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LvL 1-60 (Grinding Guide)


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*WoW forumlarından alıntıdır.




This is a copy/paste from the US forums.. Tought it might be nice to paste it here.


Most of these have been confirmed to be good, but in order to prevent overcrowding in areas I will try to list several different places, all of which should be pretty decent. More often than not, the areas will only hold one or two people maximum as far as spawn rates go - any more than that and you have too many people and too little mobs to support them. Unfortunately, because of this, you might end up somewhere that isn't quite as good as you might've hoped, and if that's the case, I apologize in advance.

The levels are approximate, you may or may not have to supplement grinding for one or two levels in order to move onto the next zones early on, although most of the later parts deal mostly with areas to grind in. Also, when a level is listed next to a grind area, that means this is the level at which you can more than likely *start* grinding the mobs. You can probably *stop* grinding them about 4-5 levels past where the start level is. In fact, it's probably recommended that you do stop 4 levels past them.

Also, keep in mind that this is mostly for Alliance players, as it's the only faction I've played and thus have no experience with Horde lands. You'll also note the lack of Kalimdor lands up until Feralas/Tanaris. While I'm not saying Ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountains, Thousand Needles or Desolace are bad places, I honestly have no experience with them either, and these areas that I do list are typically sufficient to take you up in levels.

Please note that the level listed beside a place, if there is one, is the level recommended to *begin* the place. Each place should typically be able to last you for 4-5 levels (with the exception of quest areas), whether you have the patience to stay at that one place for that long is another thing.

Thanks to everyone that has contributed and added to the list!

Level 1-12:
- Newbie Zone :: You may have to leave at level 11.

Level 12-20:
- Westfall [Sentinel Hill, Westfall Lighthouse]
- Loch Modan
- Darkshore [Auberdine]
- Elite Area: Mo'grosh mound (Loch Modan)
- Instance: Deadmines

Complete the easiest quests in the first area that you go to (Night Elves should visit Darkshore first, Dwarves/Gnomes should visit Loch Modan first, Humans should visit Westfall first.) Move onto the next zone, and do the same, but this time you can complete more of the zone. Leave the most difficult, unless you can get a group for them - don't waste too much time on it, though. Move onto the last zone and complete all, or nearly all of the quests available in that zone. By this time, you should be about level 17-18. Go back to the first zone, and complete the rest of the quests there.

Typically, my "first zone" is Westfall, in which case you can go back when you are done with both Loch Modan and Darkshore, and finish the Van Cleef line of quests and be at a good level to run the instance.

Level 20-22:
- Redridge Mountains [Lakeshire, Tower of Azora in Elwynn]

Again, do the easy quests in Redridge, which should take you up to level 21 or 22. Skip the more difficult quests unless you have a group for them. I'd skip the entire Stonewatch Keep area of quests just simply because that entire area itself is crap.

Level 22-30:
- Redridge Mountains [Lakeshire, Tower of Azora in Elwynn]
- Duskwood [Darkshire, Sven's Camp, Abercrombie]
- Wetlands [Menethil Harbor, Greenwarden, N. Loch Modan (The Algaz Gauntlet)]
- Ashenvale [Astranaar ?]
- Stonetalon Mountains [?]
- Elite Area: Dun Modr (Wetlands)
- Instance: The Stockades
- Instance: Shadowfang Keep
- Instance: Blackfathom Deeps
- Happy Loot: Naraxis' Fang (Duskwood)
- Happy Loot: Tiny Crimson Whelpling (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [26]: Dragonmaw Encampment (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [26]: Whelgar's Excavation Site (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [28]: Rotting Orchard (Duskwood)
- Grind Area [28]: Raven Hill Cemetary (Duskwood)
- Grind Area [29]: Vul'Gol Ogre Mound (Duskwood)

Preparation: Purchase Bronze Tube.

Start at either Duskwood or Wetlands. This is where "quest stacking" can come in really handy if you want to be efficient. There are many, many quests that send you to the same areas, and if you get all of the quests at once, you can knock all of them out without having to run back and forth. Considering Wetlands and Duskwood are fairly bad for having their towns on one side of the map and the quest mobs/areas on the other side, this saves a lot of time. A lot of these are parts of quest chains, so honestly it's hard to know if you don't have prior knowledge or do a lot of quest research beforehand - so don't worry about it too much, but try to be as effici
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53-60'a kadar legashi derim roguelar için

sıkıcı olabiliyor biraz (ozellikle pvp serverında baya dertli olur orası) ama hem super para hemde kolay xp alınıyor

deli gibi runecloth, uncommon ve ara sırada world drop rareler çıkıyor(mongoose potion recipe ve "enchant gloves agility +7" formula cıkıyor)

felcloth baya cıkıyor
tanesi 1.25-1.50 arası rahatlıkla gidiyor (benim oynadıgım serverda 2 gold'a bile satılıyor)[signature][hline]Don't be afraid of the dark! Be afraid of what it hides!

