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Destiny 2

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Mesaj tarihi:
60-70 fps alıyorum ow'de akıcı sıkıntısız

işlemci 1. nesil i7 ya sdasfasfaw 2009'da topladığım pc'yi kullanıyorum hala.
bakalım kardeşim alsın, kaldırırsa hafta sonuna ben de gelebilirim. ama takımlar 4er sanırım dimi ? yer kalmaz ben gelene kadar
Mesaj tarihi:
durmaplay'de dangalak bir sistem var key'i almadan önce yorum ve puan verdirtiyor sdfsd. Ulan key'i görmedim çalışıyor mu çalışmıyor mu ne puanlaması. Bir de hiç uyarı falan gelmedi, babuş senin key hazır diye.
Mesaj tarihi:
mehehe said:

Day 1 PC Known Issues List

Listed below are issues that Bungie is aware of that exist in Destiny 2 on PC.

SLI, HDR, and VSYNC: Players may experience some rare issues when enabling SLI, HDR, or disabling VSYNC in some non-native resolutions. For the best experience, players are encouraged to use these features while running at their display’s maximum available resolution.

Saxophone Errors when Launching: Players may erroneously encounter Saxophone errors when launching the Destiny 2 application directly from the .exe file. Players who encounter this issue must close the application and relaunch through Blizzard’s Battle.net app.

Idling to Title Screen: In some activities, players who are returned to the title screen due to idling may be unable to log back in. Players who encounter this issue must close and relaunch the Destiny 2 application.

Login after Disconnects: A generic error code may appear to players who lose internet connection, which may block an affected player from logging back in even after reconnecting. Players who believe they are encountering this issue should close the Destiny 2 application and relaunch.

Buffalo Errors on multiple PCs: Players may encounter Buffalo errors when logging in to Destiny 2 on multiple PCs at the same time. To prevent this issue, players must ensure that they are logged out of Destiny 2 on any PC that they do not currently intend to play on.

Cursor in Tri-Monitor Configurations: Changing resolution between 5760x1080, 4080x768, and 3072x768 may trap the mouse cursor in the right-most monitor. Players who encounter this issue should ALT+TAB out of the Destiny 2 application, then back. Players may also toggle Windowed Mode by pressing ALT+ENTER.

Tri-Monitor Depth of Field: DOF effects may be overly aggressive on some tri-monitor configurations. Players who encounter issues with DOF can disable this feature in the Graphics Settings.

Windows 10 Game Bar: The Windows 10 game bar may not work in Fullscreen Mode. Affected players who wish to use this feature should use Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen Mode.

NumPad Binding: Players are not able to bind controls to most NumPad keys.

Screen Bounds on AZERTY Keyboards: Players may receive an incorrect key prompt when adjusting screen bounds on an AZERTY keyboard.

IME in Fullscreen: Players who are running Input Method Editors may encounter a black screen or delay when inputting characters in Fullscreen Mode. For the best experience, these players are encouraged to play in Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen Modes.

Closing Application: When closing Destiny 2 on PC, players must close the application via mouse input. Controllers cannot select the in-game button to close the Destiny 2 application.

Corporate and University Networks: Some players may be unable to play Destiny 2 on corporate or university networks. Players who encounter this issue must contact their IT department, to meet the connectivity standards outlined in our Network Troubleshooting Guide.
Mesaj tarihi:
@dreagloth, eyvallah

Şimdi 2 ucu boktan bir deynek diyelim kimisi problem yaşamış kimisi hiç problem yaşamamış. Ben 3-4 oyun aldım preorder olarak hiç problem yaşamadım ama bir şey olursa sorumluluk kabul etmem sdf
Mesaj tarihi:
200 e yakın olması yeterli. Kıl etti blizzard illa eur ile aldırmaya çalışıyor. Halbuki 60 dolara satan yerler var. humblebundle da falanda buldum. Yorumlar için teşekkürler.
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