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Bilinen Patch 2.3.2 Bugları

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Özellikle magelerin büyük bir hevesle beklediğini tahmin ettiğim 2.3.2 yaması malesef bu hafta gelmiyor.

Şuan için bilinen buglar :

2.3.2 Bugs

2.3.2 Reported Issues

• Shaman grounding totem causes player to stand up.
• Stormwind bank does not work.
• The tooltip for icy veins is misleading.
• summoning eye of kilrog causes warlock pet to despawn.
• Hunter Volley Animation has reverted to pre-2.3 graphics.
• Tracking abilities do not work correctly from high altitude.
• There is a token in the tooltip for hunter snake trap.
• Warrior talent defiance is not giving expertise.
• Polymorph is sharing the same diminishing return countdown as Sap,Chastise and Gouge.
• Crusader strike works inconsistently on the Zul'jin encounter in Zul'Aman.
• Rank 1-5 of hunter arcane shot are not doing more damage as indicated in the patch notes.
• Priest ability pain suppression is increasing the chance to resist dispell on hostile spells.
• Druid leader of the pack buff is persisting after leaving feral form.
Summoning a felguard after re-specing causing the felguard to remain stunned.
• Rogue cloak of shadows is not giving 90% spell resistance.
• Hunter auto-shot toggles off when no longer facing the target.
• Paladin Improved Concentration aura and Spiritual focus are not preventing spell pushback.
• You cannot re-capture the irondeep mine in alterac valley.
• Players are getting multiple mails for the collectors edition pet.
• Information in the book "peeling the onion" is no longer acurate.
• Beast Lord Helm inappropriately hides troll tusks.
• Black bow of the betrayer breaks scatter shot.
• Season 2 and Tier 5 priest helms are too large on undead males.
• Mark of Vindication is not restoring mana.
• Vindicators leather boots do not match the rest of the vindicators leather set.
• Undead female off-hand weapons are held wrong.
• Warlock season 3 helmet does not match the rest of the set.
• PVP trinket cannot be used to break rogue Sap.
• Hair is shown inconsistently on druid arean and T7 helmets.
• Warlock pets are despawned on the boats and no soul shard is refunded.
• There is a moongraze buck in the middle of the exodar.
• Auto-attack is not advancing /castsequence macros in the same way that auto-shot does.
• The new ! command in macros is not working as described in the patch notes.
• Pet character sheet is not displayed correctly.
• Missing text in the mage iceblock tooltip.
• LUA error on the pet paperdoll frame.
• LUA error when socketing items.

Mesaj tarihi:
• Stormwind bank does not work.
• Rogue cloak of shadows is not giving 90% spell resistance.
• Hunter auto-shot toggles off when no longer facing the target.
• You cannot re-capture the irondeep mine in alterac valley.
• PVP trinket cannot be used to break rogue Sap.

Yuh yani :p
Mesaj tarihi:

Gelmiyecektide, zamanında bir blue post "mageler 3. sezon ile beleş ice block alacak" dedi diye, acaba dedik beraber gelirmi :D

Sonuçta 3-5 hafta sonrada gelse gene mageler 3. sezon ile beleş ice block almış oluyor sonuçtada, işte umut dünyası.
Mesaj tarihi:
ya tamam da, her patchden önce, tekrar tekrar insanlar report edip durmasın diye hep açılan "known bugs"ı buraya yapıştırmanın alemi ne anlayamıyorum. bunlar genellikle düzeltilmiş oluyor ama o an ptr'a yansımamış oluyor, release edildiği zaman olmuyor çoğu.
Mesaj tarihi:
Darklight1903 said:
beles iceblock yalan yeni gelen talent imba otesi. 10 dakikalik combatta 6 kere kullanabiliyosun. birde heroism. overaggro patlamasi yasanicak :D

Oooo bak bu konuda son derece haklısın. Hatta aslında yeri burası değil ama ben fire mage oynayan arkadaşların fikrini almak istiyorum. 10/48/3 talentini 0/50/11 talentine çevirmeyi düşünen varmı? 0/50/11'in çok daha ciddi dps yapacağı muhakkak, ama beraberinde ciddi mana sorunuda doğuracaktır, orasıda muhakkak.
  • 3 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Yeni başlık açmak istemedimde gözüme bişi ilişti paylaşmak istedim.

* Ambush: The damage multiplier on this ability has been increased from 250% to 275%.
* Hemorrhage: This ability now correctly does additional damage when its debuff has already been applied.
* Preparation now resets the cooldown of Shadowstep and no longer resets the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush.
* Shadowstep now adds a 3 second, 70% movement speed increase.
* Sinister Calling now also increases the percentage damage bonus of Hemorrhage and Backstab by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Mesaj tarihi:
ad3m said:
Yeni başlık açmak istemedimde gözüme bişi ilişti paylaşmak istedim.

* Ambush: The damage multiplier on this ability has been increased from 250% to 275%.
* Hemorrhage: This ability now correctly does additional damage when its debuff has already been applied.
* Preparation now resets the cooldown of Shadowstep and no longer resets the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush.
* Shadowstep now adds a 3 second, 70% movement speed increase.
* Sinister Calling now also increases the percentage damage bonus of Hemorrhage and Backstab by 2/4/6/8/10%.

eger bole olursa 0-31-30 yalan olur :)
gogo shadowstep
Mesaj tarihi:
Mutilate ve shadowstep daggers buildleri olacak, hemo debuff'ı atılıp ss bs çalışılacak büyük ihtimalle, rogueların oyun stili değişecek bu patchle kanımca. Stunlocktan debuff & nuke'e geçiş olacak gibi geliyor bana.

CS+hemo+bs-evis --> vanish+ss+ambush+bs vs. tarzı. Şu an mutilate'im ama gerek survival yönüyle gerek artan dmg. output'uyla beraber yeni patchle birlikte ss hemo dagger olacağım heralde.
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