SenariouS Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2008 3. karedeki hatunu Tİera zannettim... Neleroluorghsh tarzı bi tepki vermiştim kaede'ye sonra çok güldüm tabii
Cuce Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2008 ahaha ben bı saatir öle bakıyorum bi önceki video ya kadınmış be
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2008 Yok robot. Cinsiyet yok. Sapıkmısınız arkadaşım herşeye pipi kuku takmaya çalışıyorsunuz.
SturmVogel Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2008 SenariouS said: 3. karedeki hatunu Tİera zannettim... Neleroluorghsh tarzı bi tepki vermiştim kaede'ye sonra çok güldüm tabii o Tieria değil Shirin sanırım o
SturmVogel Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 2. sezonun ilk OP/ED'leri 12 Ağustos'da açıklanıyor!
SenariouS Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 şimdi açıklanacak güzel güzel parçalar sonra beklemekten anam ağlayacak zaten "lion" için gün sayıyorum... böhü
SturmVogel Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 Herhalde ilk bölüm Polat'ın Memati'yi akıl hastanesinden kaçırmasıyla başlar Sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 2. sezon Allelujah IMBA Lasse yaşıyor ! GN Arms patladıktan sonra üzülmüştüm de çok iyi haber oldu bu. Adam "tek bölümde ancak bu kadar kickass olunur" diye kitap yazdı Feldt yeni saç stili = imba Yanlız moda tasarımcılarının kafasını ezmek lazım. Birinci sezon giyisileri ne kadar güzelse ikinci sezon üniformaları o kadar dandik gözüküyor. Edit: kaar ne demek ya
SturmVogel Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 Lasse cidden ölmemiş! Herhalde bir devam sezonun durumu muallakta bırakılmış bir karakterin hayatta kalmasına ancak bu kadar sevinebilirdim. Yeni düşmanları görmek isteriz aslında. 2nd season teaser'deki 2-3 saniye görünüp kaybolan kırmızı GN-X'i kullanan arkadaş umarım Louise değildir.
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 6, 2008 Saji Crossroad - Saji, who was affected the most by the resulting strife caused by the Gundams, overcame various hardships in his grieving youth to become an adult. He works in space development, continuing to wait for another meeting with Louise. When will he achieve his dreams? Feldt Grace - Escaping in an assault container with Sumeragi and Ian, she concentrates the life saved by Chris into the resurrection of Celestial Being. Though she was rarely emotional as a young person associating with people before, the 4 years span of time has largely matured her human nature. Ian Vashti - Boarded an assault container in the decisive battle with the UN Forces and narrowly escaped. Afterwards, he began development of a new Gundam, the 00, at the request of Wang Liu Mei. Serves as an engineer in the resurrection of Celestial Being. Mileina Vashti - Ian's daughter. A 14-year-old girl with innocence to spare but who participates in the reborn Celestial Being. An operator but as she exhibits her father's genius, she is also active as a mechanic. Lasse Aeon - Went missing with the downed GN Arms during the decisive battle with Alejandro. But he miraculously turned up alive and returned to the reborn Celestial Being. After Lichtendahl's death, he is in charge on the bridge of not only the gunning but as the helmsman as well. Feldt Meister olmadı :( Halbuki eski Dynames içinde Feldt'le ne fantazilerim vardı :(
SturmVogel Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 8, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 8, 2008 Gundam 00 Audio Drama 1 & 2 özetleri: ÖZET Summary for Mission 2307: Celestial Being becomes aware of a terrorist plot to kidnap Louise Halevy. They dispatch Setsuna to the school she attends as an "Exchange student" he has a super bright sunny personality in this persona and greets everyone with "Choriiisu~" which Saji identifies as a greeting people used to use 300 years ago. When their instructor, professor Graham has him introduce himself to the class he throws in an extra cheery "CHORIIIIISU." Graham who has an affinity for old fashioned speech is swept off his feet and begins to fall for Setsuna. Setsuna later tries approaching Louise to get closer to her, but she rejects him outright because he's so loud and annoying. Setsuna calls Lockon for help, and Lockon says he's sending "Backup." The next day Tieria arrives