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Einstein Bulmacasi

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Paylaşmak istedim, daha önceki konularda görmedim, umarım tekrarı değildir :)))

Acaba Dunyada Zeki olan 2% Insandan birimisin.
Bu soruda hicbir sekilde Sasirtmaca yoktur, Tamamen mantiga
Mantikli bir sekilde cozume ulasilabilir.
Bol Sanslar!!!

1-) 5 Tane ev var hepsi ayri renk.
2-) Her evde oturanin, ayri bir
uyrugu var.
3-) Hepside ayri bir icecek iciyor, ayri bir hayvan besliyor ve
ayri bir marka sigara iciyor.
4-) Bu 5 insanin hicbiri oburunun yaptigini yapmiyor. Yani
ayri,icecegi ayri,besledigi hayvan ayri ve evi ayri.

SORU : BALIK kime ait?
1-) Ingiliz kirmizi evde oturuyor.
2-) Isveclinin kopegi var.
3-) Danimarkali cay iciyor.
4-) Yesil ev beyaz evin solunda duruyor.
5-) Yesil evin sahibi kahve icmeyi seviyor.
6-) Palmall sigarasi icenin bir kusu var.
7-) Ortadaki evde oturan sut icmeyi seviyor.
8-) Sari evde
oturan Dunhill sigarasi iciyor.
9-) Norvecli birinci evde oturuyor.
10-) Marlboro icen Kedisi olanin yanindaki evde oturuyor.
11-) At yetistiren insan, Dunhill sigarasi icenin yanindaki evde
12-) Winfield sigarasi icen, Birayi seviyor.
13-) Mavi evin yaninda Norvecli oturuyor.
14-) Alman Rothmanns Sigarasi iciyor.
15-) Marlboro icenin komsusu sadece su iciyor.
Einstein bunu son Yuzyilda yazmistir ve iddia etmistirki: Dunya
insanlarinin 98 % i bunu cozemez.
Mesaj tarihi:
CthuLhu bizde öyle atlamıştık ama olmadı işte epeyce uğraştırdı. evet cevabı biliyorum desem yalan olur, sizlerle paylaşmak istedim.

işin ilginç yanı benim çözümümde farklı, arkadaşın çözümünde farklı çıkıyor. sağlamasını yaptığımızda ikimizinkide doğru gözüküyor. ama püf noktasını bulduk :)
Mesaj tarihi:
"al ulan bu çözer!"
kadir inanır
http://www.weitz.de/einstein.html den alıntı elbet.. yoksa kadir abi program falan yazmaz yazdırır... dasaaa program falan yazmaz, yazılanı alır.. O halde dasaaa bir kadir inanır değildir.. evet

I wrote an ANSI Common Lisp solution to this problem mainly because I wanted to experiment with macros. The program tries to be abstract enough to solve similar problems as well - like, e.g., the "Zebra Problem." I also tried to build a solution that is sufficiently fast and produces readable code.

For want of better words I'll use the following terminology while explaining my code: The problem is described by a couple of property descriptors which consist of a name for the property and a list of the possible values, optionally followed (just for the sake of grammatical beauty) by the plural form of the property's name. Examples would be (cigarette '(marlboro winfield rothmans pallmall dunhill)) or (mouse '(mickey minny) :plural-name mice). The problem size is the dimension of the solution space which is equal to the number of different properties. In the case of Einstein's riddle, the problem size is 5.

The abstract form of a person in Einstein's riddle with all of its associated properties (drink, cigarette, nationality, ...) will be called a unit and will be stored in a CL structure named after the riddle. Every possible solution is called a selection, it is a list (an ordered n-tuple where n is the problem size) of units.

Solving the riddle with my program involves two steps:
initialize the data structures and prepare some macros by calling the macro PREPARE with the problem description
call the function SOLVE

To explain the program I will use a problem that is simpler than Einstein's riddle: Our problem consists of three mice living next to each other in three holes in the wall. Each mouse has a favorite cheese flavor and a favorite TV show. Here are the hints:
Mickey Mouse loves Gouda
Mighty Mouse's favorite TV show is Emergency Room
The mouse that lives in the left hole never misses an episode of Seinfeld
Mickey Mouse and Mighty Mouse have one mouse hole between them
The Simpsons fan does not live on the left of the Brie lover

This is enough information to start with:
(prepare mouse-hole
((mouse '(mickey minny mighty) :plural-name mice)
(cheese-flavor '(emmental gouda brie))
(tv-show '(seinfeld simpsons er)))
((cond1 mouse 'mickey cheese-flavor 'gouda)
(cond2 mouse 'mighty tv-show 'er)
(cond3 :position 0 tv-show 'seinfeld)
(cond4 mouse 'mickey mouse 'mighty :distance 2)
(cond5 tv-show 'simpsons cheese-flavor 'brie :distance 1 :directed t :negate t)))

The call syntax of PREPARE is (PREPARE riddle-name property-descriptor-list condition-list) where riddle-name will be used to name the structure that'll hold the units (see above). The second argument consists of a list of property descriptors which are detailed above. The property names will be become the names of the accessor functions for the structure RIDDLE-NAME.

