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2.3 PTR patch notes


Öne çıkan mesajlar

1-60 değil

20-60 arası istenilen xp %15 azalacak.
Questlerin verdiği xp oranı artacak (değer belirtilmemiş. yani %10 kadar bile yoktur) + questlerin verdiği itemler elden geçirilecek ve elite questleri normale dönecekmiş.

yani hızdan kasıt ortalama %25 civarı. Aşırı bi beklenti içine girmeyelim
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Toggie senin dediğini bulamadım ama hatırladığım quest xpler %30 artacak, xp aralıkları %30 daralacak bide instance droplar bufflanıyor. %15 değildi sanki, daha fazlaydı. Bakıyım bi.

Diğer badge class setlerin de skinleri gelmiş, gerçi hiç biri warrior kadar çılgın değil heh. Özellikleri hala yok piyasada.

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ad3m said:
Şaka olmasını diliyorum...

Mega major uber change

* Most of the changes from the updated patch notes are now online. (At least they're in the PTR patch.txt now)
* Hunter's ranged attacks min range is now 1 yard.

1 yard ? bug falandır heralde :/
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Hmm evet %15miş xp aralığındaki değişim. Ama questxpleri ne kadar arttırdıklarını yazmamışlar. Dustwallowa yeni questler geliyor, stormgarde gibi grup questi olan pek çok yer solo yapılacak hale geliyor ve quest rewardlar güçlendiriliyor.

The season 3 retribution set has been changed. We're removing the Armor Penetration and Spell Damage that was being added to season 3, and moving those stat points into Strength. Those changes should be visible in an upcoming PTR build.

Hmm bi ara sızdırılan ama doğru çıkmayan paladin yenilikleri mi geliyor acaba? Hani SoC'ın falan apye göre damage vermesi. Yalnız adamlar ağlayarak ne domine etmişler ortalığı ha. Resmen bi haftadır sadece paladin muhabbeti geçiyor heh.

Bu arada hunterların min rage 1 yard oldu evet, bug değil o.
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We’re happy to announce that through the wonders of modern gnomish engineering, you are now able to change your characters’ names. Finally, you can turn the moniker that seemed like a good idea at the time into something more befitting your true standing in World of Warcraft.

Visit Account Management to begin the paid character-name-change process. The fee is $10 per name change. As with our recent addition of voice chat to the game, this feature is being rolled out across all realms in several phases. The first-phase realms are listed in this forum post. Enjoy this new feature and the subsequent effect that your bold new name will have on friends and foes alike.
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Hmm hunterın min range i 5 yard a çekiyorlar geri. Bug o falan demiş de hem tooltipte görünen hem de oyunda öyle çalışan bişey nasıl bug onu da anlamadım hehe.

[quote=Drysc] There's a tooltip error, it should be "5-35 yards". We want melee and ranged to be kept separate, so that when in melee attack range you should not be able to use a ranged attack. There's some amount of 'give' there, especially in fast paced PvP which can produce some temporary gray area but that's fully known with this change.

Feeding the issue of the tooltip error is a bug currently where you can indeed range attack someone while being meleed, but that's in the process of being resolved as well.
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[quote=Zolphea] Also an einer Terrorkatze wird, unseres Wissens nach, nicht gearbeitet.
Was wir jedoch planen, ist, Baumrinde mit Patch 2.3 in der Katzen- und Reisegestalt nutzbar zu machen.

Meali :

Currently we are not working on a dire cat form. But what we plan is to make barksin availible in Cat and Travel form!

Travel form ve cat forma barkskin geliyo ama bearforma gelmiyormuş :/ Ayrıca dire catform dedikodusunu da yalanlamış oldular wotlk için.
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O hemoya ne olmuş öyle ya? Raid için hemo alırsınız artık heh. Genel olarak değişiklikler :


* Transaction logs of the last 25 actions within each tab, as well as money activity. (Note: Was 50 before)

Racial Abilities

* Humans: Mace Skill now increases the critical strike chance with maces and two-handed maces by 1%.


* Challenging Roar: The chance for this ability to land successfully on its targets is now increased by hit rating.
* Entangling Roots: This ability will no longer be overwritten when the new Entangling Roots would do less damage.
* Feral Charge: It is now possible for the interrupt and root effects from this ability to be resisted separately.
* Growl: The chance for this ability to land successfully on its target is now increased by hit rating.
* Natural Perfection (Restoration) - Now also grants the Natural Perfection effect after being critically hit, reducing all damage taken by 1/3/5% for 8 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
* Natural Perfection: This talent can now trigger while the Druid is sitting.
* Tree of Life: It is no longer possible to have the bonus healing aura from this ability while not actually in Tree of Life Form.


