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Full Metal Alchemist


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Film il eaynı anda dvd çıkıyormuş... Fazla beklemeyiz merak etmeyin[signature][hline]Shaded by the trees, calling out to the wind, I'm lying face-down crying
I saw a version of myself I didn't even recognize
On this guitar I'm playing the melody of someone who's passed on
A star falls in the grief of someone who'll never be seen again
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  • 4 hafta sonra ...
Full metal panic i cekerken yanlıslıkla cekmisim ilk bolumu ; )

ama cektigime deymis , son zamanlarda izledigim en iyi animelerden biri 2003 yapımı 90 a yakın bolumu var galiba cekmesi işkence ama izlenesi guzel bi anime ; )[signature][hline]
DuaLisT BL /disorder 60 Druid Herba/alche
her turlu herb pot isi siparis paket yapılır*
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"people can not gain anything without sacrificing something. you must present something of equal value to gain something. that is the principle of equivalent trade in alchemy. we believed that was the truth of the world when we were young."[signature][hline]"computer games don't affect kids; i mean if pac-man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music..."-kristian wilson, nintendo inc, 1989-
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Whereever I go I cannot get out of this world... (movieden bilin bakalım kim söylüyor hehe )[signature][hline]Shaded by the trees, calling out to the wind, I'm lying face-down crying
I saw a version of myself I didn't even recognize
On this guitar I'm playing the melody of someone who's passed on
A star falls in the grief of someone who'll never be seen again
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kuseldır severız alecek ızlenmelı[signature][hline]Delıkanlım İşaret Aldığın Gün Atandan
Yürüyeceksin...Millet! Yüreyecek Arkandan
Kucuk Gorme....Hor Gorme Delikanlım Kendini
Şu Kırık Abideyi Yüceltecek Taştasın
Yürü Hala Ne Diye Oyunda Oynaştasın!!!??
FATİH'in İstanbul'u Feth Ettigi Yastasın!!!
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[spo2=FMA film]
Yanlız dikkatinizi çekerim filmde 2 tane ed ve 2 tane alphonse var . yani fakelerde karşımızda. Fake ed eldiveninde dönüştürme işareti var (şu son homonculus galiba (wrath)) [/spo]
[signature][hline]Shaded by the trees, calling out to the wind, I'm lying face-down crying
I saw a version of myself I didn't even recognize
On this guitar I'm playing the melody of someone who's passed on
A star falls in the grief of someone who'll never be seen again

[Bu mesaj Vicious tarafından 24 Haziran 2005 20:29 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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  • 1 ay sonra ...
Dregoth, 24 Haziran 2005 16:38 tarihinde demiş ki:
İzlemişin trailerı eftal bey... :) Yiyim artizliğinizi bu arada spoiler verek biraz

[spo2=FMA film]Envy vs Edward izlicez kendi dünyamızda trailer da öyle bir sahne var...[/spo]

[spo2=1923]Almanya'da 1923 yılında geçiyor film bildiğim kadarıyla..[/spo][signature][hline]Click!
Welcome back!!
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  • 2 hafta sonra ...
çıktı yayınlandı internete düşmesini bekliyoruz...[signature][hline]Shaded by the trees, calling out to the wind, I'm lying face-down crying
I saw a version of myself I didn't even recognize
On this guitar I'm playing the melody of someone who's passed on
A star falls in the grief of someone who'll never be seen again
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Dregoth, 18 Ağustos 2005 21:13 tarihinde demiş ki:
Düşsün saldırıcam valla

2-3 ay daha bekleyecen maalesef[signature][hline]Shaded by the trees, calling out to the wind, I'm lying face-down crying
I saw a version of myself I didn't even recognize
On this guitar I'm playing the melody of someone who's passed on
A star falls in the grief of someone who'll never be seen again
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