much more often than we'd expect, a value below 100% means they're represented less than we'd want (obviously this chart doesn't include a spec breakdown in any way).
Mesaj tarihi:
Flametongue zaten gereksiz bi bufftı, geri alındığı iyi olmuş.Bunu geri alıp anti cc vermeyi planlıyorlar büyük ihtimal.Shamanistic rage beast within gibi bişeye dönerse süper olur mesela.
Mesaj tarihi:
yukarıdaki tablo 2200+ Rating için çıkarılmış. Kalgan amcam 1850+ olarak şunu vermiş

2v2 3v3 5v5

Druid 184.0% 138.0% 92.0%
Hunter 50.2% 50.2% 50.2%
Mage 61.1% 87.3% 87.3%
Paladin 68.8% 88.4% 137.6%
Priest 133.9% 133.9% 154.5%
Shaman 75.6% 88.2% 138.6%
Rogue 154.5% 154.5% 82.4%
Warlock 121.2% 102.5% 102.5%
Warrior 90.7% 85.0% 85.0%
Bu konu yeni mesajlara artık kapalıdır.
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