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7. Expansion Sızdı (mı?) - Veil of Shadows

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Geçen sene potansiyel bir sızma haberini burada paylaşmıştım, uzun konuşmalardan sonra bazıları tuttu bazıları tutmadı, belki de tutan tarafı %10'dur bilmiyorum. :D.

3 4 gün önce Reddit'te gene bir sızma vakası olmuş. Yeni expin tarihini 1.28.2018 demişler ki ocakta exp çıktığı görülmüş şey değil. mmo-championa da çıktı içerikler, ben kopi peyst koyuyorum, neler tutacak bakarız. 7.3 son yama olacak zaten, sonrasında yeni exp. Blizcon'da açıklanır belki ucundan.

Bazıları da TBC'nin remake tadını Legion'da aldığı için Blizzard'ın "Return of The Lich King" kafasında bir şeyler hazırladığını da söylüyor ama en potansiyel ilgiyi bu içerikler toplamış reddit ve mmo-championda, fake diyenler de çok tabii.

Queen of Azshara'yı da bir türlü getiremedik, hayırlısı bu expansiona. Lady Proudmore'da bu expte küsünce Dalaran'a gitti, diğer exp onu da merkeze alabilir tabii. Aşağıda ayrıntıları var ama yeni class kombinasyonları tutarsız geldi bana da ama hikaye, Magni Bronzebeard'ın corrupt olması ve Old Godlarla birleştirilmiş, akla yatıyor. Siz ne diyosunuz?

Veil of Shadows için şöyle içerikler konulmuş;

Across the new waking world, shadow falls. Since the Cataclysm, the wreckage recovered, and the kingdoms are prosperous. For a time, the people felt unity in the defeat of the Dark Titan, but once more the widespread realms of Azeroth suffer great turmoil. A mysterious darkness perverts the land, affecting the emotions of its inhabitants. Take charge in the many adventures across familiar and new lands to discover the root of evil, manifest your power to your full potential with Titan artifacts, and set to the seas on mighty Warships against your enemies. The Dragon Isles, Kul’tiras and Nazjatar await!
New adventures, scaled quest system, creatures, and kingdoms, in reworked zones across Azeroth!

New Skill & Specialization Progression System
Take your skills to the next level, customizing them within the Forge of Illumination
New Weapon Types, Combat Animations, and Class/Weapon Combinations

Take to the seas on your own glorious Warship

New Race/Class Combinations Death Knight: Pandaren. Shaman: Human. Paladin: Trolls, Night Elves. Warlock: Draenei, Tauren Druid: Pandaren
New Character Customization Features expanded with new textures, models, animations, and voices.

The soul of the nascent Titan within Azeroth stirs as shadow threatens to consume all. Although conquered, the Dark Titan’s defeat has had dire consequences. The world’s torment has shattered a link in the prison of an ancient enemy, and the threads of chaos that lead to its freedom have been drawn. It is up to you to gather the knowledge of old, and venture into forgotten lands to stem the tide of darkness that threatens our world, and ensure this God of the Deep remains imprisoned.

Only through the champions of Azeroth, will the answers be found to what truly threatens our world. The corruption seeping into reality has spread throughout all Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms and Northrend. Where new kingdoms have risen, shadow falls. Venture out into the new world and uncover the secrets of what is causing chaos in the realms. The various threats of Azeroth that have sprung up around you are only the beginnings of unfolding stories in greater battles to come.

The island human capital of Kul’tiras, has fallen to terrible darkness. Lady Jaina Proudmoore has traveled to her homeland, only to find chaos. In desperate hours, Jaina calls upon the Alliance and the Horde to aid in exterminating corruption.The tendrils of evil will spread if not slain at the root, and Azshara’s invading armies welcome this evil. It is our duty to journey to Kul’tiras, and fight to redeem order. However, not all who land on these shores look to preserve peace, and old hatreds are rekindled. Take to the seas in your new Warships to dispose of your enemies, And strike at the heart of shadow.

The Dragon Isles, enchanted lands gleaming with the remaining powers of the aspects, has fallen under control of the Infinite Dragonflight. The Guardian of Time, Nozdormu has fled into the Timeways from their grasp. The rifts they open among the Dragon Isles in their ravenous search bring back familiar and entirely bizarre new enemies with their own motives. The Alliance and Horde face conflict among themselves and these time-anomalies, and Nozdormu is the key to reversing the damage.

The ancient lands beneath the sea have been risen to the surface in wonderous glory. Queen Azshara’s wrath threatens all of Azeroth, and the search to destroy her brings the heroes of the Alliance and Horde to her risen empire.The Tidestone of Golganneth has been depleted, for a time. However the potential devastation proven by Nazjatar’s rebirth leaves no time to waste. Storm the tides of doom and reclaim the Tidestone, or drown in the glory of their wicked master.