Every condition in condition-list has the following syntax: (condition-name property1 value1 property2 value2) where each of property1 and property2 is one of the property-names, and value1 and value2 are possible values for these properties. Each property name can also be the keyword :POSITION in which case the associated value should be an integer ranging from zero to the problem size minus one. This feature is used to describe conditions like "The Norwegian lives in the first house." The position is zero-based.

The conditions in the condition list can also have one or more of three optional attributes: :DISTANCE, an integer, describes the distance between the units described by the two property/value pairs. :DIRECTED, if not NIL, means that positive and negative :DISTANCE values will be treated differently. In the default case only the absolute value is considered. :NEGATED, if not NIL, means that the reverse of the condition has to hold. The default values are (:DISTANCE 0 :DIRECTED NIL :NEGATED NIL).

We can now call the function SOLVE and get the following result:


Here's the function SOLVE that is built by PREPARE,

which uses the predicate POSSIBLE-P that is built at the same time:

(Note that it's MICE, not MOUSES, here although this doesn't alter the correctness of the function... :)

POSSIBLE-P checks whether all conditions hold for one particular selection and returns this selection if they hold, NIL otherwise. This function's main duty is to convert its input values (a permutation of the three mice, a permutation of the three cheese flavors, and a permutation of the three TV shows) into a simple-vector (the special variable *SELECTION*) of three MOUSE-HOLE structures that can be handed to the conditions in the logical AND at the end of the function.

A typical condition from our example, also built by PREPARE, is here:
(NOT (= 1 (- POSITION2 POSITION1))))))

Note that every condition has to return T if - during the backtracking algorithm - not all of its parameters are defined yet. Also note that SOLVE and POSSIBLE-P are different for each problem as they are built from the property descriptions and the conditions.

The problem definition for "Einstein's Riddle" is:
(prepare einstein
((nation '(british swedish norwegian german danish))
(house '(red green yellow blue white))
(animal '(dog horse cat bird fish))
(cigarette '(marlboro winfield rothmans pallmall dunhill))
(drink '(tea coffee milk beer water)))
((cond-position-first-norwegian :position 0 nation 'norwegian)
(cond-left-green-white house 'green house 'white :distance 1 :directed t)
(cond-british-red nation 'british house 'red)
(cond-neighbor-norwegian-blue nation 'norwegian house 'blue :distance 1)
(cond-swedish-dog nation 'swedish animal 'dog)
(cond-german-rothmans nation 'german cigarette 'rothmans)
(cond-yellow-dunhill house 'yellow cigarette 'dunhill)
(cond-green-coffee house 'green drink 'coffee)
(cond-danish-tea nation 'danish drink 'tea)
(cond-bird-pallmall animal 'bird cigarette 'pallmall)
(cond-neighbor-cat-marlboro animal 'cat cigarette 'marlboro :distance 1)
(cond-neighbor-horse-dunhill animal 'horse cigarette 'dunhill :distance 1)
(cond-winfield-beer cigarette 'winfield drink 'beer)
(cond-neighbor-marlboro-water cigarette 'marlboro drink 'water :distance 1)
(cond-position-middle-milk :position 2 drink 'milk)))[/spo]

[ Mesaj 16 March 2007, Friday - 02:55 tarihinde, dasaaa tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Mesaj tarihi:
Eğer bir hata yoksa (kontrol edemiyeceğim şimdi) buldum.
[spo]cevap: 1. evdeki norveçli balığın sahibi[/spo]

edit: biyerde hata var olmamış :) amaan yapamadım sıkıldım

[ Mesaj 16 March 2007, Friday - 07:20 tarihinde, Sensible tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Mesaj tarihi:
bu bulmacanın zeka ile bir alakası yok bence.
eline kağıt kalem alıp saatlerce uğraşan herkes çözebilir.
tabi zeki adam daha kısa sürede çözer o ayrı.
Mesaj tarihi:
[spo]Balık almanda

norveçli---> sarı ev, kedi, su, dunhill
Danimarkalı----> mavi ev, at, çay, marlboro
İngiliz----> kırmızı ev, kuş, süt, pall mall
alman----> yeşil ev, balık, kahve, rothmans
isveçli-----> beyaz ev, köpek, bira, winfield[/spo]

çözümde kolaylık için:

[spo]Elinizdeki verileri sigaralar, hayvanlar ve içecekler olarak ayırın ve bir tablo çizin hepsi için. Buraya eldeki bilgilerden kimin hangisine sahip olamayacağını işaretleyin. Sonra bilgilere tekrar bakın ve içecek-hayvan içecek-sigara hayvan-sigara olarak ilişlileri kurmaya çalışın. Bununla beraber elvlerin sırası direk ortaya çıkıyor. Yine ipuçlarına bakın ve evi belli olan iki kişinin içecekleri ve sigaralarını işaretleyin. Gerisi gelir. Olay tablolaryapmakta ve bunları paralel olarak inceleyebilmekte.[/spo]

Akıldan kasmayın yapamazsınız..
Mesaj tarihi:
patideki insanların %98'i çözmüştür bu soruyu :)
çözmeyen, çözmekle uğraşmayan %2 de asıl zeki olanlardır diyorum, hiçbir zaman çözmeye uğraşmadiğim için kendimi haklı çıkarıyorum.
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