Penthesilea Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 4, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 4, 2007 Ben bunu sinemada izledim ama nasil olur bilmiyorum? Ne zaman cikti bu trailer ben Harry Potter oncesi fragmanda izledim sanirim ilk ciktiginda?
Dela Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 4, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 4, 2007 ustteki mesajdan tek anladigim harry pottera cikar cikmaz gittin, afferim ilke.
Rewendor Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 4, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 4, 2007 Uzaylı saldırısı falan muhtemelen. Godzilla gibi kötü ve hatta çok kötü bir konsepti bir kez daha vizyona taşımazlar heralde. ısırılma ve kanlı göz olayı 28 gün sonramsı bir şey çağrıştırdı. Yanlız film konusunda çok ümitli değilim ben, şimdilik gözüktüğü kadarıyla klişe bir canavar saldırısı-survival filmi gibi. Bir de fragmanda oyunculuk çok kötüydü. Gerçi çok kısa ama son derece yapay duruyodu bana göre. Lost'la alakası olduğunu hiç sanmam. Ama adamın bi 108 takıntısı olduğu kesin. Bakalım... Daha başka bişiler de çıkmadan konuşmak için erken. Ama konsept ve oyunculuk açısından şimdilik iyi sinyal vermedi bana
sostizm Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 7, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 7, 2007 ismi ne yahu bunun? 01,18,2008 mi ismi? Edit buldum buldum... hatta fazlasını buldum: [spo]So before I go any further... If you don't want to know the details of the movie.. than don't read after this point.. I won't give away everything.. but just certain things we've all been wondering. IT IS LONG AND I APOLOGIZE, BUT I WANTED TO GIVE AS MUCH INFO AS I CAN.... So.. basically I came across this board and found a lot of interesting theories and many ridiculous ones as well.. I myself became a a fan of the trailer and (like many of you) have been trying to find out what this movie is about. As a member of the entertainment industry.. I was finally able to crack someone (a friend I trust) inside into giving me atleast some details...(No, it's not J.J or Reeves or someone big.. but he/she does work and has been on set of the movie... And since he/she, like anyone working on the movie, are on a strict gag order, I figure I will post this as my own "THEORY" in order to protect him/her. So this is my "THEORY" So basically the trailer created a phenomenon that J.J and the producers never thought it would. After the buzz from the media and internet about the mysterious trailer, J.j saw this as a great marketing ploy to create even more buzz over this small little film. Yes! this movie was originally intended to just be a nice cult classic that monster movie lovers would like. This is, in fact, your basic monster movie with an american touch. It is no secret that J.J is a fan of monster movies and wanted to make america have it's own monster... There is a problem though.... THE MONSTER: The monster is not American at all.... The monster did go through its infancy and grew up under the Atlantic, but its origin, like Godzilla, came from Japan. This is where the Slusho reference comes from. Slusho does have a part in the movie, but is not as significant as people would think. It plays a small role in the beginning of the movie as to the origin of the monster. This was as much info on the monster as I can get... the reason for this is because no, including cast and crew has actually seen the monster. I don't even think J.J knows what the final monster will look like.. that is being kept very secret... The monster will be entirely in CGI where, indeed, most of the films budget will go.... There weren't even any anamatronic hands or feet on set which implies that there will be no real/direct contact with the monster and cast (unless it's all CGI)..... And as for the theories of multiple monsters... NO.. sorry, it is only one gigantic monster. To conclude, it is not Godzilla, A lion, Voltron, Rampage.. or any of the other monsters people have been thinking... it will be original and it will be a Creature of some sort (not robot)... they are still working on what it will actually look like.. THE PLOT: So, again, I could only get so much info on the topic... But basically this film has seen more rewrites than... well.. whatever other movie has seen a lot of rewrites... a lot basically. Originally the entire film was all destruction from beginning to end, J.J wanted all action, all the time. It was, like I said, your basic Monster movie, no real plot, as long as people die and te monster destroys a lot of stuff... But after the buzz over the trailer, the producers felt that there needed to be more to the story than just things blowing up... so the rewrites began.. but there was only so much they can do.... They did give a little bit on Rob and Beth and they're crushes.. and a little bit on the brother and friends.. but for the most part. .there's no real character development in this movie... And so... the myspaces were created to give the characters a little more back story.. this way, true fans will know much about the characters when the film finally does release... but those who only have seen the trailer and never took anything out of it than another monster movie and won't get much backstory on the characters... since the plan is to make most of the movie about the destruction... Though... the monster will not truly be revealed until about 30 minutes in to the movie... THE STLYE: Though many feel that the movie will consist of home video to give it a more "real" effect.. this is not true... The film will be shot the way we see any other movie (we'll call it Film Look) but will have parts in home video, like the trailer. Infact, what we see in the trailer is in the movie, but there are "Film Look" scenes in between that we haven't seen. As much as some people would like to see a blair witch style movie with this film... it siimply doesn't work... everything woudl be too shaky and the audience will be too bored with the handheld... and if the film was shot that way.... it would suggest that, like Balir witch, the monster would be diffficult to see or not seen