Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Tigole un röportajı * The new Caverns of Time instance will be Stratholme (5 players, level 80 instance). You'll join the "old" (and good) Arthas to clean Stratholme and burn everything on your way ! * The prereq level for Death Knight probably won't be 80 to avoid any leveling rush just to unlock it. It could possibly be between 55 and 60. * Runes combination will unlock different abilities for the Death Knight. You can use up to 6 runes and there isn't any restriction (6 unholy, 2 unholy 2 frost 2 blood, 3 frost 3 blood, etc ...). For example you will need blood an unholy runes to use "Army of the dead", and won't be able to use it if you've only got frost runes. * Future hero classes could be Demon Hunter, Arch Mage, and Blademaster. uzunu [spo]Quote from Blizzard staff is talking with Jeff Kaplan, Lead Designer World of Warcraft (Blizzard Entertainment) On the first day of the Leipzig Games Convention 2007, the team had the opportunity to talk about World of Warcraft's second expansion with Blizzard's Lead Designer. In this exciting interview, Jeff gives away some details about the upcoming instance "The Caverns of Time: Stratholme", in which you, together with an old acquaintance, fight against the Scourge - and more. Jeff: Your magazine cover looks really cool. buffed: You have seen it already? We are very proud of it. Jeff: Well you can be! buffed: Did you have the opportunity to read out magazine already? Jeff: Unfortunately no. Someone was walking around with the magazine and I only read "buffed", saw the cover and thought "Sweet"! buffed: We have a pretty comprehensive section about BlizzCon in our magazine. Jeff: Yes, you also have a picture of Sammy (Sam Didier, Senior Creative Director, Blizzard Entertainment). Have you seen Sammy already? He is around here somewhere. He is the front man of the Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftains. buffed: Ah, you mean the picture in which he is on stage, with Mike Morhaime playing the bass right next to him. A cool photo. Jeff: Yeah, a really good photo! buffed: Now, to the topic: We heard a lot of things about Wrath of the Lich King at BlizzCon. Have there been any news since? Jeff: There are a few things that we did not talk about at BlizzCon. The most important thing is the new Caverns of Time instance Stratholme. We wanted to return to the Caverns of Time concept because it is one of the coolest things we released for World of Warcraft: and we wanted to persue what the Bronze Dragon is up to. We want to show you some of the coolest moments of Warcraft. And now we chose Stratholme. Players of World of Warcraft already know Stratholme and many hardcore players are great fans of the old Stratholme instance. Warcraft 3 players however know Stratholme from a singleplayer mission, in which Arthas travels to the city and sets all buildings on fire, kills the citizens and fights Mal'Ganis. In Wrath of the Lich King you fight at Prince Arthas' side, by travelling through the Caverns of Time. We are giving you the opportunity of meeting Arthas at a time at which he was not a great villain yet. You are "cleaning" Stratholme and igniting buildings! buffed: Awesome! For how many players is this instance designed? Jeff: It will be a five player instance, but for level 80 characters. We think that players will not enter the Caverns of Time while they are levelling, but return to them at level 80. buffed: Have you already decided which race the Death Knight will base on? If one plays a Gnome, will the Death Knight be a Gnome too? Jeff: Yes, we have already made a decision. But do not be surprised if we decide to change our minds. You know, game design is a very flexible job. Right now, every race can become a Death Knight, even Gnomes. We have thought about some things since BlizzCon. Characters most likely will not have to be level 80 to unlock the Death Knight, it will probably be earlier. Levelling to level 80 like a maniac to unlock the Death Knight simply is not fun. It makes people rush through the game. That is why we will make it differently. We have many ideas, but we have not decided on one yet. Maybe the Death Knight will be unlocked between level 55 and 60. Then you create your Death Knight and face some challenges. If you have mastered them, you will get your Death Knight. buffed: But the newly created level 55 to 60 character will not become a Death Knight, or will it? Jeff: No, the old character stays. You just get an additional one. You know, many