Although key in our victory against the Legion, the pillars have been left in the Tomb of Sargeras, and in our hastiness our battles on Argus left them vulnerable. The strength of the Titans is now in the hands of evil.

The Tidestone of Golganneth has been acquired by Queen Azshara’s forces, and she has risen her ancient kingdoms from the depths, and in the new dawn of the Nazjatar Empire, Azshara’s experiments have created new life among the Naga in the light of her perfection. But, Tidestone’s might is not what is once was since it was, and Azshara’s wrath can still yet hope to be stopped. Her new armies storm the shores of our homes, and the Tidestone will have the energy for devastation soon. Even without the pillar, the theat Queen Azshara poses could rupture the foundations of our known world.

The Hammer of Khaz’goroth, was seized by Magni Bronzebeard as soon as he returned to Azeroth. Suspected to be an uncontrollable defense-mechanism from the World Soul, he was trusted to take it to the Molten Core in Blackrock Mountain. But the seeds of darkness have rooted deep into Azeroth, and horrible truth has been revealed that the King of Diamonds, has been deceived. The whispers from the earth brought darkness into Magni’s mind. Now, the corrupted Dwarven Lord has forged a new army, and seeks to bend the Core of the Earth to even further shatter the world, unleashing his new master and his vile servants.

The Tears of Elune, left in the Tomb’s Elven resting grounds has been singing quietly. The connection to the spirit realm vibrates strong there, and the pillar has not gone unnoticed from the other side. A blood-crazed evil stirs in the realm of shadows, and the sanctum has been overrun with fanatical worshippers from Zandalar. These desperate Trolls have taken the Tears and the leftover Engine of Souls to the Hinterlands. The city of Jintha’Alor has been seduced into bringing forth Hakkar’s rebirth with a forgotten Egg, that will become his avatar.

The Aegis of Aggramar, once used to shield the Azeroth’s soul from madness, has been taken into friendly hands by Odyn and his Valajar once again. With the Titans imprisoned, the Highkeeper has found new purpose in uniting the remaining Keepers and their cause. Ra and Odyn lead the expedition to acquire the Discs of Norgannon. Where only the gates had been excavated, the city that lay beyond has been open at last. And inside, Uldaman, the Forge of Illumination. A Titan city locked under the deep places of the earth holds secrets to defeating the Old Gods. Only the enemy was a step ahead, and the Discs have been taken by horrors of the deep further into the forgotten vault.

The Eye of Aman’thul, capped at the bottom of the Tomb, was our key into the Nether and defeating the Legion, as well as the prosperity of the Nightborne. The temporal powers granted by the Eye are now in the hands of the Infinite Dragonflight. Who have stolen the rings away to the Dragon Isles, where the Infinite plans a ritual to corrupt the Aspect of Time, Nozdormu. The quest for immortality has lead others to the Isles, and the events that play out could very well change of the course of destiny.


PEER INTO THE VEIL FeaturedVideosComicsArtworkScreenshotsWallpapers VIDEO Veil of Shadows: Guardian VIDEO Veil of Shadows: Shadow’s Grasp VIDEO Veil of Shadows: Bloodlust VIDEO Veil of Shadows: World’s Cry VIDEO

Trailer: A World Awakening VIDEO Azeroth Armory: Hammer of Khaz’goroth

New 110+ Zones: The Dragon Isles, Kul’tiras, and Nazjatar
Level 1-110 Scaling: New Quests, Dungeons, and Raids in updated old Azeroth.
Codex of Creation: Advanced Skill & Specialization customization
Warships: Explore and battle on the seas with upgradable, customizable faction Warships.
Faction Campaigns: Unlock a dramatic faction-specific story as the drums of war … thunder once more.
New Dungeons and Raids
New World Bosses
Level cap raised to 120
New Battlegrounds
Revamped Character Customization Features, New Animations & voices.

Character Boost—immediately raise one character to level 110 . . . and more DOWNLOAD GAME BUY NOW New to WoW?TRY FOR FREE Already a veteran?PLAY FREE TO LEVEL 20 Stay up to date on Veil of Shadows
Mesaj tarihi:
GokTuRK said:

Sene olmuş 2017, neredeyse 2018 gelecek blizz hala sağacak insan arıyor yeter yahu.

biz yaşlandık bizi sağamıyor işte. daha doğrusu bizi sağacağı kadar sağdı zaten. de alttan gelen nesili sağıyorlar . yoksa 10-13 sene öncenin hikayesini kime satacaklar?
Mesaj tarihi:
samaella said:

Konu olarak bu kadar ilerlemisken dönüp azshara hakkar ne aq. Komik olur yani sargerasa giden yolda low tier seyleri highendmis gibi sunmalari.

senelerdir yaptıkları aynı hiç seviyeli bi artış olmadıki end bosslarda

kjden sonra lich king geldi mesela lkdan sonra death wing fln hele garrosh tam komedi zaten sırf bu yuzden loreun içene ettiler.
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