Rahan, 04 Ocak 2005 19:36 tarihinde demiş ki:
ayrıca kimsenin sizi kolunuzdan tutup hristiyan yapabilme gibi bir ihtimali yok ki?? tarkan filmlerinde mi kaldınız naptınız siz anlamadım valla..
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53 den itibaren Azshara'daki 51-53 Blood Elfleri unutmayalim. Süper droplar, mob basi 6-8 silver ve bol bol runecloth. En güzeli de hepsi mana kullanicisi yani catur cutur iniyorlar : )[signature][hline]Elandra, Night Elf Rahibe-level 54-
Penthesilea, Night Elf Avci-level55- / emekli
Ealos Tsaark, Bounty Hunter Alliance / ölü
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honor sisteminden sonra yüksek lvl grind hayal :) İki dakka western de 3-5 undead keseyim hem runecloth çıksın hem para yaparım diyorum saniyesine 2 tane coordine çalışan rouge gelip gangliyor. biri saldırıyor önce akllıarınca beni kandıracaklar çakallar :) Tek kişi diye.
grup halinde grind edeceksem de dışarda etmenin bir anlamı yok instance lar daha iyi para getiriyor.[signature][hline]NO PAIN NO GAIN ® ©
human paladin (Burning Legion)

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Benim 60 olmam 14 gün Playtime almıştı.
Karaktere/serverdaki senin lvl ın insan sayısına/oyuna girdiğinde direk exp kasıp kasmamaan göre değişir tabi.
Birde oyunu bilip bilmemene ( yapılacak questleri /güzel griding mekanlarını kast ediyorum) göre de değişir sanırım.[signature][hline]Charles Rhadamantis

Nobody is perfect so I'm nobody.

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Açıkcası birileri yardımcı olur tol gösterir ise 1 ay içinde 60 olabilirsin. Ama öyle zamanlar oluyorki oyuna girip 1xp bile kasmak istemiyorsun sıkıyor gidip pvp yapıyorsun yani hergun performansın eşit olamıyor.[signature][hline]Kalplerdeki Kaymak
Kızımız Duru
Yeni Yılınız kutlu olsun PATİ abilerim ablalarım
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Ben bunu açmıştımda pek bir ilgi görmemişti.Bakınız buda linki
http://forum.paticik.com/view.php?id=119275[signature][hline]Shaded by the trees, calling out to the wind, I'm lying face-down crying
I saw a version of myself I didn't even recognize
On this guitar I'm playing the melody of someone who's passed on
A star falls in the grief of someone who'll never be seen again
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orda "Level 1-12:
- Newbie Zone :: You may have to leave at level 11."
demiş. newbie zone dediği ilk doğduğumuz kasaba mı? Elwyn ormanı felan dahil değil sanırım. o zaman 12'ye kadar 3-4 level'daki yaratıkları mı kesip durucaz?

bunun bir de horde için olanı var mı :-P

grind konusunda özürlüyüm resmen. ashenvale'de dolaşırken bir bölgede dişime göre yaratıklar buluyorum, ama anında night elf ve gnome'lar damlıyor üstüme. arkamda 4 adam, önde ben, koştur koştur dur. zaten çok fazla oynama imkanı bulamıyorum, o zamanlar da zamanım splintertree post'a geri kaçıp sonra geri dönmek olmadı başka bir yer aramakla geçiyor..[signature][hline]Beş Hececiler

[Bu mesaj Bonecrusher tarafından 26 Mayıs 2005 20:13 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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bu hede wow-us-rogue forumlarinda cikmisti sanirim ilk olarak, hala orda bulabilirsiniz orjinal topici

ayni topicte sonradan eklenen horde kismi da soyle (ki yukardaki kadar genis degil):

The promised Horde section. Implemented from various posts in this thread by Horde players that have contributed. Some of these spots were also taken from Ratama of Nurfed.

14-16: Pirates south of Ratchet (Barrens)
16-19: Various wildlife, especially cats, in Barrens. Note that if you're using a dagger crit build, then exp for this is insane.
19-22: Bramblescar (Barrens) on lizards and quillboars. Unless you're doing leatherworking, just leave the lizards alone.
22-24: Tarren Mill (Hillsbrad) on bears and spiders. Dagger crit chain heaven.
24-26: Across the road from Tarren Mill on tougher bears and cats. Dagger crit chain heaven.
26-28: Spiders/Bears in back of Syndicate tower (Hillsbrad)
28-30: Cats and Spiders around Nethander Stead (Hillsbrad)
30-32: Harpies inside cave (Thousand Needles)

NE of Brackenwall (2 min run there)- Raptor den
36-37 raptors there - lots of them

40-42 Skeletons in Desolace. They're about the only squishies I could find to grind on. It's part of an Alliance quest, so the usual PvP warnings apply.

42-45 Jungle Stalkers in SV. The loot drop isn't nearly as good as the Lashtails, but they're as squishy as ever. Also, they don't seem to have the knockdown attack that the lashtails do. Virtually no one kills these guys on my server, and they're easily chainable.

ayrica Bonec (gicikligina demiyorum boyle... valla :P) newbie zone denen kisimlar = teldrassil, elwynn f., dun morogh, trisfal g., mulgore, durotar alanlarinin tumu yani sirf karakterin basladigi 4.-5. lvl olan kisimlari degil[signature][hline]RKÜTMEYIN ULAN VAKVAKLARI!"
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tek söyleyeceğim şu ana kadar ciddi ciddi farm yaptığım max 1 lvl kadar oldu , onun dışında hep quest ve quest gereği mob kill lerle xp aldım :) en çok sıkıntıyı 50-51-52 lvllarınızda çekeceksiniz aslında 51 olduktan sonra paso ST instance run ları yaparak 56 ya kadar geldim ben , pek sorunda olmadı ama günümüzde 60 lar çoğaldığı için non high level instance lara adam bulmak zor oluyo :)[signature][hline]Idrian Level 60 Human Paladin
Major of SEVEN
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