dressed as a girl, trying his damndest to sound like one but failing horribly. After a lengthy introduction with plenty of "wa"s and "gokigenyo"s he joins setsuna in his effort to get closer to Louise but fails as well. They decide to set a trap for Louise, and draw out the terrorists by attempting to hypnotize Allelujah into thinking he's some delinquent kid. But in doing so they awaken Hallelujah, who goes off on a rampage singing the battle song for the gundams from the show and is about to wreck Saji when "professors" Graham and Billy show up. Billy has a pleasant conversation with Saji and Louise while Graham wrecks the **** out of Hallelujah. While Billy chats with the kids you periodically hear Graham call out attack names (Graham Chop! etc.) and eventually just starts yelling out random things like "This is howard's revenge! Daryl's Revenge! Proffessor Eifman's revenge!" And then they leave Allelujah a broken mess. Seeing how easily Graham dealt with Hallelujah, Setsuna concludes that Graham must be a terrorist. Setsuna goes to Graham's house to confront him. Graham, still enfatuated by Setsuna and his Choriisu~ manner of speaking gladly lets him inside, Setsuna keeps up his character untill they reach Graham's bedroom, and he is shocked by mountains of plastic models. Setsuna concludes "This is no terrorist's room, unless this is an elaborate camouflage." Its about then that Graham starts coming onto Setsuna. Shocked and disturbed, Setsuna draws his gun on Graham, who calmly wrests it away from him, and is about to begin the red hot man lovin' when Lockon breaks in pretending to be Setsuna's brother and gets him out of there. At the beginning of this chapter Louise and Saji have been kidnapped while Setsuna was off having his man romp with Graham. They face their captor, none other than Billy Katagiri. After spending some time insulting him, Louise turns to Saji and says he has to save her. he says "I'm tied up here too Louise" to which she responds "If you love me you'll save Me!" in her usual spoiled tone. At this point "Ham-Mask" who they immediately identify as Graham shows up and beats the crap out of Billy in the same fashion as he did to Hallelujah. Setsuna confronts Graham once more after he apprehends Billy, and Graham reveals that hes was working undercover for the Union all along and takes off in his Flag with a cry of "Choriiiiisu~!"... Sumeragi asked how Veda's mission simulation went for Setsuna. Setsuna says that a pervert completed his operation before he could. Lockon pipes in saying the same thing happened to him, Allelujah as well. Tieria admits the same thing happened and he even had the nerve to steal his Gundam. Setsuna wonders out loud "Just who is this 'Ham-Mask'" as the music fades out you hear Graham sneeze. Billy asks him if he's caught a cold, to which Graham responds "That's impossible, a fool never catches a cold" to which billy just sighs. THE END Summary for Hallelujah's day: Once every year, Hallelujah, Allelujah's alternate personality takes over for the entire day. The three meisters are in the briefing room, Lockon is doing his usual checking on the other Meisters when Setsuna notices Allelujah isn't there. Lockon remarks that this is unusual for him. then Hallelujah enters. Tieria says he's not fit to be a Gundam meister acting that way, and Hallelujah responds quite rudely. Taken aback Lockon asks what's gotten into Allelujah. Hallelujah responds that he doesn't have a name like that and Lockon remembers about his alternate personality and asks if he is indeed Hallelujah. Hallelujah responds that he should use a -sama after his name, retard. Tieria has his doubts about being able to complete the mission with him in this state. Halle looks at the mission plan and scoffs. He says there's no need for all 4 gundams, that he and Kyrios are plenty for this mission. At this point Sumeragi enters and asks if he has an issue with her strategy, Hallelujah says her giant breasts must be getting in the way of her thinking. Sumeragi says "that's some amazing sexual harassment, why should I let you go alone?" "c'mere a minute." "huh?" "just come here" You hear a door open and close. Sumeragi cries out. The door reopens. Hallelujah re enters with Sumeragi announcing "It's been decided, I'm going to handle this operation