* Expose Weakness: The triggered effect from this talent will no longer use up charges of Misdirection.
* Misdirection: If a Hunter attempts to use this ability on a target which already has an active Misdirection, the spell will fail to apply due to a more powerful spell already being in effect. This will not trigger the cooldown or cost any mana.
* Wyvern Sting: This ability will no longer be overwritten by lower ranks of Wyvern Sting.


* Ignite: This talent is no longer triggered by damage dealt by Molten Armor.


* Righteous Defense: The chance for this ability to land successfully on its targets is now increased by hit rating.


* Blessed Recovery: This talent can now trigger while the Priest is sitting.
* Blessed Resilience: This talent can now trigger while the Priest is sitting.
* Focused Will (NEW Discipline Talent) - After taking a critical hit you gain the Focused Will effect, reducing all damage taken by 1/3/5% and increasing healing effects on you by 4/7/10% for 8 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
* Mind Vision: Now consumes the Inner Focus buff when cast.
* Prayer of Mending: This ability will no longer be overwritten when the new Prayer of Mending would do less healing.
* Silent resolve: This talent now benefits the triggered buffs from Blessed Resilience, Blessed Recovery, and Martyrdom.


* Dirty Deeds: This talent will no longer interfere with getting the bonus damage from the Druid ability Mangle on Rupture and Garrote.
* Hemorrhage: This ability now does 125% of weapon damage.
* Shadowstep (Subtlety) can now be used at any time, not only while stealthed. Now increases the damage and reduces the threat caused by the next damaging ability. Cooldown increased to 30 seconds. Range changed to 25 yards. (Minimum range removed)


* Earth Shield: This ability will no longer be overwritten when the new Earth Shield would do less healing.
* Elemental Mastery: It is no longer possible to get two consecutive guaranteed critical strikes from using this ability.
* Eye of the Storm: This talent can now trigger while the Shaman is sitting.


* Unstable Affliction: The silence from this ability is now subject to diminishing returns.


* Blood Craze: This talent can now trigger while the Warrior is sitting.
* Challenging Shout: The chance for this ability to land successfully on its targets is now increased by hit rating.
* Enrage: This talent can now trigger while the Warrior is sitting.
* Taunt: The chance for this ability to land successfully on its target is now increased by hit rating.


* The Crashin' Thrashin' Robot is now Bind on Use rather than Bind on Acquire so non-engineers can use them as well.


* Band of the Eternal Restorer: As this item now provides some bonus spell damage, spell damage effects can trigger it. In addition, healing over time effects can now trigger it when they could not before.
* Eye of the Dead: As this item now provides some bonus spell damage, spell damage effects can now consume its charges.
* Free Action Potion: The buff from this potion can no longer be dispelled or taken via Spellsteal.
* Hallowed Wands: These items no longer work on Druids who are shapeshifted.
* Hallowed Wands: These wands no longer function in the Old Hillsbrad Caverns of Time event.
* Hallow’s End Pumpkin Treats: The larger and oranger buff no longer causes Battle Elixirs to be removed and can stack with them.
* Lightning Capacitor: This item now has a 2.5 second cooldown on acquiring Electrical Charges.
* Noggenfogger Elixir: Consuming this potion now has a shared 3 second cooldown with other types of non-combat potions.
* Ogri’la Reputation Rewards: All epic and superior quality items are now disenchantable.
* PvP Trinkets: Insignia of the Alliance, Insignia of the Horde, Medallion of the Alliance, and Medallion of the Horde now clear the debuff from Judgement of Justice.

Raids & Dungeons
Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls

* The Shadow Labyrinth Key can now be looted from the Talon King's Coffer next to Talon King Ikiss in the Sethekk Halls.

Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth

* Blackheart the Inciter: This stun associated with this creature’s charge ability will now properly be considered a stun for talents, abilities, and items that interact with stuns.

Black Temple

* High Nethermancer Zerevor's Blizzard and Flamestrike will now last their full duration.

Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Ramparts

* The Reinforced Fel Iron Chest can now only be looted by players who are present during some portion of a successful attempt of the Vazruden and Nazan encounter. In addition, on Heroic difficulty the chest now contains a Badge of Justice for each player present.


* Karazhan Chess Event: The Dust Covered Chest can now only be looted by players who are nearby when the event is completed successfully. In addition, the chest now contains 2 Badges of Justice for each player present.

Tempest Keep: The Mechanar

* The Mechanar: The Cache of the Legion can now only be looted by players who are present during some portion of a successful attempt of the Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill and Gatewatcher Iron-Hand encounters. In addition, on Heroic difficulty Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill and Gatewatcher Iron-Hand no longer drop Badges of Justice. Instead, the Cache of the Legion contains a Badge of Justice for each player present.

World Environment

* The gas clouds in Netherstorm are now always visible. Abilities on goggles that previously allowed the player to detect these invisible gas clouds will now show all gas clouds on their minimap instead. This will stack with other tracking types.

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