players give their characters names related to their class. There are many names specific to Druids... buffed: You mean names like "ilove2spooch" in the World of Warcraft Southpark episode? Jeff: (laughs) Yes, exactly. There are many names like that. And many just would not fit and that is why we are giving the players the chance to give their Death Knights a new, suitable name. buffed: Can you give us some details about the Death Knight's abilities? Jeff: Sure. The resourcing system is completely different and is based on runes. At Blizzard we are concentrating on making the characters differ from each other as much as possible. The best example are Rogue and Warrior. The Rogue uses combo points and the Warrior rage - quite a difference. When we started developing the Death Knight, we wanted it to feel distinct. That is why we gave him runes, which can be ingraved to his weapon, an axe or sword. There are three different types of runes: blood, unholy and frost. Depending on how you combine them, you get different abilities. The maximum you can have is six, and you can combine them in any way you want. For example: you could use two of each type of rune, or you could use four unholy runes and two blood runes, because you want to tank with your Death Knight. Or you could change your rune configuration for PVP battles. If you use your abilities you consume those runes, however. We have one skill called "Army of Dead", which summons Ghouls. Right now you need unholy and blood runes for that ability, I believe. If you only had frost runes ingraved on your weapon, you could not use that ability. We have developed a pretty cool system that makes the runes on your weapon glow if you change the combination. buffed: Last question: the Death Knight is only the first of many hero classes. Which hero class would you like to introduce next? Jeff: My favority? That is hard to say. I think the Demon Hunter would be extremely cool. The Arch Mage would be cool too... buffed: (whispers) Blade Master! Jeff: (laughs) There are many options, among them, of course, the fantastic Blase Master. We did a lot of brain storming and also thought about classes that were not present in Warcraft 3. But we wanted to advance slowly and introduce the Death Knight first in Wrath of the Lich King. And then we will see what is next.[/spo]
pekaziz Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Stratholme zindanı fikrini çok beğendim, bayık yaratıkları öldürmek iyice sıkıyordu insanı.
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 çok güzel çoook ^^ adamlar şu caverns of time olayını çok ii buldular. Her türlü güzel yaşanmış olayı oyuna koyabiliorlar zaman kaygısı olmadan hehe =)
aquila Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 lan once blademasteri koysaniza.
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 tabi warriorsın die blademasterı önce koyacaklar di mi! :P
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 yahu druidin hero class ne olur acep?
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Druide birden fazla gelir diye tahmin ediyorum. Druid of the Wild, Druid of the Talon belki Fang falan.
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 sanmiorum öle bişey olacağını ya zaten açıklama yaptı ya adamlar her classa Hero class eklersek hayatımız o classları dengelemekle geçer die haklılar. Şu an herkes ağlio yok nerf bilmemne buff şu. Adamlar her classa hero class koysa kaos olur -.-
lord_gorthaur Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 bu death kinghtı unlock etme olayı questlele olucak ve ger ırkla oynana bilcek diyor peki tüm classlarda death kight olabilcek mi?Cünkü bir class sınırlaması yok gibi geldi shaman'ın keeper of the grove olduğunu düşünemiyorum
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 said: bu death kinghtı unlock etme olayı questlele olucak ve ger ırkla oynana bilcek diyor peki tüm classlarda death kight olabilcek mi?Cünkü bir class sınırlaması yok gibi geldi shaman'ın keeper of the grove olduğunu düşünemiyorum Böyle birşey yok. Death Knight zaten başlı başına bir class. Yani her ırktan, her class oyuncusu gereken görevleri yaptıktan sonra, karakter yaratma ekranında Death Knight'ı YENİ bir karakter olarak açacak. Eski karakterin ile alakası olmayacak.
Dennis Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 hiç güzel olmamış, 80 olup,questleri bitirip, kendi karakterin yerine DK ile devam etme fikri daha guzeldi. Kendi karakterin kalıcak simdi bir de onu alıcaksın, herkeste olucak ne anlamı kaldı bonus gibi bişi.
