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Announcing .NET Core 1.0 [Release the Kraken]

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Mesaj tarihi:

We are excited to announce the release of .NET Core 1.0, ASP.NET Core 1.0 and Entity Framework 1.0, available on Windows, OS X and Linux! .NET Core is a cross-platform, open source, and modular .NET platform for creating modern web apps, microservices, libraries and console applications.


If you are not a .NET developer or haven’t used .NET in a while, now is a great moment to try it. You can enjoy the productivity and power of .NET with no constraints, on any OS, with any tool and for any application. All of that fully open source, developed with the community and with Microsoft’s support. Check out dot.net to see the breadth of .NET options.





FYI, from the announcement. Probably the most important part at the end, italicized by me. Also note (elsewhere) that licenses are MIT and Apache2:
.NET Core Tools Telemetry
The .NET Core tools include a telemetry feature so that we can collect usage information about the .NET Core Tools. It’s important that we understand how the tools are being used so that we can improve them. Part of the reason the tools are in Preview is that we don’t have enough information on the way that they will be used. The telemetry is only in the tools and does not affect your app.
The telemetry feature is on by default. The data collected is anonymous in nature and will be published in an aggregated form for use by both Microsoft and community engineers under a Creative Commons license.
You can opt-out of the telemetry feature by setting an environment variable DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT (e.g. export on OS X/Linux, set on Windows) to true (e.g. “true”, 1). Doing this will stop the collection process from running.
Data Points
The feature collects the following pieces of data:
The command being used (e.g. “build”, “restore”)
The ExitCode of the command
For test projects, the test runner being used
The timestamp of invocation
The framework used
Whether runtime IDs are present in the “runtimes” node
The CLI version being used
The feature will not collect any personal data, such as usernames or emails. It will not scan your code and not extract any project-level data that can be considered sensitive, such as name, repo or author (if you set those in your project.json). We want to know how the tools are used, not what you are using the tools to build. If you find sensitive data being collected, that’s a bug. Please file an issue and it will be fixed.


Mesaj tarihi:
we see throughput that is 8x better than node.js and almost 3x better than go, on the same hardware.

Mesaj tarihi:
With ASP.NET Core, we have rewritten the web framework and .NET framework to better enable a modern web development experience and provide a baseline to build the next 15 years of server development.

adamlar ciddi ciddi bundan sonraki web frameworklerini bunun uzerine kurmuslar. cok iyi. artik kucuk bir websitesi icin vm kurarken windows a tonlarca licence odencegine, mis gibi kelepir linux uzerine babalar gibi .net calistirabilcez.

node.js'in static typed (C#) versiyonu olmus. bir cok nuget package i cok kisa surede port edilir diye tahmin ediyorum.

unit testleri calistirip, version kontrolu yapmak muthis kolay ve hizli.

node.js de bunlarin hepsi karin agrisi. o da node.js in degil, javascript in sucu ya neyse.

zaten vs2015 hali hazirda en iyi ide iken, xamarin den sonraki microsoft un en mukemmel hamlesi. cok leziz lan.
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