at all.. which would not satisfy the audience.. and So I guess we get the best of both worlds with both styles intergrated... Plus... who holds on to a camera the hole time..It's just not believeable.... THE SITES: So the offical sites are still and no warbloid or rage of the gods....though Slusho doesn't have that big of a part in the movie, it does have the most clues as to the origins of the monster...but I don't know, my friend doesn't know... but some one knows what they're doing.. but it's too confusing and frustrating to crack the "codes" so to speak.. And then there's There are still only 5 pictures with two of them having messages.... There are no real clues in these pictures.. I'm sorry.. The pictures were put up there as more teasers as to what happened that you a time frame. There are no hidden messages and if they are.. we'll never find out until the movie comes out... But Good news... the producers are listening to the fans who are frustrated with the mystery and know that you can only hold out for so long... A reason for this is was the lousy roar that was inserted 6 minutes into staying on the site... the producers found out that you guys were outraged that a new picture or some form of information was giving.. it was just a roar.. so they want to make up for it... TITLES and NEW TRAILERS: So everyone has been wondering what the title will be... and you are no different from the producers... when production began.. the film still didn't have a title... Cloverfield, Slusho, Etc. were just working titles (I'm sure we all knew that) But J.J really, really wanted to get the trailer out in time for the release of Transformers since he's smart and knows that it will be seen a lot with a blockbuster like that... So what do they do... they push it with no title and what they had shot already.. hence... we all saw what some have said to be the greates trailer ever made.. though it was all pretty much a fluke by J.J for not having a title ready... not to say that they didn't know what they were doing... I'm sure they wanted the movie to seem mysterious.. but there was not title to release at the point... And if that weren't enough.. they did decide to release the title at Comicon..but after the poster leak fiasco.... they scratched it and went back to the drawing board... It was going to be Monstrous (and they saved themselves by releasing other posters with other adjectives)... but because of the leak.. they decided to change it again... soon Overnight and Parasite were scratched and the newest "weak" title "Wreck" will soon be scratched... For some reason J.J wants to keep the title one word.. it's like his thing (Alias, Lost).. and not very ellaborate titles.. just basic words... but I dunno if we'll be happy with the final title...but as for now.. they're still working on it.. Which leads to the new trailer that will soon come out that will AGAIN have no title!!!! What is up with that.. give it a title already!!.. But the new trailer will consist of actual scenes related to the aftermath of the first trailer.. This includes Rob among other friends struggling to get away from the monster (which won't be shown of course.. again)... ad find themselves at a first aid center where (as I have seen on previous posts on the new trailer).. will have "infected people".. but no.. this will not be a monster/zombie movie.. the infection is a result from a mysterious ooze that comes from the monster.. upon contact.. they get sick and may look like zombies.. but do not hunt for brains... It just makes them look like crap for some reason.. So that's my theory.. I'm sure I left some stuff out.. but I can only remember so much.... So, personally, I don't think the movie will live up to the hype.. I think we all wanted a little bit more out of this movie.. but we'll soon find out that the phenomenon was basically a fluke which went to the producers advantage.. and now we're left with the obession of trying to find out what this movie is about and they're struggling to try and live up to the hype.. it's just a big mess.. [/spo] Merakınızı diri tutmak istiyorsanız OKUMAYIN!!! [ Mesaj 07 Eylül 2007, Cuma - 12:29 tarihinde, sostizm tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
xaty Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 7, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 7, 2007 O tarihte Lost'un 4. sezon başlamıyor mu? Adadan kaçan yaratıkların işi hep :p
Rewendor Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 8, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 8, 2007 Başını okudum ilk paragrafta "ne filmi" olduğunu öğrendim ve tüm ilgim söndü filme. Yok.. Kalsın almıyım ben. Beklemeye değmezmiş.
xieon Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2007 Bu filmin bir fragmanında gözüme çarpan bir nokta bakınız özgürlük anıtın kafası kopuyor yani özgür anıtı parçalanıyor yada öyle birşey oluyor şimdi lostu izliyen arkadaşlar sayid jin ve sun in tekne turunda gördükleri heykeli hatirlarlasinlar yaaa yaa hani şu 4 parmaklı olan peki googldan bir de özgürlük anıtın ayaklarına bakın amanın oda 4 parmaklı 5. parmak çok içeride tipkı losttaki gibi!!! ben anca bu kadar bağlantı kurabildim...
Sovereign Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2007 Filmin ismi belli oldu: Cloverfield. Bknz. Hatta canavarın resmini bile buldum. Size comparison'ı dahil. Bakmak isteyene spoiler içinde koyuyorum. spo
progamer Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2007 yani fragmanı yayaınlanmış filmin. Bütün film el kamerası çekimi olacakmış. Frgamanın başında incident site 447 dio. Bu cloverfield orda buldukları videonun adı yani devam filmi oalrak başka şehirlerde başka saldırlar şeklindede yapabilirler. Canavar ise fazla balina gibi olmuş. O parazitlerde bayağı actiona girecek galiba insanlara karışı :)
Natanyal Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2007 ya şimdi iki konu var,birinde daha detaylı bilgiler mevcut bunda da güzel yorumlar var,konu birleştirmesi de yapmak istemiyorum bir ton sayfa vs. birbirine girecek. En iyisi bunu kitlemek,konuya yazanlar alınmasın lütfen
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