on my own!" The meisters asked Sumeragi what happened and she responds with lust in her voice "don't talk about it" Hallelujah interjects, "The plan is simple, I'll go wreck everything in my Kyrios, you all just sit here and watch." Sumeragi responds with the same lustful voice "That's fantastic Hallelujah!" Tieria says he thinks Hallelujah is extremely unworthy of being a Gundam Meister and that he would judge him. Hallelujah responds that he shouldn't expose Nadleeh to their enemies this early (this is mission #0034) Tieria is shocked Hallelujah knows about it. Sumeragi says that the mission will be handles by Hallelujah, and Tieria reacts violently toward her as well, questioning her ability to construct such a mission. Sumeragi responds that Veda has approved the new plan. Tieria is shocked but immediately gives up his resistance. Hallelujah begins to leave, saying he would show the true power of a super soldier. He then takes off in Kyrios, yelling "This is fun isn't it Allelujah! Allelujah! Heh, can't hear me, huh?" The next day: Allelujah is late for a briefing and apologies. The other meisters wearily ask if he's returned to normal. He asks whats wrong with them and why they look so scared. Tieria responds "anyone would be scared after what you did." Allelujah is confused, and Lockon explains that Hallelujah performed the previous mission. Allelujah responds badly looking to the other meisters and getting evasive responses, except from Tieria who says "I want to praise you for what you did" Allelujah begins to cry and says "if that's true... If that's true... then I really am terrible!" THE END...
SturmVogel Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 10, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 10, 2008 Gundam 00 novel serisinin şu ana kadar çıkan kısımdan ilk sezona ait bazı spoiler'ler: Novel Summary-1 ??? said: GN Drive System was finished 113 years after Aeolia's basic theory. The completed 5 drives were sent to the Earth-orbiting CB in unmanned containers from Jupiter. - A man in his sixties, who sent out the finished GN Drives, killed everyone who was involved with GN Drives. ※He was the only one who was given this special mission. - The man erased all the data and crashed the spaceship into Jupiter. Like this, all the data relating to GN Drives disappeared. - Sumeragi's lover's name was Emilio Ribishi [don't know how to romanize the last name] - Sumeragi entered university at age 15 and completed all her credits in 2 years. - Since their student days, Billy favors Sumeragi who is 5 years younger. - Despite the age difference, Billy didn't care and still approached Sumeragi many times. - Even when Sumeragi had a lover, Billy still frequently contacted her. Sumeragi was Billy's first love. - Allelujah's "Super Soldier" flashback: Their bodies were reconstructed with machines, their brains probed, and they were given medicine. Their tolerance of the limits were tested repeatedly. The failed subjects were disposed of by poison. The poisoned bodies were put one by one in "bags". - Allelujah and the other young Super Soldiers from the HRL space colony "Quanqiu" stole a small freight ship and escaped. But because the control room was destroyed by the pursuing army, there weren't enough water and food and oxygen was also depleting. "Allelujah" comforted the others and thought it was fine to die with everyone. However, "Hallelujah" killed the rest and survived. - In Episode 11 when Allelujah was attacking the Super Soldier Facility, he received a quantum brain wave message "Don't kill us" from his brethren. The quantum brain wave voices and the pain went away as he destroyed the facility. - Hallelujah can scout/search his surrounding's situation with his quantum brain waves. - Wang Liumei is the owner of a multinational conglomeration. She can see a gray world without "desires". - Colonel Mannequin's nickname is "Iron Woman" - For Katie when it comes to Patrick, "There is charm in a foolish man" - In the novel, it emphasizes that Veda is a sort of "god" to Tieria moreso than in the anime, or at least the language the novel used includes the term "god" : "He is like a priest who has always been at God's side but has now been excommunicated without being told the reasons. His identity has been shattered from its roots."