oktayca Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 said: bu death kinghtı unlock etme olayı questlele olucak ve ger ırkla oynana bilcek diyor peki tüm classlarda death kight olabilcek mi?Cünkü bir class sınırlaması yok gibi geldi shaman'ın keeper of the grove olduğunu düşünemiyorum Böyle birşey yok. Death Knight zaten başlı başına bir class. Yani her ırktan, her class oyuncusu gereken görevleri yaptıktan sonra, karakter yaratma ekranında Death Knight'ı YENİ bir karakter olarak açacak. Eski karakterin ile alakası olmayacak. ama o zaman herkes Death Knight olur PVE de durup fecileşir, oysa her Classa bir uzmanlaşma olarak konulsa daha şık olur kanaatindeyim
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Ya beyler, nereden biliyorsunuz "Durumun Fecileşeceğini"? Nereden biliyorsunuz "herkesin Death Knight olacağını"? Sanıyor musunuz, sadece sizin keyfiniz olsun diye veya ne biliyim, lore'a uymayacağı nedeniyle, Blizzard Death Knight classını sadece sınırlı sayıda insana açıcağını? Bırakın bu işleri beyler, adamlar kendilerini düşünecek, kazandıkları parayı düşünecek. Nasıl Lolidan hayranları TBC'de sapıttılarsa, Death Knight için sapıtanlar da çıkacak. Ayrıca gördüğüm kadarıyla, şu an ki sınıflardan komplike bir sınıf. Kolay mı olur, zor mu bilinmez ama enteresan olacağı kesin.
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 valla core classlarla aynı güçte hatta bazı açılardan güçsüz yaparlar olur biter.ayrıca bence evel 55-60 arası açılması çok daha mantıklı olmuş.millet mal mal 80 e ilk kasıp dk olmaya uğraşmayacak
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Herkes nasıl BLood Elf Paladin değilse şu an aynı şekilde expansion gelince herkes Death Knight olmıcak. Ha tabi ki herkesin bi DEath Knight char ıolacak belki. Fakat maini olmıcak. O classla raidlere giremicek. 25 kişlik raide gidip 10 tane Death Knight alınmıcak hearhlde yine 2-3 tane encountera göre alınır o kadar. Oyunun dinamikleri zaten buna elvermicektir.
VashTheStampede Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Ben Death Knight'ların raide girebileceğinden bile şüpheliyim :D Alliance yada Horde arasında Scourge herosu tutmaz herhalde. Kendilerine göre görevleri olan bir çeşit pk charı gibi olacağını düşünüyorum ben DK ların.
ses Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Death Knight * This is a tanking/DPS class, you will be able to tank with a 2H or duel wielding * Any race can become a Death Knight * You unlock the ability to create the Death Knight when finishing the tough quest chain, your character will not be overwritten, it will be retained (so you are not losing something to gain something) * Death Knight's will spawn into the world at a high level, they are still deciding which level you will start out at, 55,60, and level 70 have been discussed as possible starting points * You will not be Kill on Sight from your own faction, so you will still be able to browse the AH, there will be flavor differences with NPCs however, expressing their distrust of Death Knights * You get to choose your own type of Runeblade. You can choose from a traditional sword Runeblade or an axe variant * Death Knight abilities are dictated by 3 runes : Blood, Frost, and Unholy. * Your abilities will depend on how many of each rune you have. From what I saw from the demonstration, their are 6 slots for runes, so a balanced build would be 2 blood, 2 frost and 2 unholy. Spells will work like you use a spell that requires 1 blood rune, that blood rune is now on cooldown. Some spells will require like 4 of a rune for that ability to be used. * There will be talents to reduce the cooldown on runes (Talent trees are Blood, Frost and Unholy) * You will be able to summon minions but it is not the focal point of the class, it is just an accent to it, kind of like how Frost mages deploy their water elementals, summoning minions will not be integral to how you play the Death Knight * You will wear plate armor * The armor is said to be bulky and threatening like Arthas's armor. It will not look exactly like his. There were several different armor variations shown during the presentation that were definitely showing Death Knight look but also not looking like exact copies of Arthas's gear. Kaynak:
Dennis Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Ya sorun raide girmek, denge falan degil. Benim hep istedigim şey bunca zamandır oynadığımız karakterimizi heroya dönüstürebilmekti. 80 olup bir heroclass olcaktık questlerle işte bunun ne gereği var.
Marveloth Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Ana karakterden bağımsız bi hero class açılması çok kötü. Ben kendi charımla oynamak istiyorum. Aylareımı verdiğim biricik mage imle :)
pekaziz Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Böylesi daha iyi arkadaşlar. Öbür türlü sadece paladinler, warriorlar death knight olabiliyor, biz de kendi herolarımızı istiyoruz diye yığınla tartışma çıkacaktı.
Darksun Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2007 Archmage kulağa çok hoş geliyor =P
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