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2008 Moar s2 1. Lockon could be the old Lockon we've come to love, not Neil. Because a new scene featured what seems to be his body. Said viewer can't verified that due to his lack of understanding of Japanese. 2. Tiera will be the first to return to CB, as he is the one doing explaining to Setsuna to what others have be doing for the past 4 years. 3.Hal is truly held as a POW by the Fed. 4. Sumaragi looks to have left CB and gone back to Billy from a scene of she laying on Bed and a back shot of ponytailed guy watching the news, 5.Tieria supposedly paid a visit to Lockon's Grave and another Lockon watch on from behind a Tree. 6. Graham's mask isn't all black. The mouth is red and his clothes is enitrely red. 7.Pilot in black suit is confirmed as Louise from a scene where she takes her helmet off. 8.Saji is in a Desert driving a jeep wearing shades. 9.Meeting between Saji and Setsuna at Gunpoints 10.New OP by UVERworld 11. Reunion of Tieria and Setsuna. Lockon still missing and Hal is shown imprisoned. 12.Lockon is still partnered up with Halo. New OP shots features the Miester in old Pilot suits, but donning what looks like new black pilot suited of them on a cliff. Artık nereye çekiyorsanız çekin. Lockon, Neil mi dersiniz Tieria, Regene mi dersiniz bilemiyorum :>
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2008 said: 6. Graham's mask isn't all black. The mouth is red and his clothes is enitrely red. he is not a char
SturmVogel Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 22, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 22, 2008 "I'm always own man""I'm never own man" aradaki fark için bu replikler yeterli sanırım. neyse... Seiji Mizushima röportajlarından birinde yeni Gundam'lar için "sycroning, combining and docking..." demişti de inanamamıştım. Bunu görünce inandım. GATTAI! DOUBLE ZETA! -Tieria : "Ben gövdeyi ve başı oluşturuyorum -Allelujah ve Lockon : "Kolları ve ayakları oluşturuyorum" -Setsuna : "Ben de şeyini oluşturuyorum" Seravee'nin (sağda en köşede) arkasına bakın
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 22, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 22, 2008 00 muhteşem olmuş. GN shield olayı kollardan bağımsız olarak varsa herhalde rüya mecham olur 00. Bir yandan melee bir yandan büyüvari kalkan. Al sana sci-fi fighter/mage robot ohş ki benle oynayanlar bilir melee+büyü favori karakter tipimdir :>
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 23, 2008 go go super sentai gundamuuuuuuuu
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2008 said: - After the events of S1, Lockon's body is captured by the UN forces - Louise, determined to fight for Arrows, is given an arm transplant; the donor is none other Neil Dylandy - Throughout the course of the show, Louise suffers from infrequent "attacks" in which troubling images of Lockon's memory haunt her; in addition, the transplant seems to have triggered a heightened skill in sniping. - Because of this, the second season will be called "Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Gundams of the Patriots".
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2008 3. trailer da geldi of of of Şarap gibi kadın Sumeragi Yeni Feldt = teh secks DARTH LOUISE FUCKING RIBBONS Delikanlı gibi traş olmuş Saji delicious twin drill Milly SAVAŞ GAZİSİ EXIA bekle de bitsin code geass töeah
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2008 Valla s2 trailerında yatağından Sumeragi çıkıyor. Artık cinsel tercihlerini bilemiycem de kadından anlıyor orası kesin :>
SturmVogel Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2008 Kaede said: 3. trailer da geldi of of of Şarap gibi kadın Sumeragi Yeni Feldt = teh secks DARTH LOUISE FUCKING RIBBONS Delikanlı gibi traş olmuş Saji delicious twin drill Milly SAVAŞ GAZİSİ EXIA bekle de bitsin code geass töeah Tamamen silahsız lojistik gemi olan ilkinin inadına tepeden tırnağa cannon'larla dolu yeni savaş gemimiz Ptolemaios II'yi de unutmayalım
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